E310 Sveti Anastassiya Minz

Episode 310 June 12, 2023 00:30:34
E310 Sveti Anastassiya Minz
Rare Girls
E310 Sveti Anastassiya Minz

Jun 12 2023 | 00:30:34


Show Notes

Sveti Anastassiya Minz is an opera singer by education, she also studied at the German theater, and won many vocal competitions.

Sveti is living in Dubai, she is from Kazakhstan by ethnicity, and German by nationality.

In Dubai, she started everything from scratch, now she will work as a music and vocal teacher in a training center.

Sveti also write songs, and everything on the way to her goal - Being on a big stage .

Sveti wants to perform on the big stage not for the sake of being famous, but because she knows that her work evokes emotions in people, reminding them of the light inside everyone.

This is her way of communicating with this world, to remind humanity of what is beautiful.

Instagram: @minznastya

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She was really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health. But when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self-worth. And they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Sveti Anastasia Mintz. Sveti is an opera singer by education. She also studied at the German theater and won many vocal competitions. Sveti is living in Dubai. She is from Kazakhstan by ethnicity and German by nationality. In Dubai, she started everything from scratch. Now she will work as a music and vocal teacher in a training center. Sveti also writes songs and everything needed on the way to her goal, being on a big stage. Sveti wants to perform on the big stage, not for the sake of being famous, but because She knows that her work evokes emotions into people, reminding them of the light inside everyone. This is her way of communicating with this world. This reminds humanity of what is beautiful. Sveti, how are you today? Hello, I'm amazing, what about you? I feel blessed. I feel fantastic, filled with energy and really curious to know more about you as a person and as a woman. So I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, Sveti, if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Actually, my stage name is Sveti, because if I will translate it in English, it's something about light or shine. And my friends, they told me like everything about my personality, it's like about art, about to share with the people with the lights and everything. Like sometimes when they want to give up or something, they always remember that Anastasia, who is sweaty, is still shining and never stopped to do anything. Like, yeah, I know sometimes it's going to happen something like back sinks. But, uh, I really thankful for this situation because after that I became stronger and I know that life is getting ready for something new, something bigger, that's why like you always need to continue always. I love that. I have so many questions we will unpack, but I'm wondering since you Sveti and you see yourself as the inspiring shining light. Do you have some metaphysical spiritual beliefs about this world? Do you believe maybe you're protected or that you have a big destiny or you're reading tarot cards every night, you're dreaming of what will happen the next day or how do you see a reality? Do you see that you're alone and you have to create everything and create your faith or do you feel no I'm destined for great things and so you feel more protected? Actually it's really interesting question because I'm exploring this world in different ways like for me astrology also science also something about religion I always open my mind for searching something new about this world because this world is really big Like, I'm Pisces. I really believe in astrology, not like, oh, today is this day and you will have a lot of money because today is this day. No, not like this. It's like the day of your birth is put a lot inside of you. Yeah and it's also like my problem and also it's something like my strong point that I have like my own world inside me. That's why I can paint, I can sing, I can like make a theater. For me it's really really important like when I was a child it was really difficult for me to connect with the people to be honest. because I was really scared, because I was interested not in the same things as people from my age. But then when I came to the stage and I remember this moment, like you doing first steps, you think that, oh no, I forget everything. But then the music begins and I was just going to my own world, like something from my head going outside and people can feel it. Like I believe in energies of people. I'm not believe that something is good or bad in this world because Everything is for the reason and like even Better good. It's depends of situation like if we are in a desert and For example, someone will ask me. What do you prefer now like bottle of water or Big picture of yourself in New York, of course bottle of water because in this case, I need bottle of water That's why good and bad depends on the situation, and for everybody good and bad is different. That's why I cannot also judge people, because I never was in their situation, like maybe they have something, like sometimes people can be rude with you, but it's not because they want to, because before someone was with them rude and not into these people how to be more polite or another way, something like that. Thank you. I love your open-mindedness and your love for energy, so I want to ask more. We live in a time where both many boys, girls, men, women, whatever it is, they're confused. What is masculinity? What is femininity as an what a woman will think, life is difficult, I have to be in my masculine, but then they don't know what it means to be in their feminine or not. How can you explain it? Since you feel energy more than others, when are you in your feminine energy? When are you in your masculine energy? What is the difference