E265 Zhypar Nazylbekova

Episode 265 April 20, 2023 00:29:24
E265 Zhypar Nazylbekova
Rare Girls
E265 Zhypar Nazylbekova

Apr 20 2023 | 00:29:24


Show Notes

Zhypar Nazylbekova is the first girl from Kyrgyzstan in this podcast.

She lives in Dubai, UAE, and works as a freelance makeup artist and a digital psychologist who loves yoga, going to the gym and jogging every morning 10,000 steps to keep her health and energy.

Instagram: @zhypar_nazylbekova

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their experiences, their perspectives and emotions in this world. In these difficult times in history, we need to bring the people of the world together. And when we hear the voices of women, when we listen to real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes. And we get inspired by their stories to live a better life. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Jipar Nazilbekova. Jipar is the first girl from Kyrgyzstan in this podcast. And she lives in Dubai. Jipar is a freelance makeup artist and a digital physiologist who loves yoga, going to the gym and jogging every morning 10,000 steps. Jipar, how are you today? Hi Aziz. It was a great introduction. It's really nice to be here with you today. I feel amazing. Thank you. I'm honored. I'm very, very lucky and happy. And I've been waiting for the day to speak to you to know more about you. So I'll begin with this nice first question just to begin the conversation. If your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? I feel happy also to be here as well. If you want me to answer to your questions straight away, I will tell that my friends, they really like to be around me. Because everyone says that around me, they feel very comfortable. And I have this kind of like calming aura. So whenever my friends have some troubles in life, where they want to get any like advice, they always come to me. And I really, I am really happy. I am happy to help them out. I always like to listen and to give my best to my friends and like relatives and everyone around me. Yeah, maybe that's why they like to be to come to me. Thank you. And since you mentioned aura, let's go there, because I am sure that you're into that interesting kind of perspective on the world. Do you feel people's auras? Do you see them? How do you believe people cultivate a good aura? How is it when it's like a dark aura? Tell me all that cool stuff and your perspective on this. Oh my God, yeah, this is a really like interesting topic. And if I start, I won't be able to stop. But I'll try my best. You know, it's just a feeling like since my since childhood, I think I was like, keen to that kind of stuff. And now I'm a digital philosopher. I mean, like I study this and according to people's like date of birth, you can know the people, you can know people's personalities. And I'm really like since birth, I'm interested in this kind of things like astrology, numerology and all this stuff. But if we talk about auras, like, I don't know how I feel that I don't know how to even explain to you. It's just it comes naturally. You know, like when I like somebody's aura, I just like I will open up and they open up as well. But there are certain people who, you know, like who give like the drained feeling, you know what I mean? Like they suck your energy from you. And that's also I feel, you know, sometimes when I speak to somebody and then after that, I feel tired, drained and I sometimes I get sick. And now at the moment, I'm trying to work on myself to balance my energy. So that's why like I'm very interested now in yoga. That's why I walk every single day, 10,000 steps per day, like it really helps to boost my energy. So you know, I can keep myself up. I understand. I love that. Yes, you're speaking about some people who are energy vampires and others who are energy givers and the more they give, the more you have energy to return. And so it creates a beautiful cycle. And some people who might be listening, they will think, how is that different to being an empath that you can feel people's emotions you feel when they're negative or positive? How is feeling people's auras? Is it the same thing? But one is said from a spiritual perspective, another one from a normal person perspective or what are your thoughts? You know, like I think that everyone, like every person, we have that feeling inside that not only me, but everyone does it, you know, but somebody is more interested in that, you know, and then more they can talk about it openly. But I feel like deeply that everyone can feel everyone's auras. So because our life is all about energies, right? So and like it's our, it's normal for us to feel somebody's energies, even the energy of the places where we go. Not only it's about people, like countries, whatever. So yeah, I do really believe in this kind of thing, in energy. And aura also refers to that. I love that very, very much. And I want to take it further with you. How do you believe that the world works from a destiny perspective? Do you believe it's already meant to be everything and you're just like a dream watching life happening? Do you believe everything is created by you and manifested by your energy? So you're the center and the goddess of your universe? Or do you believe it's both that there are moments in life that you can choose freely and then you will have part of that destiny? Like it's a tree with different branches, so you choose which branch, but then you go to your destiny there and then another branch and destiny like that. How does it work within your mind? You know, first of all, I'm a Muslim, I'm a believer. First of all, of course, I believe in Allah. But I do believe that Allah is in every single person inside. That's why for me, each person I meet, everyone has that we have to love each other, we have to respect each other. I believe in this kind of thing. And