E353 Daniela Orlas

Episode 353 August 09, 2023 00:28:00
E353 Daniela Orlas
Rare Girls
E353 Daniela Orlas

Aug 09 2023 | 00:28:00


Show Notes

Daniela Orlas is from Medellin, Colombia, a beautiful city in between the mountains.

She feels that she cannot include the infinity that she is in a few words, however, she thinks that we are what we love, the good we do and the lessons we learn.

Daniela currently lives in Australia, she arrived there when she was twenty years old, learned the language when she came, and worked in hospitality for many years which helped her discover that the greatest purpose in life is to be of service to others.

Daniela studies acting, it is her biggest passion to discover what resides in the subconscious of humanity and to tell stories through her body and words.

Recently, she quit her job as a waitress to make sure she gives space and time for her passion.

Daniela is determined to achieve all her goals with God’s help, on her trip back to Colombia she started to make it happen, now it is the time to try it in Australia.

Daniela loves writing, reading, spending time in nature and feeding her curiosities.

Instagram: @danielaorlas

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She's really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others, and they struggle with their mental health. But when they listen to the Rare Girls Podcast, where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and overcome all insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self-worth, and they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Daniela Orlás. Daniella is originally from Medellin, Colombia, a beautiful city in between the mountains. She feels that she cannot include the infinity that she is in a few words, however, she thinks that we are what we love, the good we do, and the lessons we learn. Daniella currently lives in Australia. She arrived there when she was 20 years old, learned the language when she came, and worked in hospitality for many years, which helped her discover that the greatest purpose in life is to be of service to others. Daniella studied acting. It is her biggest passion to discover what resides in the subconscious of humanity and to tell stories through her body and words. Recently she quit her job as a waitress to make sure she gives space and time for her passion. Daniela is determined to achieve all her goals with God's help. On her trip back to Colombia she started to make it happen. Now it is time to try it in Australia. Daniela loves writing, reading, spending time in and feed in her curiosities. Daniela, how are you today? Wow, that sounds so good. Thank you very much. Good. I'm a little bit nervous too, but I'm ready to do this. How about you? How are you? I feel blessed. I'm happy to be with you here. I'll make sure you are very, very comfortable and that this is going to be a good experience. And I'll begin with this nice first question, which is if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? And even more importantly, would the people in Colombia describe your personality differently to the people in Australia that know you? Okay, so when I was listening to the other episodes of the podcast, well, I knew that you were going to ask this question, so I asked my friends, a few of them, And okay, so one of them say that I'm very enthusiastic, I'm a dreamer, also empathetic, and well, one of them say I'm a little bit too crazy, but crazy good, I guess that's a good thing. And well, if people here in Australia perceives me differently in Colombia, maybe I guess the language is a big factor. I still figuring out how to express myself better and holy. So, yep. Thank you. And you said you're figuring out how to express yourself better and your passion is acting, which is, you know, your focus is expressing yourself and some parts of your subconscious and maybe humanity's subconscious through your body and your words. Tell me more about that. What is important to you about expressing yourself? Well, Is it something that makes you feel alive? Is it something that makes you feel connected? Is it something that makes you feel maybe because you are you, you can express even if it's the same thing, but in a unique way because it's you who's doing it, not another person? Or what about acting and expression in particular makes you feel that it is something important in your life? Well, I believe everyone has something important to say. everyone is looking for connections and what I found beautiful about acting is that it allows that. It allows people to feel it, identify, or yeah, it's like a big thing. Art can make life more beautiful, you know, so I just want to make sure that I do it That's fine. That's good. Thank you. And that makes me want to connect this to what some of your friends said, that you're crazy in a good way. Sometimes being crazy just means that you are different and unique compared to everyone. Does that mean that meaning? And how is being crazy in your unique way related to your love for acting? Hmm. Well, I guess the craziest part is just, hmm, acting can be a difficult path, right? It doesn't have a lot of certainty along the way. So just take the risk. It is a little bit crazy. Just go and walk a different path of life, you know, like, take the risks embrace the mystery, go beyond the fears. Well I guess we also, we are a little bit too crazy and that's great too because that allows us to express our uniqueness. I feel like everyone is special in their own way and I'm very happy to have chosen this path. I love