E107 Saadia Idhamouch

Episode 107 November 14, 2022 00:24:44
E107 Saadia Idhamouch
Rare Girls
E107 Saadia Idhamouch

Nov 14 2022 | 00:24:44


Show Notes

Saadia Idhamouch is a student of Physics Sciences from Tiznit in Morocco.

Saadia loves Traditional and Digital drawing since her childhood, reading books especially fantasy which inspire her to keep writing her own book, playing video games as a stress releaser, watching TV series, movies, and much more.

Saadia participated in Digigirlz mentorship as a mentee and started her own business with a team, which helped her turn her own business idea into reality.

Saadia also freelances as an artist and graphic designer and she worked with more than 50 clients in around a year.

Instagram: @id.yomii

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Episode Transcript

femininity is powerful in all its forms exceptional women rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives actions thoughts and their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring and this is what this podcast is all about hello my name is Aziz and my guest today is Sadia Idhamush. Sadia is a student of physics sciences from Tiznit in Morocco. Sadia loves traditional and digital drawing since her childhood she loves reading books especially fantasy which inspire her to keep writing her own book playing video games as a stress releaser watching TV series movies and much much more. Sadia participated in DigiGirls mentorship as a mentee and started her own business with a team which helped her turn her own business idea into reality. Sadia also freelances as an artist and graphic designer and she worked with more than 50 clients in around a year. Sadia how are you today? Hello I'm doing great thank you for having me here today. I'm happy I'm honored I'm lucky and very curious about you so I'll begin with this nice question if your friends could describe your personality who you are as a girl what would they say about you? Okay that's an interesting question I think they will describe me straight away as a creative person and artistic person they will also describe me as energetic I guess and ambitious hard-working and finally as an imaginative person. Thank you can you say that again because I think you said the imaginative person but you said imagine and then you stopped you muted yourself so it's recorded a cut can you just say that last part please? And I think they will describe me as an imaginative person. Thank you that's really really interesting so let's explore that side of your personality imagine this someone who is not creative not imaginative could be here and they're like how do you do it Sadia how do you get the inspiration how do you grow your imagination how do you create what is creativity how can I do that how would you teach them to be creative and imaginative? Well since I was a kid I've always liked to imagine things I've even created a whole universe inside of my head I think it was because I had such like problems making friends and also some other problems I was kind of shy and I didn't talk that much so I've created a whole other universe inside of my head and to express the those thoughts that I had inside of my head and this whole universe I like created things and draw things even write things and created things as I said before so I think imagination is like something that's a part of me and to to do something in my life I have to imagine it first I have to think about it first and I think like if you want to be imaginative you have to to be more like creative and artistic so I think imagination is like an inspiration to me to create things and without it I would be I won't be feeling okay and I will lose myself and I will feel lost and kind of depressed. Thank you that's so interesting does this mean because of the universe that's inside you and all the imaginations and the rich world are you someone who never gets bored you can be sitting waiting for something daydreaming have an interesting thoughts in your head or you need something to keep you entertained like TV series or you creating some art and daydreaming is not part of the fun well I will say that I do I do them both like I could sit alone and that's what I like to do most of the time I mean I like to interact with others but I also like to have my own time that I spend daydreaming and being in another universe it helps me a lot and I also use like watching series or drawing or going to a picnic or seeing the beach and stuff like that it helps me to improve this imagination like to to have inspiration to create things as I already said before so I think both of them I think anything that I do in my life is is because of my imagination thank you and is this related somehow to your choice of studying physics sciences is it related to your imagination or how was this story behind your decision to go for this scientific branch of education well as I said before I will say that I am a hard-working person so I've decided to study physics science exactly because it was the most easiest way to or path to arrive to the point that I want to be like to the thing that I want to do after my high school which is arts obviously because I love art so much so to do physics science is like the the easiest way to enter the schools that I want to do and yes it's not like I don't like physics I do love math and physics and all of this stuff but I'm more I want to I want to study more the things that I love most which are arts and also I think the best thing that happened in my life is that I started freelancing as an artist it feels like I'm finally doing the thing that I love to do and I'm making money from it and that's what I want to do in the future so at first when I picked physics science it was the time when I had another dream because I always have like I have a lot of dreams and I always change my goals but this time I was like no that's not what I want to do exactly it's one of the things that I want to do yes but it's not thing that I really really want to do and the thing that I really want to do is arts so I'm here studying physics and I love them I love