E122 Iulia Maria Aldea

Episode 122 November 26, 2022 00:24:16
E122 Iulia Maria Aldea
Rare Girls
E122 Iulia Maria Aldea

Nov 26 2022 | 00:24:16


Show Notes

Iulia Maria Aldea is from Bucharest, Romania.

She studies at 2 Universities: Business Administration at the faculty of business administration in ASE Bucharest & psychology at “Titu Maiorescu” University Bucharest.

Iulia loves socializing, meeting new interesting people and bonding with them, interpreting art, running, dancing, as well as reading

Iulia is most proud of the self-development work she has done on herself, healing her childhood wounds and transforming from an anxious shy teenager to a confident young woman.

Instagram: @iuliaaaldea

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Episode Transcript

My message is simple and is from the bottom of my heart because I've been there and I know how it feels. Girls, be confident, believe in yourself and do what makes you happy. Femininity is powerful in all its forms. Exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring and this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Julia Maria Aldeia. Julia is from Bucharest in Romania and she studies at two universities, studying business administration at the faculty of business administration in ASC Bucharest, as well as psychology at Tito Majorescu University in Bucharest. Julia loves socializing, meeting new interesting people and bonding with them, interpreting art, running, dancing, as well as reading. Julia is most proud of her self-development work that she has done on herself, healing her childhood wounds and transforming from an anxious shy teenager to a confident young woman. Julia, how are you today? Hello, it's so nice to speak to you today. I'm good. I've just finished my courses. I'm happy for you. I encourage your success. I hope you'll get the best grades that make you proud and I'm really curious about something specific. You were a shy teenager and then you transformed into a more confident woman. Tell me the story. Tell me why and how you decided to do it and what did you do in order to change and heal your inner traumas and wounds. Yes, I was really shy and anxious as a child. I wasn't confident at all. I didn't like the way I looked and I was crying almost every day because of that. I had the impression that I was bullied even though I wasn't, but in my mind, there were a lot of negative scenarios going on and it was a moment in high school when I realized I can't do this anymore. I have to heal. I have to do something for myself, for my own good, for my own development because I knew I was intelligent, but I was too shy to express that. One day, I talked to a psychotherapist. She was the high school counselor and she somehow read my inner trauma, my inner problems, and she started talking to me and asking me, why is that? I'm feeling like that. That was the moment I realized I need help and I was seeking help in that specific moment from her, but after that, after talking to her, after going to a professional psychotherapist, I realized step by step my worth and that it's me that has to change in order to change the reality that I'm in. I love that very much and I do believe that our reality is a reflection of our inner world, our inner confidence. I have so many questions about this, but I'll begin with one. Did you choose psychology because of this specifically? Was this the fascination that made you want to learn more about psychology, so you understand yourself and help other people? Or did you do it because it's better for marketing and business? No, not at all. My first uni was psychology. I first started studying psychology. I didn't start both of them at the same time. When I started psychology, yes, you intuitively said it well. It was because of my process, my healing process when I decided. I was in a psychotherapy session. I wasn't really decided on what I want to do next, but I realized that I really love what that woman was telling me and I really loved seeing myself grow. I said in the back of my mind, it was a voice, wow, that's impressive, that's amazing. I want to do what I want to do, what she's doing. I want to help people like myself because I truly believe that it's such a powerful tool to know how to heal people, to know how to talk to people. It's a word that, in my opinion, no other job is going to give me. It was out of passion and out of personal experience, certainly the choice. I love that. That's really interesting and passion is always what makes it not work, but rather a passion and a way that gives you energy throughout the day. I will ask you, what is your definition of confidence? What does it mean and how and when was the moment when you realized, wow, I am more confident now? What changed? What happened? For me, confidence is being okay with who you are, not worrying so much about what others think, and doing things that you love without always thinking, what will she say? What will he say? It's a state of being, of calm, and it's peaceful inside when you're confident. You don't worry so much. You don't think your actions so much. I realized I'm confident when I stopped worrying about what other people would say about me. The comments still come, but I don't take them personally anymore. They're not defining me. Also, I realized I'm confident when a lot of other people complimented me on this. When I'm going out, a lot of people come to me and tell me, wow, I love your confidence. In that moment, I realized that I'm confident because it was somehow a compliment that I've never heard before. I knew something was changing. That's a wonderful story. Since you're from Bucharest, Romania, and you're studying psychology and love meeting new people, one, do you feel that a majority of Romanian girls are confident or are they more, at least at