E032 Daryna Darii

Episode 32 August 04, 2022 00:26:01
E032 Daryna Darii
Rare Girls
E032 Daryna Darii

Aug 04 2022 | 00:26:01


Show Notes

Daryna Darii is a Finance major at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Ukraine.

In addition to this, she is a full-time student in EPAM university (specialisation - IT) and a VIP virtual student in Giessen university (specialisation - Economics).

Lately, she's working on the creation of projects which aim to help teens’ development, and the implementation of her own startup ideas, which aims to help Ukraine’s development.

Her passion is music and travelling, thus when she manages to find free time, she always spends it either playing piano or exploring the world.

Her Instagram: @darinochki

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Episode Transcript

Daryna Darii 0:00 Yeah Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is the Daryna Darii. Daryna is a finance major at the National University of Kyiv Mohila Academy in Ukraine. In addition to this, she is a full time student in EPAM University specialization IT and a VIP virtual student in Geißen University in the specialization economics. lately she's working on the creation of projects, which aim to help teens development and the implementation of her own startup ideas, which aims as well to help you cranes development, her passion is music, and traveling. So when she manages to find free time, she always spends it either playing piano or exploring the world. Daryna, how are you today? Daryna Darii 1:28 Hello? Oh, well, I'm pretty good. I'm actually pleased to be invited to your podcast today. And I'm curious to start, what about you? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:36 I'm happy, I'm optimistic. I'm so glad to be alive. And to begin this conversation, I would like to know a bit more about you. And what I what caught my attention is that you're very active. You're studying at like three universities, as well as having your own projects, your own startup, et cetera. What motivates you? What gives you the energy the drive or the way to not feel lazy or be lazy? And to keep working hard? Daryna Darii 2:11 Oh, thanks for this interesting question. Actually, I reckon that, you know, I consist of the motivation, and like, I am fed up with motivation. So like, motivation is really the root of what I do and how I do actually. So like I recommended, first of all, you have to motivate yourself. Second of all, you have to motivate people around you. And circle, it would be nice if people around you motivate you. So this is kinda like a formula, which I use to develop myself, you know, to make advances and to move on. Because like, without the motivation, nothing goes good. As I think Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:56 thank you. I love that answer. It's, it's very wise. And so to ask you, why these somehow diverse specializations that you're studying, because there is economics, you have finance, and it so do you believe the future belongs to it workers who understand finance and economics? Or do you have a dream job? Or do you believe it's perfect for a startup founder? Daryna Darii 3:24 Oh, actually, personally speaking, I never had one thing I'm interested in. So it's has always been like plenty of stuff. I'm into, you know. And so it always has been difficult for me to choose one thing out of plenty of others. So when I had been choosing my specialization, as a major one, it was really, really difficult. But as I already chose it, I decided that I don't have to stop on it. And you know, like, close the borders for myself. So I decided to advance in other things, and the combination of it and economics. For me, I think it's like the best that could ever be because these two fields are really leading the society to the development nowadays. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:17 Yes, I agree. 100%. And thank you for that. And then to ask you a bit more. Are you a very curious person? I mean, since you were a little girl, did you ask questions about everything? You wanted to learn about everything and passion? was for you following your curiosity, or is it something else? Daryna Darii 4:39 Oh, actually, yes. I've always been such a curious person and to my passion, I have to say thank you, to my parents, because they were the first motivators in my life. So they did like everything so that I could, you know, develop myself be more innovated, be turned on and stuff. So like, I have always been curious. But curiosity is not the thing, which leads you to the development but motivation in, in the combination in the mix with curiosity they do so like sensitive my parents, we have such a result. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:22 Thank you. And you spoke earlier about the importance of the people around you and motivating you? How do you know? Who are the right people to become your friends? Or have a connection with? Is it some instant chemistry where you feel like, you know, this person all your life? Or is it you ask them and find they're curious about everything and motivated? Or what is like, or simply people who who study with you? Or what are the drivers of building friendships with you? Daryna Darii 5:55 Um, actually, first of all, I think it's the chemical thing, you know, when you're just interested, both interested in each other. And then the process of getting to know each other is really important. So I don't like have, you know, special identifiers to choose friends and stuff. This is creatures, I think. But just a simple talk can explain about the person, so many things. And if we have a match, you know, then we just continue our conversation, and we found find out more about each other, and then we start motivating each other. Honestly, I'm really grateful for the people who surround me right now. Because all of them, I'm really, like, appreciating their presence in my life. Because, you know, I am sure that you can take some part and some lessons from each person you have in your life. And so do I, I just simply get lessons from people all around and give, I hope, some lessons to them. That's how we work out together. And that's how we get the result. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:03 Thank you. And so to know even more about you, what is your future dream, IMO? I mean, you're creating projects for teens of Ukraine, you're doing your startup, you're studying finance and economics? And it? Do you have a big goal, a big vision for what will happen? Or do you try to build your skills? And then when doors open, then you will decide? Daryna Darii 7:31 Oh, it's really tough question, as I think, but I suppose that most of what you said is like, involved in my development right now. So I'm trying to get as much as many skills as possible, right? And then I'm trying to implement them as fast as I get them. So it's like simultaneous process, you know, I can say that I have one big dream, and I'm aimed to get it. I of course, I have dreams and big aims. But I wouldn't say that there is one, you know, so I'm trying to improve my dreams while getting new skills. And this how it cooperates. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:15 Thank you. And as a person, do you feel that new people who meet you their first impression of you is totally different to who you are? Maybe at first, they think you're intimidating and cold? Or you have a poker face or something like that? Or are you someone who's always smiling, they already know, I know what to expect. And there is no difference between Pi what people think at first and who you truly are. Daryna Darii 8:45 Oh, it's really interesting question, actually, I'm a mood person. So sometimes I do have a poker face or, you know, some anxious face. But most of the times, I'm really happy. I'm smiling. I'm positive. That's so when you know, my, for example, homies, when they see that I'm not happy that something happened to me. They're just like, Oh, my God. Like, this is not difficult for her. So everyone expects from me that I'm always smiling. And actually, I always do, but sometimes some rare cases as a mood person, there can be no, some exclusions. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:27 Thank you, as someone who is from Ukraine, and you have lived the 24th of February and the attack and the war. How was that day for you? How did it begin? How did you experience it? How did you feel and how did these months change you emotionally or as a person? Daryna Darii 9:49 Oh, I appreciate you all this question, actually, because I think that now we can't, you know, distract ourselves from this topic. And I'd really like to answer on eight. So, of course, first of all, I'm pretty sure the reaction, my reaction was similar to plenty of others. A lot like almost all of Ukrainians, I'm sure, we're shocked. We're, like, disappointed. We're scared, and plenty other adjectives that could ever might have been used in this situation. I'm sure you and all our listeners understand. So we were scared, right? And, but I recon that only we can decide how we react on the situation. And like, I decided once that I can change the situation, what like donating spreading information. And that is what I do nowadays. And I did from the beginning of the war. And I'm trying to influence this, as much as it's possible for me, yes, I can't go to on the battlefield, I can't change the things like globally, but I can do small things that do affect the war in a good meaning. So I do them. As for my reaction, it was kind of different in comparison to other to other people in my surroundings. So I did stay in a cold mind. I was thinking rationally, and I decided that it's like, a good time, to motivate yourself as much as possible, and to help your country as much as possible. So I decided that my own development will affect my country's development, of course, again, in a good meaning. So I started, I started working like, twice harder than I did before the war, because I was really motivated. And now I'm still really motivated to do things that in future will, will change my country and will lead it to the fast development and significantly accelerate its development in all fields, particularly in finances, or it probably, I don't know, the field exactly right now, as I told you before, but I'm pretty sure that I will be helpful for my country. That is why I do work hard now. And staying in a cold mind, you know, not like crying or whatever. This is my train of character that I can't really feel it. But I can do other things. And I'm working on them. And I think that it's important to under win in this situation. So