E246 Sydney Zorn

Episode 246 March 26, 2023 00:28:12
E246 Sydney Zorn
Rare Girls
E246 Sydney Zorn

Mar 26 2023 | 00:28:12


Show Notes

Sydney Zorn is a Canadian Fashion Model and a student getting her Bachelor's degree in Website Design.

Sydney loves spending time with her dog, time with her family, she has a passion for snowmobiling in Canada, and she is a coffee and pastry addict.

She is currently learning how to design websites and she is a certified nail and eyelash technician.

Instagram: @sydney_zorn

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Episode Transcript

Oh hello my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother she is really my superhero that's why it's important for me to support women to share their experiences, their personalities perspectives and emotions about this world in these difficult times in human history we need to bring the people of the world together, and when we hear the voices of women when we listen to real life, self women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life that's what this podcast is all about My guess today is Sydney Zorn Sydney is a Canadian fashion model and a student getting her bachelors degree in website design Sydney loves spending time with her dog time with her family. She has a passion for snow mobile and snowmobiling in Canada and she is a coffee and pastry addict. She is currently learning how to design websites and she is a certified Nealon eyelash technician. Living in Mexico Sydney, how are you today? I'm so good thank you how are you? I feel blessed I feel very positive and very excited to know much much more about you so I will begin with this maze first question just to begin the conversation which is Sydney? If the people who know your best and your friends could describe your personality what would they say about you? I think the first thing they would say is I am extremely outgoing. I love everybody around me so intensely and I try and with my life. Guided by kindness, and I just am so passionate about people and I want to bring them happiness whenever possible. I love that there is are so many questions I can ask and I will begin with this one. Tell me about the energy of love. Do you feel that love is like the energy that is creating all of the reality do you feel is the way to be a positive person in this world is it like love conquers all of whatever forms it has why the focus and why did you choose those words because you could have chosen, just saying kindness, or saying, positivity or whatever but I noticed you used love I think that because of the lack of love in this world, but I try and bring that and spread it to everybody because I believe that everybody deserves to have love in their life and be treated. Fairly and kindly in order to live a positive and happy life I like that and then you love people and they're very important for you, but what's the most fascinating and interesting thing for you about people is it like you feel people are a reflection of fall, like God, or nature, or something like that, is it because when you make people happy, you feel happier and it's like an exchange of energy or people are like their stories that are unique thoughts and perspectives help you grow and discover more about yourself or what is the most interesting thing for you about people oh my gosh while you listen to really great ones there you know I think As you meet new people and you learn their culture more to you become more I guess you learn more about yourself and you're able to become a higher level. I'm a very spiritual person maybe not necessarily I am in the normal sense but I like I love, Taro ends as zodiac and things like that I think that that's online quiet, but that's our higher power, and I also think that everything happens for a reason so as you meet new people, and as you grow more, you know it shapes you into the person you're meant to be as well. I agree with you there are no coincidences in this universe and let's go there. What is your metaphysical or spiritual belief about destiny and how life is do you feel or believe everything is meant to be, and you're just watching your life unfolding. You create a net is it 50-50 one of the girls I interviewed she said life is like branches of a tree where at every juncture you can choose to go right and left but then after that is your destiny will manifest itself until the next point where you can choose again, I don't know, but how do you see destiny? How is the reality unfolding for human beings as you see it absolutely that's an amazing question me know I think that we create our own destiny in a way like you said that's a great answer. Your life is like a tree growing with the branches. You know you can choose your path. I think that everything happens for a reason, but you can react to those those coincidences or those those situations that you get put in and you can choose whether it goes in a positive way or a negative way depending on your your reaction to it thank you and I believe that everybody is born in abundance, but then some traumatic events happen to them and put them into scarcity, so how did you evolve pass that into the energy of love and pass those traumas that often make a person unable to not expect that things will go badly. Do not feel like in scarcity that other people are a threat and they're taking things and you have to keep yours or whatever that competitive kind of energy arrive, or than collaborative and people together built in the world. How was your journey of self discovery, and of becoming limitless away from those limits? No, I have been through quite a few hardships in my life. I think it's really important to have a very good support system being your friends, your family I'm very very connected to my family and they've supported me through so so much and my parents have been an incredible part of my life and I think it's really really important to be able to talk about things and have