E014 Elisabeth Horun

Episode 14 May 09, 2022 00:24:04
E014 Elisabeth Horun
Rare Girls
E014 Elisabeth Horun

May 09 2022 | 00:24:04


Show Notes

Elisabeth Horun is a World Champion in Ballroom Dancing, a European champion and a Ukraine champion.

Currently, Lis is a Law Student at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA).

Her Instagram: @hhorun

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:00 Femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz, and my guest today is Elisabeth Horun. Lis as a world champion in ballroom dancing, a European Champion, and the Ukraine champion. Currently, she is a law student at the National University of give mohila Academy. And she's a wonderful person who has a very rare personality type, which is INTJ. Lis, how are you today? Elisabeth Horun 1:10 Hi, thank you for your introduction. And I'm nice. And I'm fine. Thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:17 I'm honored. I'm lucky. And I'm very happy to explore your mind. So since this podcast is about women, about femininity, what does it mean for you to be a woman? What is the meaning of femininity? Is it an energy? Is it an aesthetic? Look, is it behavior? What is it for you? Elisabeth Horun 1:48 I will start with the women are what adorns the spoil. And I really liked the phrase, it takes hundreds of men to build a camp and only one woman to equip a house. And I think the world would be boring if there were no women in it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:11 I agree. 1,000%? Do you consider yourself a feminine person more masculine or more neutral? Or how do you feel? Elisabeth Horun 2:24 masculinity? For me, it's about social expectations of being brave and courageous, courageous. And I think it's when you're in nature, not only outside, but also inside. When you know what you want first from yourself, not from others. Perhaps this is to say inner energy that attracts others, maybe charisma. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:55 Thank you. I like where we're going. So do you feel attracted to people's energy more than how they look how tall they are their gender, anything like that. It's all about that magnetic energy that makes you want to be near that person with that person attracted to that person. Elisabeth Horun 3:22 I want to call this fenomen phenomena. The word chemistry because it seems more correct to me. Back in chemistry classes, we were told about how this sympathy originates. And seriously, it takes a long time to understand a person not just about character treads, but also about psychology. It's an allergy to how person makes decisions, how will behave in a particular situation, how shows emotions, etc. That's where trust comes from. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:09 I have so many questions, but I will begin one by one. Chemistry. Some women and people in general say they have never felt instant chemistry with any person that they need many experiences meetings, seeing how the person behaves in different situations. To know is this my person and to develop chemistry, while others say they felt that passionate energy from the first second was someone and it was almost like knowing this person all their life. Do you believe in that? Did you have such experiences? Did you feel instant chemistry whether with friends or anything And you said it's difficult to explain or impossible? Well, how do you explain it? Maybe in a spiritual or metaphysical or chemical way? Elisabeth Horun 5:12 Okay, I see. For me we talk about love napkins too, because love. It's an abstract and incomprehensible thing. So chemistry is correct, because it can be. It's science. So it can be easily understandable. So, for me, fortunately, or unfortunately, I feel chemistry not love. Because as I said, it's not just a simple thing to say that. Oh, well, that is, because I know that it's more, more difficult. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:00 Thank you. And so to ask you, because you mentioned trust and how it relates to chemistry. Well, there is maybe a stereotype or a myth or a reality. I don't know, you tell me that. A lot of women are excited and have chemistry for bad boys who are dangerous. It's not about trust in that case, but it's about the risk and the excitement that makes life interesting, while others say no, this is a myth. This is for movies and romance novels. But in reality, like you mentioned, it's about trust for a woman to open up and be with a guy and that trust is sexy, or something like that. What is your thought on it? And yes, you can say I want a man who is both like stable and exciting. But often it's difficult to be one person with everything. And so what's your perspective? Elisabeth Horun 7:04 Fortunately, or unfortunately, it's not my type. But it's an interesting experience. But I really like a nature mech with professional psychology, if I can say like that. Because I can know, his emotions, I can know his behavior. And I don't like that. I don't like that risk. Because of him. So that's not really my type and trust. Maybe more difficult love. Because it's not it's not possible in one day. So, yes, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:54 I don't know if you mean that love is possible in one day, and you said you never have experienced that. But to speak even more about this point, I had interviewed about touch touches a love language. Well, some