E204 Rajeshwari Yadav

Episode 204 February 12, 2023 00:22:55
E204 Rajeshwari Yadav
Rare Girls
E204 Rajeshwari Yadav

Feb 12 2023 | 00:22:55


Show Notes

Rajeshwari Yadav is the first woman from India in this podcast, and a Masters of Science in Yoga.

Rajeshwari is into fitness, Cooking, and social service.

She made her career switch at 36, moving to a new city and making a new stand in Dubai at the peak of the pandemic.

Instagram: @rajeshwariy_

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorce mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women, to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives and emotions about this world. In these difficult times in human history, we need to bring the people of the world together, and when we hear the voices of women, when we listen, to real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Rajeshwari Yadav. Raj is the first woman from India in this podcast and the Masters of Science in yoga. Raj is into fitness, cooking and social services. She made her career switch at 36, moving to a new city and making a new stand in Dubai at the peak of the pandemic. Raj, how are you today? Hello, good evening, Rajishwari, very well, and thank you for calling me this podcast. This is my first experience, but I want to enjoy this, and I want to share my own experiences with you guys. First, I should introduce me, I'm Rajishwari based in Dubai. As Rajish told, I'm masters in I'm yoga, I completed some certifications, in yoga, RYD 500, 200 hours, so as Rajish told, perfect, I'm in this fitness industry and working at different places, like some private sessions, in hotels, and all like I'm doing some community sessions as well, some time I'm doing socializing, I'm doing sessions over there also like first to yoga, then coffee tea and some time people who are needy, so I'm helping trying to help them too. Thank you, that's interesting, and just to ask you personally, when did you decide to make yoga really your life, mission, and purpose? Tell me more about this, how was the decision made from all the possible occupations and jobs, what made you decide to go for yoga, and what attracted you to this path? Yeah, it's a very good question, and very interesting for me. So, earlier I was a language teacher, but when I was like parenting to my kids, that time I was not able to give good time to my kids, so I quit my job, but I used to do yoga since childhood, but I thought I should do something different, I can't stay like this at home, only just simple being a mother that was very difficult for me, like I should do something else, so I thought I should do yoga, then I start because during pregnancy time I did yoga, so that time yoga I felt yoga is only like exercise, but I thought I should transfer my this knowledge to others, so I did one year diploma in yoga, Pizzi diploma, yoga and science of living, so and then I thought I should give good knowledge, I should get good knowledge, and then I try to give to others too, then I get some information, related to some like asanas, food habits and then then then I start my job like for two hours, I went in schools for yoga teaching, and then, but after that I thought it's something is incomplete, so I did, I started, my son was in 11th standard, he was studying medical, so I thought it's almost because I was her first teacher, so I start teaching him, but medical science was very tough for me, so with him I start my master's, I choose a course, which was two years yoga and science of living, so I thought I will do this course with my job was not very big, that time as I told two hours I did as I yoga teacher, so I completed this master's, two years master's, because yoga is a science of right living according to me, it works on all aspects of a person like physical, mental, emotional, so I start this course and then this course and then I felt too good, and then I, like that time I came in Dubai, one of one of one of I was in Dubai, so here I saw many yoga teachers are like, they are teaching yoga, so I thought it's completing with my passion also, so I was planning to move here, then I did these certifications, because these certifications are running for international teaching, so I did these two certifications also, and with these, knowledge has start helping people in Dubai as well, so people are asking like, they are feeling very good, because I try to give my like my knowledge with their like, how we will do this awesome, why we will do this, and the life of with me, others life start changing too, so it was a good fun for me, and it's good job as well for me, because for me, because people getting their strength after doing this yoga, passion as breathing exercises, they start more energetic, they felt more happy, so I thought this is a good job I am doing. Thank you, and can you speak a bit about moving to Dubai, leaving your life behind what motivated you to do this, it's somehow of a scary experience to totally go to a new country, start a new life, a new job, something more unfamiliar, so can you share how that was, how did you adapt to the city, and in the beginning, how was that decision, and how did you have the courage to go there? Yes, my husband used to work in Dubai, and my kids were starting in India with me, but I thought it's we are like husband, wife are very far to each other, kids also away from Papa, so we took our decision, even it, but that time it was difficult for me, because I was very good in my work there, but as I told in my vacations I came here, I tried to observe and try to people need, so then I thought if I will do the same question like in my mind too, if I will stay in Dubai, I will leave everything, my friends, my families, everything will back at my country, so but I thought that time again yoga motivate me, if I have a good talent for like as I told yoga, yoga, because yoga is the means of union, so I start in vacations, I try to find out and like a woman group around just those are sitting in park and then I told them, I am yoga teacher, I am qualified and people, if you want, we can do yoga together and then they start, everyone felt happy, wow, you are very good in your this work and you are well qualified and you have too much knowledge, so that was one spirit for me and I thought I got a little mean, how can I contact two people and how can I help people and how can I motivate women, so then I start completely, I thought I am going on right track and I finally decided to come in Dubai and at the first day I start mentioning in Facebook that before that I was not very good in like social media and all these things, but I thought I should be make me more like social or like digital socializing and then I start meeting like friends who need any kind of like acupressia therapist as well, so I told them if you need any kind of help, any kind of cervical issue, any kind of bad issue, so these things motivate me, I should stay here, people need here and I can help them and I can like stay here in like and I can live a happy life here, that was the most most important motivation, but as after that the other things also like help me because here is environment very good, like we can go anywhere anytime, so these things also like for safety concern, women in Dubai like women are more comfortable, so this is also very helpful for me. Thank you, I understand fully and completely and even more for you, you meditate a lot, you