E250 Lea Radojicic

Episode 250 March 31, 2023 00:22:34
E250 Lea Radojicic
Rare Girls
E250 Lea Radojicic

Mar 31 2023 | 00:22:34


Show Notes

Lea Radojicic is the first Croatian girl in this podcast.

Lea is a Level 3 Personal Trainer, a prenatal/postnatal coach, a Level 4 Nutrition Coach, and an ex volleyball player living in Dubai, UAE.

Instagram: @lea.fit.dxb

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorce mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women, to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives and emotions about this world. In these difficult times in human history, we need to bring the people of the world together. And when we hear the voices of women, when we listen to real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life. That's what the podcast is all about. My guest today is Leah Raduya Chich. Leah is the first Croatian girl in this podcast. She is a level 3 personal trainer, a prenatal post-natal coach, a level 4 nutrition coach, and an ex-volleable player living in Dubai, UAE. Leah, how are you today? Hello. Hello. I'm doing very well. I'm so grateful to be a part of this podcast as well, especially as a first Croatian. They are happy, happy to be here. I'm honored, lucky, very, very excited to know much more about you, so I'll begin with this nice first question, which is Leah, if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? I think they would say I am definitely friendly open-minded, maybe trustworthy, reliable friend, artistic into sports. What else? Yeah, I think that would be shortly how they describe me. I love that and especially the word artistic. I want to know more about that. As an artist, do you mean you create art or are you an appreciator of art? And in general, what kind of art seems to resonate with you as a person? It's actually both. I love creating art and I appreciate all sorts of art. So my mom is an artist, a self-thought artist herself. And she's been creating things all of her life. So I've basically grew up with a mom that's very, very, very into art, very creative. And I've always been surrounded by a lot of creativity in my life. My personally, I love to draw. I love to paint as well. But it's not just about visual art. I love written art as well. I've studied creation language and literature. I have a bachelor's degree that so I've been reading a lot my whole life. And I love poetry. Yeah, I love all sorts of art, visual, written art. I love music as well. And I really, really appreciate all sorts of art. Thank you. This is so interesting. I have so many possible questions. I'm curious about, but I'll begin with this. Your love for art. Why do you love it? Is it because you feel it's like nutrition for your soul? And so it refills you with that energy and inspiration to go back to normal life in a great mood and full of energy? Or is it in many ways an escape like you feel you're in new universes visiting them and discovering new things because each piece of art is so unique and different? Or do you like beautiful things and colorful things and beautiful language? And so to you it resonates for your interest in beautiful things? Or why is art such an important part of who you are? Actually everything that you said makes sense to me I'm a tourist and the stories are known to love beautiful things so definitely that aspect yes I love to see beautiful things around me whether it's in nature or in art but what I think is the most important thing when it comes to me creating is that it really does refill me I disconnect in that moment and nothing else exists other than the art that I'm creating so in a way it's really as if I'm living in the now I'm living in the moment in that little moment that I'm creating nothing really really exists and if I create anything and I listen at the same time to something that I really enjoy it's really really really fulfilling from the inside it makes me happy it refills my soul it refills my energy and I really really love art in all sorts of ways even if I'm just listening to the music something that I like it also gives me a lot of good energy a lot of positive energy it refills me and shifts my mood if I was in a bad mood but creating creating myself creating things myself is very nourishing for my soul I would say thank you that sounds actually very poetic the way you described it and before we move on I'm curious because in around a month it will be your birthday how do you plan to celebrate it how was a birthday as someone living in Dubai compared to Croatia or any other place yeah I will be 34 in about a month and a half so living abroad living far from family is challenging in many ways sometimes and obviously if I'm celebrating my birthday here my family cannot be around so sometimes it could get sad if you're not surrounded by people you love but I have a lot of friends here thankfully and I'm thankful for them because they make my days here better and definitely they make me not feel the loneliness that I could feel being so far from my family and best friends so for this birthday let's see how it's gonna go I like to travel sometimes on my birthday I I love to explore new destinations on my birthday hopefully this year I might travel somewhere as well let's see if not just we'll celebrate here as always just with some closest friends that still sounds like a lot of fun and I'm curious you're a music lover when you work out do you listen to music that gives you that nourishment in an artistic way or do you try to go for energetic music that pumps you up so that you can lift and work out harder than last time or how is your relationship with art music and working out and fitness so here is a fun fact about me that people are usually surprised when they hear I listen to rock and metal so when I train my metal side comes out I listen to a lot of classic I mean like old school metal like metallic or iron maiden but also a lot of newer streams of metal and I know a lot of people cannot understand that type of music but to me while I train it gives me a bit of adrenaline I would say as well and I love I know people don't maybe appreciate a lot metal especially the vocals in metal but I love the instrumental part of metal and rock and this is something I listen to when I train I cannot because I wait lift and I cannot train to something that's a bit more gentle I need something that pumps me up and the rock and metal give me that I don't necessarily listen to rock and metal only while I train I always listen to rock and metal because it's something that I love I think the rock part is something that my dad gave me because he loves rock himself and as I grew up with my mom being gentle and artistic there was also my dad who was into sports and rock and motorcycles and things like that so I've had a bit of both growing up and I definitely still listen to rock and metal as well thank you and the way you're speaking makes me feel that you're someone who enjoys emotions very much you want to experience everything in life to have an adventure of emotions where you try everything and don't stay only doing the