E023 Sofi Simonova

Episode 23 June 10, 2022 00:24:25
E023 Sofi Simonova
Rare Girls
E023 Sofi Simonova

Jun 10 2022 | 00:24:25


Show Notes

Sofi Simonova is that aesthetic girl from French streets who has always been dreaming about being a perfumer-beautician and having her own little painting studio.

She started building her character and personality through sports, which increased her patience and made her able to handle hardships.

Then playing piano, drawing and learning French and German.

Her Instagram: @francais_sofi

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 Femininity is powerful in all its forms. exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Sofi Simonova. Sophie is that aesthetic girl from French streets who has always been dreaming about being a perfumer beautician and having her own little painting studio, she started building her character and personality through sports, which increased her patience and made her handle hardships. Well, then playing piano, drawing and learning French and German. Sophie is an introvert. So strolling alone around her city, developing her personality and herself, as well as creating new things is very appealing to her. Sophie, how are you today? Sofi Simonova 1:24 Hello it'ss going okay Thanks much. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:27 I will begin with this question about life in general. What is the thing about life that confuses you the most? that you think is a question you don't have the answer for and sometimes you think about it. Sofi Simonova 1:46 It's really a filler softly question for me. Because I think I'm not so old to say what is five for me, because I have no big experience in my life at all. But in my 15 Being an hour long in a lot of countries. And I really can say that. I've already seen how people can leave at all. And to me, life is like something where it's like a watch your own little watch where you always try to do all by yourself, like person and try to learn to love somebody to have to, like, find new interests. And that's when these Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:45 Thank you. That's very interesting. And so to ask you about experiences, because you said you will need even more experiences to understand life to understand the world. Do you want to experience things, use them to think about yourself how you feel about them to learn about who you are? Or are you more feeling the experience in your body and not thinking? Sofi Simonova 3:16 I think it's really important to analyze aid, all information that you get from people from your parents, relatives. I think everyone during their life, gotten visited and make conclusions about different situations. And me too. So yeah, of course body, body and the minds must be like must give you a feelings. But oh, it's only your own decisions. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:51 Thank you. And when you're painting, are you expressing emotions that you're having? Or are you discovering because of your creativity and imagination? Something new. So even in your mind when you're painting you're exploring and discovering new worlds. Sofi Simonova 4:13 It Oh, when I started painted, I just do it because I wanted to make some present to my relatives on instance those days. But nowadays I paint only in that time when I have some inspiration. It all when I'm really depressed or sad. I tried to paint something which will show my emotions. So therefore it's really hard for me to paint two instance comics when I just have a list of different stations and I need to do bent on it that stations. But yeah, it's hard for me. So I don't have inspiration really often for them. So it's more comfortable for me to paint on the way that they feel. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:14 Thank you. And are you a girl who feels a lot? Who you around people feel their energy and are in your body? Or are you constantly thinking and not so connected to every emotion and every feeling Sofi Simonova 5:32 at all, when I only try to get know about some people, I always am that person who feel or their aesthetic or this new person? And I definitely know. What is he? Or she? So we know. Could we speak well with that person? Or no? So yeah, things important my wife. So I'm, I am an introvert. And I always think about about myself and try to speak a lot not with people, but I speak with myself more than with which with the other. So yeah, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:15 thank you. And how do you know if someone is your person? Is it just a feeling and an energy? Is it that if you have similar views and similar thoughts? Or how do you know if someone is your person or not your person? Sofi Simonova 6:34 You know, I'm a Christian. And when I found find somebody who is also Christian, definitely persons, I definitely know that it's my person, because we have the same view or on the road. From the restaurant side. Yeah, but with other person, just feeling I know how to talk. But of course, it's the same interests. I really like creative people and all my friends, are accountants, they're musicians or painters. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:17 Thank you. And since you approach the world as a protest, and Christian, how do you feel about destiny? What do you think about it? Do you feel or think that things are meant to be? Or are you in control and things are constantly changing? Or how do you see that? Sofi Simonova 7:39 Yeah, I really, like believe in destiny. It's especially now about the station in the War, of course. The hell is in our world nowadays, and the guard is really fight force. But what about destiny? I really know that I'm here nowadays. Because outside of Ukraine, because of my destiny, so maybe I must see the other vote, you must see that the wife, that basis, I must know about different people to take more time for another interest. So which you never had started? If the VA didn't start? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:34 Thank you. So does this mean that you always see positive things and are constantly positive? Or do you sometimes deal with depression? Sofi Simonova 8:47 I don't see depression. In my wife at all. I think there are there aren't any station which we can't solve. I think in every station, we can find something bad something. Something says something like happy. And in our life, we just meet on the excesses. I think so. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:15 Thank you. And since you don't have that many years of experience, but still, you feel your emotions, you analyze yourself, you analyze other people. How do you feel the energy of you been a woman? What does it mean? How is it you know, the aesthetics of it? Tell me your own experience? Sofi Simonova 9:41 What about experience as a woman, I think being a woman, it's like a combination of really different characteristics. So with women, it's like being the stone and being females at the same time, so All women can be strong, and a little scared about something in different situations. So it's normal. I think. So being human, it's like, emotion. I think so. And so me ever like this phrase at all that behind the most honest men, there is more strong woman. This mean that every woman must make feel powerful behind behind the really strong men who can project here. