E072 Anastasiia Smolenska

Episode 72 September 24, 2022 00:19:11
E072 Anastasiia Smolenska
Rare Girls
E072 Anastasiia Smolenska

Sep 24 2022 | 00:19:11


Show Notes

Anastasiia Smolenska is from Kharkiv, Ukraine, and currently living in the Czech Republic because of the war.

Anastasiia is a certified volunteer, she created an online free English school, and is a future interior designer & architect.

She loves to play the guitar, and she was a professional dancer for 7 years, dancing modern dance.

Instagram: @nastyasmolay

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspective, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz, and my guest today is Anastasia Smolinski. Anastasia is from Kharkiv, Ukraine, and currently living in the Czech Republic because of the war. Anastasia is a certified volunteer, she created an online free English school, and is a future interior designer, and an architect. She loves to play the guitar. And she was a professional dancer for seven year years dancing modern dance, Anastasia. How are you today? Hello, Unknown Speaker 1:07 I'm feeling good. How are you? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:09 I'm feeling positive, happy, optimistic and really curious about you. So I'll begin with this question. If your friends who know you were to describe your personality, what would they say about you? Anastasiia Smolenska 1:24 Well, I think that my friends would say that I'm a kind of positive person, and optimistic person. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:31 I like that. And I noticed many people in this world are not so positive. And so mystic, is it something new? Did you develop it after some time? Or were you since a little girl, always positive, always optimistic, and you continue to be this way? Anastasiia Smolenska 1:49 Well, I every time try to be optimistic person because like, if you will not think in a positive way, bad things will happen every time. So that's why I'm saying thinking every time just in the positive way, and trying to do every day better and better. And I know that it feel better day by day. So that's why I'm a positive person. I think like that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:17 I agree with you. I love positivity as well. But I'll challenge you a little bit. A lot of people maybe even in Ukraine can be a bit depressed and angry even before the war. And they will say if I don't have a big reason to be happy, why should I smile? Or what do you say to such people? Anastasiia Smolenska 2:39 Well, I know that it's really hard times in Ukraine, I know it's so much. So you're you just have to be you just have to realize the situation. And I can say to this people that as they mentioned, it will feel better day by day, everything will be good. And every single and some days. So does we should wait for that. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:05 I agree with you. 1,000%. And as someone who is fascinated with interior design and architecture, do you believe that interior design can share positivity, optimism and happiness in the world? And how are what is your perspective on this? Anastasiia Smolenska 3:24 Well, I think it depends of the person, if, if the person likes interior design, architecture, some isosteric. Of course, it will make the person more happier by doing this profession by doing that, like in general. So especially for me, I really like it. And when I'm drawing like drawing some pictures, some interior designer, I really enjoying this moment, and it makes me more happier. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:57 I noticed that you value your happiness a lot. Do you tend to be around happy people? Do you make friends with positive and happy people? Or do you see yourself as someone who creates happiness, and all those who are unhappy? Anastasiia Smolenska 4:14 Well, I could say that my environment is just from the happy persons happy people. And this people who are inviting me yeah. Just inspire me so much to be happy here every day. And yeah, that's fine. I'm a happy person. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:35 I love that. How do you meet such people? Do you have some like spiritual or metaphysical beliefs that you attract your soul mates and people in this world? Or do you tend to quickly like, if you find it's not your person, you just be polite and move on to find more positive people or because you're involved in so many volunteer projects. Those tend to be really cool people or how do you feel your life with good people because many people complain they cannot find a lot of positivity d in this world Anastasiia Smolenska 5:11 well I think if you're a positive person you will magnate positive person in your environment in your environment will be just from the positive person great person if you're a board person if I could say in this words you can you won't magnate this kind of person. So I don't know how to say like him in other words, but I hope that you will understand me what I'm meaning. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:40 I understand that good people attract each other. Positive similar people attract each other and negative people who are depressed attract each other as well. Is this correct? Anastasiia Smolenska 5:52 Yes. Because we attract people how we are. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:58 I love this, but I have to ask and I want your sincere honest answer. Is this okay? Okay. You know, a lot of people or girls etc. They love bad boys who are kind of toxic full of drama and emotions, because they think good guys are boring. You who said good people attract each other? Do you understand or feel that interest in Bad Boys and rude guys or to you? It's not a factor because really, you're only resonate with positivity? Well, I Anastasiia Smolenska 6:33 think it's everything depends from the person. And especially it will speak about me I don't feel okay. With this kind of bad guys toxic guys. And I don't think it's like, not that much boring. As with the positive, guys. Yes. So I prefer funny positive guys, but not bad, guys. It's not about me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:58 Thank you. And you said that good positive people inspire you to even be more positive. What else inspires you in life, to be motivated to create new projects to follow your dreams? Anastasiia Smolenska 7:13 Wow. Especially in my life, motivate me more some my achievements, because when I achieve some, my goals, it makes me I feel more strong to do something for achieving new goals. So some are just my achievements inspires me. And people that around me, have inspired me so much. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:38 I love that. What is your productivity secret, because what happens is, a lot of people who are either too productive, they burn out and they feel really exhausted and cannot reach their goals. Or some other people think oh my god, if I go after big goals, and cannot have fun, I cannot enjoy myself with friends. Because even in the weekend that will need to be studying or working and doing all the time and then I don't have a life. What is your method? Do you sometimes burnout? And how do you deal with it? Or do you balance? Or what do you do? Anastasiia Smolenska 8:15 Oh, my secret of my projectile everything is just timetable. I should everyday make some plan of my actions, what should I do? And after that, I am feeling more productive. Because I see that I made a lot of things during this day. And it just kind of dicipline every person have to discipline yourself for being more productive. