E242 Azadeh Gozarnoee

Episode 242 March 24, 2023 00:25:24
E242 Azadeh Gozarnoee
Rare Girls
E242 Azadeh Gozarnoee

Mar 24 2023 | 00:25:24


Show Notes

Azadeh Gozarnoee is originally from Tehran, Iran, and she started pole dance 5 years ago and 2.5 years ago high heels dance then some other styles to find her own technical way of expression.

Azzy also artistically creates her own looks when going to dance competitions, designing dresses and fashion, she loves rock climbing, which she started 1.5 year ago to break her fear of heights.

She also does highlining, gymnastics, ski, and she loves make-up since her childhood so she is now a make-up artist in love with this art.

Finally, Azzy loves to be in nature, to travel, and to explore the cultures of the world.

Instagram: @Azzyypole @azzyymakeup @azzyyworld

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I am the son of a divorce mother she's really my superhero that's why it's important for me to support women to share very uniqueness, better personalities, perspectives, and emotions about this world in these difficult times in human history. We need to bring the people of the world together, and when we hear the voices of women when we listen to real life, so for women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life that's what this podcast is all about mine. I guess the day is Azadeh Gozada no way AZ is originally from Tehran Iran and she started pole dance five years ago and 2 1/2 years ago, high heeled bands, then some other styles to find her own technical way of expression easy also artistically create her own luxe when going to dance competitions, designing dresses and fashion she loves rock climbing which she started 1 1/2 years ago to break her fear of heights. She also does highlighting gymnastics ski and she loves make up since her childhood so she is now a make up artist in love with this art finally easy loves to be in nature to travel and to explore the cultures of the world AV. How are you today? Hello I am so happy that I am here and speaking with you and I'm this incredible podcast. This is a really enjoyable moment for my life that I am here and I can share the path of my life with you. I'm so good I'm feeling great thank you I feel lucky grateful to have you here and very curious about you as a person, and I feel that you can really inspire many women to overcome their fears, which is to into ways one you did rock climbing on purpose to overcome your fear of height, and I also understand, and I love your tattoos and everything, but having big tattoos is also something that helps your faith, the fear of the judgment of other people. NFL to ask you specifically about this because I understand all women especially when you were a little girl you have some anxiety some worry about the judgment of others. What was your journey to find your confidence and to faith yours and what is your advice to other women, or girls who might be limited in their life because of fear, anxiety, and worry about judgment, so that they can be brave and have the courage to do what they want. Yes, actually as you see, I have a curly hair, but I used to straighten my hair because when I was a child, everyone was make fun of my hair and I didn't like it. I was always hated my hair and I will. It's always asking to myself that why my hair is like this, so after years and years, I found out myself that my hair is so unique that I am so unique like it was I was 25 years old, and after that that I accepted myself as a curly one in my journey begins, and I accepted myself more and more and more and I found out that I really love to dance and for me being naked, it's not a sexual thing it's just It's just a human body it's not about anything sexual and about the tattoo. It was a really really have hearts a situation for me because the tattoo is so big and it's my on my chest so I decided to have it up because I wanted to I wanted to overcome this fear of people judging and I wanted to be myself be the uniqueness of me inside of me, and be like her. Woman of this new generation, so I I choose to be not to fear I love that so much there is so much to unpack there and for me to ask about and I'll begin. You're very comfortable with your body being naked, like you said is not a sexual thing there are many women who may be when they see Instagram models and they think oh my God my body is not perfect like her which develops in them a shame about their own body. How do you gain confidence in order for you to see your body as our door is a beautiful thing, or as a part of nature, or anything that can help you be confident around your body, and that can't help other women find their confidence about their body as well. Yeah, I can see that and you know the media it's always telling you that. Having this kind of body is beautiful if you if you are a fat, it's not beautiful you shouldn't wear that dress if that dress is so short for you you know screw that it's not important. You have to be yourself and just living your self because you only have this chance once in your life to leave yourselves and leave whatever you want to do if you want to, but I mean, if you want to dress like a short dresses dress, don't care about it don't care about anyone. Said that it's not OK or like it's you know it's not OK for a woman to dress like this or like you know confidant is a complicated things that it's a I mean it's like more than the inside of yourself it's not building from other people or building from outside the outside of yourself you have to go inside of yourself and love yourself and see the uniqueness of yourself. Everyone is unique everyone every person in this earth is unique. I mean women and men and whatever the gender is they are unique and you have to love yourself because no one can love yourself that likes you can love yourself, so it's so important that you. Have a good feeling about yourself good feeling about your body whatever it is it's not important because we are not in a competition with anyone. We are just a living, living our lives thank you. I love your attitude maybe you were born in the wrong place at the wrong time or something but to