E087 Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana

Episode 87 October 18, 2022 00:29:29
E087 Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana
Rare Girls
E087 Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana

Oct 18 2022 | 00:29:29


Show Notes

Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana is Romanian, and since she was 3 years old, she has been going to acting and singing classes. She is a polyglot in love with language learning.

Rebeca is now a freestyle dancer, focused on improving her dancing skills as this hobby is a big love in her life.

Instagram: @rebecaaioanaa

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:00 The immunity is powerful in all its forum exceptional women. Rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Rebecca. Ivana. Rebecca is Romanian. And since she was three years old, she has been going to acting and singing classes. She is a polyglot in love with learning languages. And right now a freestyle dancer, focused on improving her dancing skills, as this hobby is her big love in life. Rebecca, how are you today? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 1:07 Hi, I, Rebecca, and I'm really good today. How are you? How are you feeling? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:12 I'm feeling positive. I'm feeling happy, and very curious about you. So I'll ask this. If your friends could describe your personality, who is Rebecca, from their perspective? What would they say? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 1:28 Well, I think most of them would describe me as very positive. Because most of the times when there's a problem in our group friends, we're always trying to I know find the best way to save us maybe. So usually, I'm the positive one who thinks that in the end, everything will be fine, just fine. So I guess, boys, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:53 I would like that, and where does your positivity come from? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 1:58 Well, most of the times, I think, it comes from my family, or from my faith in God in the fact that you will help us all. And besides from that, I think it's just because the power my friendship, actually have. So I think that if we're strong enough, like as a bonding, everything will be just fine. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:24 I understand. So it's family, God, and friendship. And so I would like to know, in this time, where there is like Netflix, YouTube, social media, Instagram, and Tiktok, of course, did you grow up to feel that you're still in your soul? A 100%, culturally, Romanian girl? Or are you somehow have a mix of so many culture cultures, right now that you're a cosmopolitan person? Well, Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 2:56 that's a really good question. Because sometimes I ask myself that too. Because of the social media. Yes, I think I have multiple I know characteristics from different countries, like you said, but deep down, I really consider myself to be a true Romanian, because expect from the fact that I can speak different languages, but mostly English. I think Romania will always have a special place in my heart. So I guess I consider myself a Romanian after all. Yes, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:29 thank you. And then from your own perspective, what does it mean to be real Romanian girl? Or what is the culture the attitude the way of behavior? Or thinking of a girl your age? Who is from Romania? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 3:47 That's a good question. Because nowadays, you Romania, especially. We're really different from each other. I'm talking about the girls because, like you said, we tend to, I don't know, modify our behaviors. I know mostly because of other national things. Like basically, I consider it to be a Romanian girl just because of the fact that our language is really interesting. And we should appreciate it more. Also, our national songs, our national clothes, maybe. And overall, just because Armenia it's a really beautiful country, after all, like I don't know, if many people are aware of how beautiful countries but they should appreciate it more for sure. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:39 For sure. I agree. 100%. And then, well, if you could live for a few years, anywhere in the world, would you choose someplace like California or New York or Singapore or you're a kpop girl so maybe I don't know you or like that you'll love Korea or anime, and then you go to Japan? What would be some parts of the world that you're curious about? And that you would love to be there for a couple of years? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 5:13 Well, I think I would go for New York or California, just because of the fact that since I was a kid, I was obsessed with American movies and the American dream, I think it's still in me, even after 17 years of my life. So I think it would be New York or California, or I don't know, basically, any place it that could bring me closer to this American dream. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:43 That's really interesting. And for you, what is your American dream as Rebecca? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 5:51 Well, I think it would be best bet based on dancing, because, like I said, I am obsessed with dancing. And it came to the point where dancing is my therapy, most of the times, because whenever I feel down or sad, or at my low point, I just, I put some music on. And it's not about dancing at its full point. But like just jamming, and I know moving my body and giving it the freedom it needs so that I can feel better. So I think the American dream would base on that, like, I don't know, getting into a really good dancing Academy, maybe, or just getting recognized for my dance balance. So I think that Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:37 thank you. And so if I understood correctly, dance gives your body the ability to move and express itself in whatever way you wish. And that gives you a deep sense of freedom. Is this correct? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 6:53 Yeah. Because when I was little, I actually, there's a really funny story about this. Because when I was young, my mom is the one who actually got me into dancing. Because when I was a little girl, I was obsessed with spending time with her. So dancing was a time where I was supposed to be just me and the teacher, you know, so that I can actually understand something. So at first, I hated it, because it kept me apart from my mom. And I really didn't like that. But now, just the fact that whenever I'm dancing, I'm alone, that actually gives me the power to understand myself better. Me and my body and my mind, and I know, connect with music and feel free and feel happy. So yeah, that's correct. I think my life wouldn't be the same without dancing and music, because they're actually really connected. And I don't know, just everything about it makes me feel way better. Like, whenever I'm low, Whenever I'm sad, it just is like the perfect therapy, therapy I could get. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:56 Thank you. Thanks. Since music and dance is such an important part of your life. Do you view other people or social interactions or friendships in a musical way where it feels like this person is a specific tone, or a kind of music and you play a different kind to create a harmony or anything like that, or the way you see people's body language is a very dance oriented way has it affected and grown into other parts of your life. Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 8:31 And now that you mentioned it, I think it actually did, because dancing actually really helped me to understand other people's body language way better than I know, I think the others, and about the musical type of way I actually connect, like I try to associate people's behavior or just them in general, with a specific artist or a specific song. And that's really fun to do. Because whenever I'm like sad, or I don't know, not too sad, bored in general, and I'm looking at the person I'm like, Okay, you look like a Taylor Swift song. So I will just relate it to her or something like that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:11 That's funny. And do you feel that the Romanian culture has gives a lot of big you know, focus and importance to dance? Is it popular are many, many people are girls focused on improving dance learning it growing it as a hobby or it's, it's still a minority? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 9:33 Well, Romania has its own special way of dancing. It's called dancer popularity, because actually dancing Romanian would be done. So it's actually really similar, but does the popularity or basically are a national type of dance and at some point, like I think 10 years ago, maybe our country really got focused on that. And they were really trying to make as many people as possible. I know be aware of this thing and just try to get them into the into it, it's dancing. But right now, I don't think people are like girls aren't that focused on dancing. So I would say it's a minority. Now, unfortunately, sadly, actually. But I really like it to grow bigger. And just, I would like people to understand that dance could actually give you the, I know, possibility to feel way better. Like, if you play a song, whenever you're and you're feeling low, and then you just start moving your body, you will make you feel 10 times better, even if it's not the best thing you can think about so that you feel better, but I guarantee it's gonna make you feel really, really good after Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:00 that's very true. And to understand that, since you've been dancing, and involved intimately with music, since you are three years old, has it affected the way you learn languages? Did you learn English in a way that is more melodic or musical? Or did you do it like practice the same way you did for dance? Or how? And what is your own method to improve English vocabulary, grammar, etc? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 11:33 Well, I think my English got soupy this grid, like at the point where I'm now with English, mostly because of songs. Yeah, because when I was young, I would just I know, events world, so that I can, I know have my own time to practice my songs and just feel good. But I actually practice English like a normal person as like I studied, and I tried to get my grammar as good as possible. But I think I know music has, has its own parts in my English. So I guess you're right. Yeah. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:14 Thank you. And it seems to me that you're a girl that gets bored somehow easily that you hate boredom. What are are what is common between things that really are interesting for you that relieve your boredom? Is it things that make you move your body and impact your body? And that way? Is it things that are surprising and out of the ordinary? Or what for you? Is the commonality between the things that really stop that feeling of boredom? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 12:51 That's a really good question. Because of course, my top three answers like, number one would be dancing. Of course, whenever I'm bored, I just start dancing in my room and everything gets better. The second, I think it would be just listening to music and thinking about I know deep stuff about life. Or in the third place, I think it would be reading because I really found myself to be really obsessed with books in general, mostly fantasy books, or I don't know, like the type of books like teenagers just can relate to them weight easily. So those types of books, but I think it would be reading and dancing and listening to music. But if you would want me to say a different activity, I think it would be just traveling, especially in my country, because we have really, really beautiful cities in our country. And I really likes to spend time with my family. And so whenever we are bored or something, we just organize a trip in a random city from our country and we feel way better and the boredom is gone, which is great. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:06 Thank you. And to understand you even more is a happy life for you will have a life or you have only positive emotions only good things or do you feel you like a variety of emotions? You want to feel? Sad? Sometimes you want to watch murder documentary, and she lfra The one you're heartbroken and to cry sometimes, and sometimes to be happy. Are those negative emotions exciting and interesting for you? Or are you someone who could live a full life just with positive emotions, only happiness, and no sadness or fear or anything like that? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 14:49 That's a very good question. And yeah, I think we we need all the emotions so that we can actually live life to the fullest, because if we're just happy all the time, we wouldn't. I know learn how to appreciate good things in our life. So I think in order for us to feel happy, like truly happy, we still need to feel I know, sad at some point in our lives. And yes, I have extremely, extremely many times where I just need to be sad so that I can listen to a certain sad song, or like you said, watch a murderer documentary to feel, I don't know, scared or frightened, or just what does that movie and find myself so lonely that I want to cry? But I think that those are little little things about life that actually matter. So we should appreciate them all. Like, they're a part of our life, and we should embrace them. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:50 That's really, really interesting, the way you have this desire for variety. And then how do you personally inside view yourself as a person? Like, are you a Katy Perry song? Are you a Barbie? A princess, a queen? Are you like a star that hasn't been discovered yet? Like, what is the way that you perceive yourself in this world? That gives you a sense of a big, glorious identity? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 16:22 That's a funny question. Because those type of things like my I know, the way so myself changed throughout the years, because of course, when I was younger, I was I don't know, obsessed with being a princess or a queen or something like that. But I don't know, when I grew a little I wanted to be, I don't know, a teacher or stuff like that. But right now, I just like, the first thing I want to do with my life, he's just get to know me the most like me to know me, you know, like, just to be fully aware of my emotions and behavior and my potential and you know, just improve myself day by day. But about the Katy Perry song. I think if I had to consider myself as a song, where as a band or something, right now, I think it would be Arctic Monkeys song, because I think they're my favorite band now. So that's probably my influence this, but I think that would be me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:30 Thank you. And I will ask you somehow of a difficult question, which is this, if you could only choose to be with people who are exciting, where you have new emotions and drama all the time, but you don't learn anything new about yourself, it stays superficial, or people who every time you're around them, it's more calm, but you're constantly learning and discovering deep things that make you reflect about yourself and understand yourself more. But there isn't a lot of drama or new emotions. Which one would you choose? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 18:09 This question is not really that difficult, because I actually realized that whenever I'm around drama, or like in the drama, oh, it's not funny. I know. It's not that I don't like it. Because, of course, there's a part of me who actually wants to get involved. But most of the times I just wished to, I don't know, escape it. Because like you said, whenever you're surrounded with calm people, you get to know yourself way better. And like I said, this is my dream goals right now to I know get to know myself to the fullest. So I think I would choose the second version like the second answer, which would be just being surrounded with calm people and getting to know myself your way, I want to Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:58 thank you and to understand you even more, why is it important for you to understand yourself fully? What would you get out of that? Why is it a dream? Tell me more about this. Getting to Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 19:13 know yourself fully means that you actually accomplished half of your existence, in my opinion, at least, because we should be like the first person we should think about. It's us. Like, whenever when we are in a situation where we have to pick our happiness over someone else's. We should think about us first. Of course, we're not supposed to think about situations like I don't know, family was because I would choose my family over myself anytime of the day. But like getting to know myself better became a dream just because of the fact that I sort of struggled with it. Because when I was young, I used to get bullied a lot. And people made me have a certain opinion about myself just because they thought about it like the soil like that. So I thought that somehow if I agree with them, and I just consider myself the way they considered me, I would just I know, relate to them more. So they eventually would like me. But that was the biggest lie, I could tell myself. And I really regretted because I wasted a lot of my time thinking that their opinion was right. And this is me, this is the way I actually am, and that they just got me all rights. But it was the exact opposite. And just because of that point in my life, I really wanted to, I don't know, it wasn't the fact that I wanted it to be a dream. But I really wanted to know myself, like the, my true self. Because it was hard for me. And I think that at the end of my life, I should really, I would really be happy if I could just say that I'm a certain type of person, and that I actually know myself to the fullest. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:13 Thank you. So if I understood correctly, you had a lot of experiences where you compromise yourself, maybe you put others first because you didn't know who you really are. And to have that clarity about who you are as a person, so that you can respect yourself, respect your wishes, and set the right boundaries so that you can feel strong and never weak or broken somehow. It's something that will make you feel really, really fulfilled and complete. Is this correct? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 21:53 Yeah. Because like I said, it's been a rough time, like those years were really tough for me. And that's only just for me was really hard for my family, actually. Because at some point, I, I know where we reached that time where no one would just talk to me, like no one actually wanted to talk to me, because they considered that if they would talk to me, the others would stop talking to them, too. So the only person I had was like, not just the only person but like my most. I didn't know, the person who was there for me the most was my mom. So I started venting to her like, almost every day, like after school, he was like, like, we have this I know meetings where we were just talking about how my day was, and she was trying to get to understand everything that happened. And like I said, it was really hard, because some days were really tough. Like, they would say the kids were the kids are mean, like, I don't know if nowadays dear to but when I was like, I don't know, 12 or 13. They really mean, and they will say stupid stuff. And I know they were just talking without thinking first. And that's really sad. Because like I said, it compromised me and I compromised myself just because I wanted some attention after all, because and I know that sounds really sad because it is. But it was it's the truth because I was young, like when you're a kid, actually all you need is attention and someone to actually understand you. And yes, I had attention and someone to understand me. And that's my mom. But like outside of the family when I was supposed to be in a no social event or like school or I don't know, you know, in life with people with others. I didn't have that. And I think it affected me. And like you said, turned this getting to know myself fully into a dream of mine. So yeah, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:55 thank you. Yes, I know how hard it can be. And yes, as you evolve and understand yourself even more. It helps you and you grow as a person and understand things that change. Your perspective is reading those fantastical novels or whatever you're reading helping you with this. Are you discovering more about yourself through the characters of the books you read through the personalities, the behaviors, the dialogues? Is it part of cycle of your cycle analysis to read off them? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 24:34 Yes, that's the biggest truth, actually, because reading helped me a lot and it still does. Just because of the fact that whenever I read a book, I just put myself into the main character like I place myself as being the main character. And so with the help of books, I'm just living 1000 lives and that's the greatest thing a person can do. Oh, it really helps me because this is how I can get to know a lot of behaviors, like you said, and personalities. And I get really excited when I find the character who actually like with which I can relate to lots, like, I just feel really connected with it. And I'm like, super excited to find their story. And just, I don't know, follow them to their journey. So yes, reading helped me a lot in. Like I said, it helped me discover a lot of personalities, and made me realize how I would like people around me to be like, if I like a certain personality, I would just say, Okay, I want to find this type of person. And I don't know habits near me whenever I feel sad or happy, or it depends on the behavior. But like I said, reading makes you feel really good, just because of the fact that you can leave 1000 lives that was, and that's the best thing I discovered lately. So yeah, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:01 that's really, really interesting. I imagine you have a big imagination. And when the characters feel the emotions, because you're a dancer, you feel everything in your body, it becomes so real with every texture, and every flavor of the emotions. And you mentioned there are some characters you will relate to? What makes you relate to so those characters have they been for example, bullied before, have they like grown as a person? Maybe they're dancers, or they read too, or they do something similar? Like, what are things within characters that when you read about them, or you notice they have you think, Oh, my God, this is my kind of character, I can relate 100%? Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 26:53 Well, I think that the main thing, which helps me to relate to a character is if like you said, they like dancing, or they practice dance, or do you listen to music a lot? Or yes, if they read, but the main thing that actually gets me to relate to a character is their way of thinking, like whenever the author gives me a free space, where they're just I know writing about the characters, emotions, or thoughts. And I just, I don't know, find some, I know, parts where I relate, like, I actually agree with the character. That's what I'm thinking that I relate to it. And that's my character. Because most of the times I read books, which actually show what's inside of the character's mind, and so it helps me way more to relate to a character that way. So I think that would be it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 27:54 I love this conversation. Rebecca, this was my privilege. My honor, we could keep going for a long, long time. But all I want to say is, I wish you to know yourself. I wish you to feel all the emotions. I wish you deeper connection with your family, more travel, more exciting discoveries of new books, even more interesting abilities to dance and perform and find new ways to express yourself as you discover more of your core and your personality. Thank you so much for participating. And I wish you a brilliant day. Rebeca Drăgaică Ioana 28:35 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It was my pleasure. And I enjoyed this conversation too. It was amazing. And I actually I think I actually got to know myself better right now just because of you and this conversation. Because I never thought I'll be capable of expressing this much. Like a my English never got to the point where I can actually practice with someone who's not from Romania. Like of course I did it in school or with my practice features, but actually gets to know myself way better this way. And besides from that, thank you so much for everything you said. It was really nice. And I know I it was my pleasure to talk to you right now. So thank you

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