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:46 I like that. So for you, it's about okay, I will tell you what some people say and tell me Is this your situation? Some people say yes, when we begin a project, we're inspired. We're full of excitement and emotions, and we want to do it and we cannot wait. But over time that ends and we have to have the consistency and habit of doing it even during the days where we don't feel so much like doing it. Is this part of your secret? Anastasiia Smolenska 9:18 Well, this something like that, in my opinion, to avoid just some burn out. We need this just applying and to be more productive. And that's yeah, that's my situation. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:31 Thank you. And can you tell me about interior design and architecture? What was the moment or the experience that made you fall in love with it? What does it symbolize for you and tell me more about this interest? Anastasiia Smolenska 9:48 Okay, so since the childhood I really was in love about decorating something, even for some celebrations, it was happy new year I was decorating of the house preparation was amazing. And I was doing everything to make our apartment more beautiful. And I already understood and this age that I wrote, I like to create some interiors to make the atmosphere in apartment more comfortable. And recently, I understand that maybe I should try to go to the university on this kind of profession, because in my opinion, it really fit me. And, yes, that's why I would like to study in in the interior design or architecture, design, something like that. And I really love to paint some interesting designs on the tablet, I'm painting on the tablet. And that's really amazing. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:50 I agree. It sounds absolutely wonderful. And you tell me now about Czech Republic? How was the culture shock of changing from Ukraine to there? Was it easy to make new friends or you're mostly speaking with Ukrainians who you already knew from before? What is different? What is new compared to heartcare? Anastasiia Smolenska 11:16 Well, Czech Republic is really good place. I really love this country. And I actually didn't feel this kind of big shock about culture in Czech Republic. I just feel some that people they're more like, satisfy you. They like more grateful to you. They're smiling every time because in Ukraine, actually, it's not like that. People are not smiling to you. They're not saying hi every time to you, as in the Czech Republic. So that's why I was a kind of I had some culture shock. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:55 So people were too friendly and positive. Yes. Thank you. And yes, we spoke a lot about positivity, and I love it. But it's also fair to speak about Ukraine. February 24, that day of the invasion. How was it for you? How did you hear about the news? What happened? Tell me the whole story until you left for the Czech Republic. Anastasiia Smolenska 12:23 Well, I will start from the morning of 24 February, it was 5am. And I wasn't Harkey, if I walked up because of the I heard explosions. I saw explosions. Because my region and hardcase located really close to the border to Russia. That's why we we heard everything I think. And in this morning, we decided to go to the bomb shelter. And this bomb shelter was located in more safe replaced in the heart, give it more safely iridium. And we moved there. And they thought that it would be just for three days, it wouldn't be for a long time period. And we took just a few items of clothes and just like to sit and then return home. Well, we went with my mother and older brother to the bomb shelter. My father stayed at home because he didn't want to let their house apartment. And we moved to this bomb shelter. And as I said, spent there for 10 days we heard your planes, Russian airplanes, we heard the word of rockets. And one day we understand with my mother and older brother that we should go somewhere to the safety place in Ukraine to another city and we decided to go to the safety part of Ukraine and that's why we moved to vif to the region of OB if it was small town which is called Yabba reef and we spent in galleries for almost one month and I was living with in the apartment of my friend She gave us her apartment and then was really like grateful and friendly. I really appreciate that. And we spent there almost one month as I said, but one day we also in yobbery for dark because of the explosions. Because yeah, we live is a kind of military small town in a wif region. And Russia decided to throw their rockets on this small down, and we walked up again from the bombs, rockets. And that's why. And this day, we decided to maybe go abroad. And we decided to go to Poland with my aunt. And my mother and me. My brother stayed in a week because it's not allowed to go man abroad in Ukraine. So we moved with my aunt and mother to Poland. And after that, we moved to Czech Republic. And I already there for five months. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:38 I understand. Thank you so much for this. And now, do I understand how do you keep your positivity when you're living in Czech Republic? How do you keep your emotional and mental health? If maybe you're hearing bad news about her cave about the situation in Ukraine being in a different country, away from life, back home, etc? Anastasiia Smolenska 16:06 Well, I could just say that it's really hard to stay positive. In this situation by like, I know, everything was happening my city especially because my father is in Harkey, still right now. And like, every day, I am reading this news that more than five people died, like for one day more than 10. And I'm shocked I'm work in some depression. But I understand that the lights go on. I'm in safety place. And I'm grateful for that. And grateful that I could sleep right now, without hearing this disgusting explosions. I'm grateful that I had food that I have twice for relieving. And that's why I can feel more positive and good emotions. I am grateful that I could speak to my father, to my relatives, and that everything is good with them. So that makes me more positive. And yes, and I just repeat everyday, this phrase that it will feel better day by day. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:26 Thank you. I agree so much. What do you see? Like if you couldn't live in Ukraine? And of course, maybe not the Czech Republic. And you could study Interior Design and Architecture in any city or country in the world? Which one would it be? Anastasiia Smolenska 17:46 Oh, maybe it would be Italia because it tells us kind of our hit actor and I aesthetic country. And they has really a lot of programs about architecture and interior design especially. But at the same time I would like to study in the US. Because United States it's about nonstop double double meaning and they also develop their interior design. arkitekter pink so much. So I will choose between these two countries. So us and Italy. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:34 100%. Thank you. Thank you so much, Anastasia. This was my privilege, my honor. A really wonderful conversation. And again, all I can say is Slava Ukraini. Anastasiia Smolenska 18:50 Heroyam Slava. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:51 Thank you again. I wish you a good day. And I appreciate your participation. Anastasiia Smolenska 18:57 I wish I could say too, and I wish you good luck with your project. Thank you so much again.

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