E076 Anastasiya Pidlisna

Episode 76 September 28, 2022 00:22:24
E076 Anastasiya Pidlisna
Rare Girls
E076 Anastasiya Pidlisna

Sep 28 2022 | 00:22:24


Show Notes

Anastasiya Pidlisna is a student at Kyiv National Linguistic University, in Ukraine.

During the previous year, Anastasiya was studying International business, but she realized that it’s not the purpose of her life.

So now, she is studying at another faculty: Majoring in Spanish language and literature, and a minor in foreign languages and translation. She feels it is her purpose in life to study foreign languages.

Anastasiya wants to become a philologist and to establish her own language school in the future to teach others.

Her hobbies include volunteering, international exchanges, writing, dancing and blogging.

Furthermore, she tutors and preparing students for passing the exam of Ukrainian language and literature.

In 2019, she organized her own offline project for youth “School of success”.

A few weeks ago, she returned from the international youth exchange “Erasmus+” in Latvia, where her and others discussed media and social networks.

Instagram: @anastasiya.pidlisna

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:00 your femininity is powerful in all its forms exceptional women. Rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspective, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Anastasia Pete Lisa Anastasia is a student at key of national Linguistic University in Ukraine and during the previous year, Anastasia was studying international business but she realized that it's not the purpose of her life. So now she is studying at another faculty majoring in Spanish language and literature, with a minor in foreign languages and translation because she feels it is her purpose in life to study foreign languages. Anastasia wants to become a philologist and to establish her own language school in the future to teach others and her hobbies include volunteering, international exchanges, writing, dancing, and blogging. Furthermore, she tutors and prepares students for passing the exam of Ukrainian language, and literature. And in 2019, she organized her own offline project for youth called School of success. Finally, a few weeks ago, she returned from the International Youth Exchange, Erasmus Plus in Latvia, where her and others discuss media and social networks. And Sofia, how are you today? Anastasiya Pidlisna 2:01 Oh, hello, I have a great energy today with positive vibes because they have a lot of goals and plans for today. Thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:09 I love that. So if I understand correctly, you're a highly motivated person with a lot of goals. Tell me where does that motivation come from and what inspires you, Anastasiya Pidlisna 2:22 I have a lot of plans for every day, I'm writing these goals in my telephone, and I'm just put a tick near the goal that I've achieved for that day. So these inspires me a lot. The goals that I've achieved in the previous time, and a lot of my friends are why people that drawn me inspires me to it's my motivation every day, to have a conversation with them, to have a discussion with them. So this inspires me a lot. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:55 I love that and tell me about the people that you're like to have in your life. What characteristics or things do you look for? So that you think, yes, these are my people. Anastasiya Pidlisna 3:09 I love energetic people with high energy in their life. And I'm an extrovert. So I like the people that this thing is I extroverts too. And so active persons, it's like, I like it, really, I adore this people. And I like people that when achieved their goals in life, that have big dreams in their life, so they're inspired by these live animals, all that surround them. So these people really inspire me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:44 I love that. Are you speaking specifically about people who have a lot of passion or have that fire in their eyes? And for you? Do you feel such people are hard to find they're rare? Or do you seem to attract them magnetically and manifest them all the time? Anastasiya Pidlisna 4:05 I think that the people that are the same as you, I'm not lucky connect with you. and I were very, very you wanna go, you can meet these person. I think that when I attend all the projects internationally, be in Ukraine. I can meet these people because these projects, there's a lot of these people like these whose passion is fire in the eyes. And early this is the reason why I really adore going to such projects. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:36 Thank you. And can you tell me how did you discover that? Learning languages is your life purpose? What did you feel about international business? Why did you decide not to do it? And what is special and magical about the language learning process and field? Anastasiya Pidlisna 4:56 I always have been studying foreign languages. English language. So I've passed the exams in English language and then I enrolled to international business. And I was really sad because I had a lot of maths, a lot of economics. And it's not about me, I like the most the Spanish and English language. These two subjects was during the program of international business. So discovered that these subjects was the most favorite for me. So I decided to take a break and think one minute, and then I decided to make a really brief decision for me to change my faculty, and go to the first grade to have another university national Linguistic University in case and now I'm really happy because I'm starting philology at all, Zod Max is out economix Only philology only four languages. This is the Spanish This is my first language, and then English language and translation. I think that it's really my passion of life. And when established my school for children may be adults in the future. So I discovered that this is my passion in life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:21 I love that and why the Spanish language is the culture of something you're fascinated with it because people are more warm and open. And extrovert, like you are why the Spanish language? Anastasiya Pidlisna 6:36 I didn't know why is the Spanish language because when I was in the international business, it was some spontaneous leads that I've appeared of the group of Spanish language learners. And then I've discovered that the Spanish language really, really adored me, was really interesting to study because sure of these contracts, but I've never been a Spanish, it's my dream to be there. But I want to attend these I want to live there maybe for a few months, we via or go with the sound exchange to this country. It's my dream. And I really liked the people from these countries, the culture, the traditions, foods, everything, and the language is really good. And in for our speaking English. Yeah, is like the book like English language. So it's simple to speak at Spanish language for me. So I like this language for these reasons. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:35 Thank you. And you mentioned that it will somehow like spontaneous so are you spontaneous person? And how can you both prepare all the plans in advance and at the same time make such surprise decisions? Because it seems to be opposite, you know, Anastasiya Pidlisna 7:54 yeah, I'm ready to sprint Daniels person. But of course, I have a lot of goals you would have planned in advance, but everything can change in one minute. For example, it was like this exchange in Latvia, because I've found out that it will be these projects. This project after maybe two days before this project, and I packed my cloud with this for five minutes. And I found the tickets and went to these projects that it was spontaneous decision to. So this person, but I have a lot of plans in advance and I'm balanced between this. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:36 I like it. So how does it make you feel when you have those surprise plans? Does it make you feel like you're an adventurer? Does it make you feel excited? Because you're living with freedom and you're not like a prisoner in any one place? Or what's the feeling of such experiences? Anastasiya Pidlisna 8:57 Yeah, I adored this feeling because I like some spontaneous decisions. I feel yourself myself. So energetic. Send rancheros is high level of energy every day. And it's like my purpose of life to be this freedom every day. Not see the boring life. It's not about me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:19 Because of that. Do you think most people are living a boring life? And why do you think they will choose that or maybe they're not choosing Anastasiya Pidlisna 9:28 it? I think that it depends on the person because maybe these born live for me. It's not boring life for them. And maybe it's their decision. And they like it. It is normal because we all different because maybe I'm an extrovert but another person is introvert. It is normal for this person to sit at home and be happy. But I'm an extrovert. I like to meet other people and to attend other countries. other cities, other projects, and it's my purpose of life. So everything depends on the person. And for every person, the happiness has different meaning, I think, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:09 thank you. I really, really love that. And so to ask you again, you said maybe you would go travel and live for a few months in Spain? If you could travel all over the world, is this something interesting for you? Why? And what are some places, cities or countries you would love to go and visit? Anastasiya Pidlisna 10:33 To go to France in Spanish for the first time? Of course, and then a why not attend some Scandinavian countries? Yeah, because it's really interesting nature there. And of course, I want to attend Japanese and China because it's like another planet where you, I've never been there on the east offer these Asia. And why not attend these because it's through different people's their different culture. And it's really appreciate me so I want to attend these countries for the first time. And of course, the USA, it's my big dream, New York Times Square I never seen and policies, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:16 that's really interesting. So are you someone who likes to have new experiences all the time, you're discovered to try new things to do all kinds of new activities? And then how is it possible really to study and do the tasks all the time every day, because they can become boring? If your soul wants new emotions, Anastasiya Pidlisna 11:42 it's pretty hard. B since our resume, because I've been enrolled to another project, Erasmus Plus in Turkey, but I refused to go to these projects, because I have in university classes, and October, so it will be pretty hard to combine the project in Torquay, and the project in my work, studying in Ukrainian language and literature, and it is really hard to to combine those in university. So I have to maybe combine these, but it's really hard for me right now. So I have to refuse from from these projects. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:23 I understand. And that sounds fortunate and tell me about your big goal and dream of opening a school for languages. How did you have that dream? How did it begin? And how do you imagine it? Will it be online? Will it be offline? So you meet the people? Like what is your dream when it comes to this languages school, Anastasiya Pidlisna 12:47 these dream appeared maybe six months ago, but I've decided to teach the students for passing the exams for Ukrainian language and literature. So I've taken the classes for my students. And I've decided that I really like to teach others. And it's my dream. So I like foreign languages, I like to teach others. So I combined to these desires. And I realized that my passion is to teach others and maybe establish my school in the future because I like to work for myself, not for others. And I want to help my business in the future. So it's my dream. And maybe the school will be in online format, for example, because it's really, really hard in our modern times to have an offline school. But maybe who knows, maybe I'll establish an offline school if I like it, but now have an idea of making an online school for the first time. And now I have blogged clean Instagram and Tiktok and on telegram to for teaching others for passing the exams, and Ukrainian language in the illusory nature, of course, and I've made to my allwin course for Ukrainian language and literature. It was in the summer. And I've donated all the money from this course to the military forces of Ukraine. So it's really pretty valuable work for me now. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:19 I agree. You're very kind and it's really, really important work. You mentioned that the dream appear to you as well as you know, when you had some experiences you can be last minute pack your bags and go. Do you have a spiritual or metaphysical belief that makes you feel the world is positive everything is happening for a good reason and that it's your destiny to feel and explore and follow the flow of emotions or what do you believe or think about the reality the metaphysical world and the spiritual thoughts about your Life, your destiny etc. Anastasiya Pidlisna 15:02 I think that this would have some positive and negative aspects of our life. But it depends on us on what we should pay attention in our life. And I think that everything that is happening in our life, it's for a good reason. It's about something big in my life, some big dream, big passion, it leads me to this. And really, I always believe in this. So ever since that bad happen in my life, I really believe that it's for a good reason. And this really support to the SOT is really supporting me in these hard times. So I believe in the Destiny, I believe in such a big goal in my life. And it really supports me when hard times is common to me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:51 Thank you. And yes, right now with hard times, and we will speak about that. But first, how is your daily schedule? How do you keep yourself both productive? And take care of your mental health so that you're not too stressed or depressed? or affected by negativity? What do you do? To feel good, and to forget all trouble Anastasiya Pidlisna 16:15 I like to have converstation with my best friends is the it's the best supporter in whole life. Of course, I like some watches feel serene in books, of course. And people only drink tea and then during the day, but I don't have a lot of sleeping time now. Because I really work a lot. These days, it's pretty hard to to combine all the work that I have to do during my day. So it really supports me in conversation with other people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:48 I like that you're such a true extrovert. And can you tell me about February 24? The invasion? How was that day for you? How did you hear that the war started in that day. Did you hear some bombs? How did you feel that someone tell you the news, tell me the story of that day. Anastasiya Pidlisna 17:10 My home load is a human needs key. It's on the western Ukraine. And I'm struggling in the capital of Ukraine. So was engraved from within dormitory with my friends during the 24th of February. And the day I have planned to have a party with my friends. But I've woken up at 7am It was pretty early for me at that time. And the main person in the dormitory told me that I have to pack all my clothes because the work has started. And it was the fastest packing my clothes in my life. I packed all my clothes. And then we went to the basement under the institute that was near my dormitory. And we've spent the night from 24th to 25th of February in this basement. And we were lying at the floor and we didn't know what's happening outside. We've just read in the news about what is happening around the capital of Ukraine crave for my friends texted me that the here's a lot of explosions near them. It must be scary because it wasn't the capital and they were thinking happened. And we don't know what to do. But my brother leaves in key of two and he was the key have to that day. So we decided with my brother to evacuate from the cube. It was pretty scary because I go outside the street and I've seen that there's no cars. It's like no people outside and and the train station was really overcrowded. A lot of people are was very quickly eaten from the Capitol. And we've went to the restroom crane to our homeland, or Malinowski to our family, do our parents on the train. And I've heard my first air alarm during this trip from grave to when it's great. It was so scary, so scary. And then my first explosion I here to in March, when I was in humility and molesky We had an explosion, and then I returned to crave in June. For one more time. I was crying then I've seen her base city crave. I really adored the city so much when I see these before the first time after I've go out from there. I was just crying because I didn't expect that I have return to these plays one more time. So I was so happy. And I've spent one month this summer in grave with my friends with students. And I was pretty happy about 26th of June, I hear the four explosions outside near my dormitory one more time. It was so scary, so scary. So I've put the flag of Ukraine on my shoulders. It's like protector for me supporter on my mental health. For me, always. So just use this flag. And it's really will be more simple to have a life of this, that happened for me, this explosions. And now we're living in this reality that we have every day, the air alarms, and we don't know maybe in what place will be explosion for the next time. So if we don't know we will be alive for tomorrow. But understand that if all the Ukrainians who will be makes some good decisions every day and asked for our victory and donate to our army, and support the economy of our Ukraine vivo defeat, we will defend our freedom of course, and we will have a victory in the future because of this. So I have my I feel my responsibility for it. And I'm taking action every day for support our army, our economy, our people, for making our country better for the future. So it's my story. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:45 Thank you so much, Anastasia. Honestly, this was truly deep and truly important. And all I can say is Slava Mcrainey. Slava. Thank you. Again. I wish you all the success. I wish you to complete all the tasks you're excited about. And thank you for participating in this project. Anastasiya Pidlisna 22:07 Thank you for making such a really interesting and good projects for self development. Thank you so much for this recording.

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