E387 Margo Pearl

Episode 387 September 29, 2023 00:30:39
E387 Margo Pearl
Rare Girls
E387 Margo Pearl

Sep 29 2023 | 00:30:39


Show Notes

Margo Pearl is a French 27 years old girl living in Dubai.

Originally from Bordeaux, she had a beauty therapist graduation but she works now as a property consultant in the UAE. She enjoys fashion, cooking for those she loves, music and travel.

Instagram: @pearldubaii

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health but when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self worth and they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Margaux Pearl. Pearl is a French 27 years old girl living in Dubai. from Bordeaux. She had a beauty therapist graduation, but she works now as a property consultant in the UAE. She enjoys fashion, cooking for those she loves, music, and travel. Pearl, how are you today? I'm very good. Thank you, Aziz. How are you? I feel blessed. I feel very, very positive, super excited to know much more about you. And I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, Pearl, if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? I have a very strong character and I think they will say loyal, generous, and genuine. I like that very, very much. And to ask you a bit more about this, because usually people who have those tendencies of being loyal, for example, they tend to find it hard to go on an adventure in order to live in a faraway place like Dubai. So how was the story of you deciding one day to go and leave Bordeaux, leave France, and go start a new life or a better life in Dubai. Okay, so yeah, so basically, it was always in my mind to leave my city. So at the beginning, it was not like I want to go directly in another country. The first step was more like I want to go to, first of all, I want to go to Paris. It was my main goal at the beginning, Because actually for my 18th birthday, my mother offered me this travel to Paris and I had the chance to visit Paris with her and I fell in love with Paris, to be honest. It was for me just magical. So my mother said to me, "Look, if you finish your graduation and you got your driving license and everything. Okay, you can go to Paris. So first of all, I went to Paris, I moved to Paris. And after one year, I felt like Paris don't shoot me anymore. So I was like, also, I didn't want that this period where I should go and what I should do because I was kind of lost in my life. And like the professional way, I was lost and you know I was still young and I left all my friends, all my city, my family and I wanted to do something but I didn't know why and what exactly. So I was sure about one thing, I wanted to learn English because it was a big issue for me, especially when I used to live in Paris, very touristic place and I didn't know how to speak English very well. So after Paris, I moved to London. I decided to move to London. I spent a few years in London. It was my best years ever. And I stayed two years and a half in London. And yes, I really, really enjoyed my life, my London life, so much there, really, the mentality of British, the lifestyle, the culture, they are very polite people. I really, really love London. So I stay in London. To find a job at the beginning, it was so hard, by the way, and I didn't know really how to speak English. So for the first four months it was so hard for me because I really, suffering so much and I struggled with myself. I tried to push myself to come with other people and try to understand what they're saying and how to reply. So yes, at the beginning it wasn't an easy way to go. One time I even said to my mother after four months, oh my god, I think I gotta come back to France and go back to Bordeaux and she said, no, please be strong and you can go for it and you will do it. So yeah, I keep pushing. I found a work and a job, thanks gods. And I start to work in a very nice store. I used to sell like a perfume. It's like kind of sort of Sephora. I used to sell perfume and cosmetic and makeup. And yes, it was very great experience by the way. And after that, I used to work in the club, a different club in central London. It was very nice. And after that, I had like kind of sadness because I don't know, I wasn't where I really want to be at this moment. And I have the impression like I want to improve myself more. And in London, I didn't have the opportunity to go really to something that I really like. And I can practice and, you know, because, okay, work in a nightclub, work in a beauty store. Okay, it's nice. But at the final point, like, it's not really something that it makes me feel exciting so much. And even about London, I was so tired about the weather because during the winter, the sun goes down around 4pm. So it's very, very early and it's very sad. I found England very sad, especially at this period. I used to be so depressed. I reached this point in London that maybe London doesn't have any offer to give me anymore, you know what I mean? So I speak with one of my friends on this period and she said to me, "Margot, you should come to Dubai." So at the beginning I was like, "Yeah, why not?" But you know now I'm in London, you know, I have all my friends in London and she said, "No, but please come to Dubai, It will be sunny all the time. You will enjoy more. You have so many good places, fancy places. You like to go into nice places and here in Dubai, it's with you more than London. So I was like, okay, why not? Why not? So I think about it. And at this time, I pack everything on my suitcase in London and I came back to Bordeaux. And I was like, "Okay, now I will think about what I'm going to do." And a few months later, I said to my friends, "Okay, I really want to go to Dubai. So