ask you do you're born in Iran Tehran, which is very conservative when it comes to women wearing what they want being comfortable with their bodies. I have interviewed some women in Istanbul, even who say depending on the area, there are areas where people will judge you if you're not conservative and they will look at you in a funny way. How do you deal with that being there and why not go somewhere where even if you walk in the street naked nobody will care you know what I mean Oh yeah, I got that it's like it. It was really difficult because I was really abandoned from many people. Many of my friends abandoned me her. It's like her for many years I couldn't be in relationship with any men because they just couldn't accept me because it wasn't acceptable for them and woman you are my girlfriend and you want to dance like this you want to dance naked no you cannot do it. You have to be like a good woman it's not like this, but for me, I didn't care I was a I just wanted to live my life. It's just one chance it's just one life. I am like I mean I am right now I'm 31 and I am only wants 31 I will not be 31 again and I want to leave as I want not anyone wants from me and my country as you said yes everything is for bidden for a like everyone for men and woman. Everything is for bidden butt and a passport of my country. It's so difficult to go like everywhere else so if I had a chance to go to other countries yes I may choose other countries but right now I only can choose turkey because of my passport, but I'm sure the words will change and we can go everywhere if you want to be I agree 1000 billion percent that I noticed you said some man will say you must be a good woman which I disagree with being authentic is how you are a good woman and any way you want and desire, and There's so much that I really want to understand from you. I understand that the visa situation it's what keeps you where you are right now and to go further OK about Paul dance and make up what do you love about these two and are they related somehow to the same emotion, similar feeling or what is interesting for you about pull downs, make up and is there a connection Yeah about pulled as of since I was a child. I remember that when I wanted to play I get naked and my mom come and ask me why are you get naked? Why are you like this? Why are you takeoff your clothes when you want to play and I didn't know that as a grown-up I found out that I really love to dance and I found out that when I want to dance I really love to be naked you mean I mean when I'm dancing how's the air it's touches my body touches my skin. I love it. I can feel it. I can feel it one by one every everything in the air on my skin so When I pull dancing, I really feel myself and you know it's like when you are dancing on the pole and when you were spinning like after one minutes after two minutes it's like you're going into yourself you have a journey into yourself and your emotions how you can express yourself express yourself as an artist because I feel that I am artist and I'm born this way, so about to make up. Yeah I sense my childhood. I always love the make up and make up tools because they're so cute. I love them and The way I putting on my self make up I really love it it's like a game for me that lets them sit like this this eyeliner so let's put this shadow on and when I'm doing it to other people it's also for me it's like magical because how they looking at their selves wow I look so beautiful thank you I feel so confident and when I see them, they are so happy I feel more happiness for myself. I love the passion and what you're saying, and the way you described how the air touches your skin and how you go into an inner journey similar to a meditation when pole dancing, and how the happiness of people you make you put make up on makes you even happier it makes me think are you someone who feels emotions very very strongly are you emotional? I don't mean it like a draw. McQueen my Latina or something but like do you feel emotions in a very strong way or are you even an empath who you feel the energy of the plays of the room and that changes your mood and your energy I see myself a very emotional but like in my way, I mean I accept many things. I accept that death so if anyone die, I will not be that sad because I accepted that as anyone bored anyone can die so this is like a this is normal for me, but you have emotions for me it's something really deep and something really different I mean. When I see people suffering from wars, I get so emotional when I see jungles are burning I get so emotional and I get so sad and when I see animals dying for me, it's so emotional and I feel so sad but in my way, you know I can control it in my center and the way of my artistic. It's how I can express myself when I feel sad I am I dance when I feel happy holidays. But I feel whatever I do I just got into the dance because it's like for me I can express myself I can express my anger I can express my happiness with my body without you know without saying any words, because just in words many things just can't be solved if I want to put all of my feelings in sentences I cannot put it all but with my dancing yes yes I can express myself as much as and I can are you really really love the way you're expressing yourself or a one speaking about these topics and I'm thinking you are someone who's being authentic and very true to yourself and like you said many people don't like it and they disagree but isn't that also a positive it means that the people you can find real like Cynthia are people who are similar to you your people Not so many fake people because you don't just get along with everyone most people who are not your people will not like you, but the people who will be your people will love you from the beginning what I mean is is your way of being authentic creating an even better relationships with friends with lovers with anything because you're so expressive and being yourself or you don't notice that actually how are you how I get into relationship with other people it's always been complicated for me

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