E434 Kateryna Pasichnyk

Episode 434 March 10, 2024 00:31:48
E434 Kateryna Pasichnyk
Rare Girls
E434 Kateryna Pasichnyk

Mar 10 2024 | 00:31:48


Show Notes

Kateryna Pasichnyk is a 26 years old Ukrainian girl, originally from Kyiv, living in West Vancouver, Canada.

Katy is a Participant of Miss Vancouver 2024 and a Participant of Mrs International Global 2024. She is an actress who does commercials and she used to be a tv-host.

Katy has multiple hobbies like doing yoga, working out in the gym, studying psychology, doing make up, shopping as well and traveling a lot. She describes herself as a persistent girl who goes after her goals and dreams.

Instagram: @katyuaaaa

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorce mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health. But when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and overcome all insecurities they will feel. It is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty, and to feel their self worth. And they will connect with the sisterhood of Rare Girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Katharina Pasicnik. Kathy is a 26 years old Ukrainian girl originally from Kiev, living in West Vancouver, Canada currently. Kathy is a participant of Miss Vancouver 2024 and a participant of Mrs. International Global 2024. She is an actress who does commercials and she used to be a TV host. Kathy has multiple hobbies like doing yoga, working out in the gym, studying psychology, doing makeup, shopping, as well as traveling a lot. She describes herself as a persistent girl who goes after her goals and big dreams. Kathy, how are you today? Thank you, Aziz. Thank you for this opportunity to be part of your project. Thank you so much. And I'm good. What about you? I'm honored, lucky and feeling very, very privileged to have you here. And I want to know a lot more about you. So I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, Kathy, if your friends could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Oh my God, very optimistic. I will, in everything best situation, I will say, "Oh, we'll figure out." And I will find something very good and positive. I want to know much more about that. What makes you positive? Because three things. One, I actually used to live in Ukraine in Kiev in Arsen Alma. And I remember a lot of Ukrainians, they will say that there is a level of post-Soviet trauma that makes many people feel negative about the future, about the world, and get a bit angry quickly if there is a problem. So what did you do in order to train your brain in order for you to be optimistic and positive? Or is it that you have some spiritual belief, you think, "Oh, you have a big destiny and so everything will be okay," or, "You're a princess reincarnated from the past," or something like that? Why are you so optimistic? So why I'm so optimistic? The thing that's... Okay, let's start from the bad things and go to the good things. Because when the woman... Oh my God, women are very emotional. And when women are so negative, everything is going to be very bad. The man... For example, a woman has a relationship with men, but she's so negative. She has crazy bad energy. It's like a part of your relationship in kind of this condition, when you are so unhappy. So what I realized when I become very aggressive, very negative, I stopped to love myself. I'm not interested in myself because I'm not happy. So the first things I start to work with my brain and make kind of... Make illusion. "Oh, okay, I'm good. I'm good. I'm happy." So these things in my brain, it's kind of like affirmation, kind of like I lied to myself. It's everything all right. And I start to believe this. When I start to believe this, my reality starts to change. So that's what's worked for me. I like that very much. So you give yourself affirmation and you create illusion, but in a positive way, which changes your reality because your belief and energy is very different. You spoke about energy and you said that energy is very important. If you could explain, are you someone who is walking around like an empath and you feel everyone's energy is energy to you when the whole world is made off and that affects your emotions in general? What is to you the meaning of energy and how important is it in your life, your energy, all the people's energy, the places energy, the fashion clothes, energy, everything? Energy. Oh my God. It's so interesting question. Thank you for this question. I just love it. So energy, it's like, you know, okay, it's like a money. When you don't have money, your life is stopped. You like to live a miserable life. You feel so stressed. You feel depressed. It means your energy very low. Like, you know, money always, they have to move, move, move. It's like when you didn't have money, your life is stopped because you didn't have money for food, you didn't have money for clothes. You know, I didn't want to just go to very spiritual things because I lived in Bali like one year and a half and I get a lot of like spiritual things and I don't want to, I want to balance with material world. So is it clear? Example with money. Like when you do, when you didn't have money, your work is stopping because what we are around, I want to say like energy is something like pushing me. No, it's what is making me strong, but it's also about my choice, you know, and what I don't believe that someone can, how to say, make me feel bad. It's always my choice. You know, for example, oh, this, this person has a bad energy. I can change it. I can change the person, but I can change their energy, which he sent me. I was like, okay, whatever. I can, I can just go, go away because it's always about choice. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm going from question. Thank you. So if I understood you correctly, it is part of creating an illusion where you can choose to have energy, just like you can choose to make yourself rich, but in a way where you choose to have energy and you need to give the energy and to keep it flowing. Because if it's stuck, you cannot have more energy and then that energy can create the world for you. And if you don't have energy, you're not alive. You're a zombie. And so it is, you choose to have energy and you do not let other people or things affect your energy and you use energy in order to grow, to feel good and to have a better life. Correct. Wow. You are good in this yet. Okay, good. Thank you very much. I appreciate you for your kindness. And so I want to know another thing. You said you do not let other people affect your energy. There are a lot of women who are even in the field like you being an actress or participating in modeling spheres, et cetera, that compare themselves to other women. And they think, Oh, look, she look at her legs. I wish I had legs like her. I'm not beautiful or look at her. She is photoshopped, but it creates all kinds of unrealistic things that make the women lose their energy and feel negative and feel depressed. So to you, do you, did you go through comparing yourself with other women? What's your advice to women who compare themselves to others and how to keep your energy high, no matter the situation? And you know, your questions are just like, I think about this today. I talk with my girls today about this. Even I do manicure today and I talk about this. So just short story. We have a girl who is in the relationship eight years and she's still not married like and all our close circle of girls already married and get proposing like after a couple months, not eight years. And one girl told me like, I'm not going to talk about this with her because she feels jealous. And I just like realized, oh my gosh, how women are sometimes so funny. We create this, you know, somebody going to jealous, but why we don't think that someone is just happy. They just happy with this. You know, somebody really happy before like, Katie, what you say? No one can be happy before. Yes. A lot of people can be happy and be poor. Like, okay, I'm going for, let's back to the question. How I, so, okay, about compare about illusion. So I was like this girl who is always jealous. Always I look at her and I was like, bitch, how do you do this? I would love to have like life, luxury life like you. So then I stopped to do it because it's like, just reading myself. You know, I start to picture it, you know, take a photo of my brain. So okay. I have a big woman in my life. She's from Belarussia, my auntie. I came to her house and she has what I would love to have in my future life. She has a huge house. She has amazing husband. She has everything like perfect, two beautiful kids. And my one part of brain started jealous. I was like, I would love to have. And another part is that copy it. Just copy it. Just start to see this and not like with your hungry eyes, but it is a good positive thinking. That's one day you will get it. So what I'm trying to talk about, you see and you feel jealous. Stop your brain. Here's everything. Like a cheek control and try to think, oh gosh, now I feel jealous. Okay. Be honestly with you. I feel shitty, jealous. Oh my gosh. And then how can we change it? How can we get it? Start to copy. It sounds like, oh my God, what's she talking about? But yes, in my life it's work. Like I get married one week ago with an amazing man, which I love, which I respect. He's for me, big, big man. He's my husband. And you know, because I'm an actress, but I'm wise now and it was my biggest goal to be wise and yeah, be like a woman, realize myself like a woman. The first things realize myself like a woman and it's everything what I saw, everything what I saw before and I want to have in my life. You know, I was so concentrate here. Like, oh my God, my husband going to be like, I love so much Asian like culture and Chinese. And I was like, my man going to be Chinese and he going to be like this level. I would love this. He will be like this, like this. And now it's come to true because I always, it's kind of say money. How to say in English, I'm sorry. Manifesting or manifestation? Manifest. Yes. I'm sorry. Visualization, but it's war in my reality, in my world, it's war because what I want, what I say, it's happened. And even bad things. I was so scared about war in Ukraine because I learned about a politician and I was like, holy