E075 Masha Zakharchenko

Episode 75 September 27, 2022 00:20:45
E075 Masha Zakharchenko
Rare Girls
E075 Masha Zakharchenko

Sep 27 2022 | 00:20:45


Show Notes

Masha Zakharchenko is a Marketing student at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Ukraine

She is a tactile person who loves creating things with her hands and cooking.

Instagram: @mashechik

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms exceptional women, career girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Maria, the heart of Shenko. Marcia is a marketing student that key of mohila Academy in Ukraine. She is a tactile person who loves creating things with her hands, as well as cooking Marsha, how are you today? Masha Zakharchenko 0:53 Hello, I'm fine. Thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:55 I'm happy. I'm honored. I'm so lucky that you are here today. And I'm curious about you. So I'll begin with this question. If your friends could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Masha Zakharchenko 1:11 I assume that everyone will say that I'm so talkative and creative. Might be our to go and so yeah, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:20 thank you. Are you talkative and outgoing with people you know? Or even new people who you meet you are their best friend and warm and friendly from the beginning? Masha Zakharchenko 1:33 I think it's also dependent of person with whom I talk. But yes, I think I changed a lot last three or two years, because previous me will never say yes for for example, given an interview, or talking with unknown people. But now it's okay for me. And yeah, I think I can found Samsung, similar or Samsung topic, to speaking with unknown people, but I don't know how they will do it. So yeah, I think it depends of the person with whom I need to talk. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:12 Thank you. And does it mean that before people meet you, they think Oh, my God, Marsha has a bitch face. She has a serious face. She looks angry, or they think you're always smiling, always happy, even when they don't know you yet. Masha Zakharchenko 2:29 I try to smile every time for every unknown person. But sometimes, I had a bad mood as everyone is fault. But yeah, I try to smile every time and to be friendly for everyone. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:45 Thank you. I really, really like that. And I'm curious, you said in the last two or three years, something inside you changed. So you're more open to strangers and unknown people? What did you think before that made you not open to new people? And what change in your thinking that makes you be more comfortable saying yes to new experiences with new persons, Masha Zakharchenko 3:11 I understand that it is my life and only I decide what to do and how to communicate with people how to be so great person. And I think it's also only my thoughts change it since this period of time, but I don't know. I had friends before. And I had them now. But I had only two or three before but now I had a lot of people with whom I speak so close, I can say is that Samsung special gendered my life? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:52 Thank you. And what is really interesting for you about new people, do you feel their energy and they're more than you're like people with a great mood? Is it the stories about how they solve their problems and their lives. And so you learn how to become more effective or just you get inspired by their personalities to develop different parts of yourself. Masha Zakharchenko 4:18 I think that people really influence on me because like, when I sit at home and see only my family, it's difficult for me to live by when I meet new people meet my friends, my life become more happier, more successful maybe. And I think that everyone has a possibility to inspire other people. Yes, I have this. I think that a lot of people inspire me to do Samsung better or to do Samsung new. So yeah, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:54 I love that. Tell me about cooking is cooking for you, John. Just a relaxed meditation? Or is it something when you do it you feel powerful and skilled? Because you can do things well? Or is it more that you love sharing good food with people you love and their happiness is what makes you love cooking. Masha Zakharchenko 5:18 I used to love cooking since my childhood, I remember that when I was so young, my parents every time say to me, Marsha tried to not make my maid mess in the kitchen, because I do it every time. Because I was so young. And I use saying that I cook only when I have free time. And I believe that in future, I will have more time for cooking because I really, like love and appreciate it. So I think that it's a way to meditate and to be only with my thoughts alone. And yes, it's really helped me. But as for me, I assume because I'm want, I really want to open a cafe or some restaurant in future after sharing my food with other people. And yes, I think maybe I will do it in future. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:20 I love that. Is this why you have chosen marketing as a study? And subject and profession maybe? Or what is the story of the day and the moment where you chose? Yes, I will go and become a marketing student. Masha Zakharchenko 6:38 I said, I didn't know what I exactly I want to do in my future. But I understand that marketing in Samsung, as it can help me whatever I will do in future like, if I will work as microbiology, I say thank you, for me a previous me to for choosing this. Like professional. And if I will do something more or open a restaurant or cafe, it's this knowledge is which I get when I will be studying in university will be useful for my future. Because when you open some cafes or restaurants, you also need to know what your people who will do that will visit you need and what they want and how to communicate with people. I think it will be useful for me. And I don't remember exactly they when I understand that I want to be market technologist. But I think it was a great day because now I'm so happy because chosen this profession. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:45 I'm happy for you really and I can feel your energy and excitement. And so tell me about key of mohila Academy because maybe foreigners don't know about it. Why did you choose this university? What is for you the reputation of it? Did you get the opportunity to spend time in the building with the students studying? Or was most of your experience online? Tell me everything Masha Zakharchenko 8:12 I remember day at school. I think it was history lesson. And my teacher said that the best university in Ukraine is Kiambu Academy. And it was maybe eight, four, but I don't remember exactly. But since this day, I absolutely sure that I will choose I was absolutely sure that I will choose Qian Maga get me I read read a lot of about this university and I understand that it's my place and I really want to become a student of it. I think that most as a prophet to think about this university is people because community of this university very great and every student every everyone who are connected to this university, very open and develop very talkative. Everyone can help you with everything what you can do by yourself. And what else I think that also great possible opportunity for students of this university is to try studying abroad because every student of this university have opportunity to try being a student of foreign university, but you need to know English or some other languages for it. But yeah, it's also a great opportunity. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:42 I like that and you mentioned the story that because your history I think teacher spoke about how it's the best university you decided that you will go there. Are you a girl who everything you do you want to be like a top performer or the besotted, do you do cooking in the same way where you think, yes, I want to be the best cook. Anybody knows? Or what is your approach? Masha Zakharchenko 10:09 I syncros? Yes, I want to be like perfect and every single title, but it's not my idea of my life, I live for me. And I think it's important that I'm happy, not what's not so important to what, as I say, it's about me about my way of living. And we I like I want to be successful and like popular, but it's not the main idea of my life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:41 Thank you, you seem to be independent? How was that created? And do you feel a lot of people? A lot of young people are independent, and don't care so much about what others think? Or what is your thought about this topic? Masha Zakharchenko 11:00 I think, like, not only young people think about what other people say about them, but some old one also do it. But it's important to, like love yourself, and to be self confident. So yes, I think when people are self confident, they don't pay much attention for other sorts. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:29 What is the you the meaning or definition of self confidence? And how does a person build it or grow it and themselves? Masha Zakharchenko 11:38 For my opinion, it's also big a big part of it depends of family, and mothers and fathers need to my self confident children. Of what self confident for me, I think it's one person don't pay much attention for sorts, other sorts, and one person will look at mirror and he or she love it, herself or herself. What else? Maybe, when you're not so shy, to stop talk, start talking with someone. Unknown, I think it's like for everyone is a different situation. But in general, I think so. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:30 Thank you. I really, really like that. And you mentioned that you want to have more time in the future to cook. How do you organize your day because you will be an in the best university in Ukraine means you have a lot of homework, a lot of activities, how do you avoid burnout and have time to cook or do things that you feel make you happy? Masha Zakharchenko 12:57 When I was a student at school, it allowed last two years, it was so difficult to combine the studying with my personal life with MIT in France with some other things. But I did it. It was difficult, but I did it. So I believe that when I will be as student of university it, I also will do it. And it wouldn't be so difficult for me to do it. I start I try to plan my day and try to do every single day planned for this, or next day. But sometimes it's difficult to you want to do Samsung, what'd you not write in your plan. And it's hard sometimes for me to, to be only like so productive. But I think that also really important to have breaks and to have arrest. Because when you walk every time it's make your unproductive and like you can do every single what you planned. So arrest, it's also very important to part of every plan. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:13 I really like that. And can you tell me since you are from Ukraine, and you've lived there, of course all your life, etc. For foreigners if they could understand what is Ukrainian culture? What are the characteristics of Ukrainian girls, maybe in your age? What would you say? How would you describe it? Masha Zakharchenko 14:38 I think that every person is different as all of us about and Ukraine has all also so different people, but all of they are really brave and strong because of VA. I think all the world can understand that Ukrainians are so brave and drawing, but also everyone a worker, Lord. They all people from Ukraine, Laos, their houses, they put much attention for cleaning house. And not only in the house, but outside. In the garden, for example, they also want to make like a clean place around the house. We have really great culture and history, and for example, our language. I think a lot of people around the world knows that not all Ukrainian speak in Ukraine, young language. A lot of them are us, Russian. But like, I can't say that it's so bad. But for our history, it's very important to not forget our own language. And it's our identity, how people, foreign people can understand that we are from Ukraine. It's our language. And we have really beautiful one. And I believe that will be one day when every person in Ukraine will speak in Ukrainian. I really wanted Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:15 I love your vision and patriotism. And since you spoke about the war, how was February 24? For you? How did you hear or discover that the invasion started? Did you hear some explosions? Did someone tell you how did you feel? Tell me the story of that day, Masha Zakharchenko 16:36 I got up in the morning, I sink in 7am, I want to say that I'm not a citizen of Kyoto. I live in Czech news, courage, and it's quite far from keel. But it's also like near to Russian and, and yet to Russia. And I got up at 7am. My mother had the phone and someone saves that today, we as a day, we want to go to school. And I understand the Samsung, not right. And I start to cry. It was one serious thing which I could do at that moment. What else I felt like, I think that every person in this world have some plans for future. And they want to have some sense in future. But in that day, I understand that all my plans, like stopped and all of them can come through because I I didn't know what would be like tomorrow. So yes, and what else I can say that I prepared for my exams. Because I really want to become a student of this university. And like I couldn't understand how it can be. Because I don't know how we I didn't know how we could have exams. And it will also was so important for me. It was so scary too. Because like, you want to leave your site only to about staying alive and your family. And because it's so scary to leave. And Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:32 I agree. 100%? And can you tell me how did you change as a personality in the past six months of the war? How did your thinking change your life? Tell me the difference between six months ago and now. Masha Zakharchenko 18:49 In my opinion, every Ukrainian Ukrainian has changed a lot since the war started. For example, for me, I just had so much love in my home. I started. I loved Ukraine so much before the war, but when it started, I lay eggs to love Ukraine much more than I did before. I really love and appreciate this activities of our people. Everyone wants to help each other. It's so great. And what else? I understand that I never want to live somewhere abroad for a long time. Maybe I really want to travel but not to live. I love Ukraine. And I want to stay there for whole my life. Yeah. And like you understand that you need to leave at that moment and not to make big plans for future because it's can sometimes it's can't come true and you need to appreciate every moment of your life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:04 Thank you Masha. Honestly, this was such a wonderful interview. I feel honored. I feel privileged and all I can say is Slava Mcrainey. Thank you so much. I wish your success and your university I wish you to start the cafe or restaurant in the future soon. And to be a successful marketing professional, Masha Zakharchenko 20:30 send you so much for interview for all the wishes. I believe that every single day will come true. And thank you

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