physics but it's not what I want to do after high school I have so many questions and I'll begin with this since you said your dreams change are you also a girl who's as a creative person full of emotions and sometimes your moods change and you don't even know why and you love emotions and therefore art is a way for you to experience those emotions and the visions and dreams are there to fill you with emotions how important is your emotional side especially as someone who loves to be alone some people might not think that because they won't see on your face and in your gestures big emotions but maybe you feel them strongly and you need them a lot well I could describe myself as and it's obvious that I'm a sensitive person it's like I can I feel emotions towards everything that I see in my life for example if I feel anxious or maybe sad I would like I wouldn't like to leave those emotions inside of my head or inside of me I would like to express them either by doing something some hobby and that's why I have a lot of hobbies or it's either by just sitting and watching something beautiful and I intend to like see in everything something beautiful everything in this life is beautiful the way I see it if you know what I mean so I think yes I'm emotional and I have a lot of emotions and that's what helps me to do a lot of stuff and in my life and that's why I have a lot of dreams and a lot of goals that I want to achieve like when I was a kid like when someone asks me what do I want to be in the future I've always felt like I don't know I've always felt like seeing the others just saying quickly what they want to do in their lives makes me made me feel like I was lost like I didn't know what to do I have a lot of things that I want to do but I think now that I'm grown up I feel like that's the strength of my character I want to do a lot of things and I will do them all I will be all of the things that I want to be that's wonderful and can you tell me a bit more about the business idea that you had that you were able with your team to create in this reality and how is that different or related to your experience as a freelancer well by participating and these are girls as a minty we worked for like more than six months to create a business we worked for we worked hard for it and we did great and now we're still working on it but that made me to finally start my own business alone because I've already started many times but I've always stopped that's that's how I am I saw things but I don't finish them but this time I started my own business and I'm working on it and I think I'm doing I'm going to do great because these are girls inspired me to finish my own business this time and the girls that I met they all had amazing projects which made me feel inspired by them thank you and as an artist and someone who loves traditional as well as digital art and you're looking for inspiration what is your dream place in this world that you feel if you visited or if you live there for a year or two you will fill yourself with so much inspiration for your style of art where on this planet will be the ideal place for you to develop as an artist oh my god that's a nice question I think anywhere in this world where there is nature beach sunset sky and stars maybe anything that like related to nature it will inspire me but if I had to choose a country I think I would choose Italy because I've always liked it it's such like if I if I were a country I would choose to be Italy because it's so cool it has many places that I want to be and and if I was there I would probably create something really nice I would paint paint a real cool painting and I would create or write something in there so I will feel really inspired and I will feel really myself around the nature I really wish you to visit Italy to create the really cool paintings all of them that will express your emotions and the nature that inspires you and to understand you even more some people might walk around in nature and feel bored how do you feel nature like how do you experience the stars and the beach and the trees and the sand is it that you feel them in your body strongly and therefore the emotions become inside you and you need to express them into art or do they remind you of images and visions and memories and stories that inspire you in that way through remembering different visual things or how is your connection with nature and how does it give you the emotions that inspire you as an artist well when I'm in nature like around nature I feel like I'm surrounded by a lot of colors a lot of shapes a lot of cool things beautiful things and when I'm there I try to experience it by looking at them by touching them by smelling the smell I tried to use all my senses when I'm there and I feel connected I feel like I'm alone in this world I feel like I'm here connected I am nature I feel like I'm me I'm my real self when I'm there and I also imagine like the people who were there too maybe a family were there was there maybe some friend group was there like maybe someone alone was there and he was really happy maybe someone else was really sad sitting there and playing music maybe another one was just walking there with his dog so I tried to imagine all of the people and all the creatures that were there before me so I think that inspired me it inspires me a lot in my creativity to create things that's wonderful and you mentioned now two times the word cool you said in nature you're surrounded by cool things and you said if you were to live or visit Italy you will create a cool painting what is the meaning of cool for you what makes something cool and inspirational well something that's cool is something that is interesting something that I don't always see something that if I go to somewhere I wouldn't see it everywhere like something kind of rare like there are some people who are cool like because they are interesting because they are unique and when I say a cool painting it's a painting that is amazing and unique that I've never seen before nature is for me is really cool because it's something that I don't always see since I'm