E269 Chiara Cavenaghi

Episode 269 April 27, 2023 00:19:06
E269 Chiara Cavenaghi
Rare Girls
E269 Chiara Cavenaghi

Apr 27 2023 | 00:19:06


Show Notes

Chiara Cavenaghi is an Italian Model & Actress based in Milano.

She graduated as a Pharmacist, and her hobbies are to help people, travel the world, know other cultures and achieve her goals.

Instagram: @kiaracave

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Episode Transcript

Hello. My name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives and emotions about this world. In these difficult times in human history, we need to bring the people of the world together. And when we hear the voices of women, when we listen to real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Chiara Cavinagi. Chiara is an Italian model and actress based in Milano. She graduated as a pharmacist and her hobbies are to help people travel the world, know other cultures and achieve her goals. Chiara, how are you today? Hi. Hi, Aziz. Thank you for inviting me to this podcast. I'm fine and I'm happy to be here today. How are you? I feel great. I feel blessed and I feel so happy to talk to you. So I will begin with this nice first question. Chiara, if your friends and your family and those that know you can describe your personality, what would they say? It's an interesting question. My family and my friends describe me as a happy woman. I like to enjoy my life and I like to help people with my job. I love my job because I'm a pharmacist and I love to help people with my advice about supplements, about medicine, about diet or some advice on their life, to improve their health, to improve their lives with my advice. And I love my life in all of many aspects of my life because I like traveling, I like discovering some places all over the world. I also like animals and I love my friends and my family in particular because for me my family is everything because I'm so happy to stay with them. I was born in Italy in Colico that is a place on the Comus Lake and I love to travel some week in my birthplace and I'm a funny girl. Thank you. I love all of that. You said you choose to become a pharmacist because you love to help people. How did you choose that? Do you have family who are also pharmacists that they encourage you? Did you watch a movie about the pharmacist and you choose that? Or how did you make that decision and why choose in pharmacy even though you are also traveling and modeling and all those things that are not in one location like pharmacy normally is one place? Yes, I don't have a doctor or a pharmacist in my family but I is to be a doctor. So when I become to start the university I have to choose between a pharmacist and a doctor and when I come to a pharmacy I talk to a pharmacist that works in this place and I started to talk with them, with him, of my problems and this pharmacist resolve my problems with some advice and some supplements and this is that thing that convinced me to become a pharmacist because with my job I talk to many people every day and I can talk with them, I can give them a lot of advice, I can try to listen to them and their problems but also I can give to these people some advice on supplements, on diet, on their lives, on many aspects of their lives that I can try to improve your life to feel good, to feel better with my advice. So I think that my work is important for many people because it's important for me to help people with my advice. I think this is my job and this is my life in general. I love it. I agree 100% and you mentioned that you are originally from a part in Italy near Lake Cuomo I believe or something like that. How is the culture there? Are you someone who loves to speak with many people every day and help them in your pharmacy job because in your hometown people are always friendly and they talk to each other. Is it part of the culture of Italy? Can you share more about the place where your family is from and how it is? How is the culture? How is the art? How are the people? Okay. My country, my birth country is a little place and in this place people are very friendly to each other because it's a little place and people know each other. So it's beautiful because it's like a big family and people help each other in a simple way. So I think it's for that that I like to speak every day to people in general, to different people and Italy is a place where people are very friendly to each other. We love eating pizza, pasta, but we love also helping each other because Italian people are so I think my little place when I was born is particular because it's very beautiful because we have a lake but also mountains, beautiful views, but people in particular are very friendly and very... in some ways we are close in a forum, close to a foreign person. But we can try, when there is a problem, to help each other in different ways. I think my job reflects what I see when I was young. Thank you. That's fantastic. And you are a model. How do you get your confidence in your body and in your beauty? And what is your advice to women who maybe they don't feel they're beautiful, they feel shy if they're a model, or other people tell them criticism? How do you get your confidence to be a model and your advice to other women to have the confidence in their body and in their looks? Okay, I started to work as a model, as also a hostess for an Italian team, Inter, because I love football matches, watching football and I love football, Italian football. So I do different jobs, so I work as a model, as a hostess, as an actress on TV, I do some spots. So I think that I feel good with my body and I have some of many aspects of my body that I will change, but I don't change this because I think that my defects are what they change me and they make me so particular. So I think every woman can try to love herself because we are particular in different ways and all of them, every person are beautiful in some ways and I think this is... I cannot hear you now, 1212, I do not hear you, do you hear me? Yes, I hear you. You finished? Okay, I understand. Okay, I think that... I think defects is what makes me particular and I think that every woman in the world can try to love herself because we are beautiful. In different ways, all of women in the world are beautiful because defects make them particular and beautiful in different ways. I think that. I agree. Thank you so much and since you love traveling, what are new places that you love or new places you want to travel to for the first time? What are your plans in traveling? I love travel. I love traveling. I like to travel to some places. In the past, I went to America and I love this travel because I think America is a very beautiful place, different to Italy. I went to the west coast but I see the beautiful views in place and people are very friendly, so I love this travel. And I went also to Bora Bora. This is a beautiful island. I love these places because the views are really fantastic. But I have a dream and that dream is to come to Japan because I think the culture of Japan is different and beautiful. So I really want to visit this country. But in particular, I love and I enjoy to travel all over the world because I love traveling. So detach in Italy we said unplug because we stopped our life and started to live in other places. So I think travel is a new life in another country. Every time I do this thing. That is fantastic. I really encourage all your goals and your dreams. You're a very kind person, who helps a lot of people. And you're a woman who is doing many things in this world. Thank you for being in this podcast. I appreciate you and I support all your dreams. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you Aziz for inviting me to this program. Thank you.

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