E001 Anastasia Gloza

Episode 1 April 13, 2022 00:33:47
E001 Anastasia Gloza
Rare Girls
E001 Anastasia Gloza

Apr 13 2022 | 00:33:47


Show Notes

Anastasia Gloza is an International Economic Relations student at the Institute Of International Relations (IIR), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU).

Anastasia is a keen traveler who is also interested in diplomacy, literature, music and politics.

Her life goal is to make the world a better place.

Her Instagram: @a.gloza

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Anastasia GloZell. Anastasia is an international economic relations student at the Institute of International Relations. Taras Shevchenko, National University of Kyiv in Ukraine, Anastasia is a keen traveler, who is also interested in diplomacy, literature, music, and politics. Her life goal is to make the world a better place. Anastasia, how are you today? Anastasia Gloza 1:09 I'm great, thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:10 What about you stay in positive, optimistic, feeling the energy of life and so lucky to be alive? I know you can understand that. So I will begin with that. Did the war and that situation change you in a way that made you more positive, more grateful, more appreciative of every moment? How did you become after such trauma? Anastasia Gloza 1:41 Yes, I can say that the war really affected me in some way, both negative and positive way. Because actually, our lives, lives all of the gradients. And all of the people that were in Ukraine at that time, they changed the change really rabid that it was awful and inspiring at the same time, I can say because, actually, it made me understand that we need to leave each day as if it was our last day. I know it sounds negative, but I think about it more positive, more positively. So that made me understand how, how fast life is and how unpredictable it is. And that we need to, to do whatever we can today, we don't need. We don't need to leave things for tomorrow as people like to do, as we all know. And of course, it taught me to, to appreciate my the people that are surrounding me, my family, my friends, all of my acquaintances. So right now I understand how much I love them, how much you miss them, and that it's really important to stay together at such time. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:59 I agree 100%. And sometimes before you know, you try to say, Yes, I will stay positive I will blah, blah, blah. But this is real. It's like when you experience such possibility of or such loss of plans and like goals and future things, everything becomes violated. You truly understand that the only way is to be in the now and to appreciate every moment. Anastasia Gloza 3:28 Yes, I agree with you here. Absolutely. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:32 And since this podcast is about women and girls and all that to you, what is femininity? Is it an energy? Is it a look? Is it behaviors? And how do you feel when you're feeling feminine? What makes you feel femininity? Tell me more. Anastasia Gloza 3:57 Yeah, thank you. So as for me, I think that femininity is really about the energy, the surrounding energy, and the vibe is my favorite word. Yes. And I think it's not about the look and not about how people really look on the outside, but it's all about the inside of the person. Not always a woman as we can say. Yes. And if we are talking about femininity, and me maybe it's a feeling of inner peace and the ability to create the future I like in the way I like as a woman at the first place. And to to recognize my maybe my aim in this life, not as our career and developer maybe also but also as a woman to Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:54 thank you and how is that related to your interest in beauty and esthetics. Anastasia Gloza 5:01 Oh, yes. So as we know that a lot of people right now associate femininity with something, something like white. I don't know. Maybe something colors, something tender and all that stuff that is associated with girls, especially in the, in their early age. Yes. But with aesthetics and beauty. I think that femininity is really about something pure and tender. Of course, tenderness is relevant right here. So I think yeah, it's all about pureness. peacefulness also is if I can say, like that, yeah, it's about peace, pureness and tenderness. And all of that, in, in art in women and music. It's all about that, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:57 do you consider yourself very feminine? And would that what that means to you in your day to day, actions, behaviors way of being and what you do to feel that? Anastasia Gloza 6:13 I think that femininity is more about the, the mood, I can say, so not all women are feeling feminine 100% of the time 24/7 I think that depends on the situation on like, these schedules, and on problems that we face every day. So for example, I can feel feminine, masterful of my time. But when it comes to some really important issues or problems, like I'm calling a problem, right now, I call a problem that happens right now in Ukraine, but we can say that this is a war and this is also traumatizing. But yeah, but when something like this happens, you sometimes you just cannot stay feminine, you just need to, to maybe combine your femininity and ability to like fight back also to be concentrated not to to give freedom to your tears and so on. Because femininity and tenderness is all about, like these emotions that burst out. And right now I think that the best decision is to understand what's going on to accept this and to find the right decision, which will fit the best in the into the seriation do whatever you can, and just forget about your emotions for a little Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:49 I understand and I see the flexibility in your personality, then since we spoke about femininity, what is to you the meaning of masculinity? Anastasia Gloza 8:03 I think masculinity is something like also the ability to take up responsibility at the right time, maybe that is the main thing. So I I do not associate masculinity and femininity was the appearance but yeah, what are some inner characteristics? So