E081 Dasha Khlud

Episode 81 October 06, 2022 00:19:23
E081 Dasha Khlud
Rare Girls
E081 Dasha Khlud

Oct 06 2022 | 00:19:23


Show Notes

Dasha Khlud is a student interested in drawing, dancing, cooking and last few months, she started being interested in photography. She also goes to music school, so she plays guitar and piano.

Dasha is a very friendly and cheerful person. She likes to go out with friends and to visit different beautiful places.

Instagram: @_dashakhlud_

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:00 The femininity is powerful in all its forms exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Dasha clude. Dasha is from Kyiv. And she is a student interested in drawing, dancing, cooking. And then the last few months she started being interested in photography. She also goes to music schools, so she knows how to play the guitar and the piano. Dasha is a very friendly and cheerful person. She likes to go out with friends and to visit different beautiful places. Dasha, how are you today? Dasha Khlud 1:12 Hi, I'm fine. How are you? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:14 I'm feeling positive. I'm feeling happy. I'm feeling curious about you. So I'll ask this these days, what is on your mind? What is something that you want more of in your life, maybe a happy experience or a new skill, or something that you think about a lot, Dasha Khlud 1:33 I think you know about warmth in our country. And I want to say it's terrible. Many people lost their homes, friends, relatives, you leave and you don't know what might happen tomorrow. This is very scary. Now, it's calmer than in the first days. But this does not mean that the war is over. I want I want and hope that this horror will end and people will be able to return to their normal lives. I'm very glad that I can go to school and meet with my friends. But most people in Ukraine can do it. So I want ze to leave normal and calm life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:24 I understand. So for you how was that day, February 24. How did you hear about the invasion? How did you feel? told me that story? Dasha Khlud 2:36 It was a same 5am I wake up but I didn't understand why I listen. My mom was walking in the room. And she said that war is started but I don't think it was 5am I was sleeping. I was very scared and shocked. We packed our bags and go to my grandmother. Her village is not very far from cave. We was there for two weeks this thing then we was going to we region we was there for three months. I was very miss my friends my home because I didn't know when I am going to back home. So I seen the man very cool mask. Most half of people in Ukraine will agree with me that is very scary because you didn't know you will return your home now when you will see your friends and family. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:55 I understand it sounds really horrible and like a traumatic experience. So what do you do these days so that you can keep your mental health and not be have that negativity in the mind? How do you balance your emotions? Dasha Khlud 4:14 I was listening to music a lot. And I was drawing. I want to show my experience my feelings in the picture. Yeah, I also was calling my friends talk with them. I'm very glad that they was in safe. So it's very good that people can save their lives and their family. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:43 Thank you and you mentioned music and I know it's something that you enjoy a lot. Can you tell me about how did you fall in love with the piano with instruments with music? How did you decide to go to music school and And how is that experience of music playing music understanding music as part of your personality? Dasha Khlud 5:09 Okay. I, it was, I think, a certain class in my school, and my best friend started learning playing a guitar. She was 12 years old. And I was 11, I think. And I asked my mom to, I want to play a guitar and I sing the piano is very hard to play. So I don't want to learn and playing the piano. But when I started playing the guitar, I understand that is very interesting to learn. No, it's no new songs. And I started playing a piano too. I have been going to music school for six years. It's very, I've seen a lot. And this is the last year of my music school. And I will agree date in the spring. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:19 Thank you. I hope you graduate with that red book, I think Alright, diploma or something like that. Yes. And to ask you, so what university? Are you interested in? It now? Because of the war? Maybe you want to study in some European University? Do you have a subject in your brain? Or what are your goals for the future, Dasha Khlud 6:43 I want to became an artist or a designer. I want to make clothes droll. Or I also want to learn piano so maybe my future job will in music, but I don't like maths. So I think maths will not be in my future job. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:17 Thank you. And you mentioned you know, being an artist as well as design etc. You are someone who is creative. What are things in this world that inspire you and give you ideas to create art? Dasha Khlud 7:34 My friends, nature, like I was sitting yesterday, just doing my homework. And I think wow, I can draw nature started drawing a little house in the forest like it was so suddenly, I like drowned because it helps me to forgot my problems. Like, it's very helps me. It helps me distract myself. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:07 Thank you. And you mentioned friends. Are you a girl who has a lot of friends? Do you find it easy to make friends? Or if you have only a few? How do you choose friends? Dasha Khlud 8:20 My friend always says I'm very kind friendly and cute. So I think it's not very difficult for me to find new people, new friends. I think it's a good experience. I think when you communicate with people, are you feeling happy, and you can find the best friend or your future husband, your future wife, like communicate with people is very important in our days. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:56 That's really really cool. And so you said it's easy for you to make new friends you're someone with positive personality. How do you stay positive? What do you believe? Is it faith that gives you a positive? Is it everyone you know is positive so you become like them? Is that you believe that no matter what happens, you will be safe and successful or how do you have a brain that stays in positivity? While a lot of people in this world are depressed sad and negative? Dasha Khlud 9:33 I think my friends give me a good energy Am I feeling happy when I with them? So I want everyone meets their best friend meet only good people it will give them a such a good energy as my friends. I love them very much. So communicate and don't scare to find new people. pool and make friends. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:01 Thank you and have you ever met people where from the very first second, you open up you feel oh my god, I feel I know this person for 1000 years? Or are you at first friendly but a bit close, then you need time and different experiences to open yourself. Dasha Khlud 10:22 Like two months ago, I meet girl is that listening? Such music is I like drawing, cooking, dancing. And I understand that this girl is really easy. This girl is such as me. And we have a lot of terms to talk about. So I think I'm very friendly. And I can speak with everyone. So it's not a problem to me to find good people. Yeah. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:00 Thank you. And can you tell me the story of the past seven months after the beginning of the invasion? And the bigger war? Did you go out to European places? Why not? What happened? How did you change also as a personality, Dasha Khlud 11:18 I was very worried about my friends that was stayed in cave, it was very dangerous. But many of my friends are abroad now. And I seen because they mask mas most half of them will not come in Ukraine again. And this is very sad for me. Because I don't know where when I will be able to see them again. I was very worried also about my grandparents because they were in cave. I was calling them I think every day. And asking how is a worst day happening in Kev is very scary. So I want everyone to be safe. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:15 I like that. And since you mentioned about your friends, a lot of people a lot of Ukrainians maybe have started a new life abroad, they have new school, new job, new university, do you believe a lot of them will return? Or they think well, I don't know what's going on in Ukraine. Maybe the economy will be bad. It's better to live abroad forever. Or for a long time. Dasha Khlud 12:42 I was thinking about it. But Ukraine is my home and I don't want to leave it. If To be honest, my friends are studying abroad now. But they want to come back in Ukraine. Like they telling me that it's very beautiful here is there is very beautiful nature. Very good to study in and meet new people. But we want to go home. Like if you want to study abroad, it's very good idea because you can progress use yourself. But Ukraine is my home and I don't want to wear it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:31 Thank you and can you describe life in Kenya? Now? How is it? How are the people feeling? Is everybody somehow full of trauma? Or are they trying to live a normal life? Is the city mostly empty? Or how is the situation is calmer Dasha Khlud 13:50 now in cave? Some my friends come back to Ukraine and go into school. People go to work like Zane. We're trying to live our normal life. But it's still scary because you don't know what might happen tomorrow. So work is not over yet. So we trying to remember no normal life but it's hard. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:24 I agree. And since you are Ukrainian, you lived there all your life. You said your friends say you're cute and bubbly and positive. What is it for you? The meaning of being a Ukrainian girl? What is the personality of Ukrainian girl compared to other countries? Dasha Khlud 14:46 I'm proud to be Ukrainian. I want to traveling I want to progress myself. But first of all, I want to help my country Free to recover after the work. So I seen this horror will end and Ukrainian will return to their homes and we'll be happy. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:17 I hope so too. And I say Slava Carini. Thank you. So nowadays, you said, yes, the war is not finished everything in school? Do you study on the online? Do you go to school in person? Is it more empty now? Or how is the education? Is it starting? Or is it continuing in a good way? Dasha Khlud 15:44 We started online and offline, we have some lessons, for example, in the morning, like two or one lesson in the morning online, and said, after 12 o'clock, we are going to school and study offline. I study music offline, too. It's a little bit hard. But I really glad says I can meet my friends, meet my teachers, and communicate in real life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:18 I'm happy for you. And you speak English. Well, what is your method for at home? improving your English? Is it watching YouTube and Tiktok? Do you read some books? Do you listen to songs and try to understand the words and translate them? Or how do you improve vocabulary and accent and grammar? Dasha Khlud 16:43 I have extra English lessons online. Also, I watch different films in English, read some text, and Instagram I follow for many English people. And I think every day Listen, houses picking house they learn grammar and trying to learn in English. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:15 Thank you. And I allow you know your love Ukraine and you'll stay there. But if you could live in any other country in the world or city, I don't know. It could be Bali. It could be Paris or London, or Hawaii or Los Angeles. Where would you choose? And why Dasha Khlud 17:35 is the difficult question for me. But I seen I want to travel I think I would study or live in Canada or Korea. Maybe I like culture kitchen. They're very friendly people. I say that. So I think Canada or Korea. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:07 Did you ever try to cook Korean food at home? Dasha Khlud 18:11 I go into different restaurants. But I haven't tried to cook something at home yet. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:23 Thank you, Dasha. And do you have any message for Ukraine for the Europeans about the war in Ukraine or anything to finish this that is motivating or important to say? Dasha Khlud 18:37 I want to say don't worry, everything will be fine. We will have our will and assume and we will return to our normal, normal and calm life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:49 Thank you so much, Dr. Shah. This was my privilege. My honor. It's such a wonderful episode and I wish you success. I wish you a lot of music. And I wish peace to Ukraine and victory. Dasha Khlud 19:03 Thank you. I want to I'm very glad that I was able to participate in this project in this podcast and talk with us. This is security much

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