Ukrainians do what they can do. So yeah, long answer, but I hope I answered fully on it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:52 What can other young Ukrainians learn from your own productivity method? How do you organize your time? How do you keep yourself from burning out? How do you get enough sleep and have enough energy to do all the things you're involved with? That may be someone else who had the situation where they were depressed because of the war or not able to do anything because of the emotions now they want to have a cold mind and be productive? How to Organize the day how to divide the goals, what do you do to not burn out? Daryna Darii 13:29 Oh my god, this is like the worst question because I'm divorced person and people not to take after me in this because I'm the worst example that could have ever been, I sleep, I can sleep. Like, for two hours, I can't really organize myself this my bad traits of character. And I'm not afraid to tell about it. But you know, it's not a good advice I can give here because sometimes, you know, still I can feel something about the war. And, you know, staying in a cold mile mind doesn't mean you don't care, right. So in such a case, you still have some some swords in your head, and it's really difficult to keep them strong. You know, that is why I can't freely organize myself. And to work like, as it was planned in my planner, which I don't never follow it, you know, so like, my only advice is just do like, however you feel this has to be done. And honestly speaking, I'm not about organizing myself. I'm just having again, the motivation, even if you're lazy. If you have too many feelings inside you and you can't handle them. Just think of your final destination. What do you aim for? What is your like? Goal? What is your view? And if you realize what is your truly, what is your desire, let's say right, you will find a way to motivate yourself. And then you will find a way to plan your work the way you are comfortable with it. Even if you are like me sleeping for some couple of hours and living not such a healthy lifestyle, even though you will be productive. So productiveness is not always about like, keeping yourself in strong restrictions. So yeah, just keep in mind to what you aim for. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:41 Thank you. I like that. It seems to me that from what we're speaking, I don't know there are two sides of you, it seems one is very emotional, full of emotions, and that you follow how you feel. And another one, which is more level headed and logical. But deep down, if you would describe yourself, how would you or maybe your homies as you call them or your friends, describe your personality, how you think and how you are? Daryna Darii 16:15 Oh, it's really a nice question. I think first of all, they will tell and I will tell that I'm passionate about everything. Second of all, that I am emotional well. And third of all it say I'm curious, let's say like that, yeah, this are three traits of character that, you know, dominate. In my character in general, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:40 what does it mean for you to be emotional? I mean, passionate, specifically, Daryna Darii 16:45 oh, you can be passionate about everything. Like, for example, when you have school time, or for example, university time, you don't really have to like all the subjects and you and people mostly don't. So they choose some subjects they'd like. And some subjects they don't really like and concentrate on only those, which they do like, but the problem is not it's not even the problem. The point is that, when you are passionate yourself, it's not a big deal for you to be to become passionate about anything. I mean, like anything, anything you can, I can just become interesting in any stuff I can meet with. It's about passion. For me, for example, if you have nothing connected with China's trade school, but you are passionate person, it's not a big deal for you to become interested in this subject. So like passionate is a mix of curiosity and emotional well being I suppose. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:50 Thank you. I know, you know, you care a lot about the development of other young Ukrainians. What do you think is necessary? Like what do they need? What projects? What skills? What new thinking? or ways of perceiving the world do you feel? Are not they're very developed, currently, and young Ukrainians? And what are the projects you're working on right now? To help some of that development? Daryna Darii 18:20 Oh, thank you for your question. First of all, I am sure that there is not a special formula for that, to be developed to be a developers and it's really a personal thing. And first of all, you have to sing this over in your mind. And then only you can say, which traits of characters love for you to be developed person. So like, my projects, will not give a formula, they will just introduce the cases, and then our listeners of our visitors. I kind spoilered what it would be I didn't want to but um, well, okay, it will be soon announced in my Instagram. So yeah, we don't aim to tell teens what to do. We just aim to, you know, to show different directions of development. That's the point. I'm sure that no one has to be told, like, you have to do this. You have to be more talkative, for example. Yeah, you have to be more passionate, you have to be like, more emotional or whatsoever. Like, we just show them the cases. And that's the point when teenager can decide himself or herself how to do and what to do. It's the point because I'm really, like, anxious, I would say even that our teens, not even nowadays also before don't follow their dreams. You know, they just do what they told to do for example, they enroll on the specialization in the university. Like, because the mother told them or stuff. I think it is not okay. And this is what I am to change. I think nowadays teens are enough development developed. But I am them to follow their dreams not to follow someone else's dream. That's my point. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:21 Thank you. I really, really love that. And for listeners who are not aware of the situation exactly in Kyiv, they imagine it's super dangerous to stay there, et cetera. Can you describe? How did change? How was the life and the city now? What's going on? And how do you is your daily routine? Do you? Do you still go out and meet some friends to distract yourself from the bad news and everything? Or is everybody trying to stay home? Or tell me describe like a day now? Living in Kia? Daryna Darii 20:58 Oh, honestly, now I am in Europe, so I can't really tell about my day. But I do. Connect with my homies with my bestie with my family, male part of family. Of course, they're defending our country, they're in the country right now. So what can I tell? Like the world is still going. And this is what I always tell to my foreign friends that even though maybe the news broadcasts don't even translate that full scale of the situation, I mean, for rain once, but it's still going. Still, there are a lot of victims, a lot of casualties. There are a lot of people suffering from the war, they lose their homes, they lose their place to where they have been educated. They like so many stuff is bad, actually. I mean, we don't have to forget about the war. And it's our daily routine right now, unfortunately, even though I don't live right now, in cave, but still, I wake up, I check the news, I get upset about the news. I post my Instagram story about what has happened this night, you know, this is kinda distracting. But I do this not to upset people. I mean, raising awareness, I do this in order to show that the world is still going. So like, yes, the word is still going. And simultaneously, the life is still going. So these two things, which seems like they can't be mixed together, but they do. People are trying to continue their lives. They're opening their shops, they're visiting these shops, they're going outside, they're trying to spend time good with their friends or whatever. So I think that artspring shortly briefly, the voice still going. But the life is still going yeah, it's cold, I think that should be understand understood by frame listeners as well. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:05 That's really, really, really inspirational. But I have to also ask you, because there are millions of Ukrainians who left Ukraine because of the war. And after the war, and they're living all over the world. Well, now maybe they have a new life. They're studying in a new university, they have new jobs, et cetera. Do you think that even when there is victory and the war ends in Ukraine, they would return to the country or because they have a new life? They will stay abroad and live abroad? Daryna Darii 23:43 Honestly speaking, I don't care about this at all. It's their own decision, their own life. I'm feeling not anything like about this, because, well, if they stay there, okay, then nothing changes to me into my country. If they stay there and help Ukraine support Ukraine, raise awareness about Ukraine even like for example, not for example, when we get the victory, um, still, we will need to have a huge rebuild. So still, we will need to raise awareness and donations and stuff. So if they continue doing this, it's an amazing stuff. If they come back to Ukraine, it's twice better. So like, I don't judge anyone, I am sure that like everyone can rule their own life. So if they stay there, okay, if they come back to Ukraine better, but still okay. So like, it's nice anyways, that Ukrainians are alive, let's say due to the war, right. And the more Ukrainians we have even more advice, the better. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 24:58 Thank you. That's such a A really really diplomatic question and a very good one. Thank you that enough for this podcast for this interview. I really wish you success and to Ukraine Slava okra uni. Daryna Darii 25:16 Thank you so much good. I'm Slava. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 25:19 Do you have anything to just say to any listeners that you feel? Is something a lesson you learned about life after this war, about maybe the importance of enjoying your day, or that life is short or anything like that? Daryna Darii 25:36 Okay. I would say that, um, no one is going to care about your life. But you are. That's what I wanted to say to our listeners. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 25:47 I agree. 100% Thank you that Ina and goodbye. Thank you so much.

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