please let me know how we can organize each other because obviously I can maybe take an apartment with her or something like this to start." And she told me, "Okay, so please let me go first. Let me check the temperature there, like how the things are going and stuff, and then you can join me." I said, "Okay." So she came there and when she went there she told me, "Look, I faced a big issue because now my visa is expired, So I need to go back to France. I said, okay, and yes, but me, you know, in my plan. So, you know, you encourage me since a lot of many months now to go to Dubai. And now you told me that your visa is expired. And now, so that's mean what? That's mean I cannot go into Dubai anymore. Like I said to her, no, it's not possible. Like I need to go to Dubai because now I made my plan. I organized myself to go to Dubai, so I cannot change like that. And she said, "Okay, but what do you think Dubai is? Dubai is not easy, blah blah blah blah blah blah." I said, "Yes, okay, but you told me to wait three months more or something like this. I cannot wait three months more." What I gonna do since during three months in my city in Bordeaux, like for me, it was no way to wait. three months because when I have a plan in my mind, I want to go for it and I will do everything to reach this point. One hundred percent, this is great. Can you share what makes you able to go and do everything that you decide when you have a plan? Because there are many women who have anxiety, they struggle with that they want things and then they don't go to create that potential and that dream because they think, "Oh, what if I fail and my parents will be disappointed? What if I make a mistake and people will judge me?" Can you share before you finish what about your personality or mindset allows you to go even when there are excuses and difficult times like your friend who needs three months to return and change her visa, what about you makes you more brave when other people and some women are not as much and that's what we're trying to encourage them to do? Because I said to myself, you know, I passed through already difficult time in London. When I came to London, it was even worse because I couldn't even speak English. So I said to myself now, I have one advantage, I know how to speak English, so I can go for it. And I have this character, this personality, like if you really want it, you will get it. You will get it. I'm not saying that it will be easy. I'm not saying that that the people will not judge you because of course people will judge you when I went to Paris, people judge me from my city. When I went to London, people judge me. And I knew that if I go to Dubai, it will be even worse. But at the end, I always say to myself, you know who you are. And if even some of your friends, they are not agree with that, it's because they simply not your friends. So they should leave the table. But if they really know who you are and who is Pearl Margo, they will follow you and they will understand you. Okay, what you want to do? You want to do that, you want to do that, you want to go to Dubai. Okay, so me, I had this plan and I wanted to go for it. It's true that at the beginning, especially when I left my city Bordeaux to go to Paris And I start to meet people, I start going to nice places and meet good people. I had a lot of judgments, a lot, a lot, a lot. And it made me feel very sad, but time after time I walk on it. And I said, even what, what, what, what is it going to be like? even if the people talk in my back, that means they talk in my back. You know what I mean? Like they will not. That's mean in even my mother said to me, Margo, if people talking about you, the good or even a bad way, that means you are interesting because if they will not talking about you, that means you are not interesting. So that's mean why all these people talk about you since you are in Paris or since you are in London? Because you attract people, you make your life, you try to doing something in your life, you want it and you will get it. And of course, all the people will not be angry with that. But you need to face this kind of judgment. And you need especially to assume who you are and to be proud of who you are. Never, ever, ever. I know it's easy to say, but I think we should never say something to ourselves like, "Oh, I'm not good enough," or maybe they are right to think like this. No, no, no, no, no. I think when you have something that makes you feel vibrating and you really attract to achieve a goal, you have to go for it. And you don't have to be worried about the judgment. I know it's easy to say because I made a lot of work to accept this kind of judgments because of my profile, because of how I look like, or something like this, or she's so artificial or she's, you know, but this kind of people don't really know you. So you don't care that they don't, they don't really pay you rent the end of the month. So who's scared? Who's scared? And my mother was always, always here to support me a lot. And she always encouraged me to have a work to do and to surrounding the good people. I love that. That's great. Can you share now a bit more? You said there are some people who see you artificially from outside. They don't know your truth, and therefore you don't care about their judgment. When people know you more, what do they like about you? That they say, "Oh, at first, maybe I thought you're snob or I thought you're artificial, but when I know you, I discover you are different, what do they say, the difference between their first impression without knowing you and when they know you, how it changes? Yes, exactly. So I had so many judgments like this. I can understand, but they