E274 Tatiana Titomay

Episode 274 April 30, 2023 00:28:32
E274 Tatiana Titomay
Rare Girls
E274 Tatiana Titomay

Apr 30 2023 | 00:28:32


Show Notes

Tatiana Titomay studied banking, but after she tried to work in a bank, she realized that this is not her thing, and she is drawn to more creative activities.

Tatiana was born in a cold country, Russia, and all her life she dreamed of living by the sea. So 6 years ago she left her country and went to explore life in different places.

During this time she managed to live in Thailand, Indonesia and now lives in Dubai, the Arab Emirates.

During her life abroad she got acquainted with the world of photography, content, modeling and everything related to production for brands, video clips, show business and so on.

She fell in love with this business with all her heart and it became not only her hobby, but also her job.

Now living in the United Arab Emirates, she continues to do what she loves, and of course she dreams of achieving great heights, big earnings, more interesting acquaintances and projects and improving the quality of her life in every way.

Instagram: @titomayy

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz, and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about this world. In these difficult times in human history, we need to bring the people of the world together. And when we hear the voices of women, when we listen to real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Tatiana Tito-May. Tanyusha studied banking. Hello, hello. Yes, I will ask you a bit later. No worries. I will edit this. Thank you. It's going to be fun. Now I will read the information you wrote about you, and then I will begin. Tanyusha studied banking, but after she tried to work in a bank, she realized that this is not her thing, and she is drawn to more creative activities. Tanyusha was born in a cold country, Russia, and all her life she dreamed of living by the sea. So six years ago, she left her country and went to explore life in different places. During this time, she managed to live in Thailand, Indonesia, now lives in Dubai, the Arab Emirates. During her life abroad, she got acquainted with the world of photography, content, modeling, and everything related to production for brands, video clips, show business, and so on. She fell in love with this business with all her heart, and it became not only her hobby, but also her job. Now living in the UAE, she continues to do what she loves, and of course dreams of achieving great heights, big earnings, more interesting acquaintances and projects, and improving the quality of her life in every way. Tanyusha, how are you today? Thank you so much. I'm good. Having an amazing day in Dubai. Now just Ramadan has just finished. Everybody is working and busy, so get back into routine. Do you love that energy of being busy? Is that something, that dynamic, creative, creation energy is very important for you? Yes. I really love to be busy, especially with my work. That's how I feel life keeps going. Sometimes you can have time for a chill, relax, meeting with your friends, but most of the time I love to work. I love it. And before you hated work when it was in a bank. So what is different about it now? Now that you're doing something more creative, why is it so exciting compared to the bank? What is different about it? The first thing is because I'm enjoying what I do. And like I was reading in lots of books, which is about motivation and life coaching, like find a thing what you will do for free in your life and you will never be working, you know. So step by step, I find myself and I feel I work. So I easy can do it all the time. That's the thing. I have so many questions. First, let's begin with something which I believe is very important because I honestly don't believe that the way a person looks is representative of their personality. But did you have experiences where people think just because you look like a beautiful woman, you're not so smart, you don't read books, you don't develop yourself, like was it part of your life that people have the wrong first impression or not? Like how is it? Yeah, of course. That's happening a lot. So like people when they see you, they see like you're a beautiful girl, probably you don't like to work, you have like very simple mentality. So that's how they see you. But the smart people, they go through, like they try to know you and then they can see your personality. So and from my side, I met lots of beautiful women like they, wow, they looks like supermodels. And from the first expression, like you will think, oh, just a beautiful girl, you know, like Instagram model or something. But when you try to get to know people, you realize how interesting this person, how beautiful soul they have, you know, of course, it's not about everyone, but try to get to know people. Don't judge them by the way, how they look like. Thank you. And since you spoke about the people's souls and how beautiful of a person they are inside, are you an empath? Can you feel people's energy and almost connect to their souls or how does it work for you? Maybe because I used to live in Bali, you know, like everyone think like Bali is very spiritual place, maybe from that or maybe, I don't know, like I really can feel people, you know, it's just energy you can feel easily, especially if you have experience, you meet lots of people in your life, you just know you feel, you know. I love that. And to ask you then, when you meet someone that you feel is the right energy and you think, yes, this is my person, how is that? Is it literally like energy that you feel almost as if time stops and the right vibe and the right chemistry is there? Is it about talking when they say something that they have similar hobbies, values and all that? Or how does it work? Because you said when you meet a lot of people, you can differentiate who are your people and most people are not. Yeah, you can literally scan, you know. So for me, for all my life, all the like my soulmates I met, friends or relationships, it was like