E037 Kseniia Bezliudna

Episode 37 August 17, 2022 00:25:27
E037 Kseniia Bezliudna
Rare Girls
E037 Kseniia Bezliudna

Aug 17 2022 | 00:25:27


Show Notes

Kseniia Bezliudna is a Management student in Lublin, Poland.

Born and raised in Ukraine, Kseniia is a self-taught Pianist, and she has a lot of hobbies including swimming, dancing and writing. She often reads about psychology and does yoga.

Her Innstagram: @_.flamme.__

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:00 your femininity is powerful in all its forms exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is accent Yeah, basically, you would na Senya is a management student in London, Paul and born and raised in Ukraine. Ksenia is a self taught pianist, and she has a lot of hobbies, including swimming, dancing, and writing. She often reads about psychology and practices yoga, Ksenia. How are you today? Kseniia Bezliudna 1:02 Today, I'm awesome. It's a nice opportunity for me to have this interview with you. I'm very thankful that I can do it today. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:10 Thank you so much. I love your positive vibes. And I will ask you, are you a positive person? How would your friends describe your personality? And if you are, what makes you feel positivity and optimism? Kseniia Bezliudna 1:28 To be honest? Yes. If I asked today, my friend, what emotions? Am I feeling? Often, they would say that I have a very positive person who always says some jokes. Because I'm always joking about something. Even if the situation is said or not quite funny. I would find an opportunity to say something funny about it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:03 Thank you. And a lot of people are not funny or they're not so positive. What is different about you compared to other people, that makes you more funny, more joking and more positive? Kseniia Bezliudna 2:19 It's just that I'm always trying to find something good about the situation. Even if my friend comes to me and says it's so oh my god, it's so bad. I don't even know what to do with it. Because I don't know. I don't see any exit from this. So I I don't know what to do. First, I would say something. Like some joke hands, and I would help my friends. It is just the thing about me. Yes. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:51 Thank you. And I noticed that you love yoga, you do yoga, you practice it. What? How did you discover yoga? And what does it add to your life? What is positive or good about yoga? Kseniia Bezliudna 3:07 I would say now about my like Hobby about piano. I would describe it like it was something new to me. Because in fourth grade, my mother came to me and said, Oh, it's a nice time to start something new. Because it was like, it was three, maybe it was dancing. And now she said to me that it is a nice opportunity to go to the musical school. I said, Okay. Me and my sisters, we we came to music school. We were there for one year, and it was seen in so I remember. And then. And then I ended my music school because there was some problems with my house. So we decided to stop it. And then I started to do it on my own because I had a piano in my house. And I started to play on my own. And one day my uncle came to me, it was some new I don't even remember, it was New Year. And my uncle came to me and he listened to me as I was playing. And he said to me, oh my god, it's so terrible. And it, it was it was really bad for me. But from that moment, I said to myself that it is it is a moment when I'm starting to play for real. I'm really starting to study it and I would like to show him how good I can really play. And from that moment, I really started to do it. So It just legs it quite said, but Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:02 it just lays. No, it's actually great. And to ask you, because a lot of people when things become difficult, let's say, you with a piano and teaching yourself when it becomes hard and you make mistakes, how do you keep yourself motivated and don't become bored? Then go do something else and stop with the piano? Kseniia Bezliudna 5:25 Oh, it is a nice question. Thank you. Oh, how do I keep motivated? Okay? Yes, there are some moments when I'm, like, very sad about how am I how I am playing. And I'm like, Oh, my God, there are so many people in this world who are playing by doesn't mean they're doing this better than me. But I remember that. Okay. How many people from this, like, how many people did this way like me? I don't really think that there are people who were starting playing like me, but they have their own own ways. So they are playing this because they love it. And I'm playing this because I love it. So it is alone, it was a little way for me to start it. And even in the moments when I think that it is, oh, my God, I have to end it. I think now, it was a long way. You must do it, you should do it because you love it. And no one should say to us it, you're doing this like, not good enough. Because you're, you're doing this every day you're studying, you're learning something new. You're doing it every day. So you have to continue it and there will be a better results. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:51 Thank you. And would you say you are someone who is more independent and individualistic? Or is it very important for you that everybody is happy with you? And you will follow a lot of people when you all agree on something, et cetera? Kseniia Bezliudna 7:11 Actually, it is quite an interesting for me, because in some moments, I'm like, Whoa, it depends. I think to me that, yes, I can do it by myself. I don't need anybody to do it with me. I can reach my every goal, without help from the other people. But okay, because sometimes they seek no zip people. Same person needs me to help here. Okay. And when it's the moment when I need some help, I can reach for help from that person because it is okay to ask for help. It is something that actually makes us people. Because when we are this independent, and we are by ourselves, it means that we are good, we're independent. But what friends form and family and our other members of life. Yes. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:14 Thank you. It seems to me that friends, for example, are very important for you. Are you someone who you make new friends very easily? Or do you need time and to observe people and to open up slowly to become friends with the person? Kseniia Bezliudna 8:32 It depends on situation because when I was 10 years old, it was hard for me to do friends, it was hard for me to talk to other people about their goals about their ideas and even about their life. I don't know. But when I grew older, I said search. Well, you are quite interesting. You can do it, you can easily start a talk with someone who you don't know. But even when I started studying in Poland, I I became more independent and more people were most likely to talk to me and I became more open. So it is not a problem for me today. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:25 Thank you. That's really, really interesting. And nowadays, I know you're optimistic. I know you're funny. And you're living away from Ukraine etc. For you what gives you inspiration, what is the thing that changes your mood and makes it positive that you like to do or places to go or anything like that? Kseniia Bezliudna 9:50 Thank you for your question. Okay, well, it gives me inspiration. Lately, I was listening a lot to Classical music, it gives me a lot of tools and, okay, if I would choose with the normal music, something like pop music or something else. And classical music, I will choose classical music because it really helps me to see situation from from the other. Like, why? I don't know. So it is really important to me. Also, the people around me are helping me a lot when I have said when I have something said when I hit when I have a problem, I could write to my friends. And they would say something to me something nice that would help me to to do it better. Like that. And also, I really like to go on walks. Actually, when there are some rainy days in, in Germany, okay? It is a nice way to relax, to have a look on some street when there are no people and you can easily relax when you see this rain. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:25 Thank you. And since you grew up in a generation where you always had social media, tick tock Instagram and all that. Do you feel yourself that you're living more in the internet world and less in the outside world? Or because you spoke about walks and about piano, that you try to spend most of your time with people or with nature and not so much on social media? Kseniia Bezliudna 11:55 Suddenly, I can say that I spend most of my time on nature and with this, mysteries and everything, because Internet became a really big part of my life. So when someone would ask me, what is the most part of your life, I would say that it is there a lot of time me spending in the internet and watching some videos reading some books like that. So it is a quite sad story. But it is like that. Even when I know that I was raised in my family, like there was no phones, no laptops, no internet, no something like this. So the most part of my childhood were like games on the streets and something like that. But now when I grew older, it is the most time of my life is like I'm spending the internet suddenly, messages. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:03 Thank you. And you feel that that is a positive thing that it helps you get to know people by chatting, etc. Or you feel it will be much better if people met more in real life and you can feel their energy and be around them to make a better connection. Kseniia Bezliudna 13:25 To me, it is really easier to start talking in real life, because chatting is a really nice way to start talking to someone to start like to ask them about, they might not know. But for me. I don't know when I started chatting with with someone it is quite boring to me because you have to do it every day. You have to write it every day to someone like Good morning, how are you? And then in hours a day you are asking it again and again and again. So for me it seems quite boring. But when you talk to the real person in the real life, it seems more interested in even because you can tell more. You don't have like this time no time problems that are no my mother needs me on the kitchen or something like that. Or I don't know. Somebody needs my help. So I will write you later or I have a bad internet connection. But in real life you don't have this problems. But it is it is a way. No. If you want to really start talking to the people in real life. You have to do a work with you because it needs something from your you'll have to Be open, you'll have to be confident. And it needs some energy from you to Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:07 thank you. And it's somewhat common that many Ukrainians don't open their emotions easily. And at first, they are reserved. Will you when you went to Germany or when you went to Poland, that people think oh my god, she has a poker face or a bit phase, where we think maybe she's arrogant or angry all the time, but you're not. Or this is not your situation. Kseniia Bezliudna 15:37 But thank you for this. Nice question. Okay. So me, I have this poker, which face only in situations when I'm like, I have a bad mood. I don't want anything I don't want to talk to people saw. If I have this face on, on me, the person will know. They won't even come to me asking about Oh, hi, what is your name? How are you today? I don't know. Where you were born? How you worried? So like, this zoo? won't even ask me. Because they see everything. But no, the most part of my life. And time I'm like, to be honest, I have a little bit silly emotion on my face. So it is not really hard for people to come to me and start talking with me. So this bitch boring. That face I have only when I am like you will about? I don't know. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:50 Thank you. That's so interesting. And to understand you even more, I know you have been outside Ukraine, et cetera. But other than Ukraine, if you could live in any city in the world or any country that represents your mood and your personality? Where would it be? Would it be like Bali or Thailand? Would it be Hollywood or New York? Or would it be somewhere like Rome with the ancient buildings and the music? Where would you live? Kseniia Bezliudna 17:23 Just interesting question actually. Because I had some how to say it. I was thinking about it lately. And when I firstly came to Poland, I understood that okay, there was like my own how to say it. I had my own ideas about living in Poland but when I came to Poland, okay, there was a change in my mind about it. But I can say that Poland is a bad place it is a really nice place or where I find where I found my friends and a lot of people who are they are really important to me. But if to say where I would live I really like idea about living in Rome. But I know there are some problems with it. But for me it is like really, really good idea. Because every scene here seems so so beautiful. So pretty. It is like all this ancient stories and everything that was here. I know we were studying it in history, so I know a bit about it. So it looks really beautiful and nice to me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:02 That's so interesting. So are you a girl who your mood is really affected by the environment. So like you sad when you're in roads that are rainy. That gives you maybe a nostalgia mode or something like that that is deep when you are in a beautiful place with history. You feel more inspired things like that or it's not for you the place that is more important maybe you're in an ugly place but with good people and people will be more important than the place Kseniia Bezliudna 19:37 for me it will be a good situation if I could live in a nice place with a nice people but we know that life is not that beautiful and pretty. Always so I would say for me is that okay? Okay, I just know if if to say it or not, but I was living in you Ukraine in Kyiv, in this place called tre Ashina. So, I can say that everything here looks so beautiful and so nice. And so New as I would see it in Euro, like here in Germany. All houses are beautifully painted, they are new, or if they are not new, they're like, I don't know. They're good looking. But if to say about tradition, it was quite, I don't know. It is like, there was a time when everything here was like gray and only gray. Okay. So he's remainders. So as for me, I think that it will be more important for me to live with the nice people because because it ruins a nice place can become ugly if you're living with that, people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:08 Thank you. That's so interesting. And since you mentioned give Heil was for you, February 24. How did you hear about the war? How did you feel? telling me the story? And how did these months change you as a person? I don't know. Maybe you're in Poland in that time, tell me everything. Kseniia Bezliudna 21:29 I know that people that that were in Ukraine in this time, they were really affected by this. But for me, happily, oh, I was not in Ukraine. When the war started. Sometimes I feel really bad about it. Because like, Okay, I'm from Ukraine. But I had an opportunity to run from this. And sometimes I feel really bad about it. But I didn't know how would life really go if I would be in Ukraine in this time. So I wasn't in Ukraine once the war started. But I remember the day 24th of February, it was a really a really, really bad day, because the war started. And I remember that I was always checking on how are things go in here. And I was checking on, oh, my God, how many people were I don't know, killed. So it was really bad for me, it was really bad for my mood. But today, I am trying to, I'm trying to talk about it. I'm trying to say that, like, we must remember about the wall. Because it's really important. There are people in Ukraine. Still, they love this country. I love my country. And we have to do everything. To end it as fast as we can. And we really should talk about and we shouldn't forget about the war in Ukraine. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:14 I agree with you on 100%. And all the people who are in Ukraine who have suffered again, and again, with the war and the invasion and the death and the destruction, when you speak to them or your friends or relatives. Do you think they have a big trauma because the War of the war? And so even when the war finishes, there will be more depressed, more unhappy? Or do you think that when there is victory for Ukraine, the celebration will make people feel positive, and heal all the trauma? Kseniia Bezliudna 23:54 Thank you for your question. And thank you for your words about Ukraine. Okay. Yes, there are people who were like really traumatized about this. Even more people every day, are suffering from Russians, because some of them don't even have homes today, because of the Russian invasion. And I think that if there will be a day, of course, there will be a day when Ukraine will win. It will be a really big celebration because like everybody is waiting for it very much. It is really important to us. And I think that it will be like the most important and big event in all history of Ukraine for us. So we're waiting for It really, really strongly. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 25:04 Thank you so much Ksenia. This was my privilege, my honor, a truly enriching conversation and all I can say is Laval. Corradini Slava. Thank you and have a good day. Kseniia Bezliudna 25:18 Thank you too.

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