E247 Raykhona Ismoilova

Episode 247 March 29, 2023 00:25:10
E247 Raykhona Ismoilova
Rare Girls
E247 Raykhona Ismoilova

Mar 29 2023 | 00:25:10


Show Notes

Raykhona Ismoilova is is from Tashkent Uzbekistan, and she is a student at Vistula University interested in Fashion.

Instagram: @rokel22

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Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorce mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women, to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives and emotions about this world. In these difficult times in human history, we need to bring the people of the world together. And when we hear the voices of women, when we listen to real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live, a better life. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Raihona Ismoi Lova. Raihona is from Takshend, Uzbekistan. And she is a student at Vistula University interested in fashion. Raihona, how are you today? Oh, hi, all these. You gave really nice speech today, I'm perfect. And you? I'm happy, honored and lucky to speak to you today, I'm feeling very positive and curious about you. So I'll begin with this nice first question. If you're friends and the people who know you best and love you most, could describe your personality, what would they say about you? They can answer it without thinking, they will say that I'm careless because every people around me, they know that I don't care to anything. I don't pay attention to the problems of people and I'm avoiding always problems. Why is that? Is it because you love positivity and you want to focus on that? Or what would you say to describe the reason why you are avoiding problems, etc? Oh, okay. It's because of my childhood, in my childhood I hadn't really good life, I would say. And now I'm living alone, I'm living myself, so I'm trying to make everything positive. I don't like being sad, and I know that if I will become sad, I cannot be normal like everyone. If I will become upset, it will be really out of say. It will be so depressed, so stressful for me, and it's not easy to live like this. That's why I'm always avoiding to become upset or to become angry, so it's good. And I like it. Thank you. And now that you're living on your own, how do you spend your day in order to feel positive? Do you go for a lot of walks? Do you go workout? Do you watch movies? Do you talk and walk with friends? Or what is your favorite activity to feel positive and happy? Oh yes, I do. All of them. So in the morning I wake up and I clean my room, preparing for me breakfast. And then I'm going university. I'm studying after university. I go work. I work part time. And it finishes in always in 5 p.m. I go home. And again, I'm cooking something. And after this, I'm going gym. It makes me really powerful. I really like training a lot. And after this, after training, I like to reward myself as a sounder or as a swimming. Like, I go to the pool and I swing. And by this, my day is finished, finishless. And in the evening, I can go with my friends for a walking or to rest around, just meeting with girls. And sometimes we do, in my home, moving night. And yes, it all makes me happy. Thank you. And you're a girl from Uzbekistan. What is the difference? How is the culture and personality of a girl from Uzbekistan compared to any other place in Central Asia or other women from all over the world? Oh, so actually, why I came here because in my country where I was born, I couldn't feel the whole atmosphere. I didn't feel myself like it is my hometown or it was so weird to live there and I decided to move somewhere else because people there, they were like, how to say they're not the kind with their own citizens but they are too kind to free nurse and I didn't like it. That's why I decided just to move because I couldn't change people around me. All people is impossible to change all of them and just I want to change myself and it worked. So people here are so kind with me. Finally, I found my place. I found my place and I'm really glad from it. Thank you. And you're someone very interested in fashion. What do you love about fashion? And what are your dreams and goals when it comes to fashion? Oh, I love everything in fashion, everything you feature in fashion. Exactly. I like the closest fashion, not house, not houses design or buildings. Yeah? Exactly. So, I read the book of Kokoshana, and after this, I realized that I belong to fashion as well. So now I'm following a lot of models, a lot of designers. And they really inspire me. My future, when it comes to my future plans, I'm gonna build my own fashion house in London. And if it will work good, I will open branches in Italy, France, and of course in Uzbekistan. Because I want to people know that the girl from Uzbekistan was able to make so many things. And I want to be my mom and my family, so proud of me. So, yes, the question, how is my dream and plan? That sounds absolutely wonderful. And why specifically in Britain, England, London specifically are not Paris or Milano? Are you very interested in the British culture? Maybe a lot of Harry Potter or why? Oh, I don't know. Since my childhood, I don't know why. London always calls me, calls me, to live there, to do something there. And now I'm also planning to transfer my studies to London. I hope it will be good. And there is nothing specific that I found in London. Just from my childhood, I like London. I could love America because everyone lost America. They are always trying to live there to work there to travel in America. But London, I can say that London is the sister of America, but a little bit gentle and softer. There is no exact answer or reason about my love to London. Thank you. And you said that you feel empowered when you go to the gym. Can you share a bit more about that? Is it because you feel your body powerful? Is it because you feel the adrenaline and dopamine rush? Or what does it mean for you to feel empowered? Is it to be ambitious after the gym? Or to feel strong? Or how is it that experience for you? Actually after gym, I don't feel myself strong. And I'm not trying to be strong girl. With pain, when it's pain after the pain, there is a feeling that makes you really how to say heavy or peaceful. Every time when I run a lot or I'm doing pillates, my body is the, how to say it. I feel myself that my bones are really flexible. My skin is so like, you know, like a jelly. I don't know how to explain it. And having sound and paths after it makes you feel like a pure butterfly or pure bird. Thank you. That sounds very poetic. And I understand you're very interested in makeup and offer makeup artist services. How is that related to fashion and why do you love makeup? How does it make you feel? Oh, actually, I consider that makeup is a part of fashion. And yes, I don't know why, but I'm really good at it. I even wasn't studying for it or I don't have any diploma from making from makeup. Because