E018 Olya Kryvitska

Episode 18 May 23, 2022 00:22:42
E018 Olya Kryvitska
Rare Girls
E018 Olya Kryvitska

May 23 2022 | 00:22:42


Show Notes

Olya Kryvitska is an International Curvy Model from Ukraine who studied at the University of Culture and Art in Kyiv and has modelled all over the world.

Instagram: @kryvitskaolya

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Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:00 Femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being saturator girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Olya Kryvitska. Olya is an international curvy model from Ukraine, who studied at the University of culture and art in Kyiv. And has modeled all over the world. Olya, how are you today? Olya Kryvitska 0:57 Hello, I'm fine. Thank you. Yes. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:00 I'm very happy that we're speaking today. And I'm really curious about you. And to explore your mind even more. So? Do you consider yourself since this is a podcast about girls, feminine person? Or a neutral? Or more masculine? Or how do you feel your energy to be? Olya Kryvitska 1:25 I feel like I'm really feminine. That's for sure. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:30 That's a really interesting answer. I love it very much. So what does it mean for you to be feminine? Is it a behavior? Is it an energy? What is it for you? Olya Kryvitska 1:43 Honestly, I never thinking about that. Because I grew up as a girl. I'm a younger daughter in my family, I have just an elder brother. And every time I felt like I'm a little princess, for all of my life. And this feeling is with me to this time. I think it's summer from childhoods. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:11 Thank you. And if you are describe yourself as a person or maybe more the aesthetic photos in your Instagram, what kind of identity or personality Do you try to communicate with your pictures that represent you? Is it more random or is there an identity that you try to always share in every photo, Olya Kryvitska 2:38 I am a carry model. So you can understand that I am not skinny in the popular standards of beauty is for some is not okay. And a lot of girls, they are feeling not good enough, they are not skinny, they are trying to make some diets, a lot of sports and just trying to be smaller as they can. What I'm trying to do through my social media, it just to show for them for this kind of girls, and from all the people who are following me that it's okay. When you are sometimes not to belong to this beauty standards. Property. This is one of the main reasons what I'm trying to show in my scrub, and why I'm actually starting to be model. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:31 Thank you. That's really, really great. Do you feel confident? Or did you before not feel confident, but now, over time, you're evolving and trying to share that new confidence about your body the way you look with other women and with the world? Olya Kryvitska 3:51 Actually, genetically, I guess, from 10 years old, I was nuts key. I was kind of chubby kid. And when I became a teenager in 14 1516, I didn't like myself at all. I had a lot of complexes, and I tried to do some diets. And I had a very bad relationship with foods. I had a lot of problems. I had bulimia. And I felt really, really bad because of that. And I didn't like myself, even when I lost 20 kilograms. In one month, I still look in the mirror and I didn't like myself. I thought I'm fat. I actually didn't. And one day, this idea just came to my head that I could try this following. And I just tried and every day and every month and every year during this work, I'm becoming more confident in my body and started to love myself. I I just started to allow who I am. And to not try hard to change it. Because I know that I can be beautiful, I can be housing, I can be happy, even if I am not in size as excess. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:18 Yes, that's a very small size. I understand that. And I have spoken with some guests before. But it's not really about the weight, it was more about the height, that some girls, they're tall, and they wish to be smaller in size, because they say they feel better when they're around men who are taller and bigger than them. So they don't wear heels high heels, I tried to be as short as possible to feel small to you as a curvy model. Do you have that experience? I know you're comfortable with your body and your curves? But do you wish sometimes to be smaller so that you feel more good and vulnerable? And like a smaller size? Or it's not a factor in how you live? Olya Kryvitska 6:09 Actually very nice question. I just spoke about it yesterday was one of my friends. That is to talk about relationships. I really like tall and big guys. And I was wondering why. And I realized that probably it because from my childhood, I was always one of the biggest case. In the company. Like my cousin's one he with me, they was much more smaller, they were skinny, they were small, they were scared and I was big. And maybe because of that feelings of being the bigger than everyone. Right now. I really attracted at attracting more to guys who are bigger and taller than I am. So yeah, I can tell you that actually, sometimes I feel the same. And what my friend told me that she needs a girl who is very tall. She's like 180 something. And she loves heels. And she said that she really love when guys are smaller than she is. I think it just probably is just telling about tastes. But maybe it's also told him about that she's really confident with her body with her haze. And everything. I don't know. I'm not too deep inside. