E414 Vivien Herrling

Episode 414 November 26, 2023 00:24:00
E414 Vivien Herrling
Rare Girls
E414 Vivien Herrling

Nov 26 2023 | 00:24:00


Show Notes

Vivien Herrling is born and raised in Germany, her dad is from Latvia, she lived in Manchester for the last 9 months, she loves to travel, her favorite place is Dubai, United Arab Emirates, she wants to live there and she really wants to go to Hawaii next year.

Vivi is 31 years old, she is a network marketer in the field of crypto and trading. Besides that, she also teaches a bit of yoga as she is a certified yoga teacher.

Vivi is a Scorpio so a water sign so for her a deep connection is important. And she avoids having energy vampires in her life. Vivi helps other women to escape their 9-5 job so that they can finally live to the fullest and travel around the world.

Instagram: @investwithvivi

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health. But when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty, and to feel their self-worth. And they will connect with the sisterhood of Rare Girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Vivian Herling. Vivi is born and raised in Germany. Her dad is from Latvia. She lived in Manchester for the last nine months and she loves to travel. Her favorite place is Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She wants to live there and she really wants to go to Hawaii next year. Vivi is 31 years old. She is a network marketer in the field of crypto and trading. Besides that, she also teaches a bit of yoga as she is a certified yoga teacher. Vivi is a Scorpio, so a water sign. For her, a deep connection is important and she avoids having energy vampires in her life. Vivi helps other women to escape their 9-5 jobs so that they can finally live to the fullest and travel the world. Vivi, how are you today? I feel absolutely great. So thank you so much for this invite to the wonderful podcast, Aziz. I'm glad to be here. I'm honored and absolutely lucky and very excited to know much more about you, Vivi. And a little bird told me that you love freedom and structuring your day properly in the right way. Can you tell me a bit more about that, but include more whether you had periods in your life where you did not feel free? How was that situation and what is the meaning and the desire of your ideal vision of freedom in your life? Yeah, absolutely. So for me, freedom is not only like freedom geographically, it is also like financially and like, obviously, time wise. So back in the days when I was still working in my 9-5, I had none of these freedom things. So I had to be at work at a certain time. Someone had to tell me when I go on vacation. So I couldn't say like, "Oh, tomorrow I'm going to go on a spontaneous trip to Paris." No, I had to ask my boss. And of course, financially, I wasn't free at all because I exchanged time against money. So yeah, for me, freedom is like a couple of things together. It's like a nice cocktail of freedom. I love that very, very much. I have so many questions about that. But first, I'm curious about the tattoos on your fingers. They seem very interesting. And I would like to discuss the meaning for you personally. Why did you choose that? It's a painful spot to make tattoos. It is. So those must mean a lot to you. Can you start like one, the first one, the om, for example? Why did you choose that compared to any other possible one, maybe related to why you love yoga, what attracted you to yoga? Tell me a bit more about that. Yeah. So obviously, I did this tattoo because I'm a yoga teacher. And during my yoga teacher training, which I did in Greece, it was like three weeks, like an intense yoga teacher training. I found more myself again, and I could really like connect to my body. And yeah, it was a very nice journey. And also teaching yoga gives me but also the students a lot and everything they give me back after the class, like, oh, baby, I feel so relaxed. And it felt so good to me. Like, this is like hot warming. So I was like, yeah, the the own symbol is a very important thing in my life because yoga is very important. So I'm going to tattoo this on my finger. Thank you. And you travel a lot. You just mentioned that you've been in Greece in order to do your yoga training and education. Well, what emotions do you experience when you go to a new spot? Is it, for example, that when you go there, you feel a new sense of freedom because nobody knows who you are. So you can reinvent yourself each time and evolve more and more. Or is it that you feel free that you're not stuck in one place? So you're feeling new emotions, new experiences, new things, or because you are someone who may be on a different vibration and wavelength. You're looking for your people and they're not everywhere. So you need to travel to find your tribe and collect them from all the places in the world. Or tell me more about what the emotions you feel and what experiences are enriching to you that are only found if you travel. Yeah, so I really love traveling because for me, of course, I wasn't born at the beach, but in my heart, I'm a beach babe. So I'm not going to places where there's no ocean. I mean, really, but for me, it's like sun and beach is essential for me for a travel destination because I don't know, the ocean gives me so much freedom and calmness and everything. And I also like to talk in other languages because I speak French, English, a bit of Italian and German. So I like to expand my language skills. And I also like to talk to other people in other cultures. I like to explore new cultures. And this is, I think, the most thrilling thing, not only be stuck in one place, you know, and then you just say that I can't understand people that live in the same city in their whole life and never go to vacation if