from the first impression, you are exactly know this is a person for you. You just like matching, you know, your energy is matching and you cannot be full of the chat, like you keep talking, you could be spending time together, you're enjoying to the maximum. It's not something about, yeah, like this person is good in this and this and that and okay, this is good for me. No, it's something like above the rules, you know, just energy, yes. I understand. And do you try to capture such a thing that is above the rules or almost magical in your work? Does it work in that way? Is your work related to your love for people or how is your creativity so much fun for you? I like it because I can work in different places and also I met different people, like in each project and each shooting, I come and it's always new people around and you never know who you will meet, for example, in the shooting, you know, lots of times I have like I come and I see like super famous celebrity and I'm going to shoot with them today, like I was in the shot, but the vibe of all the project is so nice. So if you really enjoy people who is around you, like the, wow, you will not feel you're working. There's the thing. I love it. So people are very important for you. Yes, exactly. Yes. And to understand it even more, what is the most fascinating thing for you about people? Is it their stories and their lives? And it feels like, oh my God, this is like I'm reading a book or watching a movie when they tell their stories. Is it inspiration that they tell you about their, how they overcome their problems and you learn and you feel, yes, life is not difficult because they have overcome even more than me, or is it really the energy that when you go, you just feel constantly high vibe because of the right people. So it feels like you're in flow. So time passes so quick and so happily. It's actually lots of things when they're together. First of all, it's like fun of the people. They have like a nice vibe around them. They're enjoying, they're having fun. Also, like inspiring their life stories. Most inspiring for me when people, they come from in the middle of nowhere and they reach some cool point and they have story to share. Wow, this is like really impressive. And of course, energy, you know, like all things together. Perfect. And how is that related to your love for the sea? Do you get energy from the earth and from beautiful landscapes and nature? Are you a girl who nature for you is like mother earth. So it feels like being with a person when you're by the sea or how, because I wouldn't, unless you will say, yes, I want to take like 10 friends and go to the sea every time I'm out. How is that love with the ocean? Because some people might imagine you go alone. All the time when I go to a place where there's lots of nature, I don't know, just charging me, you know, like it's not happening something special. I just might come to the ocean and sit down and swim or like we're walk around jungles or something or go to the mountains. That's charging me in the magical way. I don't know how it works, but maybe because we all human being, we belong to nature. That's why. Yes. I wish in Dubai there is more nature, you know, but you still can find a lot. I'm sensing and understanding that you're a sensitive person who is attuned to the energy, the atmosphere, the environment. At the same time, I can understand that because you're a model or you're a girl who looks nice, there are women who might be jealous of you and say bad things or people are mean to you just because they're thinking, oh my God, you're another creature from another world like that. That's how they think. How do you deal with that? Because probably their negativity affects your emotions deeply or how do you protect yourself from any toxic people and energy vampires? Honestly, I don't have too much hate. I don't know why I heard like social media. They have lots of hating to their side, but honestly, like in all my experience, I don't have it much. Maybe because of the people I met and work with, you know, I don't know, we're all girls. We feel the same, not because I maybe because I met like quality people. Let's say they understand what's life about. They don't look at the beauty, you know, they look at your character, your behavior. And for me, like I always feel the same with all the girls. So like honestly, I don't have any hate or something. Even if I have bad comments in social media, I'm not really putting attention. This goes in an easy way. Perfect. And then to understand, because you spoke about how you're attracting the right people, et cetera. Are you someone who's more spiritual, especially because you've been in Bali and you've been in parts of the world where it is? So do you believe in destiny, in manifestation? Are you a girl who's always using tarot cards and reading your horoscope every time? Or how does it work? You know, when I first come, for example, to Bali, like too much spiritual, like you go too deep into that. But then you realize like life is not dependent on that. Like you have to have a balance. Come on, don't go deep into that tarot or astrology. Your life is not dependent on that. Even you can learn, you can listen to like astrology podcasts, make tarot, but don't be reliable on that because you have to do your own choices. You spoke about like, you should be the person responsible for everything. You at least in modern times, it seems they're not strong enough to be responsible. They're waiting to be lucky or they're waiting for life to give them something. And then if it doesn't, they're depressed and they're like, why life hates me instead of going in the world and facing failure. How do you accept the responsibility for your aims and goals without feeling that, oh my God, it's too much stress. It's too difficult. It's too depressing. Of course, you will never feel too much relaxed when you take responsibility. But it's the main goal we have to go to. Even like most of the girls, we like to be reliable on the men. We love when the men can take