shit. One day, I'm sorry. One day it will happen because it's like all history saying this because we always have a fight and it's, you know, another thing, a lot of people think about this and it's happened. So be careful with your thinking and you have always two choices. Jealous, like mostly people do or copy. Start to see. Oh my God, I love it. No, like, oh, she's just like a bitch. She just do bad things to get something what she wants. No. Oh my God. Let's think what does she, this woman did. Maybe she care about your beauty. Maybe she's so ambitious and a lot of things, you know, when you start to concentrate, it's in good things. Your world is just changing. And one more time, it's about my life. It's about my experience. I don't say like, oh, now you are going to change your brain and your life going to be very cool. No, for my, for my life it's works. Maybe for someone it's not going to work. Yeah. So it's just my experience. Congratulations on your wedding. I'm very happy for you and on this part and phase of your life. And you spoke about the war in Ukraine and the February 24th invasion and how people manifested it because of the negative thoughts in many ways. But to you, what is your life story in the sense that who were you when you were in Ukraine? How did you feel and was your experience of hearing about that start of the invasion and February 24th and what happened to bring you today to Vancouver? Okay. Let's start from Vancouver because another part is so sad. Vancouver brought me again, ambitions and illusions. You know, when you have kind of like a picture in your brain and it's like, one day I will come and I will enjoy. And can you imagine? I come and enjoy. I love so much Canada. I love so much this country because I have been, I visited more than 30 countries. Canada is most for me, for me, most like safety country. I feel very secure, you know, like very secure country. You fully accept it. For example, you are strange or you're spiritual or you just like totally materialistic every level or you gain lesbian. Everyone going to accept you like and everyone going to respect you, you know, as long who you are, you're homeless. Fine. You are rich person. Fine. That was amazing. Like everyone is really, really respect each other, which for me as a from Soviet, ex-Soviet union country. Yeah. Like Ukraine was in the Soviet Union. This is so different because Ukrainian people very like love so much judging. Yeah. Me too. I, okay. I'm talking about myself. I love judging. I'm still judging people. I'm still thinking like this class, but it's a real, for me, this it's work. Yeah. So let's go to another question about war in Ukraine. In this moment, I was dating with a British guy and like everybody in Ukraine, they notice war going to happen. But in England, in all Europe, in all the world, I feel like knew this going to be war, but not in Ukraine. So everyone talk about this, but no one believe. So in this moment, as I say, I was dating with a British guy and he called me and it's like, I'm going to buy a ticket. You move right now. I say, are you kidding? No, maybe it's never happened. It's bullshit. It's like, what are you talking about? War in 2020, this like twenties. Are you crazy? And he came to Kyas. He pushed me. He started shouting to me and he really bought me a ticket. He said, take your parents, like, go, go. My mom was so sarcastic about this and she was like, no, I'm not going to leave. My father is a policeman. He is like, no, I don't believe also. No one in my family also don't believe. And I left to Turkey. So I met the war in Turkey. Yeah. It's just horrible. Like you were in Turkey, your family call you and it's like, Katie, we have war. I get message at 2 a.m. from my mother. I was in the Istanbul and I just like, what? You know, it's like a, what? It's you, you know, you what? Just like, what, what, what, what, what? My brain is no way. No, no. And it's real. Then father, my parents separately. So then my father called me and he was like, yes, he doesn't know what to do. He's a big man. He doesn't know what to do. Everyone just like what's going to happen tomorrow, today. Yeah, that's horrible. It's just horrible. Yeah. Thank you so much. I really, really believe in peace and victory for Ukraine and for all the Ukrainian good people. And now it changed the whole history of the world and the lives of Ukrainians who don't deserve that at all. And also it reminds me of something. It didn't deserve it. It just, I'm sorry. It's just, you know, people from a village who like doesn't have possibility to leave this village because they are so connected to the one place like it, like me, for example, I'm 26. I'm travel around. I learned in the world. I just like, I bought my ex-boyfriend, bought me ticket and I just flow. But a lot of people from village, you know, they are so depend on this place and they just can buy ticket and leave all the lights there. And I just, I want to say I hate Russia because before I can, I hate so much, but it's just insane. It's just insane. I just, as long as you know, everyone start to use to war in Ukraine. War isn't over, but it's bullshit. It's like a bullshit. And now everyone start to hate Ukrainian people because they asked money for the war, which has made me more annoying because what they have to do, like 100, oh my God, 135 million attacked 30 million. 