E320 Luna Olivia Fee

Episode 320 June 21, 2023 00:24:36
E320 Luna Olivia Fee
Rare Girls
E320 Luna Olivia Fee

Jun 21 2023 | 00:24:36


Show Notes

Luna Olivia Fee was born in Germany and she currently lives in Much and studying Graphic Design and Photography.

Luna is a very passionate creator and artist and since elementary school it was her plan to study Graphic Design. Creating jewelry, big paintings, photoshoots and designs is also a big part of her life and a source of great happiness.

Luna is a philosophy lover and she always seeks to spend time with people who give positive energy, since she believes that's the best way for her to feel and let out her positive energy.

Energy has always had a strong meaning in her life, because I knew since kindergarten that she had lots of energy.

Both psychologically as well as physically, which mainly comes from strong ability to inspire and enthusiasm.

That's why Luna found out that martial arts is also one of her passions and soon she discovered for herself that dancing gives her the chance to let out this energy in a similar but still completely different way. Luna also enjoys bachata and pole.

Instagram: @_luna_luce

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Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others, and they struggle with their mental health. But when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and overcome all their insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self-worth. And they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Luna Olivia Faye. Luna was born in Germany and she currently lives in Munich studying graphic design and photography. Luna is a very passionate creator and artist, and since elementary school, it was her plan to study graphic design. Creating jewelry, big paintings, photo shoots, and design is also a big part of her life and the source of great happiness. Luna is a philosophy lover and she always seeks to spend time with people who give positive energy since she believes that's the best way for her to feel and let out her positive energy as well. Energy has always had a strong meaning in her life because she knew since kindergarten that she has a lot of energy, both psychologically as well as physically, which mainly comes from strong ability to inspire and to have enthusiasm. That's why Luna found out that martial arts is also one of her passions, and soon she discovered for herself that dancing gives her the chance to let out this energy in a similar but still completely different way. Luna also enjoys bachata, pole, and conversations such as the one we will have today. Luna, how are you today? Hey Aziz, I'm great. Thank you. How are you? I always feel blessed. I always feel positive. I'm excited about life and very curious about you. And I'll begin right away because there is something I want us to uncover, which is energy. You have high energy in every way. But let's begin step by step. What does energy mean for you and how do you feel it? Some people can imagine, oh, if you have energy, it means you're stressed that like you had too much coffee and that's energy. Other people mean like you're connected to the source of the universe and you feel always that you're being given so much to do. Energy could be like thinking, wow, life is so exciting. I can't stop enjoying it. I can't stop more adventure. Or what is energy for you? How does it feel as well? Yeah, you actually already brought it to the point because it can be much, of course. It's also always, you always have to transform it into positive energy, but normally it is already feeling like positive energy because I feel like it's always a good thing. It comes from within and I can let it out through creativity, of course by dancing, but also by just joking and spreading love and such as these things. Thank you. So if I understood you correctly, energy is that thing that allows you to create things in the world to transform reality and to change the moods and the energy of other people and to express yourselves. Is this correct? Yeah. Yeah, also. And then to ask you, there are some people in this world who walk around in an unhappy situation like zombies. They feel a bit dead inside. What's your theory about that? Are they people without that energy? Are they people who could have that energy but they're not connecting to it? they people who keep their energy prisoner maybe because they feel too much that other people will judge them if they let it out? Or how can more people have energy like you? I think it has much to do with mental attitude. That's also mainly where it comes from for me. Actually, it's just also about trusting in if you let out that energy and if you also give people, other people that energy, that you also profit from it and you will get even more energy because you grow the things that you feed. And it's also, of course, it's important to think about your negative thoughts and your negative energy in order to transform it into positive energy. But I believe, yeah, if you care for yourself, then you can profit from your energy as well as the people you surround yourself with. So yeah, and if you realize that you begrud the people you surround yourself with, you get the opportunity to feel free and to take part of the happiness and the enjoyment of life, also of the life of others. Thank you. So if I understood you correctly, there is something that is this energy which is always positive that you can use it to express, but also you can think and reframe and do something to your negative thoughts that makes them also become positive energy, and you use that in order for yourself and for other people to have