responsibility on you. But anyway, we have to, we have to try at least to be responsible about our lives. Because yes, when you are young, maybe it's okay, but you're growing, you will have your kids. Come on, how, how you will survive. You always need to be responsible on yourself. So even if it's difficult sometimes, just girls try, try, try to do that. 100%. And you are someone who grew up in Russia, so it's a cold country. And maybe there is a stereotype, people have a bitch face, not so smiling. So what motivated you to leave it and to go to Bali and Dubai and all that? Is it the weather? Is it because you didn't feel you belong to 100%? Is it just because you love to live a life of adventure? So when you're 70, you don't think with regret or like, what was, how was your life in Russia? And then how did you get that motivation? Because many people can often not decide to take a big step and go abroad and live an adventurous life. So my, like my normal life in Russia was university. Then I told you I used to work in a bank. So it was super normal, like work, gym, sleep. Sometimes you can see your friends. That's it. But you feel like this is too much robotic, like there is something in life you didn't see yet. You have to go and see that. And of course, it was really scary to leave my country because I don't know where I'm going, but I get support of my ex-boyfriend. So we like created a team to go abroad and explore it. So it was more easy. You have to have like someone who will support you because otherwise it's going to be like more harder. But if you have a team, friends, boyfriend, or like even your parents, they're supporting you, say, yes, go, you can do that. It's much easier. Yes. And the difference, for example, between Russia and living abroad. Of course, each country, when you settle down, life is more calm. But when you come there, it feels so special. Everything is new. Like this magic is happening. You feel that. So there's the difference. And yeah, like it's just have a dream like to live in a really nice place, you know, where is the warm weather, not cold because Russia is super cold. So it's like demotivate you completely because you woke up with the gray weather, raining, snowing. You don't have too much energy, but when you woke up, this is the sun here, ocean, you can go have a walk, like lots of things you can do. It's more, you feel alive more, let's say. Well, you're a Slavic girl. Do you really tan when you're in Dubai and Bali or do you become red? In the beginning, my skin gets used to it. So now I'm like becoming brown. Before I've been like tomato color, but now I learned how to use SPF. Girls is very important. If you're a Slavic girl and you have a white skin color, use SPF. 100% to protect your skin from the UVs. And for you, this is your advice to women and girls in general. Do you work with social media? And of course, it's important. People will imagine you're an alien again or someone who is not a human, because of course, all people will have some insecurities, will compare themselves like you spoke before. You see some girls who look very beautiful and they have a great soul and spirit and brain. Many girls and women, they compare themselves to the Instagrams of other girls and it makes them think, oh, wow, I can never be as beautiful as that. Everybody will hate me. I'm ugly, whatever it is. So how do you deal maybe even with yourself because you're looking always at other women who are models and all that. So you're comparing yourself to them in order to keep your confidence, take care of your mental health and not feel because someone is more perfect that you're less than them. Now, after having experience and working with social media, modeling and all of this, I know nobody is perfect. That's the first thing. Most of the people, most of the girls, they use a face tune, face up filters. We're finding the best angle, best light. So it makes you look in the best way. But actually, if you go outside of the streets, like you see normal people, even the girls, she can be beautiful, but she may have acne or like that somewhere. This is normal. You have to accept it. So, and maybe have more experience, maybe like try to look around more. So in real life, you will not see these perfect girls from the Instagram, right? All of us, we have, we use the Instagram filters. Best light, best light and face up for sure. And best angle and best everything. Exactly. Because we are girls, we're trying to look better, you know, always. Yes. So any girl can be inspired that she can look better just because of the right angles, the right filters and the right light. Yes. Better, better take care of your health and go to the gym, eat more healthy, less alcohol, no cigarettes. Better to go in this way. So after some time, you will look better anyway. Yes. Looking healthy and having good soul is the most beautiful thing you can have ever in this world. Okay. I will ask it in this way. For you to be responsible and to create your life in Dubai, you need a lot of masculine energy. At the same time, you look, of course, and you keep your femininity. How do you balance both? How do you recharge your femininity and keep it alive? Or no, you're like, I don't care. I'm going to dominate and conquer Dubai. Or how does it work for you? Because some women might struggle with that because they don't feel comfortable using their masculinity a lot. And they miss the feeling of softness, which is like, that's why I thought the rose will remind you like, soften a little bit. Or how does it work for you? For me, when I go too much masculine, I always feel that. And I say, no, no, no, no, no. I need to do something like really relaxing me. And the next day I go to the beach, I go buy dresses, something to make myself feel like I'm a girl. Something that will make my life easy, beautiful, you know, butterflies, pink world or something. When I feel like I worked a lot. What does it mean for you to be like in your masculine? And what does it mean for you when you feel very feminine? Honestly, I try to not