30 was something, million Ukrainian. Like we have to want to do that. We don't have kind of this money to fight with a huge country. You know, it just like, oh guys, you are like, like us because they give you money. It is bullshit. Like how we will survive if not us honestly. Yeah. It's just like, okay, sorry. It just very, very, very horrible politician topic. Let's change it because I'm just, yeah. I agree. So let's speak about acting. I interviewed before an actress who's actually Ukrainian and living in Canada, but from before. And she said to her in particular, she became an actress because when she went to Canada and there was this kind of stereotype, whatever it is, what it means to be Ukrainian, she wanted to escape it by being any personality. She can be a pirate. She can be a professor. She can be British. She can be Australian. She's not limited in any way. So to her, it was the ability to be free and not be stuck in any one identity. And that's why she loved being an actress to you. What do you love the most about being an actress and what interested you in it to make it such an important part of your life? Oh my God. This is a crazy adventure to be after. It's just make multiple multiply million faces. You need to always change and you need to be always observed. Always keep an eye on the people. I just sometimes take a coffee, go to downtown in Vancouver and just go to watch people. I'm just keeping my eye to everyone because of many characters. It's not just fun. It's fun, but it's huge work. It's insanely huge work. It's like a hard working job. It's not just, "Oh, you're a superstar, fancy job." No, no, no, no. It's like one day you have to play homeless and you have to think like a homeless. Yes, you have to stop to make this makeup, these nails. You have to put Geordie. You have to make a Geordie your face. You have to become ugly. You have to become stinking like this person. Yeah. So I love in acting just because of a lot of people. This is a job about people, only about people. We have millions of people and everyone is different. It has a different personality. It's so interesting. Yeah. Tell me more. What do you love most about people and their differences? Is it their stories and because maybe you get bored easily, you want to explore people so that you get new ideas? Is it the difficulties they face and how they solve them so that you feel, "Oh, I have now ideas if I have a problem." How to solve it? Is it the energy what you spoke about? Each person feels different energy when you speak to them and you want to explore different energies? Or what about human beings and people is something you love that not only you study people, but even you study psychology and your people watch and it's so fun for you. So about people, because everything about people, like what is around me right now in this room made by people and we live because of, okay, I have to say, we live for ourselves, but we human beings. We go outside, we see people. Okay. I'm going to talk about people who is living in Ireland alone, but it's so little percentage. Right? Or in the forest. So we are, we always with people and we can't live without people. We are allowed to be communicated. Why I love people? Because they can be very horrible at the same time. Very, very amazing. They can be very ugly and the same time very beautiful. They can be very different, you know? And it's just one person and can be, have a lot of faces. You think of, oh, this is a good father, but at the same time, first of all, to Putin, he has like, he's maybe a good father and their kids love them, but he's able for millions people, you know? Or just like the guy who clean every day, the same area, he was born there and he's like cleaner outside. And for example, some park area and what about his life? He has boring life and it's interesting to learn because he's done, he doesn't have a boring life. He has like, he's thinking and I just love to understand it because sometimes people very strange for me. Very like, he, insanely like how, why you choose this life? Why you don't choose this life and why you just like this, you know, or like a lot of interesting things in people I find. And yeah, we learn everything from people. Yeah. I agree 100%. Thank you so much, Katty. And to finish this, there are a lot of women who may be overthink and worry a lot and they stay in their comfort zone, but they have big dreams that they do not have persistence to go after because they worry, Oh, what if my parents don't like it? What if I fail and people laugh at me? What if I'm not good enough or just what if there is a risk and danger in it? What's your advice to women so that they live up to their potential and in general live more of an adventure in life without the worry about risks too much? You know, I'm going to say so horrible things, but so realistic things. One day girl, I'm talking to the woman who's going to listen to this podcast, you're