a great time and a great mood. And that makes you feel free and able to enjoy life with other people who are positive as well. Is this correct? Yeah, that's correct. And that's also why I think it's important to care about with who you surround yourself with, because You both can profit and yeah, because I think we feel or maybe we mainly feel through other people and through our friends and the people we surround ourselves with and we also act through other people, for example, like this. And they basically give us the opportunity to give love and to live this positive energy. Thank you. So, if I understood you again, if you are on a deserted island with nobody, even if you have good energy, it doesn't really feel as strong or full of enthusiasm, because there are no other people to share with, and other people give you the potential the possibility to have like an exchange of energy as well as together to do an activity that multiplies your positive energy, correct? Well, because this energy comes from within myself, yeah, from within yourself, I think, for example, for me, I also feel this energy when I'm alone with myself or when I'm I think that's important in order to feel or to give that to others when you're with others. So yeah, of course you're supposed to feel that when you're alone with yourself, too. I mean, not always, of course, but it comes back. Thank you. And you spoke about the importance of your mindset, your mental health for having a great positive energy. Can you speak a bit more, especially now, there are many girls and women who struggle with their mental health, their negative thoughts and worry are too powerful. What did you do? Did you have a situation before where the negativity was strong and you learned how to change it? Or what's like a process or something you can give advice to all the women so they find their power, their energy and their inspiration stronger than the negative thoughts? Yeah, yeah, I had situations and phases where I felt much negative energy also and also much unhappiness, but that's also important and so important to think about these things and, yeah, to spend time with yourself and to work on that. And for me it's always been important in these situations to create, to never stop creating and also to feel the connection to your passions again. Because passion is also what always got me out of these situations. So, for example, like dancing. That's what helped me this year very much. Thank you. You spoke about the importance of surrounding ourselves and yourself with the right people. There are many women who actually live life in a way where they worry that other people will judge them. Maybe they have their own passions, but then they think, oh, what if people think my passions are stupid? or what if I do them and I'm bad, and then I feel disappointed and people judge me or anything? Does this mean that they have the wrong people around them? Or does it mean something else that maybe they should be more brave about it and use the energy and trust in themselves that the energy, the positivity will make other people respond positively? Or what's your perspective on this? I think that depends on maybe it's yeah I mean it depends it also has to do with the mental attitude I think because nobody should ever be afraid or worried to live their passion and to create and to spread positive energy because you can if it's if you're honest and it's truly your passion and positive energy, then you will never harm anybody and the people should be happy with you. So if that doesn't work, then it's probably because of the surrounding. Yeah, that's what I think, because that would always be a good thing. Thank you. And you're speaking about the surrounding. Well, there is a kind of stereotype that German people don't show much emotions and positivity and all that. Is this something that you experience in Munich in particular? Do you find that you need to find the few people who are so open energetically and emotionally or is your energy so positive, even ice queens in Germany will become warm or what's your perspective on that? Yeah, it's true. you also have to seek for the people and for the groups who are open for that and who also want to attract positive energy. But normally I feel like I also attract people with positive energy and yeah normally I feel that pretty quick and for example here in Munich there's Chatter group that dances every evening and it's free for everybody to come and I never knew that. I got to know that this year and yeah, I'm still very excited about that because it actually doesn't feel like Germany. It's such a big group and it's like a party every evening, everybody dances. Yeah, and that's what I think everybody should welcome, yeah. I agree with you. New experiences and creating your own small universe of the right people who are on the same vibe is very, very, very essential and important. You spoke about attracting people. You spoke about the energy coming from yourself. Where, like how do you see reality and where does that energy come from? Are you a spiritual girl and you feel oh the law of attraction is how you attract people? Do you see people as energy or a vibration and you think it's like music if there is harmony with some people and there is no harmony with others and it's not because they're bad people it's just not the right energy or how do you experience it? Yeah, I am a bit spiritual, but I'm very critical towards that also because I always need some scientific background and I always, for my mind, I always need the like the science and the spirituality to work together in order to believe things. I think also, yeah, where music