turn on masculine energy too much because like I don't feel myself when I'm in this kind of mood, you know. So most of the things I do like from my feminine way, you know, we are girls, we have to follow our nature. We don't need to be like too much men's, you know, even from the work, if you choose it, try to choose something more feminine for you, for the girls. But all the people is different. Some girls, they born with lots of So they have to find something where they will throw this energy. This is their like nature. So all the people is different. For me, I just don't have too much masculine woman, too much masculine energy. So I'm trying to bring it out more sometimes. Not easy. And you moved to Dubai, which is a very hard and difficult city to adapt to, to build in. There are so many ambitious people who are all competing for many, things. How was your adaptation to that? It's very different from the cold Russia or the relaxed Southeast Asia. How was the adaptation to Dubai? And also, how do you create a life that still fits what you know that you like and love? Like you said, there is not too much green space and too much nature in it. How do you, did you adapt to Dubai? What's why did you choose Dubai? Tell me everything. So when I used to live in Bali, I always have a dream to go to Dubai and try to live there. Like I was like wondering, how's the life there? Lots of people I see their Instagram stories. It looks very impressive. Wow, what a city. I would love to try if I'm strong enough or not. So during Corona, I stayed in Bali and I have these talks about Dubai and if some of my friends, they go there, they're filming stories. I was watching and I think, wow. So one day I decided to go. I prepared financially, like mentally. And of course, it was really difficult because in Bali, I have lots of friends. I already have life there. So it's not easy to leave everything and move like somewhere because when I left Russia, I was more younger. So it's more easy, you know, but when you're growing up, it's more harder to leave the place and your life and your friends, everything. So one day I decide and I come here, I was thinking like, okay, I will give myself time, like one, two months. I'll see how this thing's going. If I like it or not all the time, I can go back to Bali. I know how to live there. I might not have a chance later on. So let's try. And I come and also a few friends from Bali, they follow me here. So that makes things more easy because you have your friends. And one week I only stay here alone. In Dubai, also my friends, they follow me up. And yes, when you have suppers, like everything is more easy. And then I started to get to people. I start to get jobs and like just life in Dubai takes me. And I think, yes, I like that. I will stay. But this was, I had lots of fears before to come here because in money wise, it's like more expensive than life in Bali. Like you think if I really can manage it or not. But here I am. I live in here like one and a half year already. And yeah, life is amazing here. And you said about how did I find the nature and things I love to. So first of all, I travel often. And also I can go easily, I can go to Bali, to countries around here. It's really easy to travel from Dubai, everywhere around the world. This is like really important thing. And also Dubai, not as you see it in social media, it also has green places, nature, mountains. Yes, you can find everything actually here. Thank you. I love this. I'm really enjoying this interview with you. You're a very smart woman. And I noticed how your brain works. You have a great brain and to develop it even more. What is a lesson you learned about life that you can share with other women so that they can go after their big dreams and goals? Maybe something that helps them go out of their comfort zone or understand how life is or not be afraid or anything that can support them following their big dreams. So if you the one, not one, few most important things is the main one. Don't be afraid to go out of your comfort zone because is there a place you're growing like you have to push yourself to go out of comfort zone. Because if you stay in comfort zone, you will never grow. You will never change. Just things is normal around you. But you have dreams is bigger than your comfort zone. You have to do this scary step to like nowhere. But that's how I see that. Like I have lots of friends who is living the same lifestyle as me, who is traveling, who moved abroad. Yes, even you do a step out of your comfort zone, you're always win. Even if it's not feels like this, you know, you think, Oh my God, I will not have money. I'll not have friends. Everything will come. Like you will find your right place. Just make this scary step. Second things for the girls, especially you have to make your own money. You don't need to be reliable on the men. Even if it's like super comfortable and nice, like enjoying, you have to be like sure about yourself. Like you can survive alone. You are the most important person in your life. Don't be reliable on others because life is changing. People is changing and like you are the, your best friend, and also like don't fall in love with the right person. So because for girls, I know we love to follow our feelings. So sometimes when you go to like toxic relationships, it's my takes lots of time, lots of energy. You can lose a lot. So always, try to think not, not following only your heart. I know it's difficult, but by the time you will learn how to listen your brain sometimes because it's cost time and energy, sometimes health, you know, like where girls very sensitive. So always think who you hang around with. Thank you, Tanyusha. It was my privilege and honor to share your life, your story, your perspective in this project. I appreciate your time. I wish you all the success, all the fun work possible and to make all your dreams come reality. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. It was a pleasure to have a talk with you.

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