that. I have So many questions that I already want to ask so much, but I'll begin with this one. You are living away from Columbia to Australia. You quit your waitress job in order to focus on your passion. You are taking the difficult path of acting, which some people will say that's crazy. There is no security and safety. Most women, they feel worried. Maybe even like, you know, someone who grew up in Colombia. And of course, it's a beautiful country. It's a great country. But at the same time, there could be security issues. So some women who could grow up there or even anywhere in the world, when they walk outside, they think, oh, maybe there is danger. Maybe something is happening. When they take risk to a new thing, they're like, no, maybe something bad's gonna happen. They worry too much. For you, did you have this and overcome it? How did you, like, what do you tell yourself? Do you have a mantra that you say, life is too short, let me just go for it. Like, how do you deal with this? What is your pattern and advice to women who might be limited by their need for security so then that they take no risks? I believe what you say, exactly that. Life is too short. Our life here on planet Earth is completely limited. I believe we are eternal beings, but for now, this life is the only thing that we have, so we better go for it. We better go after our dreams. And thinking about security and safety, well, there are a few things that are certain in life. So I think it's important to go beyond our fears because that can show us our greatest potential. We are able to do magical and beautiful things in this lifetime for ourselves, but also for others. We need to leave this place better than we found it. So I believe that, yeah, go after what you want. Don't think it at all. Doesn't matter if you worry about it. We all do worry so much. And I feel at some point that's unnecessary too. And we have to allow ourselves to be surprised and wonder. And yeah, embrace the mystery. I agree 100% and you spoke that you believe every person is unique and special. That's very, very important. One, many people will call that confidence, self-esteem. So how did you develop your own, before I ask you the other's question related to this, how did you develop your own sense of uniqueness? Were you born this way? Were you, from the beginning, you felt that you're destined for something bigger, or did you deal with a sense of insecurity and then you have overcome it over time? Or how does it work for you? Well, I'm still dealing with it, to be honest. I'm still building it. I'm on the way. I do so, I make so many mistakes. We are all humans, you know? And yeah, yeah. So, sorry, what was the question again? I felt not like you said you're still dealing with it. I mean, did you have a sense of like when you were a teenager, you really had no confidence and then what did you do to develop it? Like how was your journey of growing this belief that you are unique and therefore believing in yourself? Well, I guess it's a daily practice. You build yourself for success. You program yourself for success, maybe with some affirmations and also like I am worthy, I am this or that. Also synchronizing your feelings, your soul, your doing towards whatever you want to achieve and also believe that everything is possible. So yeah, in terms of self-love, I'm still struggling with that to be honest, but Yeah, it's a daily practice, but I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get to that point when I feel it completely. So if you're not there yet, don't worry. We are too many that feel the same way. It's very natural. I believe in you very, very much. And I want to ask about another part, which is you come from Medellin, Colombia, and in there, of course, there is a focus on women's looks and there are many women who compare themselves to each other and if you look on social media you'll find many women with blast plastic surgery or born naturally very beautiful especially when it comes to art or acting. How do you keep your belief in your unique beauty no matter what you see on Instagram or in real life or whatever so that you don't compare yourself and you said before you believe we are eternal beings maybe you focus on the soul or what can other women as well who struggle with feeling beautiful by comparing themselves to others so that they will understand their unique beauty. Okay okay well I probably sounds probably it is a cliché um that but it's so true that the beauty comes from inside Beauty is something that eventually, physical beauty is something that eventually is going to fade. So I will encourage girls to just feed their curiosities. Just ask yourself questions daily, question the system, question the social context that you were born in. Yeah, just ask a lot of questions. Thank you. And therefore I'll ask more questions. You ask a lot of questions. You love acting. It is your passion. Can you tell me how did you discover the love for this acting where you're a little girl, you watch someone on TV and you're like, wow, did you go to theater? And you're like, I love the energy connection with the crowd. Or I had an actress that I interviewed. She was an immigrant and she felt that she was being stereotyped too much. So her love for acting was the freedom of being able to be any character, any person without limits. So she never felt that she's boxed into a category or stereotype. But first, how was your start of falling in love and discovering the joy of acting? I believe that happened really young, but one of the earliest memories