E174 Karina Domniț

Episode 174 January 12, 2023 00:23:09
E174 Karina Domniț
Rare Girls
E174 Karina Domniț

Jan 12 2023 | 00:23:09


Show Notes

Karina Domniț is a Certified Model and a content creator from Alba Iulia, Romania.

Katrisha loves Writing Poems, Meditating, Cooking Vegetarian, Writing Songs, Traveling, Singing, Skincare, and creating content.

She is also a Certified Economic Agent and works at a Consulting Firm in European Funds, she took part in the National Olympic in Accountancy, and constantly progressing and getting Through the difficulties of Life Successfully.

Instagram: @katrishaax

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about this world. In these difficult times in human history, we need to bring the people of the world together. And when we hear the voices of women, when we listen to real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Karina Domnits. Katarica is a certified model and a content creator from Alba Iulia, Romania. Katarica loves writing poems, meditating, cooking vegetarian, writing songs, traveling, singing, skincare, and creating content. She is also a certified economic agent and works at a consulting firm in European funds. She took part in the national Olympic in accountancy, and she is constantly progressing and getting through the difficulties of life successfully. Katarica, how are you today? Hi Aziz, I'm feeling inspirational and ready to have an amazing episode with you. What about you? I'm feeling honored to have you here. Really happy and lucky to be alive, excited about 2023, hoping it will be the best year ever. And I'm very curious about you as a person. So I'll begin with this nice first question. Katarica, if your friends, the people who know you best, could describe your personality, what would they say about you? So I would like to think that they see me as being loyal with the initiative and the extrovert. An extraordinary friend, I would say. From what I have heard over the years, my closest friend describes me as an incredibly strong person due to my past. And I have such a powerful energy, which I emanate, and that I succeed in everything I set out to do. I love that. This is such a wonderful way to answer this question. I have so many things I can ask about, but I'm thinking because we live in a time where a lot of girls don't have that much confidence. They don't have that power. Maybe they're going through the difficult times you had before. So I want to discuss that a little bit and not begin by asking you what happened in the past, but first for now, how does it feel to be a confident person who has initiative and power and energy? I mean, when you look at other people, what is different about you? Do you believe that you are like a queen or do you feel like you're life, your body is full of life? Or do you feel that spiritually and metaphysically everything will be okay? Or how are you different now compared to before when you were going through difficult times and maybe less confident? So in my personal point of view, to be confident means believing in yourself. I've learned that through the years when I look around and see other girls struggling with anxiety, with bullying, I see myself in them in the past. What difference is me from other girls when it comes with confidence? I would say that my life story, my trust in life, in the path of my life, I see myself in the mirror. And I think that that's what every girl should do, look in the mirror more, getting through experiences. And I think that's the key of success in this. Thank you. I agree with you 100%. And at the same time, I want to make it even more practical before we speak more about you. But if you could return in time, give yourself a plan when you are struggling, maybe dealing with bullying, or any difficult times, and that you can advise yourself or other girls who want to become confident, what can they do? What should they do over time, maybe over some months or some year or anything, so that they can become a girl who when she looks at herself in the mirror, she believes, yes, I am powerful. My advice for the girls would be, live your life because it's your own life. And if you're not gonna improve it, who will do it? You know, like, when you see someone that is bullying you, it's making you names, you should think that they are talking about themselves. They are not so confident in them to have a better mentality and to be kind to other people. I agree. You know, in Stoicism, and there is a wonderful, super old book by Marcus Aurelius, who wrote that the people who bully you, who criticize you, in reality, they hate themselves, and then they want to put their pain on someone else. So why should you care if people who cannot even love themselves would love you too? It's not possible. And I'm curious, you said live your life. I sense there is freedom into that. There is something where you decide and you don't listen to what other people say, what society says. I don't know how it is in Romania, but is the culture in Romania encouraging girls to have freedom to live their life in the way they want? Is it developing to become like that? Is it a bit more conservative? Tell me more. And how did you deal maybe with what other people could say, maybe because you come from a smaller city or town, or are they open minded and encouraging to you every day? So yeah, here in Romania, the population is a bit swallowed in mind. But it's not a problem as long as you're doing your own thing, you're looking only at your actions, not at the others. So in my case, when I wanted to do something unusual or different from other girls from my age, I don't know. Older people said, Oh, my God, you're too young to do this. You cannot do this. This is not you. You should do that and that. And I was like, Okay, I see your point of view. I understand that from your experience. But you know, I want to do me. I want to do my own story to tell in the end of my life. And what you think is not what I think. I agree 100%. And my belief is we should create our own universe full of our people, the people we have chemistry with, people who encourage us, who give us good vibes and positivity. And there is no place for toxic people or people who try to put limits on us because often those they live the limited life, they maybe don't take too much risk or stay in their small comfort zone. And so they're not examples to listen to and to understand you even more. Patricia, as a person who has energy, you said even people can sense your power when you're around. What inspires you? What gives you that feeling that you're alive, recharging your batteries and makes you ready to keep on going after your goals even more? My support in life, I would say it would be my grandmother. She's my hero too. You know, she's living with me. She inspires me every single day. She helps me getting through the everyday life. She helps me doing my own thing. She's working in my career, you know. She gives me advices how I should do things like in accountancy, in content creating. She helps me in there too. What else? I would say adrenaline because when you're doing or taking a decision, you know, the thing is most of the times you would have a second thought saying, okay, what did you do that? Maybe it's not okay. And then comes the adrenaline. So when I'm feeling this, I get more inspirational and