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:51 Tell me more. How do you feel if a man is strong? What does it mean? And how do you feel protected by a man? What is that, and not only a war, but in a normal situation? Sofi Simonova 11:07 As for me, being mean, it's like a freedom in Stone Strong. It's like, not only physically been strong or psycho psychologically been strong in just about freedom, and how can you allow yourself being the person that you want to be? Because the problem of also for women now vote that they can't allow the they're been doing business breeding? Smart, because of standards of our word that faces, women can be at the same time a preacher and smart? Yeah. But I think that they can, but not all women can allow yourself being Vince's preacher that they understand that I am I born not so critical. So it's not my destiny to be breached in my life. Right. So I think they should just allow yourself, because it's, I don't think that it's new information, but all of our body depends on our minds. So if we think about that, we are smart, we are pretty that we are. We have lots of successful reach, for instance, we can get all our aims dreams, we will really get them because because our minds, and we must be sure about about our aims for the future. So for me, freedom is that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:57 Thank you. And since you're in Western Europe right now, how do you compare the women and their femininity, they're two in Ukraine. Sofi Simonova 13:10 You know, women in Ukraine are really another are then women in other countries now vote. So in Ukraine, there are, I think, the most beautiful women in the world. So me, and there are really, they're really hard working, they're not very easy. And they have lots of aims and towards the women get them. For instance, I think we move out a lot. I know a lot of women who come from villages who we will just when they were they didn't have enough opportunities to go abroad, for instance, to a house of money, and their choice of knowledge is and then they really got their dreams. For instance, my mother always dreamed about getting into Paris. And nowadays, she will, she could have been there for five times. And it's nice thing so, so in your brain really hard in their minds and body to Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:31 thank you, and how was that first day of war for you? How did you experience it? Where were you? How did you feel? And even now, how did these more than 100 Days of War change you as a person? Sofi Simonova 14:50 I was Ukraine during the RAF on the two weeks. And I can say that I was so scared. I was depressed. No, I know why but it was The shoe and I was so calm. Because in still, I really know that we will be free of Ukraine will get success because of for this Christian side to the gods will made us free. Because he doesn't he never wanted as the battery life she does want to be as in a safe condition with the best fate. So how did the vibe like made me the person? I think not at all, because I always was really come and I still come. But I think the thing that made me other it was I think saying goodbye to my best friends to my acquaintance, it was hard for me, because I mean Internet, and I didn't have a lot of good people in my life at all. And now when I have no one, when I'm alone and just have a vision today, I have only my mom and sister. It's key, but I just feel the lack of convincing conversation with other people. So maybe the VA made me more introvert than before. Also, of course, always had like, a little little room to have more free time for three if before agreement also for painting, for reading for poetry. And because the VA, I really had also have time for this for developing myself who is nice. I think so. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:09 Thank you. And since you're an introvert and you said goodbye to a lot of people, if you think and analyze, what is the best way for you or other introverts in a new country, to make new friends? If you could think about that, what will be the best advice or way to really have good new friends so that you don't miss such conversations? Sofi Simonova 17:37 You know, it's really hard to give advice, because I also didn't find too good friends. Yeah, I guess some acquaintance for my for cartweaver Areum. But a friends, friends now, you know, if you really can find new friends. Maybe it should take take care about yourself and getting better and better. As for me, I just try to spend my time just studying, just doing that hope is that I want to do. And I am sure that it will be bad for me to listen to the sport. Because the friends, I just don't want to to stay here for one time. I just want to home were my best friends. So I don't need to take in your friends. Just try to this time to drop yours. Your person like self. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:48 Thank you that's so interesting. You want to return home and everything. And there are millions and millions of Ukrainians who are not in Ukraine. Now. They're in Europe, Australia and North America, other places for safety. Do you feel and think that when the war finishes, they will return many of them? Or because they made new friends, new life, new jobs, new universities, they will feel the same feeling of leaving their life and so many of them might not return. What's your perspective? Sofi Simonova 19:31 Perspective is that it depends on the person who who are in a safe place in other countries, because I know my what's my contents, then in the European countries, and they understand that they had not so good life earlier in Ukraine, so it will be better for them to stay in Europe because they already have for a new job they had the better apartments than Ukraine. So for them, of course, it's would be better to stay there. But for other people who who had really good drive in, in Ukraine who had noticed destroyed homes, of course, they will go back home. So me, I just, I just understand that for me to do better to stay in a European countries, because I would have a free education, university future, I can develop vanquishes. But in the time, I understand that I want to go home, because I really means I didn't say goodbye to my home to my relatives. And when I think about it, I really, sometimes really cry. Because it doesn't depends on me. It depends on my parents who will. So for the station, and from the VA, and conclusions. But nowadays, Justin said that I need to hope, the guard and pray and it will be happening. So Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:31 thank you. And some specialists say that, because of the war, and the whole violence and people needing to run and the bombings, a lot of Ukrainians will be traumatized for many, many, many years that may be this generation will have trauma forever, and there will be a lot more depression and unhappy people in Ukraine than before. Do you agree with this? Or do you think that if there is news of victory, a lot of people will be so happy that they will forget the pain? Or do you think that the trauma will stay for generations until new children are born who have not lived in this situation? Sofi Simonova 22:20 Victory home, I hope always in the best, and the positive things? Also, because our minds are really, and our belief is really can make the station better. But I think of course trauma will be with the people who unfortunately stole their homes forever. It will be exist in the minds. Of course, I really sorry about people who steal their homes, again, the twice because we had also the revolution in the 2014. But I hope that in next generation it would it didn't be because of course we are in that time when people children, they're gonna develop, they're gonna sustain you they want to go to into other countries and make new technologies, new invitations, and they don't want to that. Psycho psychologically, it will leave my no for sure. Um, you know, I just hope that it will be alright. Then. Some people Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:53 think I agree with you. 100%. Thank you, Sophie. This was very interesting. I can feel the depths of your soul and your Introverted Thinking and reflection. I wish you safety. I wish you success and the languages you're learning. And Slava Ukrainia! Sofi Simonova 24:14 Heroyam Slava! Thank you so much.

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