yeah, masculinity is all about the responsibility for me and femininity, is about peace, there is perfect to that of these two. So one gives space to, for example, the family and the NASM. One takes all of the responsibility connected with it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:38 Do you like taking on responsibility? Or do you often wish you can let go of decisions and responsibility and that anxiety that comes with it? Anastasia Gloza 8:53 You know, lately I found out that I like both of this, of this maybe position statuses conditions also. Because before before before and all the all the events of 24th of February, I really post all about femininity, I of course there was some dose of responsibility in my life that I needed to go with and it is normal. I think everyone needs some amount of responsibility and some important problems in their lives. But I really liked this idea of, of like, letting go all of the responsibility by giving this opportunity to man and like yes, letting go, I can say but right now, after war has happened. And as we all know, there we go. We the women of Ukraine can go abroad only on with for ourselves, actually, with our mothers, with our sisters, grandmothers, and so on. So there's, there's like no possibility of us taking men with us. So they are left in Ukraine, inside the country. And that is the situation when really one of us should take up the responsibility for all the family that we have taken with us. And in my situation, I think that's, that's actually the role I'm playing right now. And at first, it's really hard, because I think women are really are really into emotions. And it's hard for us to there this, but some time has passed. And I think that this responsibility makes us who we are right now. And it leads us to the brighter future, it opens up opportunities. But But still, I would like to, to pass this responsibility on the shoulders of men. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:04 Thank you. And since you said, you know, that passing on the responsibility to the shoulder off man and all that what is really the most interesting to you, or the role that masculinity and a man adds to your life? Is it like protection? Is it companionship is it looks that you're like that he's tall and big or handsome? Or whatever it is? Is it personality and being fascinating? Is it intelligence? Maybe it's all of them, but which ones? Do you are the most attractive things when it comes to a man that are almost magnetic, and make you feel like I can really feminine? Anastasia Gloza 11:53 Yes. Well, I think that really the things that attract me, that's, that's intelligence at some point. Yes, intelligence, while protection still sits in my mind. So I can say that protection is really the most like, important thing for me. So I fall for productive people. And I think that that is the best part of them. Because when we are talking about masculinity, and man, I think that I'm not set type of girl that looks for a companion or colleague, you know, in in her life, but I am more of a woman here and I, I can step back for a man to be more production be that ball or give give a hand of help. Helping Hand to me. Number two, I think it's it's totally not appearance. I am not like a person who judges people from the appearance, but I think its intelligence, also, intelligence. And well, the ability to cooperate is really important, too, because women are still developing in this world, as we know, so we want to develop you want to have career. But yeah, number one is protection, protective people are gonna go for me, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:28 what does it mean, protective people? And how do you know when you're with a man that he is protective? Or what are things like specifically that make you feel that protection so that any person listening will understand, oh, when this happens, that's the feeling of protection that it gives you or an experience or a situation or that you don't need the responsibility? You can put it on the shoulder of the person or I don't know exactly what. Anastasia Gloza 14:02 Yes, I think the main thing when I understand that, I feel this protection, and it's really I really like it. So it's when I can rely on a person or on a man and I can feel safe. It's like it's all about into, like, inner peace. Yeah, something inside of me so I can feel I think this protection, even if this man is not like saying anything, he's not doing something. I don't know, special, but I feel this protective vibe around myself because he's, I feel that he's protecting me. And I think that there's this great especially right now, during the war time when we all were in Ukraine at first in during the first days of this war. thing. That was the greatest indicator of how protective a man can be. So I can say that when he tells you where to go, the table protects you, and you need to be with him because he wants to know if you're safe. I think that that is that is the greatest indicator of such care and protect protectiveness. So yes, I think that that is it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:28 Thank you. And now that you have all the responsibility and the masculine role, what do you do in order to distract yourself from distress, to gain some emotional balance and to take care of your mental health? Are there things you do? Maybe you go near their nature, that you create some art, you do some social media, or anything or play with, like a kid or spend time with family? What recharges you so that you're strong enough to keep going without burning out? Anastasia Gloza 16:08 I think right now is really the box for me. So I walk really a lot. I I really didn't do this so much. Back in caves. So here I live in a small town, near the border of Germany, between Germany and Poland. And I really walk a lot of time, I spend a lot of time outside under the sun and enjoying the nature because we have like, really great nature here with lakes with bogs. And it's interesting for me, also I go sightseeing. It's it's a little bit stressing right now, because the nearest town, nearest city, to me is really full of Ukrainians. And I see, that's not