about it? So maybe even some girls who are still teenagers figuring life out can, from your description, understand a bit more. I think the most important that you always have to look in the mirror, like not exactly the mirror, you have to see who you are. It's not about like, okay, I'm a girl, I'm a female and I have to be like this, like this, this, no. And of course, everybody, like now is the world when everybody wants to be like experts, like I know about this more and you need to follow my rules. No, you have to follow the flow of the river by yourself always, because by another way life will be so boring. It's like the same as for me when I'm studying someone to sing. Because I hate actually when someone calls me like a singer teacher, like for me it's If I'm gonna teach someone, I'm gonna teach how I'm singing, not how this person's supposed to singing. Like this person have another vocals, another body, another instrument, another hat and everything. That's why in my lessons I always talking with a girl or boy or man or woman to understand what's happening first inside of hat because first of all, like I cannot singing before I'm thinking about it. And yeah, we're so different and it's so amazing. That's why for me, like you always have to be strong enough to keep your personality, to keep something in your mind because now it's time when a lot of people trying to keep inside of your head something from them, but you just have to be like how you it's you just have to know how to hear yourself like something like that thank you i love that and i noticed that you're very interested and connected with people and you spoke about energy can you explain those situations where sometimes you meet some people and they're great but you don't have that immediate chemistry that you can feel with a person and when others you meet them is that if they're as if they're soulmates and you know them for a thousand years and you feel absolutely amazing around them. What do you believe that? Is it like soul family that before you were born you agreed to meet? Is it that you feel people have different energies, some are compatible and resonate together in the right way? Can you tell me more your perspective on this, especially you moving and starting from scratch in Dubai, you need to make new friends and all that. So this is relevant, that feeling of connection to you. Of course, I believe in energies. Like, I'm impasse, I'm really sensitive person, I can feel what other people feel. Like, some years before, it was also a problem for me because I was confusing was problems are mine in my head and which one is from other people. But the thing is that believe that you always meet people for a reason like you have to have some lessons from them or like communication with people it's about you and another person it's never about only you or another person it's always like both and when I meet people and I feel that they have something like they're about to give up and they're really sad or mad and before I was helping to everybody because I was feeling that I have to but now I realize that sometimes you have to help people sometimes you need to know that you no need to do it why because then you will bring the lesson which one needs to be done by this person and you did it by yourself and then the situation will happen again with this person. Why? Because you think that you are so good and you're helping and you feel that this person need it but to be honest not always it's supposed to be like that and it's really difficult to understand like in which situation you have to help, in which situations Sometimes you have to be strong enough to not have, because it's really difficult. But sometimes you just need to do nothing. And also I always tell people that I make energy of a person double. Sometimes it's also like this when I'm full of some kind of energy or I'm about to tire and I can feel that like for example someone came really happy for me and I will be more happiest but sometimes when person came to me like with angry energy after that I can feel it and I can be even more and in this situation I always start to singing or start started to painting or I start to realize that I have to have after like my own space. Like I'm more about introvert. I'm more about like close actually. Most of the people thinking actually that I'm extrovert because a lot of people always around of me. But also the difference between introvert and extrovert. It's not that, oh, I can't talk with the people, I'm extrovert. I can't talk, I'm introvert. No, it's not about that. It's the way how you're relaxing. Like, if you need to recover your energy by yourself, it means that you're introverted. And if you need to go to the party or something like this, it means that you're extroverted. Because, of course, it's impossible to be like 100 introverts or extroverts because it's always like 60 points and 40 in other ones. Because, by another way, it will be like sickness and you need to help professional people if you're 100 extrovert or 100 introvert. It's possible, but actually it's about serious problems. I agree 100%. I'm a super empath, so I can really understand. I can even feel the energy of cats and dogs and buildings and trees and everything. And I know exactly what you mean. Also, I am, I have a passion for life. So I inject energy onto people. I used to, when I was a little boy, that people will put their energy onto me. And I'm like, why are they so angry? And I try to change it. And then they don't change. And I'm like, it's my fault. What did I do? And then, like you said, I learned that. But then I learned that when I'm happy, other people, if I'm happy, and then I'm multiplying my own other people will feel that and they will become similar to you even if their moods were different unless they're so negative that they're like I hate happy people and then they leave which