do a lot of yoga, what is your spiritual belief? Do you believe in destiny and fate and maybe that part of your destiny is to relocate, to Dubai or do you believe that you have to create everything in this world, if you don't create it, it will not happen, do you see karma or not, how do you perceive it, what's your opinion and approach? Yes, so I believe in like, I'm like think spiritual, but not like, according to me and like I'm not thinking like spirituality related to any reason not, like it's like a for me, like for a person, everyone should be like try to do make like, they're self happy, like which things like for me as I don't key, if anyone want to do this one and they won't, if there was any wish in the past and they couldn't do that, I'm thinking and I'm like other women who are listening this podcast, I'm trying to say to all of them and all of you, but if you have any emotion and explain something you want to do, so you shouldn't quit your wishes, quit your thoughts, you should try to complete the thoughts and try to do efforts for them and one more thing as you ask, like meditation, meditate, I'm everyday like meditating me and for me like meditation is not like just only say it and do meditation only, for me, meditation is for every step, for every moment, so like for every action, I'm thinking, I'm trying to, sometimes I'm also getting disturbance, but I'm trying to meditate and look like if I'm talking to you before that I start in a beginning I was nervous, but for one or two minutes I said in a calm mind and then I thought, okay this is a friendly talk, no, so just I try to connect myself with me and then I start this conversation which make me very comfortable, so like this, it's for me, it's a very very helpful thing, another thing like you told destiny and you asked about destiny and these things, so I'm completely believing in this thing and for me in my like some I'm listening music too, so there is a word, sorry, there is a song which is in Hindi, so can you understand, are you understanding a little bit in the or not? No. Okay, then I'll translate the words of the song, the Hindi is Jessa, so Joke, where Saban Jau, like what you think, you will be like that, the song is that, like this translation of that song, what you think, you will be like that, what you will do will be in fact on you like that, so these things are very helpful for me, so I'm trying to listen this type of music, this type of songs and trying to do like that too, so I'm trying to make myself pure, trying to make some time if I'm making mistake, I'm trying to accept I did wrong, I should clear it, I should do it, correct, and I should accept I did wrong, so it is making my personality and my may changes my thoughts also. Thank you, yes, that is very important and to ask you even further, as a parent and you spoke about the kids, how does meditation and yoga, maybe even to the people who are your students or you help them with yoga, how will it make them better parents or what lessons from yoga did you learn about being a good mom and a good parent? Very good question, it is completely matching with my thoughts, I also like that you are speaking, I'm teaching yoga to everyone, like all is according to me, everyone in every age can do yoga, like a kid, a mother, a grandparent, everyone can do yoga, so I'm teaching yoga, especially these days I'm teaching to three pregnant girls, so if a mother in my opinion, if a mother is doing yoga, so people thinking not only stretching and exercises only yoga, no, it is like changing their mindset as well, as I told you, when I'm doing something wrong, within few seconds I realize I did wrong, and I try to be more aware for my action, so same like this, everyone in this entire world, I am thinking, most of people know what is right and what is wrong, but they are not realizing this most of the time, they know this is wrong, but sometimes if they are doing wrong, wrong, wrong, they are going wrong, wrong, but I'm trying to teach and trying to be aware moms who are like doing yoga, I'm telling them, you should work conscious if you are doing wrong, you should stop that thing, because you know it is wrong, you stop that thing for a few seconds, then it self-mind will change, so if these things, mother will develop itself, their family, in their family, in their home, it will itself start being positively positive, like this positive thoughts starts spreading everywhere, like in yoga term we can say it's making our aura, so aura is like a one person, and our thoughts, our values are just our ways, like because which is in our mind, so everything reflects in our way of our race, so it comes around me or everyone, so if mother will do, itself their kids will do yoga, they will, every child doing different different kind of exercise, but they will, in mother will start connecting self, child will itself, it starts connecting itself, self connection mix, this is meditation which I told, and one more thing, as a mother, I am thinking, I should like a mother, like everyone say mother is a good teacher, first teacher, so if I am doing something good, so it's a good thing, start developing in my child, my kid, it's another thing, if I am a good teacher, I will not say you do this, this is wrong, this is right, this is wrong, but if I am a mother, I am doing yoga, I am teaching two mothers, mothers, mindset, itself, try to not do this, do this, these are like instructions, if mother will develop self, itself, child will see the mother and follow these things, itself, without saying anything, itself comes in child's mind, so definitely a mother, if mother is doing yoga, mother is meditating, mothers, physical health, itself improve, mothers, careers will improve, mothers, emotions will improve, mothers thinking, pattern will improve, so, and mothers start catching good things itself, so if we are pointing good things every time in our life, in with our kids, each of our kids are getting positive things, because every as I will repeat again, my words, everyone know what is right and what is wrong, but we will catch only right things. Thank you, that is so important, I love this, thank you for sharing your wisdom, Raj, I wish you success in Dubai in sharing all the experiences and sharing the yoga with more people, if people want to use your services or to learn more about you, what is the best place for them to go, I will make sure to write your Instagram in this podcast description, but is there a website or YouTube or anything you can speak about? Yes, I have Instagram and Facebook page and I'm using like WhatsApp number, and right now I don't have website, but I have YouTube channel as well, there I made, and I post a Yoga Nithram meditation, so everyone can get like full butter sleep, they can get benefit of that Yoga Nithram meditation, so people can reach there, and then I will try my best to help them, and I will try to help moms, especially like this podcast is for moms, so I want to tell them, I will try to transform, I will try to give them a message to one do yoga, and another is like at every stage you can start yourself, and I will try to help them, if they will need any kind of help from me, I will try to my best to help them. I agree, thank you so much, I will make sure to write the Instagram in the description, and please keep going, thank you again for participating.

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