the bad thing, the bad thing that I see a lot of protest and still keep going back to what is happening in Ukraine. But at some part of me likes this, like, and I like going and filling the time around my people around people of my nationality, wrong people from my country. And I'm like, somehow I'm home. But But yeah, still so sightseeing walks. Also, I remain my talks with those people I love from Ukraine who left there, I really feel feel better when I'm talking to them. And I'm like telling what has happened in here how we are dealing with struggles. And they didn't know they just let me let go all my problems. I think they are listening to me. And I feel free. Feel free to do something again. And I feel that they are like appreciating my, my efforts. And they understand that right now. It's hard for everybody. But all of us are doing fine. And we just, we we take care of each other. I can say like that. I stay feminine on the phone. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:16 Yes. And I had a guest who said that? In one second. When the war started, all Ukrainians became 10 times more patriotic than before. So it's realizing the value. Like she said before she wanted to live abroad. But now that she feels forced to she doesn't want to she wants to be in Ukraine. To ask you even more to understand this and your personality because you spoke about masculinity about attraction. Did you ever feel that instant chemistry with a man where he's just from the first moment? You felt like you know him all your life? You felt protected and drawn to him? Or do you need time in order to get to know people and you never had that experience? It was always built slowly over time. And since you said looks don't matter to you so did you feel truly attracted very much to a man that to you look very attractive, but to other people that will think oh, he looks normal? Or he's not so attractive? Just to understand. Is it the energy? Is it instant? Is it built over time by observing how is it for you? Anastasia Gloza 19:39 Yes, I think I'm all about slowly slow things. Yeah, it's built slowly for me. So I try to get to know with with people get get known with people, and it doesn't matter for me. Are they like are they men or they are when it doesn't depend on this But yeah, I'm really about slow things I slowly explore people look what they are, how they deal with problems, and it's not really fast for me. So, unfortunately, I only have I only had this like instant spark one time, but it was not with man. It was like was a girl that instantly became my best friend. Because that was like, like you have described that it was the feeling that I knew her all my life. And that is, that is, that was really interesting experience because we really get on well, all the time. We got on well, instantly. Yeah. So that was great. And about introduction to appearance, I think yes, I just, I do not pay attention to appearance so much, and I cannot. So I find I found out lately also that most of attractive people around me are really have really bad character and they are moody. And this thing is really more important to me. Not the appearance, but the moods and their characteristics, their features and so on. So yeah, I think that appearance, well, I'm not really choosy as for the appearance of the man. But yeah, no, not really choosy. That's all I can say. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:41 Thank you. And I interviewed another guest about The Five Love Languages and that book about love languages. And she said to her touch is too intense. That if she likes a guy, or she's dating or anything, touches too intimate, it's not something that she's comfortable with, even in like to show affection or anything, because in her family, she didn't have hugs. She didn't have kisses, and therefore to her, it's always uncomfortable. Is this something that you notice about yourself? Or do you feel that touch communicates energy, emotion, and special closeness? That is important for you? Anastasia Gloza 22:27 Oh, I can say that. I totally agree with her. Maybe there's so because I didn't have and don't have cells hawks in touches in my family too? Well, I do have them but not at the extent that normal people have. And I can say that I'm not really tactile. So yes, I can say that touch and this, like necessity to touch somebody to express their feelings through this ductility that is not relevant for me. Actually, I think that this slowness that I talked about earlier, that is relevant here too. So I need more personal space, even with people who know me really, for a long time. But yes, I agree here totally 100% That is something really intimate for me, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:28 then how would a man since it takes your time to develop that attraction, know that you're like him more than a friend? If he touches your hand or anything? And notice you're feeling uncomfortable? What signs are a special treatment or a different thing? Or you don't even do it at all that communicates to a man that you like him in a special way? Or do you not do that and then let the man lead and assertively if he likes you create the whole thing, or how is it for you? Anastasia Gloza 24:03 Oh, well, I can say that. If I like some person to man, I there is some feeling that I actually feel it. I think that people around me also feel that, that I like Express out of myself. And I think that he will notice this like the feeling I get Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 24:25 one second. You know, like many Ukrainians, girls have the resting bitchface or like that. So it's flanked anymore because I know you smile a lot. But I'm sure sometimes you think you're smiling but your face is looking very serious. So how would people guess or understanding? Because it's more complicated than that, that you can think people observe and notice, but maybe because you like him? You're extra like, reserved and shy to not get like rejected and and therefore your face is like super bitch face. Like, tell me your opinion about this. Anastasia Gloza 25:09 So yeah, I immediately thought about what is my fate what my face looks like sitting in some