E342 Michelle Palmer

Episode 342 July 25, 2023 00:23:08
E342 Michelle Palmer
Rare Girls
E342 Michelle Palmer

Jul 25 2023 | 00:23:08


Show Notes

Michelle Palmer is half-American and half-Italian living in Germany.

She is a 27 years old mother of an almost 2 years old and currently pregnant. She is married.

Instagram: @itsmichellepalmer

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Episode Transcript

Oh hello my name is Aziz then I'm the son of my divorced mother she is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities perspectives, and emotions about life too many women in this world, feel alone they worry about the judgment of others, and they struggled with their mental health, but when they listened to the rare girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom, and overcome all insecurities, they will feel it is a safe space to find a. Confidence to remember very unique beauty and to feel their self worth and they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their successes and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about my guest. The day is Michelle Palmer. Michelle is half American and a half Italian living in Germany. She is at 27 years old mother often almost 2 years old and currently pregnant. She is married and very very excited about inspiring other women Michelle how are you today? Hello Aziz I am really good today. how are you? I feel blessed I feel positive and very curious about you as a woman so I'll begin with this nice first question which is Michelle if your friends and the people who know your best could describe your personality, what would they say about. About you I'm a really open minded person. I'm really straight up really but I was. I just asked my husband and he was like yeah you are a strong person and you are strong woman and you are ambitious. Would like it when I was younger I was never in dishes right now I'm like really focused on my dreams and just want to. Yeah create my dream life so that's why I'm really dishes. I'm funny I'm really funny and dad always say I'm a lovely person. Yeah, open hearted Yeah. Holiday described thank you that's fantastic and it makes me think of you as an open minded person who is straightforward. Do you believe that it's something that you developed over time that people who are open minded they just go through a life journey to become that way or do you believe some people are born conservative, and other people born open minded or how is your perspective about? How do I get how that works in life and reality OK I was always a open person to be honest when I was little I used to play like we have a lot of words in Germany and Bruce used to play in the woods, and I always like to have my own reality to be honest and when somebody was saying something bad to me I always was like well I don't care what you say is still, my still my opinion And I think I was born that way to be honest I'm just sometimes I'm not really that open to a lot of stuff but when I see some thing that I like naturally open to do yeah to the situation yeah this I think people born naturally maybe some people outgrow autos does because as a kid, we all always open. I'll see it on my son always open person. He always say hi to everyone and I think people grow out of it. Yeah thank you that sounds fantastic on you. Sad when you were little and someone disagrees with you you did not care you kept your opinion there are some women who feel they need to please other people maybe that they should pretend to have a different opinion just so that they don't create conflict what's your advice to those. Women because sometimes you need some people to be unhappy in order for you to find your happiness and to go out of your comfort zone. What's your advice to women who are looking for that courage and bravery, to live life in that way, and to believe in their opinion, then dreams and goals my advice to woman we have like a low confidence when people like this is like always with network marketing and I can compare it with network marketing because when I was starting network marketing. People was like why are you doing this? This is not a real job you should stop it smells like no I want to do that and you have to do you have to be sure what you want in life and that what other ones lives because you are living your life nobody has your shoes on. You only have your shoes on and you walking alone in this life. Either you have a partner to support you or if you don't, but I can say in the beginning my partner didn't support me and I was like totally alone with the feeling of OK I'm gonna create my dreams in and I'm walking in this to reality to create my dream lies. And a lot of people was like like a lot of people was judging me for doing this job and was like why she always posting Instagram stories why she always posting this, and it made me like it make me realize people watching you and they don't want you to outgrow out of your comfort zone they want you to always be the same person. I'm unlike the person who want to grow and want to step in my reality and this is my advice just do what your heart or your belly intuition say, and walk in your higher self, and do what the best what's best for you

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