can happen and to ask you a bit more you said there is something onto your head that you put onto the audience when you're performing when you're singing that it's something that changes their mood and their energy can you speak a bit more about that how are you when your own stage, how is that light that you are emanating? Where does it come from? Is it something like some dancers say that they're witnessing themselves doing something as if God is doing it and they're just watching themselves doing something great and they're not doing it. They're just being a vehicle for it. Or is it something you have inside that you're expressing? Is it something that the audience gives you energy? And like you said, when you get negative energy you want to express it in singing and transforming it into art, something like that. Can you explain and express to some people who might not have been in your situation, how was that experience? I think I have to start with the description of my voice. It was not so easy for me to realize that I'm really a talented person because I'm always super shy, to be honest. But then my friends and people around me they were working a lot actually with my head also to make me believe in myself and when I realized that I have talent and my voice actually this type is like it's really big voice like sometimes people wondering how I'm so small and I'm singing like so powerful like Whitney Houston Adele and everything and also sometimes in the competitions people ask to know the music and to sing like a cappella because they're not believing and yeah when I'm going to the stage it also depends on the stage why because if you have a big voice then bigger the stage it's more comfortable for you like have different type of singers like for someone it's more for like small auditions and like this. Me I'm more comfortable on the big stage because I can feel the freedom. I don't need to make my voice like more quiet or more not so strong because as usual when the stage is like super small I have to like be a little bit quieter and when I'm going to the stage it's really difficult to explain this feeling because it's like another world you're just making these steps you start to singing and it's like this moment when only you are main person and you can do a lot of things actually and it's the moment to say something like in this moment everybody if you really believe if you really know about what you're singing for me it's really important to understand about what's the song and you put something from your side also people start to realize something in their life also. It's like for what art supposed to be. Art it's about to remind people about something or to share this energy and yeah it's magic. Like sometimes I had this situation when I was broken some stones, I don't know the name actually how how to tell about it but it was like really important competitions for me after like five days and doctor says to me like you cannot see me no it's not possible but i was not telling about it to my mom i was going to this competition it's in another city and yeah i did it and it was only one competition when i was not won the prize But the prize, it was not so important for me because I remember this feeling that I did it. It was like I went from, it was just, I was a winner for myself because I did it for me. And I show him like, it's never mind, like if you're an artist and you have competitions or something, people waiting for you and people not care about what's happening you have to go to the stage and you have to sing and it's not like have to but it's something about like responsibility also like I'm a lot of times was losing my voice like three days before and also doctor says like no it's impossible you need like two months three months to recover it but then like exactly in day of perform, everybody was shocked because it was something like magic. I was going to the stage and I was singing, but then I'm going out and I cannot even talk. But to sing, I can sing, but I cannot talk. That's why I understand this man, because I was trying a lot of things. I was trying to make judo, sports, swimming, something with my hands. My mom was always have this type of logic that I have to try a lot of things. And it's also like more safety for me that she knows that now I'm in the English class, then I'm going to German, then I'm going to judo, then I'm going to swimming and I'm really thankful for this because I always was stopped to do something because it was a choice. Like you have two competitions, like on the stage and like sport competition. And I have to choose one. And I always choose on stage. I love that. Those are very inspiring miracles that make you really believe in this, that you're on the right path. But to ask you, you said you're very introverted. You were shy even more to believe that your voice is a gift that you have a talent. To ask you about other women. Let's say there other women who believe they're living life but maybe they're following what their parents tell them or what society expects and they feel afraid. What if I go for my big dream which is out of my comfort zone and then I fail and other people will laugh at me or judge me or my parents will be disappointed but if they don't try then they don't know or if they try many things like you did judo and english lessons and doing things with your hand and then every time it doesn't They're like, oh, I failed, I am not a good person, I have low self-esteem now. What is your advice to them so that they don't see those as failure, they believe that mistakes are just discovery, and so that they are willing to go out of their comfort zone even if there is a risk that other people judge them? Actually it's a really good thing if you start to feel what you really want, what not your parents want or something. When you start to feel it, it's already like 50%. Because when you