some like people to vent to who can help you through situations as well. I have done therapy to. I think it's a really beneficial tool that we can use to get through our traumas as well and then being able to just turn that energy into a positive energy and exiting it back into the world and helping people feel good. I like to think that because I've been through so much I want other people to not have to feel that way so I want to make that are make their lives better. Thank you that's so kind of you and I'm noticing from the way you speak your kinesthetic which means you're very in touch with your body, which also has to like a negative and a positive which are the same thing you feel everything very deep. Please have the pleasure and happiness is very deep but the pain and the heart is very deep. How did you like deal with that what happened because probably at some point some people were telling you all stop being so sensitive or why are you so emotional or this shouldn't hurt you so much you're whatever which they don't understand that your nervous system is just more sensitive than normal so two things one And I didn't notice it within your introduction. What do you do in order to reconnect and keep that connection with your body do you do a lot of yoga running and feeling the breeze on your face swimming and surfing and secondarily because if you are able to go into this positivity, the advice you can give people about how to find a positive connection with your emotions and sensations will be really powerful for sure that time to amazing question. Thank you so much so my way to stay connected is. The snowmobiling thing being out in the outdoors, I love being outside I think that sun and fresh air is such a great thing for our bodies. I do love to do yoga as well I think it really am, but I can access to our bodies and helps us center back to ground us back into the urn. My advice for people. Oh sorry I my other one is that I like to spend a lot of time alone I think it's really really important for us as human beings to be able to spend time by ourselves and tap into our brains, and figure out who we really are as a person and what we want in our lives and be able to move forward with a drive to get to where we want or the thing that we want or where we want to be or where we want to live and I love being able to travel around and work remotely it's awesome. Absolutely incredible I want to be able to do that more. I want to travel to Europe everywhere and my advice to people to change their attitudes and positivity. I think his shoe really be able to step back for one second when there's a bad thing and just you know reconnect with yourself figure out where you are what's going to happen in the situation and choose the more productive and positive route and then again being able to spend time for yourself and really figuring out who you are as a person. I love that advice and it makes any sense because you're very kinesthetic. You're someone unique in your own way and you have a red hairdo, so do you see yourself somehow I was like because how do you perceive yourself in a spiritual way do you see yourself as a like a beneficial witch or either fairy or I have an angel All or like what's your perspective on yourself and you? How do you see your role as someone spreading love and joy with inhumanity I think I'm an empath I definitely consider myself an empath. I feel emotions so deeply like you had mentioned on I would like to think of myself as a fairy know that you said that my driving, so I always read me very stories, and she collected little fairy figurines for me and that's always been something really important in my life actually and I think that just spreading positive positivity and being able to bring kindness of the world is really the role that I I think my life is I love that I'm a super embarrassed as well. I can't even feel pads and dogs and cats and even buildings almost like they have a soul so when I walk around any person I look at, I feel everything they're feeling even if they don't look at them I might feel that or or whatever you might say. I and ask you then Canada you want to Mexico I know you spoke about your love for travel for trying new things for being someone who can be alone at the same time you're super connected to your family and friends and now you're a bit far away, so why did you choose a Mexico and how do you keep that support system alive although you're thousands of miles away so actually I was I was here two years ago on a modeling contract and I got re-sign onto my modeling contract here so I came back and I had friends from previous time too so I've been really really been enjoying my time here being able to reconnect with those people and meet more amazing friends and I'll have for life I FaceTime my mom every day sometimes two or three times a day and being able to talk to my dad over the phone too. I think it's really really important for me to be able to speak in English with my mom to. I'm learning Spanish but it's still not not 100% at all so it's really it's really important for me to have technology and to be able to see my mom face-to-face see my friends at home face-to-face in order to stay connected with them so that's the magic of communication used by a fairy cell here literally manifesting that and you spoke about Europe that you have a desire to visit Europe, where oh do you feel maybe all your like reincarnated from a princess or something from a European city and there is a place that's calling you there or what is fascinating to you About Europe what do you think you'll get from such a trip? Oh my gosh, I love to think that I am a princess reincarnation I love castles. I love the history I think it's really really cool all of their history and their buildings and things that we just we don't have that in Canada so it's so cool for me to go and be able to see that I spent three months in France on an exchange when I was 17 years