E033 Anastasia Yesilova

Episode 33 August 08, 2022 00:25:59
E033 Anastasia Yesilova
Rare Girls
E033 Anastasia Yesilova

Aug 08 2022 | 00:25:59


Show Notes

Anastasia Yesilova finished the Kyiv Academy of Circus And Variety Arts with 6 years studying vocals. She writes her own songs and shares them with people. She wants to expand her education in this field, and will do advanced studies at a University in Kyiv.

In 2014, she won a competition in reading Taras Shevchenko poems, and in 2022, she won the into-Ukrainian musician festival. Anastasia is experienced in organizing theatre shows, poetry events and she studies acting for 5 years.

Her second passion is sports, where she is developing the body of her dreams. She runs 6 kilometers everyday, and is active into fitness. So for 4 years, she did classic dance, gymnastics for a year, and for 2 years contemporary, pop and pole dance.

Her goal is to inspire Ukrainians to victory over the Russian invasion, and raise their fighting spirits. In her free time, she likes cooking, traveling, meditation, psychology and growing her blog.

Instagram: @anastasiia.yelisova

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Anastasia Yesilova. Anastasia finished the Kyiv Academy of circus and variety arts with six years studying vocals. She writes her own songs and shares them with people. She wants to expand her education in this field, and we'll do Advanced Studies at the University in Kyiv. In 2014, she won a competition in reading Taras Shevchenko poems, and in 2022, she won the into Ukrainian Music Festival. Anastasia Yesilova 1:11 Hello, my name is Anastasia. I'm 18. I'm a student of care of a university, the name of Quranic cadre, and I'm really happy to be here today. For me, it's new experience Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:25 for me to feel unhappy and feeling glad. And to begin to understand you a bit more. If your friends could describe your personality. What would they say about you? Anastasia Yesilova 1:37 Oh, I don't think that they will say that I'm confident, kind and fine. I think this is the main Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:48 Oh, I have so many questions. But to begin with confidence. Are you one of the girls who is intimidating? Where your confidence? So people who don't know you think you're maybe arrogant? Or you have a poker face or something like that? Anastasia Yesilova 2:06 No, I don't think so. I like have targets. And all the time. I try to find the road to make this dreams and targets come through. And sometimes I'm like, I haven't got enough. Hard to explain. But actually, I'm not like poker face neural net at all. I have a dream, and I haven't got reason to. Haven't got this dream in my life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:39 Thank you. So you're ambitious? Is this correct? Yeah. Anastasia Yesilova 2:43 I'm vicious. Yeah. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:44 And what how does that work with people? Do you have friends and they're all ambitious and they support you or many people around you think, oh my god, she's too ambitious. She's always advancing. She has no time for fun or anything. Anastasia Yesilova 3:01 I don't know how to think people. But my friends always support me. And they, they're good people, because I haven't got bad ones near me. They have ambitions to and we support each other always. This is the main thing that we find in friendship, supporting, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:24 I think I agree with you. And how did you develop those friendships when it was pandemic time? It was restriction people were currently in that home? Did you find that not a problem? Because you were focusing on your goals? Or did you feel lonely and you miss people and everything? Anastasia Yesilova 3:45 The truth? I miss people when they were in Ukraine started pandemic wasn't so terrible. Were trying the sun some moments when we can see each other, like maybe something came to my home or I can go to somewhere. And when there were started, you know, a lot of my friends that go abroad, and I don't know, can I see them? at all or not. So pandemic wasn't the main thing that like, took away people from my wife. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:31 Thank you. And I have a question about this because millions of Ukrainians left Ukraine and maybe they begin new studies and a new city New University new jobs. Do you think when it's victory for Ukraine they will return or because they have a stable situation? A lot of them will choose to stay in Europe, in North America, etc. Anastasia Yesilova 4:56 I hope that they will return I hope but I really No, because we understand that after the very Ukraine will looks like, like a disaster, you know, and I can understand that people want to have a good life better than now. But I'm really praying to return people in your brain. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:20 Thank you and you specifically in your situation, why did you stay in Kyiv? And even choose the university and give, et cetera? Did you go abroad to Europe or What stopped you from doing that just to understand your a bit better? Anastasia Yesilova 5:38 Okay. At first, when the war started, I was in Poland for one month, in view. And we would sneak sit in Poland, in a family's house, like friend, there were my friends, families, brands and our family. And then we went to Collins buy, we return, return, because here our house here business of my family, so I don't want it to live somewhere. I understood it very well, when I was in Poland, and other people and as atmosphere, like everything, everywhere, people, it's kind of kind to you, but it's not your home. It's not your area. And I can feel it. So I returned, Ukraine. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:38 Thank you. And you spoke about friends who are supportive and they encourage you? Is it easy for you to make friends? Do you at first are closed emotionally to new people, and you wait to understand some of their values, specific things to know if they're your people? Or have you had those experiences where you meet someone, and this person from the very first second you feel like, you know them all your life and you feel so comfortable and have chemistry. Anastasia Yesilova 7:14 Actually, I'm very sociable person. I understand people very well. I love people. And I know it's strange to hear from me that I love people when you know, what is going on inside my city inside my country. But I'm, I really like people, I like to speak with them. I like spending time with them. For me, it's easy to make friends. And I like this process. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:43 Thank you. And so what is the most interesting thing for you about people? Is it their energy? Is it their history and experiences? Or what fascinates you about other people? Anastasia Yesilova 8:00 I like energy. I like so people like kind people cool. You know, like, like, charged, you know, like, they have a lot of energy. We can smiling laughing we can do some crazy things. We can make some music together, or some. I don't know something interesting together. I like to hydrate so I like to speak to people not like let me think not like study what inside of person. I like to speak with them and understanding how it's cool to be person. It's very interesting. They have a lot of a lot of minds information inside. It's cool. I like Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:52 thank you. And so what is really, really important for you about people, is it people who look cool and can be like, you can be proud to be around them. But inside they don't have all that information or experience or let's say people who might be considered not so attractive on the outside, but their wisdom and insight is really deep. If you could choose only one type of person, which one would you be more interested in? Anastasia Yesilova 9:23 I think that one person inside really deep. It's much more interesting. I like honest people I like trust and relationship. So I think that it's gonna be with people who are really deep. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:42 Thank you and you mentioned trust in a relationship. There is a stereotype that women and girls alike bad boys because of all the emotions and doing something crazy and exciting. While a good guy can be boring even if there is trust. Which one do you find yourself attract To do more? Anastasia Yesilova 10:02 Oh, it's hard question. Actually, I think that for girls, for women at all, it's really interesting when they have a lot of emotions. So bad boys can do it better or bad for leaving for good relationships for a long time I think it go bad, bad to to build it with a good boy, I think so. But I don't know, because I haven't got been in love with someone. So I can just like thinking was realized, thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:37 And since you have never been in love is it because you're so busy working on your vocals on your body, on all your organization and goals and targets etc. Or because people there are not many people around your app because of the war and because of the pandemic, etc. What was preventing you from this? Anastasia Yesilova 11:00 I think it's because I haven't got fenced to anyone. I have a lot of brands and boys to like not only girls, my friends, but I haven't got families. And I think that if you haven't got to balanced, it's really a stupid thing to make relationships. So I can tell you that I have one boy men. And now he is on our front line, you know, with the kids fighting for our freedom. So I have plans, maybe maybe only now I understand what it is. But it's really hard experience. So Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:43 thank you. And let's speak about sports. I know, one of your targets is to develop your dream body. How did that target begin? What is your dream body? Is it something that you watch on YouTube or use on magazines? Or is it like, what is the feeling that you will have? Why is it important that it becomes a goal in your life? Anastasia Yesilova 12:09 You know, I like aquatic body aquatic? Yeah. I like to look at myself and like understanding that, yes, I love my body. I like how I'm looking. So I don't know why I like athletic by just for me, it's looking good. I like to say girls with butter that is row air, Atlantic. So I can tell you the truth because I really don't understand. I just like it. And it's all and I tried to make my body like body that I like. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:54 Thank you and how do you find the time to do all these activities and progress towards all these targets? Do you sometimes risk burning out? Do you make sure maybe two days a week you rest totally from all activities? Or you just push yourself and push and push? Tell me more about your productivity? Anastasia Yesilova 13:16 Okay. I think it's like daily routine. I work when there is inspiration, you know. But I push myself sometimes I need this, I understand that I will be beautiful. I will be like a person that I like so I should work on it. And I have fun and time when I'm working on my bike. I like it. I like Ronnie and I like do the sport. So that's not hard for me because I understand that for me. It will be cool. I will have some energy from this. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:56 I liked that. You spoke about inspiration. You spoke about energy from this. Can you tell me more? What inspires you? Is it only your imagination and vision for your targets? Or are there other things that give you that energy, that feeling that inspiration that gives you passion and life? Anastasia Yesilova 14:18 I think the feeling of being beautiful and desirable. Like you know, it's cool to feel this inside you. So I think it's the main pusher. And I have fun. I said it a few seconds ago. I really have fun when I do the sport. I am like rest. I know it's strange, but for me it's like rest from all my minds. And now you know situation is really high than your Grant and I'm trying to go away from everything with that. So Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:58 yes, and I will ask You have a very, very hard question. If you could feel beautiful all the time and desirable, but your mind is not rested, or you feel ugly, but your mind is at peace and you're fully rested all the time in your mind. Which one would you choose? If you can choose only? Anastasia Yesilova 15:19 Oh, God, I didn't know. I think first, I think first, because it will be easily for me to be beautiful, beautiful. Minds, when am I ugly? But I can be ugly? And like, you know, confident and without any minds? I don't think that I will be. Really for me, it will be easy. I don't think really? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:46 Thank you. And when you were younger, did you have a period where you did not feel beautiful? You didn't feel desirable? So it created this ambition? Or what motivated it? Is it like in your family? You have your mom always looking beautiful, or something like that, that gave you the idea? Or how do you think it began? Anastasia Yesilova 16:08 I don't think that I was beautiful when I will when I was younger. I think this was the reason for sport. I had a lot of you know, like, imagines from my classmates, I had a lot of problems with people with children when I was younger. So this is the reason why I understand people very good now. And the reason why I am looking at how I'm how I am, because I thought that I'm not good enough. And I should change something, I should do something with my body. And at first, it was the reason the main reason why I'm starting to do this point, you know. But then I understand that I do it not for someone, I do it for myself, and I really like what I do for myself. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:05 Thank you. That's really, really interesting. And for you personally, would you say that when you are less attractive, or when kids were making fun of you, you were someone that what developed your deeper side your ability to think and reflect compared to if you are always like a Barbie from the all your life, or you think it's a stereotype and it's not true, that there is a relationship between how someone looks and their mind and their personality, especially since your love psychology? Anastasia Yesilova 17:41 I think it's a stereotype. I don't think so. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:45 Thank you. And can you tell me about February 24? How was that day for you? How did you hear about the war? How did you feel? And how did these months change your personality and mindset, Anastasia Yesilova 17:59 it changed everything. Like I woke up because my mom said that NASA woke up the way starting and you know, it's, it's terrible to hear this. We had some, like blow up something, some noise somewhere in Satan. It was really terrible. Two weeks, like, go away like three days. I don't understand how it can be true. For me, it was like a dream, like, I thought that I'm sleeping. So we have a decision to go away from care, because we really didn't know what will be here. So this is the center, the main target of Russian so we go away to only view and I was really scared. We go to View for 22 hours. It's really much for this road. A lot of people panic. It was really terrible. I can tell you the truth. Because you can understand it when you don't feel it. And I really hope that no one will feel it anymore. That's really terrible. Because I had my life. I had my own plans, my friendship with people. And in one day changed everything one day changed all my life. I haven't yet seen my friends for a lot of time. And not only friends, my grandma, she's not so far from Russia. And, you know, it's it's hard to explain. It's very terrible names. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:54 I agree with you that must really have been a devastating experience and something unfair that Ukraine doesn't deserve. And Ukraine is fighting bravely. So all I can say is lava, grainy, Anastasia Yesilova 20:09 meadow and slow. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:12 Thank you. It's really, really, I want to explore more about you, although we spoke about the heavy topic of war, but other than Ukraine, and I know you love to travel, if there is a place in the world that represents you, your personality, your moods, everything, what would it be? Would you love to live in Bali? Or in California? Or, I don't know, in Brazil, or Maldives or Dubai or something? But is a place that for you would be the perfect place to feel your personality and your life in the best way? Anastasia Yesilova 20:52 That's good question. I like your brain. I can't live here. I understand it very good. I don't know where I want to live. I think I will stay here. I understand the margarita away went to Poland. And I understand that people kind but that's not yours, people. So I can travel a lot I can be I don't know, like, in I want to travel to America, I want to see what what is to leave in America how it is. But I'm not sure that I will say that for my life. I should draw more I should should find where I feel home. But now my home is Ukraine. And I don't want to go away from here. So this is the reason why I'm staying here when the work is inside, you know? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:50 Yes, I understand that perfectly. That really, you understand Ukraine and Ukrainian people? Well, and you notice the difference between them, and people from other countries or from Poland? So for foreigners who don't know, Ukrainians, and specifically Ukrainian women, how would you describe them? What is their traits or characteristics? And how are they different from people from other cultures? Anastasia Yesilova 22:22 I don't know. What is the main reason like, I heard that. A lot of people from another countries says that Ukrainian women are beautiful. And I don't know, just say women here all the time. I see beautiful women. But maybe it's reason, but how I know how I understand it. Now you're pregnant women is really great. Because I know a lot of women who are militaries now, they protect us, like men. So it's really, it really a brave thing. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:03 Thank you. I like that. And can you describe life in Kyiv? Today, in the middle of the war? What changed? Did the people change? Since millions and millions of Ukrainians are now in Europe and abroad? How was your daily routine? Do you? Did you get used to the alarm sounds and the air raids tell me everything about your life today compared to before February 24. Anastasia Yesilova 23:33 Okay, knowing you how I see fewer women and children, you know, like, more men here. And this atmosphere, it's like really intense, you know, like, not good. Whoa, like it was before the work. It's really filled the stress of people. Everyday, we're just waiting for something. We're just not in a normal stability. condition, you know, like, we're all we think what really something will came from us. If something falls down. Or God, it's really hard to be in the mood. Because you understand that we haven't got a safe place. Like danger is everywhere and you don't know what will happen for two minutes. Like I can speak with you now. And maybe 15 minutes ago. I can be somewhere in the basement, because it will be dangerous. And you leave one minute really, because you don't know what will be what will be If tomorrow or dumb, I don't know, like, after week, so it's hard. But people work in, children start in. We try to build our economic rebuild it trying to live this life, not like surviving, we're trying to lead. And we do everything for that. So that says, nowadays reality. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 25:31 Thank you. I can really feel it and I can really imagine it. Thank you, Anastasia. This was my privilege, my honor, such an enriching conversation. And again, thank you and Slava Ukraini. Anastasia Yesilova 25:47 Heryam Slava. Thank you so much for this experience.

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