university and at that age, shy and anxious? Do you feel it's some cultural thing or social media and comparing it to others or a post-Soviet trauma? What is it if it's true? Maybe they're all confident and then this question doesn't mean much. No, no. I see the point. It's a really good question. I think it's a mixture of all the things you mentioned before. I observed that girls in high school are less confident than girls at university, but unfortunately, even though I'm at two universities and the study ages are different, so I'm in the second year of psychology and the first at business. I meet girls at 21, 22, and girls at 18, 19, and at both categories of ages. I still sense girls that are not confident and girls who wished they were more beautiful, taller, smarter. I think social media has a really big impact even though we don't realize it. The scrolling we do every day on Instagram, the posts we see affect us in our subconscious mind. I think the body image we want or what we seek is not actually what will be good for us. I think it's a really big influence around us, even though we don't realize it or maybe we do. I hope a lot of girls will realize that comparing themselves is not a healthy thing, but it's a process that comes from within. A lot of people can tell you this, unless you don't realize it by yourself, it's a waste of time telling them. I mean, it's okay to tell people to be more confident, to not compare themselves, but the true change has to come from within. It's a lot more complex than people would think. I mean, it's easy to say, be more confident, you're beautiful. Yeah, these words are nice, but they won't mean a thing unless that person realizes it. At least that was my case. I have received a lot of compliments, but I really didn't hear them. They just passed through me. I understand. And yes, they often say, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. So when people are ready to listen, only then is advice really taken and impactful. And one of the things you love is socializing and specifically interacting with interesting people. What does it mean for you, an interesting person? How do you know it? Is it that fire in their eyes because they're living their passion? Is it because they have so much life experience? They have stories about exotic places and adventures? Is it because you have similar values? Or to you, especially at that age, let's say you have new classmates who are 18, how many of them do you consider interesting because of whatever reason? Or what are the criteria that make someone for you interesting? In my opinion, everyone is interesting because everyone is unique. There's no girl like another girl or boy like another boy. Everyone has their unique features. And that's what makes people interesting in my point of view. But some people let their interesting part be seen. That's the difference. When I talk to people, some of them are open, some of them are vulnerable. Some of them let me see their passions, but some of them are more introverted. And that makes me want to offer them comfort in order for them to show me their interesting side. I love doing that. I love making people be comfortable in my presence and to share things with them and to talk about our passions. It's my favorite thing to do because I truly believe that everyone has an interesting story, an interesting past, and everyone is different. As I said, I love hearing different perspectives on life because I don't think I'm right. I think everyone has their points of view that might be right. I like that. And therefore, I'll ask you, what are your spiritual or metaphysical beliefs? Do you believe, since you said there is no right, but everybody has their own version of right. Therefore, the truth has multi-facets and is different and specific to each person. Do you believe in faith? Are you a tarot girl who reads her horoscope every morning? Or are you more logical and business-minded? Or tell me, what do you believe about the spiritual side of reality, of destiny, of life, of tomorrow? Really, really interesting question. I believe in a bigger force, a higher force. I don't know. I can't put the finger on it because I haven't seen it. And I have a logical part in myself. That's the reason why I started going to a business administration, because I like being in both worlds, also in the spiritual field, but also in the practical field with my feet upon the ground, let's say. Yeah, I believe in faith. But the reason why I said that everyone has their own truth is because I think that we're not on the same path. I think we're on different levels of evolution, if that makes sense for you. And we need to go through some experiences and to make mistakes in order to evolve. We're not starting from the same point. That's what I meant earlier. Thank you. That's absolutely fascinating. And to ask you then about being a student at two difficult and different subjects, because there's a lot of reading, a lot of essays, a lot of analysis. How do you organize your time in order to be productive without burning out? Have you ever faced the possibility of burnout? Or do you always keep time to enjoy life, your weekends keeping them sacred? I started these universities because I wanted to. No one pressured me. It was my own decision, my own choice, because I love being involved. I see a bright future for myself. I want to do major things, extremely nice things for me and for those around me. So it was my choice. And I do it with a really big pleasure. I mean, yeah, it's hard. Sometimes I don't have time for all the things that I wish to do, but I have a really big satisfaction afterwards. And that's what keeps me going. And about my personal life, I also have time for having fun, hanging out with my friends. I try some time to cope with both areas of my life