old and absolutely fell in love with it though so I'd love to go back I do speak fluent French. Do you say it's easy for me to communicate with people in France? My exchange mountain family took me to Spain to Barcelona and I just absolutely fell and I will head there. My family is on my dad side of the family and the red hair all comes from Germany so I would love love love to be able to go and see where my family came from and Touro to around I'd love to go to Malon Italy. I just think everyone would be so so cool I agree 1000 million percent and you are someone who seems to be in love with exploration and love, maybe with freedom I don't know which words you will use but I understood you want to spread love within this world at the same time that side of you that side of you that wants to travel what is the big value they are or the meaning or the thing that is an expression of your identity and personality are you up? Freedom, lover and you don't like to be tied down everywhere. Are you a girl who loves excitement and you're like I get bored if I stay too long and any specific blaze or is it exploration that I thought as long as you see new places you're like oh my God I'm like growing. I'm going somewhere it's manifested it's not imaginary or how is it for you? I think it's all of that. I have just a big sense of adventure inside of me. The thing that drives me the most towards traveling and going to different places, learning new culture, and again deeply understanding yourself you're just learning more about yourself you're learning more about the world about your place in the world about who you might become. Again the tree branches where you might choose to go you know there's so many opportunities and I think having a border on those opportunities I love the word freedom like to use that I love to be free and not to border myself to one one thing I just want to explore everything that the world has to offer because there is so much that it does and life is just too short not to discover everything that you possibly can get your hands on. I love that attitude. I encourage it 100,000 million percent and out of kindness let's ask you some advice for women or girls who might be stuck in their comfort zone or they worry about judgment of others or they have some anxiety and I think oh wow if I travel to Mexico, maybe something bad will happen to me or even in friends 00 my God I'm so far if I call my family they need to come overseas or what happens that's too far. Or whatever it is how what is it like your advice for women in order to live in freedom, limitless and have that sense of adventure without stopping it out of fear or anxiety I just think you need to have your wits about you. Do you know know where you are at all times be aware of your surroundings for living in a foreign country and being safe just research where you're going before you go there have a plan if something goes bad nothing anything should go bad but if you get a message ration you just have a back up plan and I just think you know take me to take the leap you have to just jump in the things you have to let go of that fear and just you know leave it behind. You don't need that leave that baggage behind And just jump into it because if if you don't do it, nobody's gonna push you to do it so you have to really push yourself I love the gesture is you're doing that very very like you could have been a great actress, especially pushing things behind and taking the leap and you're doing everything in a very embodied way, I mean literally you could have been a fantastic dancer, as well as an actress etc. and to ask you you describe yourself as a coffee and pastry addict What do you love about those? Do you love me to make them yourself? Do you love to go to small like boutique bakeries and try them in very traditional ways in different places or if anything is it are you in love let's say with pleasure and with sensations about life and those give you a rush that is part of adventure and excitement or why are you specifically coffee and pastries so I actually I used to work at Starbucks I found my love for coffee there I love making coffee I love making lattes I love discovering new flavor combos with lattes and stuff. I also like you said, I love the pleasure that it brings and I love the indulgence one of my favorite things about being here in Mexico as I've been able to go to a café every day and be able to work there, so it's brought me a lot of pleasure and it brings me a sense of home as well being able to Sydney's little cat. Bears have yummy, yummy pastries that are handmade fresh every day and just the appreciation of the culture of being able to sit down and have a coffee and a pastry and relax is very I think in bedded in the world culture and just very I think important to people in a sense of relaxation and and communication and connection. Thank you and then I have to ask because I love way of your ability to indulge in the pleasures of life. Some women have a sense of guilt about that whether it's to take time off or my thighs for themselves or even being being alone or whatever whether it's for religious reasons or some religion say oh you have to suffer to be a good person now if you're indulging your bad or family, you will be like you're wasting your time you should do more or even themselves seeing a lot of the cultural undertones that if. If you're a martyr than you're such a great person, but if you're if you're like enjoying life, you're bad person or whatever it is did you have such things hurdles to overcome or if not, I know you're sad that life is too short, and that can be a motivator, but what can you say to such women who want to enjoy life more but they have a sense of guilt that is stopping them, but I won't even say on the guilt but more shame because it's the voices of other people forever than their own voice stopping them, so I think I think we just have to live to our true selves you know I