I have is just watching some Disney shows. And I was like, hmm, I can try to do this. And then I started to study it and till the day, I still study because you always can learn something new, it's an art, so there's no limitations. So yeah, it's been a long journey though, it's been more than a few years, way more that. So it requires a lot of patience and just the belief that eventually it's going to happen. Thank you. And some people, when they try to do something like acting where you are connecting with the hearts of other people, when they learn, they are trying to apply techniques and that makes them lose their authenticity. So they struggle. They think, if I don't learn, I can be myself, but I'm not that good, and if I learn, I become someone else and therefore I lose my authenticity. How do you balance that? How do you improve, learn and grow your skills without coming across as fake or putting on a persona as an actress? How do you maintain both parts of the equation? Well, this art requires, it's necessary to find the truth in everything you're doing, especially in acting. So you want to be honest about what the character is feeling and not make it about yourself because obviously it's the story of someone else. So, a story that someone can feel identified with, so yeah, I feel that that balance is very possible. And you learn the techniques and then you get the knowledge and at some point you have to let it go. Just drop it and be present there in the moment. That's the magical part about it. I agree. And there is also a kind of stereotype that the best actors are actually introverts and timid outside the stage. And when they're on stage, they become like full of fire. I want to ask it in a different way. There are many women or even teenage girls who could be shy. Could acting be a way for them to learn to be more extroverted, to open their heart, open their souls or is it like those actors that your personality on stage is not does not translate into more daring courage and openness outside because like i said many of the great actors are actually they stay alone they don't want to talk to nobody they want to be like introverted when they're not on stage so how what's your perspective on this well there is introvert, but I think it's just a space to explore themselves and yeah, just go for it. Thank you. And when it comes to the acting process, which part is the one that you love the most? Is it maybe the preparation and the understanding of the personality of another character? Is it method acting and living as someone else for a period of time? Is it connecting with the other actors and just feeling yourself in different situations, new emotions, almost like a mini vacation? Is it maybe if you do theater, connecting with an audience and feeling the effect on them? Is it later on that you know you captured a part of eternity that no matter what it will stay on forever or like which part really really excites you and you look forward to the most? Well, all of the things that you say, 100% that and also the connection, the connection to people, I believe is the most important thing for me. The story, the message that we as actors want to get across and the stories that we want to, we choose to participate. You know, I believe that can change a little a little things. I agree and message means meaning so it's important for you to have a meaningful life to add more meaning to this world if I understood correctly and therefore tell me more about that based first on its opposite what if you could not convey a message or add meaning how would life be what's bad or wrong about that tell me that and then tell me why then it's great that you believe your increasing meaning in this life and reality? Well, I believe if we don't try to find our purpose or meaning, life can be very... it could be? It could feel very empty. Also, I would say it will be a waste opportunity just to express yourself and learn from others. So, yeah. Great. And there are many women who are living up to other people's expectations. Maybe they're doing the work that their parents tell them is safe and the work they're supposed to do. Maybe they wake up to spend most of their day around people they don't resonate with. They don't feel what they do is meaningful, but they worry. They think, what if I go out of my comfort zone to pursue meaning, but I fail. And my parents will be disappointed. And all the people will be like, you are too crazy. I told you, I told you it's wrong. And all that nonsense. One, what's your advice to those women? How can they find the courage and being crazy enough to go and build meaning and find their purpose and follow it? Because even if you find it, but you do nothing, it's a missed opportunity. Tell me more about that. So I believe it's very important that we surround with people that take out the best out of us. Also, knowing that out of the comfort zone, we can find beautiful things, unexpected things, unimagined things. So yeah, I believe that living by the expectations of others at some point is not going to be sustainable, And it could be very draining to just trying to keep a life that is not yours to live. So yeah. I agree. That would be very, very draining. And for you from Colombia to Australia, it's like on the other side, why Australia and not Dubai or any other place in the world? Like even Spain, because there are many Colombians who would choose to go to a where the Spanish language is the primary language or Miami there will be a lot of people from Colombia there so why Australia and not