you asked me about the destiny thing. God gives us all the opportunities, right? And it's only about us what path we're going to choose. And I think, I believe that God gives us like many, many paths, but it's up to us to choose which one, you know, to go according to our beliefs, like everyone wants something in life. So they will choose that kind of path. But for me, we should strive for more spiritual growth, not only because so many nowadays, especially people, they are following these materialistic things and stuff. But I believe that if we're going to help each other, if we're going to grow spiritually, and God will give us all the opportunities. I don't know, I do believe in it strongly. So of course, it comes from God, but also it depends on us, how we're going to live like further, how's our lives going to look like, you know. We don't have to put all the responsibility on something. It's our responsibility. And if you want to live a good life, you can just believe in yourself, believe in God, believe in your beliefs, you know, and you will get everything. So yeah, I hope I answered your question. I love that answer very, very much. I love your inner wisdom. You're like an old soul that was born into yourself. So I'm also a person who loves that wisdom and understanding the deeper parts of life. And then I will ask you from a different perspective, because I said, how does aura relate to being an empath? And you said everyone is. Well, how does it relate to the energy of femininity? When you feel very, very feminine, how is that similar to having that energy that makes you glowing, you know, when they say the feminine glow? How does that make you able to give more energy to people? Is it the same? Do men and women develop their energy and aura in the same way? Is it different for women, maybe more related to some soft beauty things, while to men it's something else? I don't know. Up to you. What is your perspective? Okay, it's a really interesting question, honestly, because most of the time I hear from everyone that I have this feminine energy, like very soft, calming and stuff, you know. I don't know where it comes from, but I believe that a real woman has to be real feminine. We have to have, like women, this energy, because nowadays, you know, like I'm not against it, but most women, they become very strong and they are losing this energy, because, you know, this energy comes from like ancient, ancient times. If you're going to be very feminine, naturally, yeah, then men will be like masculine. I do believe in that. But also you need to be able to give that feminine energy around you to men. I don't know. I do believe in that. So it will inspire them to be more masculine, because we are nowadays, like in this world, we are losing, I think, that balance a little bit. And maybe some people might think that I'm old-fashioned or something, but anyways, we're gonna go back to our roots. And the next question is like how to keep up or how to be feminine, right? It's all about our mindset and it's all about what you want to give to the world. And I really want to give this, I really want to see around me more feminine women, because our energy will make this world much better. I think it will strive men or everyone to be a better world. But at the same time, we have to be like strong as well, you know, because as you said in the beginning that you were like, your mom was a single mom. I'm also a single mom. And I do, I really, I do understand what you mean. But it doesn't mean that if you're even single mom, it doesn't mean that you have to be, you have to lose that femininity. So yeah, but I, from where I take this energy, I mean, like femininity, I think I look up to my mom, for example, and to Adriana. She's my soulmate, I can say. Like I learned from her a lot of things. So I take, I get inspired a lot from women. I really do. So, and it's up to us what to take from others, because we came to this world to teach each other, to learn from each other, to support each other. So yeah. Thank you. I agree 100% with you. And you mentioned some parts of your life and Adriana. So in general, some people might be curious, what is your story? What is the story of you becoming who you are? Part of it is being a single mother. And why did you choose Dubai from any other place in the whole world? So how was your progression? So people will understand who is G-PAR. Okay. First of all, I want to tell you a little bit about my country. This Kyrgyzstan is a very small Central Asian country. And you know, like in our country, like it's a very cultural wise country where people think that when you reach certain amount, I'm in certain age, you have to get married and stuff, you know, this kind of like traditional. But I really want, I wanted to see the world to be like, you know, to grow. And I don't know how, but you know, destiny brought me to Dubai. And I stayed there like for now, it's been like 11 years. I love Dubai so much. It's like my second home. I grew as a person there. I grew up as a person, like, you know, very strong and ambitious. And it made me who I am right now. Because like people there really, I met only beautiful people with beautiful hearts and who helped me a lot in my past. And yeah, I've been working there like since 2012 as a makeup artist. And now I work there as a freelancer. So I work for myself and it's a big achievement for me because you know how like in Dubai, it's very hard to be like an independent person, right? So yeah, my story wasn't like a happy story. I don't know because I went through the divorce and now I have a beautiful baby girl. She's eight years old now. And I'm trying my best to be a very good example for her and to help her as much as I can. Yeah, and she's making me so like, yeah, that's the thing. But the married life wasn't amazing to be honest. Like I didn't