need to realize also that social media is social media alike. If they want to know me, they have to know me. I cannot show everything on the social media. So, yeah, of course, I had a lot of judgments about my physical appearance and stuff. But when they know me more, yes, they said, wow, actually, you are a very human person. You are very natural inside. And you're really like understanding other people also. And yeah, some something like this. Thank you. And I'm curious, why did you choose property and real estate in Dubai and in general? Because you had jobs before and I understand that you're ambitious, you want to create big things, but also in property, if you don't create deals, you have no money. So in many ways, it's a very risky life, which is great because it shows your ambitious and go out of your comfort zone. So what was your thinking? Many people do not dare, they prefer to have a small salary on a job that they know every month they get paid, while some people, they dare to go for more entrepreneurial spirit and do something like real estate and property advising. So as I said before, I used to work in, as a beauty therapist and they use also to sell cosmetic product perfumes. So I know that I have a lot of seller quality and I wanted to use this. But for me, sell perfumes and makeup, it wasn't enough because I don't want to just settle on the basic salary. I want something bigger. So yes, of course, this is the risk. This is the risk to work as a real estate consultant. I don't know, maybe in the future I will work for a developer, maybe I will change, but I think I will stay in real estate because I really love this field, to be honest. Especially in the city like Dubai, you have so many things to discover and there is an incredible project there, really, it's like, I don't know, they want to create the future of the city in 20 years, 30 years. Like, it's so crazy, you know, what they want to do in Dubai. That's just amazing. They have so many options, so many projects, still attracting projects. So that's really, really interesting, but it's also very risky as a real estate agent because we are on commission basis. But, okay, yeah, it's true that it takes time, but I believe that everything takes time, you know? So at the end, when you know more people, when you have your own portfolio, you have everything, you can really reach the level that you want to reach. So, okay, it's true that nothing is easy. But if you really love that way, if you really love these fields and me as a human, I like to advise my customer in the good way. When I advise someone, I advise like really 100%. For example, it's my money. Okay. So for example, when one of my clients said to me, "Okay, Margot, which one do you like? You prefer this one or that one?" I said, "To be honest, I will go for that one because this one will be more attractive than the other one. And this one, the handover date, is better than the other one, you know, stuff like that. So it's an amazing field. But yes, you need to be consistent. You need to have discipline. And it's not easy every day. Really, I will not lie. It's not easy every day. I agree 100%. And you said you have a lot of sales qualities. Can you share a bit more how do you understand sales? What is your sales method? How do you approach it in a way that makes it natural to you? One for many people they just feel it's so difficult and they cannot do it. Sure. So first time it's the impression that you're going to give to your clients. So first of all, you need to have good attitude and good outfit, good and physically acting well. You need to be elegant. And when you meet a client, first of all, you will see your appearance and your body language as well. And when you meet a client, you need to see, for example, a front of his eyes. There is a lot of technique like this. After that, of course, it's not all about appearance because I know a lot of brokers, don't have good appearance and they sell a lot. But for me, it's a big plus, you know, it's a big, big plus, you know, when, when you have, for example, two real estate agent in front of you, and one wearing a normal t shirt with a normal pants, and the other one, we're a very nice suits, smoking, very classy, elegant, smell good, who's you're going to choose? Of course, you're you're going to choose the one who has the good appearance. So in this field is very important. And second, you need to understand what the clients need, the needs of the clients. Because if you don't understand that, there is no way to sell. So first of all, you need to be very attentive and very listening about the needs of your clients. And third of all, I will say you need to be 100% transparency. Transparency all the time is the key. Because if your clients see that you are 100% transparent with him, he will go again and he will come back to you to buy a second property and then you will win this client for life and you don't know how many units you can get from this client. I love that very, very much. And to ask you, because like you said, it's very hard doing real estate. It's difficult. How do you take care of your mental health? How do you sometimes balance your life and your work? Or are you trying to always find a way to mix work and life? How do you live in a way where you're not working so much that you burn out, but at the same time, put in the effort that is a lot of effort needed in order to make property advising work in Dubai or anywhere successful in the world. Yeah, sure. So actually, we used to work from Monday to Friday, but as a real estate agent, you have to work almost 24 hours. Because this is the fucking market. If you want to be very caring of your clients, you should