company. But yeah, I think that also while I'm also I wouldn't I wanted to talk about the ice and the squircle that I have, but I like somebody but I would this has something to do with the rest of the beach face. I think also this the way I sit as if we are talking about some real things is the way I said I'm not so closed and I'm more open to a person Yes, I do not touch him, I do not express any anything like with my hands. ductility, but I sit open to him and I I really behave feminine of feminine native with him because so well, it's like all about the roles that we play in society. So if we are in a friendly circle, in the talk about our friends and acquaintances, we behave like positive person, we joke a lot, and well, everything like that. And when we are talking about some romance thing, Romans topic, we are behaving more feminine, or like we are looking more feminine, I can say, and the way we sit the way we speak or the way we joke even I think the way we look into somebody's eyes. That's all about femininity here when we are talking about real connection, this attraction between people. So yeah, I think this works with men too. But I don't know. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:56 You spoke about real connection? Do you tend to gravitate towards people and men who are similar to you in perspective in hobbies and interests? Or do you like people who have some differences, so that you discover more and find new things because of their life experiences? Anastasia Gloza 27:17 Oh, I think I really I really connect with people who are like me, who are similar to me who have similar views toward the life and all of everything connected with life, even music, something, some some details like music, yes. spheres or areas of interests, development books, even in something like this. So I really attract such people. And I'm really, I'm really glad that I, I am in the circles of people who are like me. And I think that yes, I mostly I mostly in those in those circles, I think people who are like me, and I am really glad about it. Because people who are really different from well, I can, of course I can communicate and well start communication with people who are really different. And we there's nothing, nothing similar between us or something really small and not something to reveal. But that would happen if I wanted to change myself. And I would like to become somebody else to become more self developed more and more proficient in some spheres or areas I would like yes to like to be to be in some different society to develop that that is only like this. My friends are mostly like me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 29:02 Wonderful. And some people say that femininity nowadays is lost. Do you agree with that? Or do you feel it's not even possible to lose it because it's in your soul? And the souls of women? Or what is your perspective on this? Whether in Ukraine, or in other countries since your love to travel and you're even now outside of Ukraine? Anastasia Gloza 29:27 Oh, no, I do not agree that femininity is lost. That is totally not true, I think because it's the essence of every woman, even if some women are feeling like man, but Well, I think that like each person has something feminine in him or her. So and I think that people think like that mostly because if we take for example, United States of America, yeah. Most women They're they're trying to build their career, they've got about some things like, like feminine staff, family, personnel and their responsibility to man and so on. But that does not let go their femininity, and it, it has nothing to do with the loss of femininity. That's not true. Of course, they choose to build their career, maybe to start family later and not now. But it's totally okay. They feel better in this position, they were raised like this. And they are still feminine, very feminine in all the details of their everyday life, like how they get up, how they get ready to work, to know how they sip, water at work, and so on. I think that femininity is like the essence, it is not about some some example of how a woman should behave. That's that's not true. That's just a cliche. femininity is all about the real woman and how they live, how they look how they behave, even if it's it has nothing to do with some. I don't know, how do we have been films and movies? Yes, but that's it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 31:17 Thank you, Anastasia. It was a pleasure and honor and a privilege. What are your thoughts about the future? Are you in a situation where now you can think about what to do next? Or is it now a time of chaos, where you're trying just to find some stability just to be okay, enough to heal from the whole situation and the war? Anastasia Gloza 31:47 Actually, right now, I'm really looking forward to new opportunities. I'm searching for some projects, initiatives, and so on to develop myself. Because, unfortunately, we all of us understood this during the war. But right now, because of this war, and about thanks to it, that is a bad word. But yes, we are able to understand how important our development is how important our education and our self esteem even is, we can create a better world to live in, as I really like to say to everybody around me, and that we can now we can really see that all of all of this, like the world around us is all about people. But people are leading us what people are surrounding us who are like, who are leading the country and the world in general so we can create a better place to live in and right now we need to think about all the possibilities and opportunities to do this and to like yes to develop ourselves and the world around us because that's what we can do right now on the scales, otherwise we will lose everything we love. And that is totally not worth what we are supposed to do. We need to to save Ukraine to save our relatives, our our loved ones our life, and even make it make it better. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 33:26 I agree. 100% Slav, okra uni and brilliant day. Anastasia Gloza 33:35 Thank you. You too. Have a great day.

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