going to die and no one going to think about you. Everyone just will, Oh, she was good. Oh, she was bad. Oh, she was generous. No, she was like not so generous. People always die. So you have one life and your mother will one day die. Your father will die. You will die. So realize this, this one day it's everything going to finish. You have one chance. You never know when you're going to die. So take every day, maximum and stop, stop, stop, stop. Throw all the shit from your brain. Go and fix it. Go to psychology. I don't know. Go to Bali. Go to try to fix it because you have only one chance to live this amazing, beautiful, amazing and beautiful life. Take all possibility which God, university, I don't know who you're going to, who you are, believe who you believe, but just take a chance to live the best life which already you get. Because I said we're going to die. I'm sorry. Because one day, this is like really helped me. One day I realized this and I stopped to think about what people are going to think about me. I just think what I want, what I would love, how I would like to wake up, what I would like to eat, how I would like to speak, who I want to be, who I want to be today, you know? It's amazing because every day you as is, every woman in this world, every man, every human, every human has a possibility. Have a chance to choose. So let's take our possibility and fucking enjoy this life. And thank you so much. That's very, very important. However, there are some women and girls who grew up to be people pleasers who cannot say no and they cannot really choose because they worry about the emotions of other people and they say, oh, maybe that person will be angry. Maybe that person will be disappointed. Maybe that person will not be happy. So they sacrifice their happiness. So that someone else will be not really happy. They don't care. So how can women make that choice every day, which is important if inside them they think, well, what if I sacrifice myself in order for the other person to be happy? Maybe that's the correct way because since a little girl, they always tell them, oh, you have to be a good girl. You have to do this and that to make other people happy. And they forget to make themselves happy. So you're talking about the good girls. Okay. For the good girls, I have only one advice. Learn your bad girl. Like try to understand your bad side. Try to understand this. You can be ugly. You can be very bad. You can be not good for your mom, for your father. Try to make this. Try to make freaking out your mother because she's pushing because she pushed you to make her happy. She has a kind of like your mom, for example, I'm talking about two good girls. Her mom would have a perfect good girl, but it's her illusion. But what about this girl? Maybe she's not a good girl. Maybe she has like, she has an ugly personality and a sad, this ugly personality. You know, I love so much my mom. My mom is queen. She's a gorgeous woman. And she told me from childhood, look at it. You can be good, which is, I'm gonna be more happy. But learn your bad side. Like when you're angry, it's okay. Just be angry. Feel this angry. If you want to break this, do it. I'm just so grateful to my mom because she told me what is it to be angry. She doesn't tell me, don't be like this. Don't, it's not okay. No, she told me, try to understand this. What do you feel? And I said, oh, she looks good. Okay, good. And when you understand what is going with your body, you don't need to play this game, bad girl or good girl. But for the good girls, learn your bad side, understand your horrible side and let me become for you guys. For you girls, much easier. Well, you know your bad sides. Because no one perfect and which is amazing, which is amazing. Because all our bad sides, we always can improve and make some things like, you know, for example, some men say that's a woman who loves so much money. They are like very bad. They are so like a very bad things to talk about this woman, but it's not right because we live in material world. So when you accept this and we understand like, okay, I am like this, I'm like this. People stop to say to you bad things because you stop to fight inside. Yeah. Thank you so much, Katty. It was my privilege and my honor to have you in this project to share your voice, your wise thoughts and perspective. I wish you all the success in your acting career. I wish you all the happiness in your new marriage and to keep growing, realizing yourself stronger and more. Thank you again. Thank you. As these are just so precious. Thank you to choose me. I don't know how you found me in Instagram, but for me it was magic because I'm so open, like open my person and I was like, okay, I have to join. It's a really amazing possibility and I'm happy to be part of it. And I wish you a lot of success because you choose amazing, amazing thing to talk to a woman and to help women and you are men and you just do very good things. I'm very grateful to you. Yeah. Thank you. Namaste and thank you so much. I appreciate you very much. And thank you for the kind words very, very much.

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