E042 Xenia Makeyonok

August 25, 2022 00:28:29
E042 Xenia Makeyonok
Rare Girls
E042 Xenia Makeyonok

Aug 25 2022 | 00:28:29


Show Notes

Xenia Makeyonok is  a volleyball player from Riga, Latvia; Her hobbies include baking, reading books, and comics. In the future, she will continue her education in Norway or in the United Kingdom.

Instagram: @mxjusha

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Ksenia Maki, or knock. Kenya is volleyball player from Riga, Latvia, her hobbies include baking, reading books, and comics, and in the future, she will continue her education in Norway, or in the United Kingdom. Fania. How are you today? Xenia Makeyonok 0:58 Hi, I'm fine. How are you? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:00 I'm feeling optimistic, happy to be alive and feeling the energy of the universe. And to begin to know a bit more about you. If your friends who know you well, were to describe your personality, who you are, what would they say? Xenia Makeyonok 1:21 I think that they would say that I am a bit sarcastic. And I'm friendly. But at first, it might. Not saying like that. Because when my face is relaxed, it seems like I'm angry or something. But I'm not. And I'm a friendly person, but not really all people understand that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:48 So you have a bitch face? Is this correct? Yes. And to ask you a bit more about it. Let's explore this. Because it's really interesting. When your face is relaxed. If you were to think why do you have such a bitch face? Is it like, I don't know you grew up around people or teachers or something like that, that gave you that impression that that's the way to live. Or you think all human beings are like that? If their faces are relaxed, or what do you feel is the route? If your emotions inside are positive that they don't show that way on the outside? Xenia Makeyonok 2:31 No, I don't think that all the people when they relaxed, their faces are like me. But I think I got it from my dad. Because he's like, really serious person. And he also got this, like angry face when he's relaxed. And I think I got it from him. And yes, I don't show that I am friendly when I am not speaking like or something like that. But when I start speaking, start my conversation with someone, I I'm trying to be friendly and not to scare people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:14 I have so many questions. But first, a deeper question. Are you comfortable showing your emotions to people who are not in your deep inner circle? Xenia Makeyonok 3:29 No, I don't think that because to me, showing emotions is like a bit hard for me. Because when I was young lead lots of people but there were people in my friends, ex friends that, like told me that I I'm too emotional. And I know that they don't want to see me it like that too emotional. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:03 What's wrong with being too emotional? I mean, to me, life without emotions will be bland. Or there is no feeling and the more emotional you can be, the more experiences, flavors and excitement you can have in life. What's your perspective on this? I think Xenia Makeyonok 4:23 I'll agree with you. But maybe there's something wrong with this people that told me that. I don't even know. Maybe they were jealous of my emotional like that I'm too emotional and they can show their emotions. Maybe there was jealousy I don't even know. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:46 I understand. So maybe those people were jealous that you're experiencing the world with full emotions and high definition to stop that So I want to ask you, because my belief is that the world you know, people say the world is bad, it's full of bad people, or good people, or weird people, or whatever it is. My belief is we should create our own mini universe filled with our kinds of people, people who have chemistry with the one understand us. Go, don't tell us, Oh, stop doing this, blah, blah, blah, and then everything else. We don't care about those people, like, Fuck those people. And, you know, to me, it's about finding the right people. And therefore, if someone says, oh, to you, for example, Oh, you're too emotional. They're only saying, Well, I don't belong in your universe. And therefore, it's like the message that cleans away and clears away the wrong people. What's your perspective on this? And have you ever had that experience where you felt instant chemistry and connection with people where someone you're like, Oh, my God, I feel I know this person all my life. Or you always need time to open up slowly to observe to trust before you feel anything deep like that. Xenia Makeyonok 6:12 About a small universe. Yeah, I think that we should, like create a small universe when where we like, do not get the bad people. When who wait. Tell us about our minuses and like bad sites, because they give us the negativity and I don't think that it's important for us. And about the person. Yes, I have that. She's my friend. She's also participated in this podcast. Her name is Elena and she's really, really beautiful person for me. He's like my soulmate, I think what I mean, platonic soulmates, like the person I've met, and I knew that I can trust her, my deepest secrets and I can share with her like everything. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:24 Thank you. And I have a question about this concept of soulmates because you happen to have come across her or matter. Well, in a world where there are 8 billion people do we are there like one soulmate? A few soulmates? Why does it happen? Like what if you're in a town where no soulmate is around? Do they exist or not? You know what I mean? Like, is it destiny? Do you feel there is a higher power that brings soulmates together? Or that any person who is weird, compared to the average in a similar way to you, they become your soulmate? Because you're two weirdos like me on this planet together? What's your perspective on soulmates? Xenia Makeyonok 8:14 I think there is no like one soulmate for one person because I think there is if I could say that the types of soulmates as I said, I have a platonic soulmates, that's like, not in romantic way, but like best friends or something like that. And also, there is a romantic soulmates that like, low loves each other the most in the world, and they like trying to be together all the time. And about if you don't have soulmate in your own town, as I said, I have friends. And she's lives like in, in a different country. So not even in my childhood, even in my country, but in different and we like chatting in the Instagram or something like that. And also we have video calls and like, not every day, but maybe at weekends when we're free. And we're talking about everything we can, we can share with each other. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:38 This is so interesting. There are many people who say social media is destroying human connections. People are not talking in real life. They could have neighbors, they don't even know them and all that stuff. But you're saying that social media and the internet is allowing you to find your soul mates In this world, even if they're not living nearby, is this correct as well as do you feel that those deep bonds and connections can be built totally virtually, even if you don't meet that often, or you've never met, or it's always necessary to have a face to face, person to person connection and meeting along that journey for it to flourish into something really special. Xenia Makeyonok 10:30 You know, I have friends in real life, like me, in my school or for volleyball. And I, like I don't have the same connection with them, as I have with a person that I like, having met in a real life. As I said, we only chat and had a video calls. But I have a stronger connection with her than with the old people, all my friends in real life. And I don't even know how it works. But it is. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:12 Actually, I always felt and thought about this, that just because some people study with us live near us or do the same activity doesn't mean they're similar to us or should be friends. Like some people say, oh, yeah, they shouldn't be my friends. Because we know each other since we were like little kids, but just random, we should choose our friends based on that deeper connection, rather than based on time spent because those people randomly happen to go to the same class, as we do. But that's my opinion, because like I said, if we're building our own universe, we should take the best people rather than some random people where we have to kind of compromise ourselves become chameleon, hide the things that will judge all that weird stuff, which is absolutely leads to a horrible life, in my opinion, and to ask you even more. Are you an empath? Because you speak to her for example, FaceTiming or on Zoom, video, etc? Can that convey as much emotion as you do when you're seeing people in real life? And are you sensitive to people's energy and emotion? Overall, as you walk around, or meet people in your city? Xenia Makeyonok 12:33 About the articles with her? I would say that I get more emotional with calls with her. Neither I speak with my friend like personally, I don't know how it works, but it is that and about the intimacy I would said that I feel the energy of the people like my friends or my family, but I feel also energy of the strangers but I don't really care about them. Because I don't know that much. And I care only about people who's like, Oh, my, my family and my friends. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:31 Thank you. Are you an introvert? Or are you an extrovert? Do you love meeting new people or your drive to develop deeper connections with fewer people that you know? Xenia Makeyonok 13:44 I think I'm interested because I don't really I don't really feel comfortable when I'm in places whereas a lots of people I'm stopped to feeling anxious because I think that all are staring at me. And yeah, I prefer to build deeper connections with people I no longer than meet new people, like lots of new people, and like build relationships with them. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 14:18 Thank you. And when you will go to Norway or the UK to live? How do you think you will make new friends? Like since it's difficult for you to put yourself out there with many people? Will you keep on in touch with the people you know, and your whole life will be through Instagram and FaceTime? Or would you be comfortable or push yourself to meet new people while you try to smile and not have a bitch face like a lot of your attitude and projected like plan in order to have a social life outside of your country? Xenia Makeyonok 14:56 I actually have friends in nove it's my like, friend from my childhood. We know each other since we I think it's a since we were born because our mothers were friends and our fathers were friends since they were teenagers. So, when our mothers were pregnant, they were together and when we weren't we like played with each other since we were child, a child, but they moved to Norway, I think when he was five, so it was 10 years ago. And we keep in touch by chatting and we also my like, we did them on their on their country or they might visit us in Latvia. So yeah, we keep in touch by chatting. Or they like once or twice a year my visit us and about the moving to the nove I think I will. I think I will push myself to make a new friends because there is there is no life ending. If you move on and you don't have friends in a new place you you can make new friends. It might be difficult, but you might try if no, no, if yes, I think there is really cool to have friends all around the world. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:41 I agree, especially if we're building our universe. It should be from all cultures, people etc. Doesn't if you're limiting it, you're making it too small. That will be very, very unlikely. And I know you're in love with a few TV series from the UK. Can you speak about them? And why are they so fascinating for you? Xenia Makeyonok 17:08 Oh, about Sherlock. I think I'm addicted to the actor that plays Sherlock. It's Benedict Cumberbatch. I find him really attractive. And also, I love how he acts. Like the emotions he brings to this series are amazing. And about the sex education. I watched them I think about a year ago. And it also I watched it to like learn English because I really like British accent and I watched especially British serious. And it's like, to me it's like funny and interesting cereal where which you can watch and relax from your life problems. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:16 Thank you. And since you mentioned that Benedict Cumberbatch. I think that's how you say his name is very attractive. What is attractive in him that you find? Is it energetic? Is it maturity? Is that excitement? Is it something like another weirdo similar to the people that you love? Like, tell me what if you could express the most attractive thing about him? And why? How can you explain it? I think Xenia Makeyonok 18:50 first of all is acting as I said earlier, he's acting for me is like masterpiece. And also the British accent is like very beautiful. I really like British accent. Especially man's British accent. And also because of him I started to watch the Marvel movies. Yeah, he doesn't really have a British accent there but Marvel movies to me are also amazing. Elfo there are in British. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:32 Thank you. And to discover a bit more about you since you're sarcastic you're a bit different. Do you feel more attracted to guys who are reliable, stable, nice or do you like bad boys full of drama and emotions and excitement and how would you explain whatever is most exciting for you? Xenia Makeyonok 19:57 I don't even know Yes, I am sarcastic. And I would say that I'm not really easy person. But I would say that to me, I, first of all, like, look at the guy's sense of humor. If it's similar to mine, then I think that we will go, like go on. And also, I like guys who like, like our protective, I would say, Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:44 what does that mean? Because to me, it sounds like you're like a guy who is very jealous that I'm not just trying to understand your perspective and what exactly you meant. Xenia Makeyonok 20:59 not jealous, but if someone will trying to, I don't even know, do something bad to me or say something bad to me that, then my boyfriend will like protect me from the bad words and not standing in the other side and watch how, how some someone do something bad for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:27 Thank you. So you're like a man who is strong and who you feel safe and protected with? Is this correct? Xenia Makeyonok 21:36 Yeah, I think so. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:38 How would you know before you're already dating, and that situation happens? Because you said the boyfriend? So when before that to be attracted to him? What traits? Is it? For example, excellence in something? For example, you mentioned acting? Is it? I don't know that he tells you no, and doesn't just obey everything you do? Or I don't know what it is to you. But how would you know that he is that kind of guy before that situation happens? Because if you're a stranger before that, and he doesn't know you, it's not exactly the same. Xenia Makeyonok 22:16 Yeah, I agree with you. But I don't even know how I will know that. But maybe I when I meet someone new, I really like analyzing there's actions I like, even really small actions, like how they speak how they act with girls are the same gender as they. And I, I'm like an aligning them. And then I in my brain, I'm thinking if there is a person with who I will be comfortable or not. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:04 I understand. Thank you. And as a volleyball player, is it something you do because it releases energy? And it it's a workout etcetera? Or do you find it something that gives you a flow experience something like art? Or magical? You mean, not volleyball, but something else? Yeah. Both Do you have? Do you do volleyball just as a workout? Or is it to you? Something that you love? Xenia Makeyonok 23:40 I think when we bow is something that I love, because I professionally, I played volleyball about a year. And then when I like, know how to do that, right? I played with my older brother and his friends at the beach. I played. I played beach volleyball. It was, it is for me more interesting than the simple volleyball. And now I'm not. I'm not playing him at the weekends. Sorry, not every day. But I'm playing them at weekends when I'm like have a free time. But it doesn't mean that I don't love them as I do. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 24:35 Thank you and to know if it's better to explore volleyball or anything else. What these days really inspire you what's an activity that gives you that sense of feeling alive passion for life, and that you really really love to do Xenia Makeyonok 24:54 As I said, volleyball but I don't think I have that activity but I really like go for a walk in a city center in Riga, we have like, all the parts of our town. And there's old buildings, a lot of like, souvenirs, shops. And there's a it's a really beautiful place when I where I can go for a walk, like, twice a week, I think. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 25:33 Thank you. So tell me about beach volleyball? What's the your favorite part about it? And what emotions does it give you? Xenia Makeyonok 25:44 Um, I think my favorite part is teamwork. When like, your teammate understands you. In the beach volleyball, there is only two players in your team. And when your teammate how I can say feels you maybe feels that? What you want to do? You to play really, like, soothe. And when you when it's really like, strong emotions for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:22 Oh, that sounds really interesting. In other parts of your life, do you have friends like that? Maybe Atlanta or whoever who can feel what you want to do, et cetera? Before you even mention it? Xenia Makeyonok 26:38 Yeah, you're right about Ilana. But I think I also have one online friend and one friend in real life that like, understands my feelings, even if I don't say about it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:59 Thank you. And if you could say just any piece of advice that you would give to yourself, when you are younger, or that you feel the world to hear that will increase their happiness and reduce maybe your previous frustration or depression. What would you say? Xenia Makeyonok 27:22 I think I would say for a younger version of me that she don't need to listen to people who talk shit about her. Because they don't really, they don't really needs to be listened. And for a little girl, it's a lot of like, anxiety, lots of sadness about their words. But for me now, I understand that I wasted my time for listening or stupid people. Neither I do something like, interesting. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 28:06 That's really, really good advice. Thank you, Kenya. This was enriching. This was really interesting. Thank you. I wish you a happy weekend. Xenia Makeyonok 28:19 You too. Thank you.

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