is, there's always energy and mainly positive energy. I also experienced that on a festival two weeks ago and that also was a great experience. And I never felt like that before because I finally found a place to just spread positive energy and everybody is open for that and welcomes that. And that's where much positive energy gets created. And I think we all feel much through music. So it's a very, I think it's a very good way to, yeah, to like go to dance or to festivals. also to get loaded with positive energy again, it gives much, I think. I agree with that and I'm surprised since one of your passions is martial arts. I can imagine how the energy exchange happens in bachata, in design, in art and all that. How do you experience martial arts in a way that makes you love it? Why do you love it? In what ways is it similar to bachata? It's similar because it's also creative and you also have to be spontaneous. And it's also something you don't do alone, like jogging or something like that. You have to interact with others or with a partner. And, yeah, it combines things like training strength and condition and flexibility and I just love sports that do that. And it can also be very playful if both enjoy and it's, I really love it because it's don't even realize how exhausted I get until we finish the sparring round, for example. I did kickboxing for 10 years and it also gives very much strength, also mental strength, because it also has to do so much with the mental attitude. And you can also learn so much about the sport just by watching or by thinking or meditating about it. And that's what I really love you. Yeah, you can really spend intense time about practicing these sports. I love your mindset and you spoke about the importance of your mindset and the importance of the mental impact of your martial arts. So I'll ask you about this. You have the energy that pushes you outside of your comfort zone to try new things. I believe there are many women who are stuck in their comfort zone and they worry too much about taking risk of adventure or of trying new things. What's your advice for those women to find their confidence so that they will discover new things that are their passion and live their potential? I also know the situations where I didn't want to get out of my comfort zone. But there always was the point at some point when I felt like, okay, now I have to something. I'm feeling it because the feeling or the craving of moving and of feeling something just was bigger than the fear of getting out of my comfort zone. So my advice is just to be love from yourself towards yourself to do that because you're the only one who can push you to that and you should just do that for yourself. And as soon as you realize that when you do it for one time, then it gets easier. Because as soon as you know how things feel when you did it once, then it's always easier to do it again. And yeah, it motivates just so much. I love the way that you're describing this. I believe it will inspire many women. And I'm curious, since elementary school and kindergarten, you knew that you wanted to be involved in graphic design. How was that? And what does it give you? How similar is graphic design to bachata and do martial arts and the things that you love very, very much? For me, all these things have to do something with freedom and feeling free and also of doing and creating things that can inspire others, that can entertain others. you can set things into the world from which others will or which others will enjoy. And for me that makes so much sense. And also I always felt the craving of letting out my So, yeah, it just makes so much sense to me and it works so well. Thank you. So if I understood you correctly, your deep desire is freedom, and it is specifically using the energy you have inside in order to create something that can inspire and entertain other people without limits. And then you feel freedom and you feel that you're sharing a special moment and using your energy in a profitable way and a good way that you profit with others. Is this correct? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And do you feel that there are some people or situations or society or things in this world that limit women's freedom when it comes to creativity and entertaining others? Maybe some things that you believe if they change a lot more women will realize the power they have with their energy to use it in creative ways? Yeah, I think often it's the basic things that we are not aware of and we have to allow ourselves to get aware of. For example, just the fact that if you create something, if you do your passion, if you show something to the world that you have fun with, then it's always a good thing. You should never be afraid of that and you should always be brave enough because when you're honest and it feels good for you, then why should somebody else have a problem with that? And if somebody has a problem with that, then that's for me, that's nothing positive. So for me, it doesn't feel valid. So yeah, you just have to be brave and honest. And Thank you so much for sharing this, allowing other people and women to really understand how you think, which lets them think about their own way of thinking as well. Thank you for sharing the good positive energy. I wish you all the success, all the bachata dances and the designs and the creativity, the freedom, the inspiration to other people in the world and to always succeed. Thank you, Luna. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me and thank you for seeing me the way you see me. Yeah, I was so excited about this.

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