and to set a schedule in which I also have free time, but I also work and do my projects and tasks for universities. Thank you. You mentioned that you have big goals, big dreams for your future. What are they? And do they combine psychology with business or what is your strategy and game plan? Yes, they actually do. I want to be a businesswoman. I want to open my own business in the field of personal development and psychotherapy. I want to open a school of personal development in which I wish to hire talented people, speakers from all around the world, and to form a community, a community in which people can feel heard and people can feel safe and people receive help. This is my main goal. I love that. That's absolutely fascinating. And Romania is known to be one of the cool countries where you can find Romanians all over the world. They travel and live everywhere from Australia to London to New York, et cetera. Are you planning to open your business in Romania? If so, why? Or do you have goals of living a few years abroad and beginning that experience over there? For the beginning, I'd love to open my business here because this is the country I studied in. And I think it's, for me, a sign of appreciation to the teachers that made me be who I'll be to open the business here. But afterwards, I want to broaden my perspective and to move my business all around the world, hopefully. Yeah, and Romanians are really cool. They travel a lot, and they love being involved with other countries as well. I observed. I have a lot of friends who study abroad, who open their businesses abroad. But one thing I observed about Romanians is that they truly never forget their hometown and their country. And I love that. I personally love that. Thank you. That's really great that they keep connected to their roots. And so to ask you, the younger and newer generation of Ukrainian girls, how would you describe them? Are they more culturally Romanian? Or since we live in the age of TikTok and Netflix, etc., do you feel the younger generation is a mix of European, American, Korean, Japanese cultures, all mixed into one, and they're more cosmopolitan? Or do you feel, like I said, they're traditionally Romanian. Therefore, what does that even mean? Yeah, that's a really interesting question. And personally, I think that girls nowadays, in my generation and newer generations in 2022, are more cosmopolitan, and they are not so bound to their traditions. And somehow that's the influence of the media, Instagram, TikTok, everything we see around us. And personally, I really like that, because I believe that our core, our heart, is the same. I mean, not the same, but super similar. And we need to bond, even though we're from different countries. I love the idea of being a united team of girls from all around the world, and not to be so traditional, stuck in our own country with our own Romanians. Thank you. This is really an interesting conversation. And to ask then specifically about you, if your friends nowadays could describe your personality in addition to saying you're confident, what else would they say? And would you describe yourself as well as culturally cosmopolitan? So maybe you're like a mix of a French girl with an American girl with Romanian roots, and it would be something exotic like that. My friends always tell me that I'm a kind person, because they always receive help from myself. And yeah, I'm really empathic. I can't be different. I mean, when someone needs my help, I'm doing everything I can to help them. I sometimes even put myself aside, even though I know that's not always a good thing for me. But this is my first instinct. This is the way I was raised. And that's what my friends most appreciate about me. And about the second part of your question, I've never thought about it in that way. But I see myself as a mixture of everything you've mentioned before. Yeah, I'm Romanian because I lived in this country forever. I know the traditions. I was raised by a traditional grandma that told me that in order to grow big and tall and strong, I have to eat everything from my plate. But I also see myself in the Western European part of the world because of the perspectives I have and the open-minded mentality. I mean, yes, Romanians are starting somehow to be more open-minded, but not entirely as I wished to. And from that point of view, I see myself more in the Western European girls. Thank you. This is really an interesting conversation. And therefore, if you could send a message or give advice or anything to both young Romanian girls and women, and women from all over the world who might feel shy and anxious on how to become confident, how would they feel differently? And how would their lives be different if they were confident? What would you say? My message is simple and is from the bottom of my heart because I've been there and I know how it feels. Girls, be confident, believe in yourself, and do what makes you happy. Even though people maybe won't agree with you at first, it doesn't matter. Your opinion is the one that matters. And never give up your dreams. Follow your heart and be you. Be yourself. This is my only advice, and I think the most important advice that got me from zero confidence to nine, let's say. Thank you, Iulia. This was my privilege, my honor. A truly enlightening conversation where I understand you live this, and therefore you're speaking from experience rather than some intellectual psychologist who understand it intellectually, but they're disconnected from its reality, which makes you very empathetic and able to bond and connect and get real trust that transforms your future clients and the people you will work with within your community. Thank you again for participating, and I wish you a positive week.

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