they go to vacation every year, the same spot for me. It's like, I don't know, being in a cage. I agree 100 percent. Merci Mademoiselle. Oh no. Say, follow me down. And another thing that I want to know, you mentioned that you love the beach and you love the sunshine. At the same time, you have a tattoo of the moon. And how does that work? Do you love the beach at night more than anything? Or how are those two parts? Because the sun is a lot more warming, a lot more exciting. Well, maybe it's related to freedom as well to be at the beach and able to just touch the water and dream of different shores that you can travel to all over the world. But also the moon can be either making you crazy like a werewolf or it can make you give you a sense of calmness. Tell me how does that connection work within the way you view the world? So I start with the moon. For me, the moon is like very, very powerful. So I always say like, I believe in the universe and I believe in the moon. Like the moon is my protector when I feel unsafe or whenever. Because back in the days, it was a bit adventurous. And whenever I looked up in the sky at night, like, can you protect me tonight? I'm going to do something super. But please protect me. So the moon, I don't know. For me, it feels like someone's watching me and protecting me. And I also do a full moon and new moon ritual. So this is why I have a strong connection to the moon. It's just very beautiful to watch. And for me, it gives me energy. I also have some crystals and then I charge them under the moon. So this is my thing. Thank you. And can you explain a bit more? Maybe some people don't understand what energy means, although by definition, they must feel it. To you, are you maybe a high empath or you feel energy so much that the energy of different locations have special emotions that it creates and sparks within you? Energy is it. For example, that when you have the right energy, you feel limitless and you can conquer the world. But I want to know more like, are you more of an energy conductor or conduit? And that's why you spoke about when you're giving energy. You didn't mention energy, but I'm assuming energy to your yoga students. And they say, thank you, thank you, thank you. They give you back energy and you like that flow of energy. In simple terms, I want you to just tell me, how do you see the world in general when it comes to how energy operates within it? So for me, like everything is energy. Even money is just energy. It comes and goes. And I find it really sad when people are like, not friendly and expect other people to be friendly, because even when you stand in front of the mirror, it's always you. You have to smile first and then like you're mirroring a smiling bag. So the world would be such a better place if everyone would be more happy and would be, yeah, more open to talk to strangers or just give them a smile because you don't lose anything by smiling at them to another person. So for me, it's really like when people give me a good vibe or a good energy, I just feel like uplifted. And I think I can like, yeah, together we can conquer the world. So everything will be okay. But it's so sad that not many people really get into this topic. So they think like I'm always being like an angry person. So I stay angry person. No, you can change. You like water. You just flow around. It's nice. I agree 100 percent. And then tell me, how did you feel the energy of the people in Dubai and how different is it to Manchester or similar and how different is it to Germany? Is it really the people or because you found in Dubai the sunshine and the ocean or the water or the sea? And that might made you in a better mood than therefore you gave mood to the people that they gave you back the energy. Like tell me more because in my experience, what I love about Dubai, there is a large number of people who are adventurous, who left the boring life behind because there are, I believe more than 95 percent of people will unfortunately die in the same place that they were born because they don't go much far away. But the people in Dubai often have chosen to start a new life. And that makes them have a different psychology and energy than others. But that's my experience. Tell me more and how you compare those three spots and maybe a fourth. Add Hawaii. Why you dream about going there because I imagine it's all about the energy for you more than anything. Yeah. So I can agree with you already when you said like, yeah, there are so many people that were willing to take the risk, who were willing to risk it all just to get there. So from the mindset, because many people who live in Dubai are not born in Dubai. So you know that they took already the risk to leave the country. So they have like a bigger mindset shift or they have like a bigger perspective of life than people who are even scared to try to travel to another city. Like, oh, what if I don't know anyone there? Well, that's the adventure. So this is nice. So, yeah, I love about Dubai. Like the people, as I said before, are really like driven and like there's no limit. Like I say, I'm going to fly to the moon one day. No one's going to laugh at you. They're going to be like, OK, are you going to sending pictures to us? So yeah, go to the moon. Like everyone is so like pushing each other because they know like not even sky is the limit and people are very friendly. It's like very structured. I like that it's clean. I just like being there because for me it feels like, yeah, I can achieve anything I want. Compared to Germany, this is also why I left my country. It's really like close minded. And when you're not doing like the normal way, like nine to five job, having a house, getting married, having kids, people are like, what is wrong with this girl? Like