women for example, let's say in Italy, or in Latin America, they are comfortable with touch, even from strangers. While there are countries like Germany and maybe Ukraine, where it's less common. But specifically, I asked some of the guests from Ukraine, some said, in their families, there wasn't a lot of hugging and kissing. And so even if they like a man, they need a long time to accept his touch, because it's something very intimate, very intense, while others say I need to understand that no, that person so touch allows me to experience their energy. The way they touch me, lets me know them and understand them. So it's important from the first day or something. Which one are you? How do you experience touch? Is it something intense in your body and in your emotions? Is it very important, or not so important? Tell me more. Elisabeth Horun 9:15 I'm not technical. I live my personal space. And that's why it's not necessary for me. And you're right. It's not that common here. I mean, family. So there's energy that a person gives off is enough for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:33 Thank you. And as a ballroom dancer, and you have traveled and experience people who are in their body a lot who can exude a lot of energy. I want to know two things. One, do you experience people's unique energy quite easily or you can say wow, this person is interesting. because I've never felt energy that is like that are so intense or so interesting. And have you ever felt attracted to a man or something that other people will say, he's ugly, but to you, his energy and his behavior, and the smart eyes are the passion made you think, while I'm really really attracted? Do you experience that Elisabeth Horun 10:27 every person is interesting. So some have hidden energy, some don't. And I think it can be called charisma. And there is no one who is ugly or beautiful. There is just an attractive person, for me, especially for me, so I can say, who has burned amazing, and they do who has not an amazing energy. So every person is attracted. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:01 Thank you. And you mentioned, trust, love, and chemistry, and that they are different things. What is the meaning of chemistry for you? And of trust, which you said is even more difficult than love? And what is your definition of love? Elisabeth Horun 11:22 For me chemistry? It is what can be explained by science for you. Because it's simple, and it's easy to understand. But laugh, as I said, earlier, is an abstract thing. And I can, I can understand an abstract, an abstract thing you can meet. Can someone explain what love is? No sound? Can someone explain what justice is? No, because it's an abstract thing and incomprehensible. So, for me, chemistry is correct. And it's just what can be explained by science. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:07 Thank you. And since we're speaking about men and women, and you believe that those energies are complementary and interesting, for you, specifically, how is the ideal relationship? How do you want to feel? How what attracts you to a partner or something like that some women said, I like feminine men because I feel strong and powerful. And so I forget all my insecurities. And I feel so confident. While another one she said, I want to feel protected, that I don't need to think or worry or decide. And therefore she wants more stereotypically masculine men. What is it to you in a relationship? What is the balance or the way that you will feel really happy that it's the ideal way? And why? Elisabeth Horun 13:06 I think understand his behavior, understand his psychology, respect each other, not to have stereotypes like you're a woman, you should go to the kitchen, and cook a dinner, do a dinner, and someone else and do things that make each other comfortable. So, for me, it's most important. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:35 Thank you. Do you follow your instincts and emotions? Or do you tend to control them and think before making any actions? Elisabeth Horun 13:47 Emotions are not about me at all? I'm into Do I think that says it all. I rely more on logic, especially in conflicts, the screams of each other have no effect. Of course, we're all humans and emotions are a sign that we can feel and leave. But sometimes, they prevent us from making irrational decisions. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:15 So thank you, then how did you achieve progress and excellence in dance? Or is it a stereotype? That a dancer is full of emotions, expressing those emotions through the movement? Is it for you? Not like an expression of uncontrollable emotions and sensations but more of a logical choreography that is more engineering? Or how did you as a dancer become great like, better than the average dancer if emotions are not about you? Elisabeth Horun 14:58 Dance it's See, art, there are no words to explain. It's just a dance from the soul. You should try. And then you will understand how it Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:15 is live, though you said something you said it's not possible to put our minds around and comprehend and understand love. But now you're recommending to people to understand soul, which is an even bigger concept, concept and abstraction than love. So what is your perspective on soul? It? How is it related to people's energy? And if you were to fall in love or have chemistry? Is it more with people's souls than anything else? Or is it like you said, it's biochemistry, pheromones, body compatibility, DNA matching, and purely more about physics, chemistry, and things like that? Elisabeth Horun 16:08 I think people try something where you don't have to use words, do things that make yourself happy? Because wars are today's fickle, and it's difficult to say, some things that other people can understand. So does dance, just feigned, just listen to music, just sing. And then I think the world will be a better place. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:39 I like that you're speaking about the world and how the world can be a better place and that way, and therefore we cannot neglect the war in Ukraine. Two things. What is your perspective and experience of the war situation? And did it change you as a person? Did it affect you, in a way where now you spend more free time compared to before? Or you try to appreciate every moment and experience and time with family? Or did it just change you intellectually? Tell me both your own personal impact and change because of the war, as well as your thoughts about it? Elisabeth Horun 17:28 Such words have not yet been invented to describe what is happening. Watching a photo or video is one thing and sees a rocket stuck in the ground leaf, like, is completely different. And there is a question, Why does our country constantly suffer from power or neighbors, the values are really changing very much, but to see how the people of the aggressor country right that it would be better for them to sit in the basement for two weeks than not being able to buy a table from IKEA. I very much hope that global changes in the world will begin after that Ukraine is not the only country bombed in the 21st century. That's why the story repeats itself. So and it's scary to live in a world where such people ruin an entire nation, it's impossible to feel completely protected. And that's probably the whole human nature. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:47 I agree with you 1,000%. And since I know you're very fascinated with psychology, some experts say that there will be a society trauma in Ukrainians that there will be a lot of pain and negativity even when the war ends, and that it will be only the next generation that did not leave the war, that will be happy again, maybe this generation will lose a lot of the happiness. Do you agree with this? Or do you believe that when Ukraine will have its victory, then people will be happy and they will be joyful? And they will be even happier than before? Or they will be a trauma in this generation? In most Ukrainians. Elisabeth Horun 19:42 I think Ukrainians will be the most stress resistant. We have each other. So we will all live happily ever after. We are motivated, we will build our country. So It's just the best thing to have family in 44 million people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:06 I agree with you, it's a wonderful experience that I hope will be even better soon, and that the war will end to ask you then even more. There are millions and millions of Ukrainians who left Ukraine they are in Europe, in UK, in North America in many places. Well, do you believe many of them will return to Ukraine because they can have a new life, new jobs, new education, new universities? And maybe that will make them think, well, Ukraine needs a lot of effort to be rebuilt? Maybe I should live my life abroad, or do you feel and believe and know that they will return and they will put all the effort into rebuilding Ukraine even better? Elisabeth Horun 21:06 Firstly, it's their choice. No one can judge them. But it is an opportunity to choose a world. I really don't want to say anything bad about them, because my friends leave left the country too. But my choice was to stay here at my home. So it's my home, it's my bed. There's my family. There's my hometown, there's my home language. It's my country. So I really don't know how to describe what I feel when I see people in other country, almost in their Instagrams photo, how they live good, how they drink a coffee, in the cafes, but as I said, is a choice. And no one can judge them. So unfortunately, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 22:13 thank you, I can feel all your emotions. And all I can say is Slav, okra uni, heroin flower. Thank you. And what is your plan? I know we are all optimistic. I hope the war finishes yesterday or today. But imagine it stays for some time that there will be conflict. Instead, instability, things like that. Yes, you're choosing right now to stay in give, which is really brave and really good. What will be a plan in case this situation stays for some years even? Elisabeth Horun 23:01 I want to make sure that the whole world knows what a beautiful country we have. I want us to leave three and safe. I want to build our country's future together. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:16 That's perfect message. A great feeling and intention. And thank you, Liz. I wish you great news soon. I wish victory for Ukraine and that you can enjoy a coffee in spring in a cafe back to safety very, very fast. Thank you so much. This was my joy and my honor and my privilege to spend this time with you. Elisabeth Horun 23:52 Thank you. You do so well though green, slow green creme.

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