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:38 Yeah, fame to her mind. And then, okay. You spoke about liking bigger and taller guys, and you feeling feminine? Well, what is masculinity for you? How do you feel when you're with bigger and taller guys? What is like the difference or similarity between the energy of femininity and masculinity? From your own opinion? Olya Kryvitska 8:05 Actually, when when I was tall and beat man next to me, I'm feeling more safe, probably more comfortable. I feel like I am this small and cute girl. And he is the man who is here to protect me. Like that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:27 And you have traveled all over the world. Some people say that there are not many feminine women nowadays, while others say no. femininity is born and every woman and so it's not possible to lose it. What's your perspective? Do you feel for example, in Ukraine or in yourself? There is a higher energy of girly girls and femininity than other countries or not really? Olya Kryvitska 8:57 In my opinion? Not really. I've been traveling around lots of countries and it's so very beautiful feminine girls everywhere. Maybe because in Europe, for example, they like to be more independent. Maybe that's why some of Ukrainian girls think that Europeans are not feminine because they are so much independent. But I think it's not true. I think it's not sure honestly. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:28 Thank you. And have you ever had instant chemistry with a man where from the first moment you felt attraction? You felt like you know him all your life, that it's not the first meeting or is it for you comfort and trust and that chemistry needs many meetings and time to feel it and it was never instant chemistry? Olya Kryvitska 9:53 I think it depends on a person you meet with. Actually I had this one You already said, I was young, I didn't have a lot of experiences relationship that time. And I really met a man who, who was a bit older that time. And I found it from the first minutes, I saw him that it was the feeling like I know him for such a long time, it was so comfortable from the start. And it was so nice. Yeah, I actually had it. But I had it only once in my life. Like after that, usually I need more time to get this attraction. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:36 Some people say if the attraction is not instant chemistry, it can never be as passionate and exciting if it needs time to grow. And that such people such lovers are not really feeling that electric passion that comes from instant desire and all that. Do you agree with this? As well as when it comes to touch? Some people say especially you who is in your body a lot? Do you feel that? If you like somebody, you want to feel them and feel their thoughts fast, or you don't feel comfortable with it, and it needs a long time. So I'm asking, if the chemistry needs period to develop? Well, do you lose that electricity that comes from instant chemistry or not? And how you feel about touch? Olya Kryvitska 11:30 Honestly, the most tight the more I know the person the more time on Standard Inside relationship with the person. My chemistry, this time was three is just becoming higher and bigger. And for me, it's like that, yeah, from the first sight, you really can like someone, you can like someone, maybe you can get some patient or something like that. But it's still never be the same as when you are in a really healthy relationship with the person you really love. There is nothing better than this, on my mind, if to talk about crazy patient. Of course, for the first meeting, when it just you're young, you're free, you can do whatever you want. It's cool. But I think for the relationship, it's better when it's taking some time because it's just, I'm just talking about me. Only when I know the person more and more. I can like this person more and more. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:34 Thank you. So have you ever had the experience, since you're speaking about developing it over time without that instant passion, where you were really developing love and relationship with a man that other people will think he doesn't look handsome, he's not so attractive. But for you, he was like, amazing. And you didn't care what anybody thought or if it also that you need to have your type of physical first. And then later on, for example, you spoke about big and tall guys, have you ever had love or passion or attraction for a guy who maybe was smaller than un size? Or was not so handsome or something like that? Olya Kryvitska 13:23 Well, we should talk about the beauty is something what is different for everyone. It's something about taste. I had a boyfriend and for me, he was like, oh my god, the most handsome guy in the world. But for my friends, he was oh, he's okay. It's just because they have another taste only because of that. If I think that someone is beautiful for me, it doesn't matter what someone else will be thinking about the person. And now so I think it's understandable that if you know some person very well, you can start to like Hit him more and more and more. Because if it's like good person is becoming more good looking for you as well. But I have never been in a relationship was a guy who is smaller than me. That's true. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:19 Thank you. And well to ask you then, you spoke about love before. What is love for you? And how do you think it develops? Is it through trust than like a guy being bigger? Of course since you said you don't date you didn't date somebody smaller? What is trust? What kind of people do you look to trust to what is the criteria you look for in order to have love with a man and all that? Olya Kryvitska 14:48 Well, what am I looking for? Kindness? For sure. I like the kind people good people. I don't need any bad boys and something like that. As Healthy Minds, that's really important. And how he does he looks like it's the second stuff. The most important is the what is inside for sure. About Love for Me Love is something mucho for sure. I don't believe that there is can be love from one side. It's not love. It can be addiction obsession, whatever, but it's not love. Love, it's an action. So I don't believe and I never say like, oh my god, I love him from the first date. No, never. It's always nice time for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:38 Thank you. This is really, really interesting. And well going back to you being an international curvier model or a girl who is curvy anyway. Do you feel you get a lot of attention from men? Because of your curves in Ukraine or more outside of Ukraine? Do you feel like oh my god, I'm getting attention the same as if I was a skinny girl or whatever, before you thought was the ideal of beauty. Olya Kryvitska 16:09 Actually, I know I'm beautiful. And I know that men, they like me, actually, in every country. Maybe because I haven't spent really a lot of time in Ukraine. While I started dating someone. Usually it was in other countries in China, for example, India, right now, I mean to Okay, before it was Italy. And all of my relationship was with the boys from these countries, not from Ukraine. But I know that lots of guys from Ukraine get attracted by me too. I mean, they like it. Me too. So but honestly, I still think that in Europe, for example, it's much more successful than in Ukraine. I don't know why. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:05 Thank you. And since we're speaking about Ukraine, how was your experience of the war? What happened? What was your story? Olya Kryvitska 17:14 My story is, I went to Italy in January. This was my winter clothes, because of course, I wanted to come back to Ukraine in one or two months. But the word unfortunately has started. So I stayed there. And from Italy, I moved to Istanbul, and I have no idea where I will go next. All of my family's in Ukraine or my staff there everything like, my life is there. But I am here, right now. And I cannot be back for the moment. And that sets, honestly, and I'm so worried about that, of course, every day in every moment, especially when I read the news. It's the horrible stuff, which is happening there right now. Yeah. But I'm so lucky. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:04 Yes, I agree with you. It's really a horrible situation. And well to explore a bit too about yourself, because you seem to be different. Did you always feel different from other people that you think and different ways that your personality is different than you thought? Like, wow, I'm not the same as everybody else? Olya Kryvitska 18:29 No, I mean, why I think I'm saying like, everyone, I don't think that I'm like, very special or better than anybody else. Now. Because in my life, I met a lot of beautiful, amazing people. And even if I don't like someone, it's doesn't mean that I'm better than that person, or more educated or something else. I'm just, I'm not that kind of people who are gonna think like that. Never. I think I'm just a regular girl. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:07 Thank you. And speaking about energy, do you notice a difference between people that some in their eyes, you feel that fire and energy of them loving life being active and going for what they want? And some people are more like they have sad eyes or zombie eyes that they're not really living? Or for you you can see uniqueness and every person and you don't know this is? Olya Kryvitska 19:37 Oh my god. I really don't know what to say. Yeah, I'm trying of course to see the best stuff and everyone. It's important. It just sometimes the energy don't match with someone else. In this case, maybe some people are not interesting for me, but it doesn't mean they're bad. had to something like that just not my type? Or something like that probably. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:06 You'll feel people's energy all the time. Olya Kryvitska 20:10 I don't know if I feel people energy, but I feel is it my energy or not? Can I be next to this person or not? This is important. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:24 I understand 100%. And you said, you don't know what you'll do next, your family is in Ukraine, you only took your winter clothes or something to travel outside at the time probably to do your work at cetera. If this war continues longer, what do you think would be your plan? Do you keep on traveling being an international curvy model? Or would you think about returning to Ukraine or starting a life somewhere where fashion is a bigger source of income? Or what could be your consideration? Olya Kryvitska 21:04 The most important thing for me right now it's to make money, of course, because I'm an adult, and I need to support myself. And if I can, to help for my country. So that's why I need to think where I can work. If I cannot make this money in Ukraine right now. That's mean better to be abroad. And also, I left Ukraine, not just now, during the last four years, I was always traveling somewhere. Of course, I always was coming back. But I didn't stay in Ukraine for so long time. A maximum it was like seven months because of current team. Usually I'm somewhere else because that's my work. And of course in Ukraine, they have a lot of good brands with whom I can work there. But in Europe, and even a urine is simple. I can do a lot of good jobs, and the payment is better. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 22:13 Thank you so much. All Yeah, this was my pleasure. This was my privilege and such a wonderful conversation. I wish you a brilliant weekend and Slava Ukraini. Olya Kryvitska 22:28 Heroyam Slava, thank you so much for you too. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure for me as well.

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