am a workaholic I love to work I love to do design like I love to work on the computer and stuff but I also think that there is time for rest and relaxation and there there are ways to connect that to the way that we worked you I were you know I work really hard to get him to be able to travel to get to be able to learn website designing things like that but also being able to relax and have my coffee have my pastry. I think it helps you work better because you're you're in a better mood and then you're wanting to do things and you're not in a slump you know it's really keeping you. You're your energy levels high and it's really important to women especially to have our energy levels high in order to be able to function at our our best rate in our best way thank you and you mentioned website design. How does that express your personality? Is there a way that you're discovering some things about yourself through learning website design or how does that work and why because if you're a workaholic about this, it means there is some thing about that is beyond work, so what does it give you that is beyond the work itself it gives me. Your creative expression, and the freedom to be able to create in a way that I think is is going to is going to convert into high conversions. High sales are mineral high communication and response to it well also being able to stay true to myself, and and to my creativity, and to my sense of style, and I guess fashion too I love that that's part of integrity. Nowadays, a lot of people might be living a fool's life and I'm not saying it in a negative way, but that they have a persona or a mask and they don't know who they are so they might ask you they say look I have a grown-up I behave this way because my mom and my father or whatever behaved or told me how to do it this way, but then how do I find myself and if I find it how do I know it is my self What is the feeling? How do I know whether it's me or I'm just adopting a new mask and your persona just because it's different I assume it's me but maybe it's not so how to find that authenticity especially that most people are walking around with a mask that is not attached to our who they truly are so they might not even know how it feels like to be authentic self first to things how to let go of that mask, and then how to know that you found your authentic self rather than another fools identity again it's really about looking into yourself, and figuring out who you are the authenticity I think is that you're able to drive and move and create your decisions, all based on your own thoughts, rather than having those intrusive thoughts of what everybody else is going to think somebody saying somebody something negative or telling you know it's really being able to. Is that mine clarity that you know that you're making the right decision for yourself and that you're able to move forward on being confident in the choices that you make as well? I agree with that 1 million billion% and for you as well when you're meeting people and you meet friends in Mexico, as someone who is an empath, how do you recognize that someone is your person compared to someone who's not really because my belief is that we are on this earth not to compromise ourselves to fit into any tribe but to create our own small universe of the right people who are supportive non-toxic and that means that 99% or more of people are not our people that only very few are, so how do you recognize that when you meet someone oh, and all those rare occasions do you feel you've known them forever? Is it energetically resonance that you feel their energy resonating with you? Is it what they say and you're like I agree with the value so they're my kind of person I don't know how do you recognize them and what would be your advice for people who might not be impasse so sometimes they might be under the spell of psychopath and sociopath, and a narcissist don't know how to pretend but they're not really like that but you have an empath you can send that I am falsehood or that kind of mismatch between reality and the outside face, so how do you recognize when people are your people and advice for people so that they can recognize it to and not fall pray to narcissist, manipulation or psychopath all right ever absolutely I agree You know, you really do need to figure out your people and we create. We create our own little world with the people around us that that we think are best for us and that we love I think if you're not an empath the best way to filter it out is that the people around you are constantly doing things to to encourage you and to better your lives instead of trying to bring you down or control you or bring you down to better their lives you know if you're really really true friends and they're really their integrity is great they're gonna want to bring you up with them and you're going to climb those ladders together instead of them, climbing a ladder and leaving you down and maybe pushing the ladder over and not letting you come up with that For me as an empath, I got a gut feeling, and I can just sense that their integrity and their intentions in life and maybe towards me are just not there and I try to steer clear of that one. Thank you so much this could go on forever I really love talking to you is absolutely amazing. I really feel grateful and privileged to have interviewed you to include you in this project. I'm honored I wish you all the success all the freedom, all the digital nomad lifestyles forever. And all the connection and fun with those your love with your family so that you both have deep roots, but the ability to roam around and wander this world and Leslie and thank you again thank you so much. I appreciate that so much. I am so so honored and feel so pleasure that you included me in this, and like you said, I could've just kept talking forever with you, so I thank you thank you so much.

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