she's not fitting in. So people, I think most of the people in Germany just fit in but are not happy. But they're more scared to get like rejected by stupid neighbors or something than living their dreams. So yeah, and Manchester, I really liked it there. Just the weather is a bit shitty because it's raining and windy all the time. But I really like the people in Manchester because they're also very open minded. And of course, like the British friendly, it's like, hi, darling, how are you? How are you doing? Everything's like, oh, yeah, nice pampering everywhere. So I love Manchester. It's a nice city. It's a young city and it's I like it. Thank you for sharing that. That's very, very important. And it makes me think of your other tattoo, which is the two triangles, which you mentioned to me before that it symbolizes femininity and feminine energy. In many ways. Well, I want you to tell me more about the meaning of that tattoo to you. But I want to ask you another thing. You being an ambitious woman, you're being more independent, who's not following society's scripts. There are many people who criticize that and say, no, no, no, you're not being soft. You're being masculine. That is masculine energy. You're forgetting how to be feminine, but you even have a tattoo of like femininity and feminine energy. So to you, how do you connect with your femininity? And what does it mean? Do you feel that, oh, because you didn't have the freedom yet in order to live life within time and financially on your terms, you need to be more in your masculine and your assertion to balance and therefore those people are correct or not. I don't know. Tell me a bit more about the symbol that you have about how you connect with your femininity and whether you believe that a woman who would be daring, who would have big goals, ambitions and dreams is someone that people should and could consider in her masculine. And whether that's something that you feel comfortable with or it feels like a temporary necessity until you return to the absolute femininity when your success is fully there. That's a very good question because I think many people and sometimes also many men don't get the difference between being in the masculine energy and just being ambitious because I think it comes to the place where maybe the man has no goals in life and gets like a bit like frustrated because the woman is like thriving and doing everything. So it's like, ah, don't be in your masculine energy. Maybe if you would be the man, the man, I happen to be in my masculine energy, but I have to survive for myself because no one is like helping me. So maybe it's like masculine energy, but I also have this from my mom and my grandmother. My sister is like this. So I would say I have a strong masculine energy, but of course, one day I would love to be like more in my feminine energy, but I also like the mix of both because I know I can reach everything on my own. I don't have to rely on anybody, but I know I have a lot of friends and family I could rely on. So I can, if I feel the need to fall into my feminine energy, I know I have a strong bag that is holding my back, but I also like to do my own stuff and to be ambitious and to be adventurous. So I don't mind people calling me having masculine energy because I know I'm very feminine. And sometimes people call me a Barbie because I have long nails and blonde. I love pink and everything. So I think it's kind of the definition of everyone else. What's feminine energy and what's really like masculine energy when it comes into detail. Thank you for sharing that. That was very, very insightful. And I noticed that you have a tattoo of a star constellation. I assume that Scorpio like the yes. And you have in case I forget, you know, and you have the horoscope tattoo of the Scorpio. First, tell me how important is that in your life? I imagine so important you have those two tattoos on it. But I mean, like when you were a little girl, you didn't even know about horoscopes. How was the discovery of being a Scorpio? Did you find it that, oh my God, I understand myself so much more now because of it? Or you said, no, I want to be like this description. I want to it fits me so well. So I want to grow into being this Scorpio. What is the usefulness or the reminder that the tattoos give you? Tell me a bit more about that because it seems to be an essential part of your life and identity. Yeah, absolutely. Because I love being a Scorpio because Scorpio has a bad reputation. It's like our Scorpios are so mean and they're so reckless and they don't have any emotions. And if you fuck up with the Scorpio, then it's done forever, which is absolutely true in my case. So if the door is closed, the door is closed forever. I'm not like a second chance giver. It depends on the situation. But I'm like, if you betray my trust, difficult. But I like the other parts of being a Scorpio because we are like a very, very, because it's a water sign. We're very like emotional, emotionally driven. We are determined. We're very like ambitious in life and structured, which is 100 percent me. If people describe me, they can just Google Scorpio and everything, which is not that every Scorpio is the same because if you go more deep into it, you also have to know when are you born and then you have like your human design. I'm not an expert in this. I just know a few things. So I can't read everyone's birth charges by looking in the eyes like, oh, are you, are you Scorpio as well? It's just like little things I pick up and I try to also work on it for myself. But I would never be like, yeah, I'm a Scorpio and this is my description. So I can't be different because everyone is unique. So also when it comes to dating, I have a few zodiac signs. I'm a bit like, let's pay attention. But