E017 Anastasiia Bilenka

Episode 17 May 16, 2022 00:33:14
E017 Anastasiia Bilenka
Rare Girls
E017 Anastasiia Bilenka

May 16 2022 | 00:33:14


Show Notes

Anastasiia Bilenka is an international model born in Dnipro, Ukraine.

After graduating from the Trade & Economics College in Kyiv, she decided to travel, to learn directly from people, to travel, and to feel the special energy she can experience when meeting new people from all over the world.

Instagram: @belenkayaaaa

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Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 Femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz, and my guest today is Anastasia Bilenka. Stacy is an international model born in Dnipro, Ukraine. After graduating from the trade and economics College in Kyiv, she decided to travel to learn directly from people rather than from books, and to feel the special energy she can only experience when meeting interesting new people from all over the world. Stacey, how are you today? Anastasiia Bilenka 1:08 Hi, hi, I'm so happy to hear you. And we're excited about podcast. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:15 Me too. So let's begin with something absolutely all about you. Anastasiia Bilenka 1:21 Oh, thank you. Thank you. But I like your introduction for me. It was really cool. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:27 Thank you very much. Yes, I agree. Well, this is not the first conversation. So it's fun. And I will begin with something. Okay. It's something that I've been thinking about, maybe it's off the cuff, but I like to improvise. You have been attracted to men that other people said they're ugly, physically, which is very cool. What attracts you to them? Why is it at all? Like, are you pansexual? Which means like your love the soul and the mind of the person? Or is it that you provide the beauty and you don't care? Like the guy doesn't give it? It's not his job? Or how is it? How can it be explained? In a world where there is like so much worship for Adonis looking man or whatever, why? You? It's not that important for you. And you can be deeply attracted to a man who others will be like, what's going on? I don't understand this situation. Anastasiia Bilenka 2:33 It's very good question. And I'm gonna tell you one story, which I said something like, what are your goals? And when one guy maybe more than one year ago, I told remember, I met a really cool, beautiful, attractive guy. I was like, oh, yeah, she's so beautiful. But when I started to talk with him, I was so disappointed. Because you understood that it just the beauty law thing. And logic, him like, oh, energy, so this masculine energy, and he just attracts nothing more. So I think that of course, URI is very important in Waterworld, because I heard that some girls who do cuz I don't judge them. If everyone says Oh, no, I have open opinions fine. So that Oh, dear. It's not important how personal cryonics is separate product, but then be honest. Which is other than what you see in people. And this is how they look like. I think you agree with me? Because no, when you look at Guero first even closely see how she looks like was she there was a major stars. Big with this girl, and she opened for you for maybe another size. Not very beautiful. So what are we really like inland? It's yet it's how he looks like? It's maybe I'm grooming like grooming people? Yeah, I think it's really pretty. So later is the brain and good sense of humor. For me. It's very attractive. I like people with very good sense of humor. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:08 Yes, that's absolutely wonderful then to explore because you mentioned about the guy the masculinity energy. What is femininity energy for you? How do you increase it in yourself? Or what is masculinity and a man and Do you consider yourself feminine? Or tell me the whole thing about this? Anastasiia Bilenka 4:30 Yeah, sure. Okay. Let's start from feminine theme. I think that in the mortal world, all girls, women have completely different opinions about what femininity is. So I'm going to tell you only my opinion about how we feel that for example, in product means it's a woman with strong feminine energy. Because I think that's coming into women into these special female energy, which displays in their bathrooms Like thrown away and be turned away. And if we are talking about internally quite analyst, then basis Sandra's self masked, very emotional because you know, women girls are very different hormonal level which men are mood can change 10 times in a day, and it's up to us to go to work and what about me? I can be happy now. But in 10 minutes, I can say cry. I don't know how to talk. Just our hormones also is big sexuality energy. It's, I don't care Oh, Central Standard or whatever. What am I appearance how I told. For me the biggest indicator, we chose that person. Very beautiful. Interactive. It's grooming. Because I don't know I'm In Love how Garza records their skincare routine, Instagram or other social media. It's something small, but very interesting. Why is it we're doing this? I don't know. I feel myself we're very committed to Yes. I feel based on 100 proteins. But sometimes when I haven't sciency moments went like like now like this month. Sometimes my masculinity turned on. And I feel like oh, I can do everything now. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:25 Thank you. You mentioned that part of femininity is high sexuality energy. If it's something you feel, is it a desire, you have like, what is it? Is it something sensual? Like those Latin dances and Tango? Is it desire? Like when you see a man, you have thoughts or, like, explain it to me because you said the girls listening will understand? Well, if someone doesn't understand how would you explain it? Anastasiia Bilenka 6:54 Okay. For example, you mentioned them I heard because, you know, I'm a big fan of dance. And I'm really the widow Benson, who didn't know. So yeah, this would help me, let's say develop my sexual energy that really can help girls, if you want to improve your sexual energy, I recommend that you go and let me know let's start from your room. You can dance in your room, and it also can help you a little bit. I understand a little bit funny because you can hear me how we then can help me but your moves. It's something special. Man's really like to see how girls dance. It's it's really something special for them. And what about sexual energy in girls did something? Which of course mental health because something I don't know how to describe the few minutes. Okay, let me tell you, when man, see really feminine girl and sexually, they want to do everything for her. They want to help her. They want to take care of her. They want her they want to do everything to get this Charles, because her energy, make him happy. Make him do whatever, like want to do everything. And I can tell you that. For example, a few years ago, I didn't have this ambition. I didn't feel it was something that integral helped me. Yes. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:30 Yes. It's a very passionate experience that it's like fire or something like that. But then I have to ask you, yes, it is. You feel it? Even if you don't see it, but you see it in people's eyes. I guess it's very cool. Anastasiia Bilenka 8:46 Yeah, when we have conversations, I feel it because sometimes we use the meter and don't blink yourself. Speak Bisco and you're like, oh my gosh, she's amazing. She had this crazy power, which like drives me crazy. So yeah, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:03 you're like that. One. You have that power. And you drive a man crazy. Anastasiia Bilenka 9:10 Who knows why kids? Let's be honest with my kids. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:14 I agree with you. It makes life very worse. Yeah, and 100% and then, okay, you're like dance you then potentially in your bedrooms, which is really great ethnicity imagine. But when it comes to touch, when are you comfortable with it? Because, you know, touch is part of passion. It's part of dance. Because some of the people I interviewed they say actually we grew up in family without much hugging and kissing. So touch feels like a deep, intense, intimate moment. It's a unique time to get used to it and to accept it. And others will say I want to touch all the men to feel all They're different energy, they're different passion that allows me to feel it well. And it's interesting. What's your relationship with it? Is it changing over time? You and touch? How do you work together? Anastasiia Bilenka 10:14 There's something which trends every time because for example, yeah, example. I know one girl she was in family when nobody touch her. That's a question. Yeah, no hugs. No love. Makes sense. And but she is now in a very good relationship. How I see. And that's what you understand that if you didn't have a lot of touches take your family. You can have it later in your relationship. But what about me? Yeah, it's something special because I don't lie when someone touches me first. Which I don't know. I am like, Oh, please don't do this. I don't like it. But it's something also special. Because sometimes when Person B to like, touch you, you feel butterflies, you know? But yeah, I want to ask you girls to butterflies when someone's touch. Okay, is what about guys? Is they have something like this, or not? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:21 Yes. It's like shivers. It's like, goosebumps. But it makes you want to do something, I guess. Women will be like, it makes you want to receive while the man it gives like fire and energy to passion. It's really, really cool. And to understand about you, because there is another thing, when let's say a man is with a girl and they like each other. But if he touches her, she's uncomfortable, he will think, Well, it means over time, if we're making love or anything, it will be uncomfortable, like really awkward. And all that. So how is it for you? Is it I understand that it's like butterflies? But do you become comfortable over time or not? Because I know that you love to explore yourself. People say you're like, you look innocent, but you're not at all. All that stuff. So how is it to you do feel that passion should be from the first moment? If it's not there, then it's not there? Or it's something that grows over time? And electricity will like be more and more sparks or how is it? Anastasiia Bilenka 12:33 Like everything you mentioned? In the sense inside? Yeah, because I have baby face look on 15 years old, but I'm 20 so funny, because I see you know, so you mentioned that how is it to be in a relationship when for example, men touch curl but you don't like it versus of course communication is needs to describe why she don't like maybe she has some problems from childhood. Yeah, it can be chemistry can be now in the world. But what about me? I like touch certain relationship. But when I'm angry, I hate because my angry. I'm like, Please don't touch me know what they say this. But for example, I now my person when he needs to touch every time when he said when he's angry when he's, I don't know upset also Yeah, he ties it every time. And he it's I don't know if it's called him. So I think it's something about how you show your love to person. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:41 I understand. And so to ask you even more because you're fascinating. You're in touch with your personality, your feelings, your thoughts. Some of the girls I interviewed they said they're like feminine men, because it makes them feel powerful and they don't feel insecurities and all that while others say no. I need to feel vulnerable with a dominant man. Traditional girly girl or whatever it is. And I need to feel that power. Which one are you and if you choose because while I know you're well kinda dominant man, what does that mean? When do you allow yourself to do it because I also understand that sometimes to let go of control for you is a bit scary. So tell me about the whole experience Anastasiia Bilenka 14:34 is the band's really big person that I am now, because if I trust personnel and why harder prints fans, I can relax. I can be like the way you want. Because I trust you. I know that you're not gonna do something well with me. But I also like Manbij a little bit feminine because if men going to be Miss going to, like almost currency, he's not going to show his emotions because you know trading Generally whenever if you're talking about man, that's a person with mental his emotion. He's always hired to how he feel like he tried to make money for you. Like, typical and you know this stereotype about man. But if men a little bit of Colin realism into it Eat something warm for you, you can see that he's also taught from Houston not like, I don't know. So yeah, I also like this. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:32 Thank you. And one of the girls I interviewed, she said, she only feels chemistry with men. She never felt love, but trust is even more difficult than love. And you mentioned trust and the importance for it for surrender. What makes you trust a person? Is it energetic? Is it some specific behaviors? Like how was trust created for you? Anastasiia Bilenka 16:00 With Okay, sir. Yeah, it's also energy, what I feel when I can try this person, what he's doing, not only he's just like a life, and of course, it's how long I know this person, because I can try throw some rich I know only five or 10 minutes, it's about time. But sometimes, it can the exception. Because if you're talking about energy, because for me energy is something special. It's come something I don't know. We'll if you meet a person, any fear this colonizes chemistry corner, which makes you Oh, I feel that I know this person might not affect me at all my whole life. And you can talk with this person and an hour hours and later you tell each other Oh, my God, we all each other only. We met each other only today. But I feel like why I think everyone in our everyone who lives nearby now have these once in their life, and they can understand what I mean. I don't know if you didn't have maybe they'll have this song, or just wait a little bit. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:17 This is so wonderful. I know that you have always been unique. You have always been outspoken, you have some the ability to use your masculine energy, and at the same time you speak about energy a lot. Do you believe like do you have deep deep metaphysical and spiritual thoughts and feelings? Do you believe in like, Tarot and astrology and things like that are not like telling you everything? And what do you see that is more than the superficial materialistic part of reality? Anastasiia Bilenka 17:56 Oh, yes. My favorite topic of conversation is energy and something mysterious, because someone can judge can that can tell us how you believe? Can you believe in something which you can touch? Because people sometimes can believe in some that was it wasn't worth it. They only can take Okay. What about me in what I believe is that we get past this and really hasn't been told. A little bit in maybe, yes, Tara, let's be honest with Tyrell a little bit. You horoscopes a little bit too. I don't know. Stars in something like this, I believe in basically, I want to believe from this white that we need to believe in something that's different. I believe in something the Life can be so boring. I don't know. Only my opinion. But I think it makes sense. So and I have a lot of friends. With reach. We can sit hours and talk about energy talk about philosophy sounds about I don't know something. It's not really important, but it's fill you only with inspirated I think you can understand me because we have met with you recently and we talked through your hours about this. Well, you know what I mean? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:19 I know 100% what you mean? And I also know that sometimes you can get bored of people easily somehow like the wrong people or whatever. What makes people exciting for you, or what makes life exciting. I know your mood can change very easily. Like you said you can be happy and cry. If that what makes life interesting. Is it the different emotions is it feeling sad and happy and changing to surprise to like scared to high to whatever it is or what is it about people? Is it the moody people who are always to emotion In all and changing their emotions, those are fascinating. Tell me about emotions, interest, passion, but people who stay exciting for you for a long, long time. Anastasiia Bilenka 20:11 Oh life is actually very interesting. Interesting. So you can see and very unpredictable. What about people are like people reach. Let's say. emotionality they showed early motion when they told me tools how they feel like and I realized when people tell me if something is wrong for example with me you said I did something wrong maybe, sir I really appreciate it because I haven't people why hate to be vague hide something from me. I think like what's the point? Why you're doing this better told me truth. I'm gonna go next steps in a way maybe understand them. So what makes people interesting for me and quite smart. As far as I don't know who likes to get people. Also, it's people which interesting in a lot of things. They interesting maybe in art, they interesting about philosophy of being interested in psychology business about food have our cookbook, they have really a lot of things which interest in that and we can talk. Talk rarely time because I don't know, for me communications were very important. Some people don't like to talk, for example, when they found they didn't live long conversation college others they're like, oh, that's the right message. I think it's a modern problem. So sometimes people prefer right of huge message. But they don't like talk. And I think it's wrong, because I don't know. Hi, Lisa Weiss of tourism. Is this the cab? I think? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 22:02 Yes, I do. And one thing that I always want to know more about you, you're strong enough to do what you want. Even if people disagree or you're willing to say like, you're wrong to a group of people like or to society, even if you're the only person who disagrees you don't care? What belief or what thing gives you that strength and power? Is it that you believe you are the person like what you see you believe in? Or is it that you because a lot of people will think well, maybe I'm wrong if I'm like only one person and everybody knows better than me or bla bla bla, but you at the same time you like to learn from people that you are not afraid to say you're wrong to people, what belief or what thought or why do you have this great attitude? Anastasiia Bilenka 22:56 No, I like to prove everything to everyone. Sometimes it's not really good. But I don't know. I like to do these, like fights. Like conversation fights are like, Oh, no, I'm right. But I Okay, I accept your opinion. But the reason why I'm right, okay. Sometimes I hear from her. So when I say oh, no, you're right. You're right now me, but for me, it's a bit close. I think it's a little bit let's say from let's go into because man, they like to do right? Even exam. That's right. So I you asked me about half of what you ask me to people who time Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:39 I will ask more because you're like a little rebel. And therefore that's not even masculinity. It's your rebellious nature. And to ask you, people, you like spontaneity. I know. You can like decide to travel tomorrow, anywhere like someday if you want and just buy a ticket and go and experience something new. Anastasiia Bilenka 24:04 I did it with you. I remember was amazing. My love case. Yeah, totally. You know, I'm going to Prague in a few days. Why not? I'm just gonna buy your tickets right? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 24:18 Yes, right then you bought your ticket was really interesting. So do you like for you? Is it more interesting people who push you to do be more spontaneous who just say bring up ideas for new things or people who you feel calm your chaotic side and energy. Anastasiia Bilenka 24:40 One thing that I have people which I have people, which always pushed me to do something, and I was the one who called them and like Well, no, but just stay in your place when you need to go here. No, no, no, but I call the Bella Bella So yeah, you can decide what to do. But of course, I surrounded by more people, which pushed me to do something. And my mom, she's amazing. If you're listening to this, hi, hi. I love you so much. She's always told me no, you need to go somewhere right now, why you're going to spend your time for example, in the bed, you have a, you have an opportunity to go everywhere, for example, to go to these places, and why are you staying here? So yeah, it's really big motivation for me to do something. And people actually, really stay with me a lot. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 25:33 I love that. But I want to understand because No, I'm not another thing. And hello to your mom, I know she's your best friend. She's. It's, look, sometimes, you know, when you're doing this, you're 18 1719, whatever it is. Sometimes people do that later, when they think Oh, my God, our time is passing. And I'm not enjoying life. So let me be crazy and travel and experience everything to you. What was the big motivator for you not to stay at home, but to be experiencing new experiences? Is it the need and desire for stimulation and emotions and new emotions and experiences? Or even then you thought, life is too short? Everyday is like five minutes. So let me make it the most exciting, passionate life minutes, five minutes possible. Anastasiia Bilenka 26:25 If we're talking about now, voice when you eat me, but if it's too short, you don't know what's going to be tomorrow. Because you know what? I'm talking about this way, because a few months ago, maybe I'm gonna say something another one because, for example, I can be better original myself. That's what I'm doing. But now, I think that, Oh, I really don't know what's going to be tomorrow. So if you're healthy, if you have up to to do something right now, do it. Don't do this tomorrow, because you don't know what's going to be tomorrow. We need to really appreciate our time people which we are surrounded to if you have to say for instance you love right now. Really? situation now when you cry make me so sad like that one. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 27:14 How did it change you? Anastasiia Bilenka 27:17 Oh, it's changed me a lot. How everyone, I think because we still couldn't believe that happen. And you know, for some, it was a big failure. So for example, my mom told me that she always was so scared the world because when she was started school and university, she launched history, and certainly that you always cared more or that really, she can imagine how it could be. And it's happened. So I think she's getting nothing now, because her thing got us in safe place right now. Like we are really happy that both Mr. Postman Always have opportune to record this podcast, because someone even can listen in touch phone or do something and answer something you really need. Appreciate it, it shows me a lot. I understand that. In modern world, you need to be very flexible, you need to be ready for everything. Because you're alone, and I was going to be next. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 28:30 I agree with you. And interestingly, you had this. You are someone if I might say you were maturing very fast. I mean, every week or every month you were evolving, even through your teenage years, and things like that. You're learning from people, you're learning about people. It's not normal. Is it something that was your nature from the beginning? Or was there a period that change you? I don't mean like something specifically, but where you decided, no, I refuse to be normal. I choose to be exceptional and my own unique self and you began doing that way before your peers. Anastasiia Bilenka 29:17 I think that when I was 17, I went to my first model contract to China, and they changed me a lie because I was very young. I was so far away from a program for my family friends, but that makes me stronger, stronger than ever. And every time when am I somewhere along? I open something new in me I realize oh, I can be stronger every day every month. But if I'm going to sleep now and afraid of do some things that aren't gonna make me more happy more make me more stronger. So we need to try something you need to do something was really really scared because later you're gonna realize, Oh, it wasn't very scary for me. So why I didn't do this year we Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 30:12 thank you. Well, Stacy, yes. What's next? Like do you like Prague? What emotions does it give you? And do you think about maybe like going all over the world going to India to Australia to touch the crocodiles to South America to eat some mangoes and experience Rio de Janeiro or Colombia or buenos iris and all those things? Or because I understand that in Prague you have a lot of your modeling friends people from all over the world you're more telling me what's going on what's Max Anastasiia Bilenka 30:56 I'm gonna tell you this proc slowly crazy now for me because when you work when you walk into your openings, Ukrainian voices Ukrainian language and you're like oh my gosh, feels like me folks. I didn't know was going to be nice. I know where we go, because a lot more predictable ends. Right there No, but I like I'm in the right place where now because I'm, is be honest, I arrived to to Prague in what 10 or 11 February it was before work. Because after my birthday, I realized that I want to travel. It's going to be immersive growth. And for me, I want to travel to Europe, maybe go somewhere later. But why noir because I realized that oh my god. Now I want to go to home to return to Ukraine more than ever. Because when you lose some Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Appreciate this more than ever. So I hope that there's going to be end soon. And we all came back to our hometowns are family friends, our contaminants say how we love each other. And of course when I'm back to cave, my friends because I miss them so much. And I realized we how important what is important always think like this important friends family for how it's hard to leave without them because yeah, you can leave. You can be alone, you can leave but if you feel empty your results. I don't know energy to secure results. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 32:44 I like that energy is probably the word that symbolizes you the most because you're like, cute and like small but full of energy like a giant or whatever it is. So I wish you absolutely a wonderful period and time with your grandmother and Slava Ukraini Anastasiia Bilenka 33:04 Heoryam Slava!

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