experience good, you know, how can I say experience? But it taught me also a lot of things. I started appreciating myself first. And yeah, and it brought me like a very good independence. So now I know what I want. I know who I want. And this is a really a big deal for me, I think. Thank you. That's a very, especially the part that you spoke about your little daughter, etc. It's a very important topic. Some women and girls could be like, they're not mothers yet. They worry about it. They're like, I don't know how to be a good mother. How would I get that inspiration that you're speaking about? Maybe I will hate it. I don't know. It feels weird. But primarily, what did you learn about being a good mother that you can share with women so that they will be better mothers in the future and they'll be ready? And how does it like feel when you look at your daughter? Does it feel like a part of you? One hundred percent. Does it feel like not a part of you, but some other small person that you are helping in this world? Like, how is that feeling? Plus, what lessons did you learn about being a good mother? Being a mother is something, it's a gift, like a gift from God, to be honest, like it totally changed my life. And if somebody will tell me, go back to your bad relationships, you know, and if there is a choice, I would go for her because, you know, it's a very, like, I don't know how to say, it's a blessing. And being a mom is not easy. I would not say like it's easy, especially if you're being a single mom. But every child comes with his or her blessings too. So God is going to be always there for, you know, God will help you. And for those ladies who, for example, who think or who are afraid to have babies, I will tell you 100%, like, it will really change the whole world. You will become really more caring and you will have that empty, something empty inside, you know, like you won't live for yourself only. And it's a very big responsibility, but it's a very good responsibility. You will have that goal in life. I don't know if I'm explaining it properly, but it's a very good, I mean, it's a very good thing to have, to be a mother, because it will teach you many, many things. You will become more wiser. You will look at the world with different perspectives, you know. And so having a baby is a blessing because it's a continuation of you. And you will, for example, in my case, now I feel like I'm not alone. I have somebody and I am a reason for somebody's, you know, like happiness. And this is a miracle, you know, like you bring out to this world a new person. And if you achieve to give your baby, your kids a good upbringing, education, and they will be like useful to this world, you know, it's, I don't know, it's, you cannot compare it with anything else. So being a mother is a very big, big thing. And it's also, if we go back to our roots, we came to this world, women, to be mothers, to continue the whole civilization, yeah? To give them very good, to our kids, good love, care, bringing, as I already told. So that's why I'm really, really happy to be a mom. Doesn't matter, single or not single, being a mom is a great thing. Thank you. And since you're someone who faced a lot and has a lot of experience in this world, there is a lot of the new generation of women and girls, including your daughter, who are facing a world where there is a lot of social media that makes them feel ugly and feel unsuccessful. There are people who are more judgmental always, and nowadays even more because they can go comment on Instagram and et cetera. So a lot of women are worried and have anxiety about disappointing other people, about other people thinking they're a bad person. So they don't go after their dreams because they think what will other people think? How to overcome that? How to be inspired as a woman while staying feminine without, like you said, there are so many women who become more masculine just to be able to handle that. How to stay feminine but have the courage in order to live life in your way, even if other people hate it or are not happy about it? If I want to answer this question, I will answer it from my perspective, what I do. First of all, it's understanding. You have to be really understanding that social media is all about something that is not related to people's real lives. You need to understand that you have your own life and we have to really focus on our own life. That's why I'm really always for... You need to have a very interesting life in reality. So you need to focus on yourself, on your education, or study more, socialize more with people. Be active sports-wise and then you won't be focusing on other stuff. So whenever we are focusing on someone else's life or we are too judgmental or we are really jealous of someone's life, it means that we are lacking of our own energy. So when you have full energy inside you, you will never waste your energy for those kinds of stuff. So people who are really, how to say, lacking energy, they drain their energy on stuff they are not supposed to, they will be affected by those kinds of things that you already mentioned. But if you are really happy inside, if you found a harmony, you will never focus on this kind of negativity or anything that will... Nothing will influence you. You will be the one who will motivate others. People will be like leaning to be around you and we have to strive for that. Thank you. I believe a very important step in this life is to create our own small universe filled with positive, good people without toxic people that surround ourselves with our kind of people at the same time. And talking to other women, including your daughter in the future, at some point, and you spoke about Dubai, how hard it is to be independent. Some people might be forced because of their job or their occupation to be around some people who are draining