anywhere else? Well, I'm a big adventurer. I am very adventurous and this country gave me the possibility to study and work at the same time so I could spend a while here. Mainly because of that also I wanted to learn English and yeah, just explore something completely different. I know that is very far, but so far it has been an awesome experience. I'm happy for you. And you said you're very adventurous. I'm very, very curious about this. Do you believe everybody is born adventurous? Do you believe that some people are born adventurous and no matter where they grow up, even with families or societies that try to stop their adventure. They're like, no, I'm crazy, let me go. Or how does it work? Because there is an argument. There is some argument that you can say we're all celestial beings, we're all souls and eternal beings. So we're all adventurous in this life. It's a short period when we are alive. Or some other people will say, some people are born to be conservative and some people are born to be adventurous and you cannot stop them or change any of that. What's your perspective and tell me about yourself? Are you born since a little girl? You're like Dora the Explorer or something and you're all over the place or how does it work? Yes, I think I have been Dora the Explorer for a long long time. But I believe in society there are many roles. So I know everyone is the same. Maybe I am adventurous, but some other person wants to have like a routine, something more lean. But there's nothing wrong with that, because there is magic in the ordinary life, too, in the daily. Yeah, every day has different things to explore, even if it is around the corner. So it doesn't matter where, you can be adventurous anywhere, as long as you just keep feeding your curiosity and yeah. I agree. And often someone who loves adventure gets bored easily. Is that your situation? And if so, how do you balance the need for routine in your life, like routine to study, to work, all that with your ability to go crazy, because for some people, for example, they cannot even study well because studying will be boring. They cannot do the same thing for a long time. Are you such a woman that gets bored easily? Are you a Gemini with two personalities and therefore you don't? Or how does it work for you? Even if you're an adventurer or you know, there must be a routine. I call them rituals, because it's in practice, in consistency, how we can build what we are dreaming of. I can get more very easy of things, but I also force a little bit myself to keep the focus too. Thank you. And when it comes to acting, now that you're following your goal, your vision, your passion, what is the happiest goal that you want to do? Do you want to be like in a Hollywood movie? Do you want to do a big theater piece and go to Broadway? Like what could be an ideal scenario, even smaller or bigger, whatever that it is for you, that will make you, it's the thing that keeps you working hard on developing your skills. Well, I would love to be in movies. Cinema for me is so important and it's so beautiful that that is the dream. And I'm working towards it. I know eventually it has to happen. If you do what you love and if you put the effort and if you keep yourself motivated, also knowing that the process can be difficult sometimes, the most important thing is just to keep believing and going after it. So yeah, that's the goal. movies, but also where God wants to take me. I would love to be surrounded by talented people, creative people, telling good stories. That's the main goal. I love that. And you said, wherever God takes you. Tell me more about your spiritual or metaphysical belief about life. Do you believe you're destined from the beginning for a big thing, as long as you follow your mission and purpose? Do you believe you're protected? Do you manifest things and part of your rituals? And you spoke about affirmations, but is that part of it that you believe your soul can manifest? Like, how do you see life and reality and even destiny? And how does that help you be crazy and without being too afraid? Well, we build, we create our destiny, I believe that, by just little actions, little beliefs, calculated risks, what we tell to ourselves, we create our destiny, I believe that. Yes. Thank you. And to finish, since you are a woman who is doing the things that most people will be afraid of, many women, maybe they are doing something similar, they're following their courage, but there could be obstacles, problems, issues, and maybe they think I should give up, it's too hard to follow my purpose and my destiny. What's your advice to those women so that they believe like you that it will happen no matter what, as long as they stay, even if sometimes it feels like there are too many problems? I will say, remember that everything works out at the end. Don't put your focus in the outcome that much, but just try to enjoy the process because it's too short. And so we have to have fun. It's also about having fun. It's very important to have fun. I agree with you so much. Thank you, Daniela, it was my privilege and my honor to have you in this podcast, to share your voice, your interesting experience. I wish you all the success. I wish you to make movies, to produce movies and to act in all the movies and to make movies and your contribution to the meaning of the world through movies, a reality. Thank you so much. I really, really encourage you. Thank you very much for having me here. This was very fun to make. Thank you.

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