E343 Eman Najam Azizi

Episode 343 July 26, 2023 00:21:32
E343 Eman Najam Azizi
Rare Girls
E343 Eman Najam Azizi

Jul 26 2023 | 00:21:32


Show Notes

Eman Azizi is a co-author of "Euphoria". She has an immense passion for writing and reading.

In addition to that, she holds the position of Editor in Chief at Chaos Corporation, a company that she helped establish alongside her brother and his friends.

Simultaneously, she is pursuing a degree in Psychology.

Instagram: @emxnazizi

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Episode Transcript

Oh hello my name is Aziz the song nothing Deavours mothers she is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities perspectives and emotions about life too many women in this world, feel alone they worry about the judgment of all those, and they struggled with their mental health but when they listen to the rare girls podcast weather empowered, women share their voices and tell their stories many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom, and overcome all insecurities they will feel it is a safe space to find her confidence to read. Remember, very unique beauty and to feel their self worth, and they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage that sticks out and support their dreams. That's what this podcast. It's all about my guess today is Iman Najm IVD Iman is a co-author of euphoria, she has an immense passion for writing and reading, in addition to that she holds the position of editor in chief at kiosk corporation, a company that she helped establish alongside her brother and his friends simultaneously she is pursuing a degree in psychology Iman how are you today? Hi is this amazing how are you? I feel positive blessed and very curious of course about you as a woman that as a person so I'll begin with this nice first question, which is. Iman if your friends and the people who know your best could describe your personality, what do they say about you well, I believe they would start off with the fact that I am confident, very energetic and a very blunt at times. I love that let's focus on the confidence first how do you define your confidence? What does it mean? Can you share more details the 13th or that OK so well it basically for me confidence is basically. Just you know when you have that very of that little stone in your stomach that's just holding you down when you lift off that weight and you just completely let it all out but in a very respectful manner I believe that is confidence when you can really approach other words, and you know understand others confidence is not just about you know being open, it's about welcoming others in as well and you Getting your point across beautifully and I learned this from my brother to be very honest his name is Hudson and you know watching him be so confident I wanted that for myself, so I just simply followed his footsteps and went along with it. Do you feel that there are many women who have that confidence or what is your assessment of the situation from my experience I've seen a lot of women usually. They tend to shy away, you know, because of how the world works basically by to be very honest and very very blessed to have such a supportive family not just both of my brothers, but my parents as well, and especially my mother in fact, I believe she's she's a wonderful woman she's very strong and you know, regardless of all the typical stereotypes that once that one's family has, she has always told me to you not just do it not bitch not you no, not shy away don't go to your typical Choices stand out of your comfort zone and go for it thank you, and that's very very important to share your advice to other women who might be shying away, and therefore stuck in their comfort zone. What would you tell them if they don't have a brother or a family such as yours or you said that's how the world works. Maybe you can share a bit how what's your perspective on how the world is causing more and more women to stay in their comfort zone and your advice to them so that they can break free well. To start off I don't really think there are a lot of women who have been blessed with the opportunities that I have been blessed with so to them I would simply say that you know what you just simply need to believe in yourself because there's no one else it's going to do it for you Angela unless you truly know that you can make a change and you can actually do some thing I really strongly stand with the fact that you need to step out of your comfort zone and you know mom let yourself live don't hide away I agree, 100% and how did being a writer or your ability to write help you on your journey to find your confidence more and more and to be this confident woman is it something that you believe was a huge contributing factor and if so, how Well my writing so when it comes to my writing, I have a complete different personality towards it and I am the one that I have but I'm socializing with others is completely different so you know a lot of people when they read my work they are they're like wow you do you have the side of you as well so anyways, but I feel my writing really helped me out because you know when I kept all of that a lot of the stuff that was bothering me bottled in it Used to show up on my face very easily as you know one my mother used to say you need to fix your face so my emotions very easily Penta show up on my face so writing that down, and dealing with it sort of was very therapeutic for me, and it let my true natural self come out when I was with others I do you know I couldn't. I never held back so and I just believe writing can help honestly, anyone thank you and speaking about more of the visual media there are many women who compare themselves to women and Instagram and movies, or even nowadays AI generated, and they feel they cannot not feel beautiful day compared themselves and don't see their unique beauty and that makes them shy away even more because they think oh I cannot be like her and nobody will like me or whatever it is did you struggle maybe with To that as part of your growth and if so, what is your recommendation to touch women, so that they really feel connected with their self love do you know just like every other girl I am I did faith that as well growing up and it wasn't me who used to compare I know myself with the actor and actresses on the movie in the movie. Sorry or do you know models and stuff like that I mean I was in love with how their make up was it was beautiful, but do you know when it comes to them talking about their body and the body shaming aspect of it all I did have a lot of people say that to me, and when I say people, I mean people who are no longer friends with or people who I no longer associate with because they just carried a lot of negative energy, and I know it may sound very typical to say that you know, but you just cannot let these people hold you down I never had anyone come up to me and say oh my God, you know what, regardless of your red or your luxe you are perfect and I was always a chubby child and up, I had my you know physics, Ed teacher come up to me A physical education teacher come up to me and she I was just in first grade and she said oh you're getting chubby so you know that was the starting point and I was like that's that's not a nice thing to say that was my first reply to work so these things always will happen, and I just I feel like you really need to find the beauty with that neck. That's simply that you can't find it on the in the. Thank you I agree 100% and the other women some women might have abandonment issues or their people pleasers they cannot say no to some people even those toxic people they were they say well what if I did something wrong or no I will hurt that feeling that bad I let them go out of my life how did you do it and what's your recommendation and advice for other women who understand and feel the pain of being connected to those toxic people but a part of them wants to be a nice girl, and a good girl over that involves punishing them by keeping those people in their lives. Well, I actually have a couple of friends who are you know very nice they don't say no to anyone. And you know exactly the sort of women you just described do you know why my best approach with them is to help them just let you know even when they say yes to someone my main target for them is to say yes where you feel comfortable step-by-step. All you have to do is take baby steps. Obviously you can't wake up one day and say oh I'm just gonna change my entire self in. It only happens with her so these sort of things there they take baby steps in through them I would just stop you know I would take care do you guys need to honestly everything every single one of your questions they always boils down to believing in yourself and it took me a really long time to do that because I was that sort of person I used to say yes and that I used to be upset about it when I was alone and then I realize that you know if this is bothering me so much when I finally came down crashing I was like this is bothering me a lot and it just stop. I was like you know what I'm going to start doing this now step-by-step gradually I cannot just change myself instantly, but I can try so that's what I did. Thank you for that and you grew up in Dubai where there are people from all cultures of the world and then now you are living back in your home country can you share a bit more? About that some people would say that while growing up away from your natural culture can be hard that it can actually cause you to either choose the force you to be better or to get better. How is the reality of growing up in Dubai compared to like let's say that are some women who want to go there for work they didn't grow up there. How is the reality compared to the glamorous picture of people who never visited that they have in their mind and how did it impact and your development and growth well. I did come here for my higher education. It was a very hard adjustment to make and you know, as he said better or better. It was both to be very honest it started off bitter because you know what it's like. It's a completely different culture shared what I was you know, growing up with it even

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