their energy or are negative. How to protect your energy in such a situation? What's your advice? So that because if you're drained from that energy, you cannot build your independence because you're exhausted. So how to do it? How to survive when some people around you that you did not choose, but you have to deal with them like I'm sure, especially to many women whom I think my job, I love them. But there is one person or two who just come and rob my energy. And at the end of the day, I just go home and I'm sad. I sometimes cry or I don't know what to do. So how to protect that energy when you don't control the environment and the people who are around you? It's a really good question. You know, like I really study this energy thing. And, you know, last year I was in a very deep depression. And then I started practicing this jogging every single day since like it's been maybe eight months right now. My life drastically changed because, you know, like when you walk, you will like gain energy and keep it. So you're asking me how to protect yourself from this negativity and stuff, especially in this kind of big cities. Yeah, because when you are already in another level, when you have energy, you'll be on another level. So people who are draining, they will just go out from your life easily like that. And because you will be focusing on other things, how to be more better in life, you will be focusing on yourself. And then that's how it happened to me. Like I started walking and then now right now I'm realizing a lot of things. And, you know, like I don't know how it works, but it really works. People, I lost so many people who were really like pulling me down. Now I meet only like good people with good intentions and other level. So that's why really it's very important to focus on yourself, on your energy. Just go out there, just go do yoga, whatever, meditation, walk, jog, like go to the gym. So it will really keep your energy inside you. And people, you will not be any more affected by those things. Like it works automatically like that. And also try to understand like whenever somebody wants to like affect you, it's also about you, about your mindset. You know, like if you want to give them that, just give it. If you don't want to, you will just listen. But don't be judgmental. I'm really trying to practice this, you know, not to judge everyone. Because as first in the beginning, I told you like everyone, I believe that God is in everyone. So try to be more loving to give them. People who wants to like, okay, wants to give you that bad energy and stuff, they need love. Because they are lacking this love. They are going to people and they are getting their energies. And if you will be kind to them, understanding and give that love, you will change, I think, all this negativity around you. Thank you. That's very, very wise advice. And you mentioned having a soulmate, especially as a friend, etc. What is your answer to some people who say, how do I know if someone is my soulmate? Is it instantaneous, like instant chemistry from the first second? Is it that you become friends and over time you discover that and it grows? How does it work? Because if it's over time, then some people will think, well, I have to be giving more people more chances so that they discover whether later on they're my soulmates. Or if it's instantaneous, then you can know from the first second. Or how does it work? And how would someone know, wow, this is my soulmate, let's go. I think it's a gift. You will be very lucky if you're going to meet your soulmate. Because, you know, whoever we meet in our lives, they come for some reason. Good experiences and bad experiences. And as I have already told you that I met my soulmate Adriana in Dubai, you know, and I learned from her a lot. And she's also like in your podcast. You can listen to her. She's a really wise woman. And how I understood that she's my soulmate, I don't know, like, you know, sometimes we do the same thing. We think the same things. We choose the same things. Like, I don't know how to explain. But at the same time, we don't have this competition between us. You know, we support each other like from pure heart. And I really see her as my sister, even if she's from another world. I mean, like part of the world, like Moldova, right? And I'm from Kyrgyzstan. And how it happened, I don't know. But I'm so grateful that I met her in my life because she really changed me. And if someone, I don't know, you will feel it when you're going to meet your soulmate. It hasn't, it shouldn't be like a man or somebody, yeah? You can find soulmate in your friends, sister, whatever. But people, your real soulmates will make you be a better person. They will bring out the best in you. That's what I believe in. Yeah. Thank you, Gipar, for sharing your voice, your perspective and your wisdom. It was my honor and my privilege to have you in this podcast. I encourage your success. I encourage the success and thriving and prosperity of your daughter and keep going. Thank you so much for participating. Oh, my God, I really enjoyed it. And thank you for having me here because it is very, we are doing a really huge thing because from each other, we learn a lot of things. We are getting inspired from each other. To do such a thing is like, I don't know, like God bless you and I wish you all the prosperity and I don't know, whatever you wish for because this is a very good thing. You're doing a great thing and I'm so grateful. Thank you so much. Even your questions are really, really very deep and you know what to ask. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me here. I wish you all the best and good luck. And for all those women and men who are listening to your podcast, I also wish all the best. Just believe in yourself. You are welcome.

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