more motivated to do more things to take risks. And that's what gets me through life. Thank you. And I want to understand even deeper because what you said could have two meanings. One is you love adrenaline because you're more like an adrenaline junkie. You love extreme emotions, new emotions to feel drama and like risk and all those emotions that make life spicy. Or it can be something else, which is when you feel the adrenaline, you're like, okay, I understand now that I'm outside my comfort zone and outside my comfort zone are all my goals, all my ambition. So you feel happy because you know that you're not staying like a zombie, not doing anything, but you're progressing in life. And that's why you enjoy it. Which one is it? Is it both? And if so, which one is more to you? Are you a girl who's like a lover of extreme and new emotions? Or are you a girl who associates adrenaline and fear with progress towards big goals? So you see, it's a mixture between these two. I love feeling fear because that's how you cope with anxiety and everyday life. But in the same time, I have to say, I like a bit of a drama because that's how I learn how to cooperate with people, with situations. It's very easy for me now to cooperate with drama, spiciness, but in the same time, I want peace. I'm a difficult person, I would say in my opinion, but yeah. Thank you. I had another question, but what I'm curious about really, you seem to when you said that learning about how you cope with things, how you can deal with different fears and situations, is learning about yourself, discovering yourself one of the most important motivations in your life? And if so, is it something you always had? Is it something exciting and that's why you do it? Or is it something that you learned to enjoy and became interested in after you evolved from a girl who was weaker into a stronger woman? It was a whole process. I was a weaker girl, but now learning from my therapist, from, I don't know, short videos, how to cope with anxiety helped me a lot, becoming a stronger me, a better me, no fear me. Thank you. And to ask you, you have this powerful and independent vibe. Are you a girl who often has very few people you consider to be friends, maybe only your grandmother, like you mentioned, or are you more of an extroverted social butterfly who has like 110 friends and you're always making friends with new people, especially you said you're difficult and usually difficult people have very, very, very, very few people that they trust and build connections with. So my grandma is my best friend. We are besties. We tell each other everything. But yeah, I can say I'm an extroverted social butterfly. I have many people around me, but only few I can trust. My closest friends would be around five or six, I can say. But I can communicate with other people very easily. I can have fun, you know, going in other cities and making friends randomly. Thank you. And therefore, I'm curious to know, when you meet someone that maybe you discover, wow, this is my kind of person, this person has the potential to become one of my best friends compared to any other acquaintance that you meet randomly, what is different about those people? Is it that they are similar to you in values, they have overcome pain and bullying and became stronger and so you're like, yes, those people can understand me? Or is it some kind of energetic chemistry that it's not about one thing, but you just feel like you know them in a previous reincarnation or in 1000 years or anything? Or is it just they say things that show wisdom and experience and you think, yes, I can learn so much from this person? Or what is it about people you meet that makes some people stand out and become really interesting to you compared to normal people that you meet and maybe you can forget about after some time? I care a lot about the energy they exude, their experience in life. That's why I look for people older than me. I resonate better with people who have the same mentality as me from whom I can learn something myself, you know? So when I look for a better friend or a best friend, I'm looking for the way we are collaborating, what we are doing, how we get away with each other, how we get along with each other, you know? I understand fully and I want to explore a bit more the energy that you spoke about and to know because you as an accountant, someone who's supposed to be very logical and very scientific. Well, energy is not logical and is not very scientific. Are you a kind of spiritual girl? Are you a girl who loves horoscopes and tarot and maybe your meditation, you're doing it for enlightenment and for spiritual practice, not just to calm anxiety? Or are you a very logical person who doesn't believe too much in things that are metaphysical, that cannot be seen? Who are you? How are you? Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe in souls? And therefore, what is to you the meaning of that energy? Yeah, I believe in destiny. I believe in souls. I think that meditating with accountancy, like you said, cope very well because every day I'm gaining a new perspective on stressful situations. I'm building skills to manage my stress. I do believe in horoscope or zodiac. I would say more zodiac because horoscope is something that you say in general and is not for everyone. But yeah, I'm a spiritual girl. I'm focusing on the present. This mentality helps me reduce negative emotions and I'm increasing imaginations and creativity. Thank you so much, Patricia. And to finish this, if you had some advice to any girls in the world who maybe when they consume some content on social media, they don't feel beautiful, they don't feel successful, they lose some of their self-esteem, they want to become more ambitious, but maybe they don't want society to think badly of them or people to criticize them because they still don't want to feel the bullying feeling again or anything like that. What are some lessons, advice or thought that you had that helped you gain your power that maybe you can give them to so that they can become strong women who go after their goals, who are very, very confident? My advice is for the girls who want to be more confident, more okay with themselves would be don't judge yourself. Feeling insecure is hard enough and beating yourself up for having those emotions in the first place won't do you any good. Be your own BFF. Focus on the baby steps like improving yourself. Cut out the people who make you feel less than yourself, like friends, family, if you have the courage. Another one would be celebrate your wins. When you're winning in something you've been working for a long time, just appreciate it and celebrate you. I agree 100%. I hope and wish and dream of every girl in the world hearing your message and what you just said. Katarzyna, it was my honor and my privilege to include you in this project. I wish you to keep going. I wish you even more success. I wish your grandmother who helped you and shaped you in many ways to be thanked and to feel proud of who you are. And I wish you a wonderful 2023. Thank you so much for this opportunity. It was a pleasure for me to speak up and help other girls getting through hard times, like you said. I'm wishing you the best life you can ever have. An amazing 2023 and have a good day.

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