living in a city and since I'm surrounded by cities and all of that so nature is something that is really really rare for me that's really really interesting again you spoke about living in a city how would you describe yourself as a girl from Tiznit in Morocco compared to all the TV series you watch the books you read the movies etc what would you say is a way to describe a Moroccan girl from Tiznit in 2022 are you mainly Moroccan similar in culture to your mom and grandmother are you a mix between like Hollywood and French culture and Arabic culture and Berber culture and Asian culture or how would you express and explain yourself as a Moroccan girl from Tiznit in 2022 that's an interesting question well I will describe me I will say that I am a mix of everything I try to be a mix of everything since I am a person who likes to experience everything and be everything so I try to be a mix of everything and I am I was raised by a great mother a wonderful mother taught me how to be unique how to not be influenced by other things like when I see something in my like environment I don't do it like and simply do it I try to think about it first I try to ask about the reason before I do it or before I for example do that thing or be that thing so anything that comes into my life or I see in my environment or through social media or in TV series or books I always tend to ask myself first if I am going to be like this does it will like it will be something nice or I will later regret it so I'm kind of like a mix of everything because in every culture I try to find the things that I like the things that I feel more like myself and I do that those things if you know what I mean yes I do and I would like to explore more you said you do the things that make you feel more like yourself and you spoke about cool as something that is unique how can a person be creatively unique in their own way what I mean is there are people who do what society tells them who maybe say the same words their friends say they have the same opinions as they see on TV what is your journey or recommendation for teenagers etc to find their own uniqueness what is personality uniqueness if you might think it and how can people create a world inside them and express it to others so that they see the unique world they have inside I know it's creatively put but I hope you understood me is how can people find their uniqueness in life not only in art and how do you recommend they discover it and show it to the world well first of all I think this will be surrounded with by people who are who are amazing or people who are positive and like successful who wants to do something in their lives not just by random people because people always affect us like has an impact on us so what I try to do is since I was a kid I always tend to choose my friends and the people that are surrounding me by not just randomly so before you become friends with someone try to think how they would benefits you like how they will change something on you and I when you see something and your environment for example or you list heard some words that everyone says for example you have to think about it twice before you start saying that thing to or think that way too because sometimes I myself find like find myself thinking in a way that I didn't even know that I'm thinking like in that way so I always try to sit down alone again and think why am I thinking that way how did I start thinking that way is it because of social media is it because of that one friend is it because because of a book that I read so if it's like something that I don't really like I abandoned those things for example if it's because of social media I start using social media less if it's because of a friend I try to not be so around him a lot if you know what I mean so if you want to create a unique personality you have to think always think about things that you do in your life all the things how you think how you behave and everything because if you don't think that way you will find yourself being someone else so that's how I do it thank you that's so wonderfully put and said and I'm curious about your podcast what is the story that encouraged you to started what's the vision for it and maybe why the name midnight thoughts well when I was I think 13 years old I started doing YouTube I had a channel and I've tried everything in it I've posted a lot of things and when I got I think 15 years old or 16 I decided to do the right thing that I've always wanted to do think that I've always liked to do which is public speaking or motivating people so I started with casting alone and I continued for like half half a year I guess or almost a year and then I stopped unfortunately when I got to I think 10k yes 10,000 subscribers I stopped because I've kind of felt unmotivated I felt like I needed someone to do this with me someone to to talk with in this podcast I felt like I'm not doing so well talking just by myself and then I met this girl which is my who are my friends now and we I found her like she liked doing public speaking to and motivating people and talking and chatting so we decided to start a podcast together and that's what we did and we did this because we want to talk about topics that not everyone can talk about topics that our society tries to stop us from like talking about it and we would like to motivate people to and we've choose a minute midnight thoughts because we always like talk at night when we met so it's like more like talk before like we talked before going to bed so it's like it's like a nice way to end our day and that's how we did it I guess that's wonderful and yes you're creating a team for yourself so you're not being only an introvert thank you Sadia this was my privilege my honor such a wonderful way to discover more about you and to share your uniqueness and soul with the world and I recommend of course to everyone to check your podcast I will put the tag in the description as well because you have an Instagram page and thank you again thank you so much for having me here it's an honor

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