see the problem, always people telling like it's 50% of like recovering it. And when you realize it, you're not following what you really want to. You have to understand that you have to start to work first of all a lot with your head how you how I think. Because if you so much depend on other people. It means that you're not believed enough in yourself, first of all. And also maybe you're just thinking that parents or friends or someone don't want to let you follow your dreams. Maybe in real they're thinking like this because you're scared and they're like a mirror again. Like this rule about mirror is always working. if you're scared, yeah, it's like to attract something from your side. For example, before I started to singing, actually I started to singing not in so young age. Why? Because always my parents were telling me like, oh, it's not so serious, music, it's not serious, you have to do this, this, but then in one moment I was asking to my mom can I go to one music camp and it was one competition here I was going to singing and my mom came she saw me first time and she was crying the same as people who was listening me and in this competition they told me like oh you've seen in like five years already i think like 10 or five years but i was like no it's my first time on the stage and my mom saw me and she realized it and after this she always supported me like she always telling me the truth when i'm not so good again like it's impossible to be good or bad but when she knows that i can do it better she always telling me, but she's always supporting me. It's opposite with my father, like he's still don't like this idea. Actually, we're not in a good communication, but I really thankful for it also, because he make me stronger. Like, I know that this type of people who will not believe in me will, I will met them a lot more and more and more. And gonna be for me like a challenge like if I met this person again it means that maybe I'm not realize these lessons like in a full level maybe I'm still not 100% sure in myself maybe I need to understand why it's happened with me and it's the same as when sometimes I was I was younger Elsa and I was so angry on people like I had classmates and they they hate me why because I was like um when everybody started to have like bad marks I became better than Elsa I was singing I was doing something and yeah I don't know the exact reason but it was happening and I was I was crying a lot actually, always like every day I'm going after school and I was crying, crying, crying. But now again I'm thankful for this because I know why it was happened. It was happened because me, I was seeing the same about me and people was showing me how I'm feeling myself. Like how I can ask people to love me if I'm not love myself. How I can ask people to believe in me if I'm not believe in myself. I was also so like, no, it's not like that, it's not because of this, it's because they don't understand me, la, la, la, but it's so like a kid's position. Like you have to be more like an adult and if you're ready to make choices, to make decisions, because actually it's one of the things which one is more difficult for people. Always when you have choice, when you have to decide something, you start to scare and you never realize that someone in this planet maybe haven't got this type of choice. They even haven't got chance to have this choice but you now so angry or so sad that your parents or someone not believe in you, someone even cannot dream about it now. Someone even like they hope to have this type of situation. Like you have two arms, you have two legs, you have your head, you have everything. Like why? Something like that. I love that. That's such an empowering mindset. very, very important for women to get, and I don't know, I feel you're an old soul. Have you ever felt that, that although you were younger in age, you had this wisdom and ability to be an old soul, or what's your perspective on that? Maybe you believe, since you believe you're a Pisces, maybe you believe you're a reincarnation of Cleopatra or something like that. What's your perspective before we finish? No, actually, I think the answer to this question is that a lot of people, when they met me, and we had a conversation, and after 30 minutes they asked me, like, but how old are you? Because you look like 15 or 16, but you're talking in your eyes, like, it's older, like 35 or 40 I'm like oh no like I'm in the middle um like I always heard something about it and I think it's because I'm a deep person like I always trying to feel energies like deeply not only energies like all situations like I'm not just okay this is blue this is red I'm just trying to understand why it's blue and why it's red. Like how come that it became this color? Thank you, Sveti. Honestly, it was such an episode full of wisdom, an episode that is one of my favorite that has a lot of lessons and inspiration for women and girls all over the world. I wish you all the success and the ability to get every time on the big stage in order to inject positivity and energy onto people. Live all your dreams and thank you so much for participating. Thank you very much for invitation and it was really nice experience and I was feeling so much comfortable. It's really important I can relax and just telling how I'm feeling. And just to remind everybody that airplane takes off against the wind always. that, like, it's something what I still cannot understand, but it's worked like that. I love that. And just to explain it, if any people didn't get it, airplanes, to go sky high, they go against the resistance of the wind. So if you have troubles and problems, that's your path, and that's natural on your way to reach your potential and big dreams, correct? Yes. Thank you again, and I wish you a fantastic day and week and everything. Goodbye. Goodbye.

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