reply. I'm not saying like reply too much fast and all the time. No, of course, because we are all same and at the end of the day, we have life. But when you feel that, for example, today in UAE, no one works because it's the birthday of Dasha, I think, something like this. I'm not sure about this information. But anyway, no one worked today. So, for example, we have still worked. My client texted me today, another client texted me today. So, I need to be reactive and I need to respond to them. And this is my client. I cannot leave them alone. Never. No way. So, of course, sometimes it takes time. Sometimes I'm busy. Sometimes I'm not in the mood to answer directly, of course, because we are all humans. Sometimes we are in a very good mode, we are a lot of positive vibes, and sometimes we have so many things in our minds. We cannot even think properly because we need to fix this issue, this issue, this issue. You ask a lot of questions about yourself. Should I stay here? Or should I what I'm going to do? should I stay in this company? Yes, actually, everyone has this kind of question, you know. Anyway, you know, it's okay. It's just a flow, you know, sometimes, you know. But, of course, from Monday to Friday, from 9 to 8, I try to be always in the mood of work. Because in this work, if you are in a bad mood, you cannot work, you cannot sell. So even my, you know, my, my the CEO of the company where I work at the moment, he told us, "guys, please, if you're not in the mood to come, don't come. Don't come, please stay home, enjoy. I don't know, do whatever you like, but please don't come if you are in a bad mood." Because he's actually really right. How you can sell something if you are not in the good mood, you will not. So sometimes this work needs balance. And yeah, sometimes when I feel like I'm fed up about work today, I just going directly to a nice bar and I order some sushi and a nice cocktail and some of my friends can even join me and we speak, we love until midnight and after we go and the next day we go back to work, you know, this is the life. Thank you so much for sharing that. I really, really love hearing your thoughts and your life story. And to finish this, is there any advice to yourself and other women that you think they should remember or think about so that they live life to their potential, create their dreams and be more happy. Yes. So I think, you know, I believe that inside of everyone, we have this special energy. And if we want, we can turn it on and really we can attract what we want. But it's we cry a lot of work on you, on your mentality and stuff. But I believe that if you really really want to go to something, girl go to it, go get it, you're gonna get it. If you really want, you will get it. And I always say that to my friend, you know one of my best friends, she wants to join me in Dubai and I always tell her, okay babe now you are struggling, you are suffering so much but you know why you are doing this because you want to go to Dubai. "Okay, this is your destination, so don't worry, you will go because you're working very hard for that." So, you know, if you have a vision, you will directly go for it. So, I know it's take time, it's also hard working, and sometimes you don't even sleep at night because you're thinking too much. Yes, of course. But at the end, when you really want to go, you will go because I believe that you will not start your car without GPS, right? So if you have a location, if you really want to go, for example, there, you put your location and you will go because you have a plan and you know that when you turn on your car, your car will bring you to this way because you follow your plan step by step. Okay, so this is exactly the same for life that you want to create. I believe in that, to be honest. This is my personal opinion, of course. No, not everyone has the same vision like me, but this is my vision and I repeat again, it's not easy, it's not easy, but it's worth it. It's worth it because at the end, if we really want to go there, we will go there. We will go there and I believe that God always put some obstacles in our life to occur and to be stronger and then we can not make the same mistake than before. So this is very important as well to understand the processes. So yes, understand you mistake understand why you didn't have what you want in this case. And you need to understand also. But I believe that if you have a plan and you have a destination, a vision, you will go there. Definitely. 100%. And if you work hard. And also, I wanted to add something very, very important. because before it impacts my life so much, it's really, really important to surrounding good people. If you're not surrounding with the good people, you will never have success. No way. Unfortunately. So also be careful about with who you're spending your energy, because if you're not surrounding the good people, your plants will be destroyed, totally destroyed, and you will go back to your country directly. And I know so many cases like this, so many girls, they go, they come, they start, and they mix too much with other girls, other people. That is not very good. And you can be sure six months later, they go back, and they don't understand the process. But yes, you need to understand this also. Be careful about who you surrounding. 100%. Thank you so much Pearl. It was my privilege and my honor to hear you, to share your voice. Thank you for participating. I wish you and your friends and the people you love all of the success in the world. Thank you so much Aziz. Thank you for your time really. I appreciate it. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)

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