I would never say, oh, no, sorry, you're Taurus. Nothing. Yeah, I understand. Thank you so much for sharing that. And I would like to know now a bit more about what you do in helping women reach that freedom, the crypto and trading that you do nowadays, this part of your life. Can you share a bit more? Maybe there is a woman who's listening who is like, yes, I want my freedom. And OK, add to it as well. What if she wants her freedom, but she's worried about the risks, about things happening, about expectations of parents, of other people who might expect her to become a doctor, a lawyer or live in a small village in Berlin. I mean, in Germany forever. Tell me a bit more about that. Yeah. So for me in the beginning, just to every woman that is listening, I had absolutely no clue about crypto and trading in the beginning. But I heard about it many times and you already like combined like crypto and trading with rich people, nice charts, dollar signs, everything like rich lifestyle. And I was like, come on, this can't be so difficult. And I'm not stupid. Like, why can't I just try it at least? And many people think like if they do trading, I mean, only I think it's only when people start trading, only 20 percent succeed. But then there's just this number and no one asked, like, how is this number like created? So many people are like, yeah, I tried three months. OK, I checked one YouTube video. I fucked up. OK, so it's like with everything in work, if you give up after three months in your job, did you really try like, come on, it's like you have to try harder and you have to have like a line and really like get the education that is like solid and like also certified people that give you the education, which is in my case, which is my case. So I get like certified education. I'm not googling everything. So we have experts and I learn from experts. Same with crypto. So it's also quite convenient because I'm not a chart girl, like reading the chart like, oh, yeah, let's go in. We have like copy paste stuff. We have just like signals and everything. So it's really convenient in the beginning. You have like nice tools that help you. But in the long term, of course, you should know what you're doing. And it's a really nice thing because if you know how to invest, you can even be prepared for your children and grandchildren when there's an expo run, when you know how and where to invest. And as I'm a network marketer for this field, you can also do if you love TikTok and Instagram and you like being on social media, then you can also like do this online and say, hey, I want to help other women because I do this in crypto and trading. Do you want to do this? Because many people think they have to do the social media part, but it's not the case. Like 80% of my girls just using the products. Thank you. That seems very interesting. I'll make sure to write your Instagram in the description so that any person who's interested can go. And I'm curious about something you said you're very ambitious and you had it from your mother and grandmother and everyone within your genealogy. But to you, what emotions does it give you or do you feel when you will and do experience those dreams you have of financial abundance of living a life of luxury? Is it because you have had ups and downs in your life? You're like, finally, I want some safety. I want to feel secure. I don't want to keep risking and feeling that I can lose everything at any point. Or is it more truly the freedom of if you want to jump on an airplane and go anywhere at any time or you want to wake up and say, I want to go party now. It's 1 a.m. I don't care. I don't care about the money. I don't care about when to wake up the next day. And therefore, that comes from that place. Or is it something that makes you feel more feminine and like a Barbie to feel like a princess and that you have everything that is great in the world? Tell me more because this is a very interesting motivation for you and it can help awaken maybe other women's interest in being even more ambitious by understanding the reason why and the dream that you have, how you're perceived in it and how you're growing it. So for me, because I grew up, I wouldn't say poor, but like sometimes I couldn't go on some school events because my parents didn't have the money. I wanted to study translation in all the languages I can speak, but my parents couldn't pay the student loan. So for me, it's more like of being able to fulfill all of my dreams on myself because my parents couldn't do it. And of course, one day when I have kids as well that they don't want to be spoiled, they won't be spoiled. But like if they want to do something, I can fulfill their dreams as well. So for me, it's like fulfilling my own dreams and my kids dreams. And of course, it's nice to be able to wake up one day and say, okay, I'm going to book a flight to Dubai and tomorrow I'm going to fly to Hawaii. So for me, it's like, yeah, just like living at peace and like deciding every day what it's going to be. I don't want to live in a very boring life anymore. Like same day, same structure. It's like boring because we have like, I don't know, 1890 years to live. Why would I live 45 years the same day? Like, ah, no. Exactly. Thank you so much, Vivi. It was honestly my privilege and my honor to have you here to share your voice, your perspective, a slice of your life. I wish you even more success with everything that you're sharing with other women and with the world. I wish you your dream life in Dubai. I wish you to travel the world and to share also your yoga teachings with more and more and more people. And thank you again for participating. Thank you so much for having me. It was a pleasure. Thank you.

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