E245 Divya Gunasekara

Episode 245 March 26, 2023 00:23:10
E245 Divya Gunasekara
Rare Girls
E245 Divya Gunasekara

Mar 26 2023 | 00:23:10


Show Notes

Divya Gunasekara is the first Sri Lankan girl in this podcast.

Divya is an Account Manager living in Dubai, and her hobbies are writing, watching cartoons, reading self-development and motivation books, and meeting new people.

Instagram: @divyaa_gunasekara

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Episode Transcript

Oh hello my name is Aziz and I am the son of a divorce mother she is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their unique man, their personalities perspectives, and emotions about this world in these difficult times in human history we need to bring the people of the world together, and when we hear the voices of women when we listen to real life of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life. That's what this podcast is all about my guess today is Divya Gunasekara Divya is the first Sri Lankan girl in this podcast. She is an account manager living in Dubai and her hobbies are writing watching cartoons, reading, self development and motivation books and meeting new people DVR How are you today? Hello Aziz I'm doing good I'm feeling really good today. I feel honored lucky and very grateful to have you here and I will begin with this nice first question. If your friend than the people who know your best could describe your personality, what would they say about you well, I'm pretty sure they want to say that I am. I'm down lease judgmental person that they're they have Everment oh so fun and a positive and a happy birthday yeah and if they want if they want any kind of at wise or something, they would be coming to me you know, so yeah I did. He would really like to talk to me because I'd be just don't judge anyone by there any in my any kind of situation, so yeah I hope that's what they they would say I love that I agree with that attitude 1000 million percent and to ask you, why did you develop this good attitude of being non-judge mental did you notice that some places in the world or some people were to judge mental and you thought no I don't want to be like that when it comes to dad, I think I am I am I used to be I I am a very extroverted personality so I I am light always always covered bridge so many people and I'm just a lady I'm dealing with so many people and I used to judge a lot of people when I was when I was like when I was younger like back in the day and then I realize that none of them was there the way I thought they are they're actually Different from examples sometimes I I thought that they are really may be bad and they're not like because of the things that they're posting on it like social media so I used to judge them and then I realized I thought to myself that it's not fair to like judge other people but when they're posting and how they look and he'll be you know style themselves so actually, and also I've learned that God of people have judged me even before sometimes maybe they meet me or maybe they never a lot of misunderstandings like between us, so so I Realize that you know what they have being about me was really wrong and I was like a different person so when I was thinking about all of these things when I was dealing with people, and I realize there's no point of judging people because we never know who they are and we never know what they're going through. We never know their situation and why they're in certain situations so it's always better to be open and then I always believe I should let other people live their life and I live I should leave my life you know there should be freedom for everyone, so and you feel so free when you're not judging others and when you're not judging others, others won't bother to judge you too so that's what I believe. I love that attitude. it's actually very very important and to ask you are someone introverted how was adapting to the culture in Dubai compared to how you were living pre- Beasley and Sri Lanka can you share some things that were surprise to you or how did you go about getting acclimated and used to the way things are the dynamic energy the hot weather everything well weather well my country is also pretty hot but not like this so it was a little bit Ian all difficult for me to like him Yeah, I'll get used to it in the beginning but I really enjoyed this country. I don't want the one thing I actually loved it in Dubai was some it's full of different different people different nationalities like in the beginning I had to like a cultural shock and I think many of us are like phasing the situation but then I'm very talkative. I'm like talking to so many so many people and I love meeting new people and like getting to know them their culture and how they're doing and things so I actually do after I come here never know much. A difficult situation is with people because I think I'm after I come here and I am good. I was blessed with people because I made the best people in here. They were so supportive until today they were talking to me and we are having fun so everything is nice I think yeah it wasn't that wasn't anything different to me because I look at people like you know like like friends so for me it's easy like I can just I could actually deal with them pretty good I guess. Are you logged in and you are an extrovert which can be a very valuable resource for many women imagine let's say there are women who want to move to Dubai. They don't know people, but they're introverted or they worry about being judged or that people will reject them if they meet new people what would be your advice for them about two things one to have the confidence to talk to new people they don't know and second, where or how to go about finding and meeting support of people like the ones you have met it's like there's the confidence. They talk about the confidence to talk to people is like first thing that we need to do is to get rid of the attitude or fear of you know we all have a fear like what other people will think of us you know, especially like when you're going to talk to someone for the first time and also you are approaching them with you like oh my God like I should I talk to them first like you know we stopped ourselves without like going and asking I think like we need to get rid of that Attitude and we need to just open ourselves and just be real ourselves right maybe you're not like for example you're not like him like them of course we have like Yannick self. We have a unique personality, so does embrace the personality and let you let yourself like you know, just go free with people when you're free when your pubic I'm happier when you happy you become like you know you you. The energize and when you speak to people they get big feel your energy. They're like when I talk to people they have it they have actually told me. Oh you're you have a nice energy you're very positive and these kind of things it's only because I go to people without any fear I just talk and I ask things if I want to ask right without just guessing what they're going to think of me and my very good clothes are my very good things do like you know meet this person is it fine to talk to them like this you know there is so many things so clearing the clear in the toes in the mind is the first thing to. Approach people and then just talk to them like it's easy just open your mouth and do stuff that's it and then the other one for an example if you want to find people it's actually everywhere there are people you have to do is if you want to find friends just him it could be like you're just asking someone for the time maybe what's the time you know and then you can build a conversation right and you want me to so many different people me I I have met so many different people out of the blue right like out of nowhere like maybe maybe it was like I was having a coffee and then And then in the next table I would maybe go and if I want something for example like I will, I want if I want a charger or something I would just go and ask can I can I get a charge it and then like there is a conversation builds up and then why are you guys are talking when we talk to people you get to know there are so many so many amazing people and they're doing different things and they're so passionate for what they're doing is just speak up that's it and then you will get to know where to find these people and these type of things through speaking to people that's it like I didn't. I didn't find places like online. I didn't Google like online where to go and find friends like I didn't do that I was just talking to people like normal weight. And then through them I got to know a lot of lot of lotta people and also through my career like it was it it's a it's a big big opportunity was a big opportunity for me to get to know all of these amazing people, so yeah, just speak up and then then you will find ways that's it that sounds amazing and very practical and I know you spoke about your positive energy and how people comment on that as well as you're someone who loves self development and motivational books. What is your advice? Let's say there are some girls or women who are a bit depressed who don't have that positive energy. What do you recommend they do is it meditation are there are some things that from cell development that is your advice for them to have similar positive energy such as yourself well I would like to. Recommend journaling because that's what I do I when I was young I was dealing with depression and it was it was a really really hard times and there was never actually nobody to support me to get out of it so to be honest to get out of bed what I did even like for years I'm doing it like I'm journaling every single thing but I'm not just writing things what I do is I have a book. I have my diary every morning I wake up and it. I write all my yesterday mistakes and I really why why these mistakes happened why why what's the reason and then I ride how can I fix it? You know when you are practically and also I prepare a plan for myself, but I'm going to do today but I'm going to do next week but I'm going to do next six months one year like I have a overall plan and also I am right things that I feel grateful for the day or maybe yesterday for maybe or you know what I'm grateful for my life you know so when I was keep doing it, I felt like everything changed their the mistake side road I felt like.

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