I think I like it and that's why it's really, I can do it really good. So doing a lot of makeup is it's bad, but sometimes it makes clear your concerts. Like not hers, girls' concerts and it shows better making visible, more visible girls' face. So this is art for me. I love art and I love creating something new in my own face or in girls' face. I really enjoy it from painting eyes, lashes, eyebrows, choosing lipsticks for different types of lip or skin mixing it. Yes, this is real art and it makes me feeling awesome. Thank you very, very much. At the same time, I imagine you're a girl that loves to travel. What is interesting for you about travel? And does it help you learn about yourself, about other countries? Or what do you so good about traveling? Oh, yes, I love traveling and why I love it? Because I'm searching for new things from other countries. I'm searching that I never saw things that I never saw since my birth. So I love meeting people from over the world. And yes, I'm doing it and I have a lot of friends from several countries cities. And I like exploring the culture of cities, of people. And I believe in every country, in every city people are different. And I like knowing their character, their behavior, their attitude to new people. And yes, I just enjoy from it. I'm just always trying to be thankful that I have this opportunity to travel to enjoy just from the moment. For sure, thank you so much. And at the same time, you are someone who is studying at university. What is the topic or subject that you're studying? And why did you choose it? Oh, actually, yes. I studied at university, but I really don't like studying. There is a reason. Can I say it or no? I don't know. I study to read them and re-create change. I choose it because as you know, I love traveling and I want to become professional, traveler and open some extra hobby, or I can say extra company, which is related to tourism. And I have a plan for the future. I want to open my own brand, which will be called Raquel. And I will open hotel with name Raquel. And there will be a part of tourism. And I will need the help of the risen sphere. So, press the round, which will be called Raquel. So, shopping, malls, AS and so on. I love your ambition. At the same time, you said you grew up in a difficult situation. So, how were you able to stay ambitious and positive? Even if you grew up in difficulty, and why do you believe that ambition is great and that all your big dreams are good and can happen so other women can be inspired to have similar ambition? Yes, I wasn't left from my childhood, but I will not say that my childhood was full of troubles. Because I think I never saw real problems when it comes to my childhood. I wasn't living with my mom and my mom, she was also divorced and she just left me with my grandma and grandfather. So there was two roots with me and I really didn't like their attitude. I was always annoying but I was trying to leave this house and to begin something new in somewhere else like a new place apart from my relatives and I did it. Everything I was planning or I was dreaming about it was coming through always and if someone wants something by heart they will always pray for it and ask from the God that it will be when it will be real in your real life that's why I was never stopping to trying and to remain so I think till this time I'm achieving my dreams and plans so next I also hope that everything will be will become true and real but every woman see in my actions they will see my results and these results will make them as well will improve their self confidence I love that and I want to specifically speak about that for you what is your advice to women who maybe are a bit shy or maybe they have goals but they worry what other people will think and don't follow them so that they can have the confidence to change their life and follow all their dreams I think I have really good faces for women we shouldn't think a lot imagine that you are in ocean and the flow is going to right north not to the left and we have to follow this flow we shouldn't try to swim to right or swim to the left or back we shouldn't try we shouldn't do it we should follow all women they should follow the flow of the ocean and we will see what will like where you will bring to which island this flow will bring us so I believe in this island there will be a lot of a magic animal places, plants that will make it feel as happy and enjoy so just follow the flow of the life just don't make anything complicated and no one cannot can something in women if they will never allow it if they don't want it because they will not allow so no one can change anything in women I agree 1000 million percent and to ask you since you are a woman who loves to travel what would be a country or a city in this world where you will feel very much relaxed and happy and at home is it maybe London specifically so that you are near to your fashion design kind of culture or you spoke about America you love to be in New York or in Hollywood or in Dubai or Paris or what is a place that is your dream to live that you feel even if you had the opportunity you'll be so happy I think it will not be London I'm planning this to be my career in London before you leave me I'm still searching I'm still searching a place but I imagine I don't know in which city I can find this place but I want a place with ocean, with nature with sun there is never winter there is no winter every time only summer and additionally with a lot of crowded people the place with a lot of people with movement, action where I can see actions every day yes this is my ideal place or a living but I don't know I can find exactly and how it calls maybe it will be well this or how I I love that Maldives or how I sounds absolutely great at the same time is some of your fashion inspiration from warm weather do you feel you want to create beach vibe or how will it be? I can do it I can do this as well some mixture of and the sound and clouds rain I can illustrate in my closest something connected related to galaxy something with stars moon sky and of course normal visual dresses be beautiful for daily because if I will think logically people will not wear my closest if it will be so extra extra cosmic something related to nature it's this kind of idea is good for shows good for and how to say just for projects some project but not for daily wearing so yes I will do it in two ways that is absolutely great thank you so much that I have for sharing your dreams your personality your life I feel and thank you for participating in this podcast thank you too as it was so awesome fantastic to talk with you to answer your questions I really enjoyed from this conversation for a long time no one wasn't asking for me this meaningful questions thank you so much thank you for giving this opportunity opportunity to speak to recognize our selves you are welcome

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