same thing every day and so usually you'd get bored easily at the same time for you to achieve the results that you do you need discipline a lot of tedious boring almost work every single time how do you reconcile both parts of your personality how do you stay enjoying the adventure and the excitement and the spontaneous unplanned emotions and experiences in life and at the same time have that torus or father inspiration or whatever discipline over long long periods and so i'm very disciplined as a person i did sports most of my life and i've learned discipline transport so i would say that was where my roots in discipline and consistency started and it just continues throughout my life but then through training and through working out i really find that me time as well so that's important for me and i think this is how i'm staying disciplined because i'm enjoying it i love seeing results i love seeing progress in me as in myself as a person and that pushes me forward you're not always motivated you know there are days when you wake up and you don't want to do anything but you know that that one hour in a day one and a half hour in a day that you're going to dedicate to yourself only will change your mood as well obviously training you get endurfing kick and your mood shifts better so that that helps me staying consistent because i know that one hour one and a half hour in a day is going to be my me time where i'm going to listen to my music when i focus on myself only no phone no distractions no conversations just my me time and i love consistency i love a bit of our routine as well so eating well training is something that i can consistently do and i can be disciplined about it um but i am adventurous i like trying new things and this is where i think my more out of comfort zone out of like more spontaneous period comes out and usually on the weekends i like trying new artistic things new sports sports um so yeah most of the week discipline and ecosystem and then a weekend i'm trying out new things so i have a bit of combination of both that sounds like a lot of fun i have the same time your a coach in particular you have chosen pre-natal and post-natal women so before given birth and after given birth which is an emotional experience for every human being at the same time such women because of the big changes in their body they might see slow results what do you tell them so that they keep going and stay motivated because like you said you are in love with seeing the games and the your results but some beginner people could be further ahead in their journey and it means they will fear results after a long time and until they fear results how do you encourage them to keep going no matter what and not give up it's hard sometimes and it's not just with prenatal clients it's with clients in general because it's not always easy to stay motivated it's not always easy to stay consistent to stay dedicated to training and eating well and staying active but I realized with all of the clients who starts to see the change even the smallest change even if it's just change in energy levels it's easier to push them somehow because they want to feel better they want to look better and they want to see the change as well so I think me with the way I live with my lifestyle I really try to be a role model to them as well and kind of prove them that on the bad days if they still push through and they still train hard and work hard it does pay off I've witnessed this so many times myself when I had something that slowed me down in life whether there was some kind of sickness or something happening in personal life or even just simple thing as a vacation so you're not trained for two weeks 10 days whatever there are things in life there there's always going to slow us down but if you are consistent if you are dedicated majority of the time with things it shows it really shows so I'm really trying to lead by example not just to teach things that are not practicing but I'm really trying to be a role model and teach my example and I think that's I hope actually that's motivating them as well thank you for that he's in very kind and very caring and I'm very curious to know even more about you and I'll ask when people look at you you look more like you're from Iceland because if you're blonde hair which is not very typical of the Balkans if you think about it are you naturally that way or is that a look that represents to you some part of your personality you are expressing and if so how does it make you feel to look in that way which is more Scandinavian rather than in the Balkan region. I mean I am blonde I'm very tall so I do look I do get a lot that they look Swedish or maybe Russian which I don't mind I don't I mean this is how I look I cannot change my height or whatever but yeah it's something I mean I like to look this way I like to be fit I like to look strong yeah yeah I'm just I'm happy with the way I look and I'm comfortable with the way I look and I think that's the most important thing. Thank you and tell me about your life in Dubai and moving like you said you left your family and best friend behind how is that adaptation especially that is a different city a different culture maybe even you say you need your me time but the dynamic energy of Dubai pushes a lot of people to be exhausted because they push their limits again and again and again so how was adapting to the culture what are some things you expected or did not expect and how is that whole acclimation and getting used to in new culture far away from home so I came to Dubai nine years ago so it's been a long time that I've lived here and it's been actually a long time and a lot of changes have happened since the first time I moved here I moved here in December 2013 and I was actually recruited for Hollister. I used to work in Hollister eventually became a manager and I was managing other brands in retail after that. I lived in London shortly before I moved to UAE so I was kind of familiar with multiculturality already and I loved the fact that there are so many nationalities within one city and this is exactly what I've encountered moving to Dubai as well. A lot of different nationalities and a lot of different cultures you can learn from. A lot of different traditions and habits you can learn. So definitely something I was attracted to. I don't think I had a cultural shock because Dubai itself is already quite open-minded and open as a city itself and I don't think I was really shocked by anything. It is a very different culture and a very different lifestyle from home but I don't think I was shocked by it. I was just happy to embrace new culture and just in different way of living. But as you said, life in Dubai is very, very fast paced. In Croatia, I don't think it's like that. Croatia is a bit slower paced and it's a huge difference in lifestyle. But after 10 years of being here, I'm definitely adapted to the live here and definitely not adapted to the live by home anymore. So it's good to go home when you need holidays because you really slow you really slow down. But I do love live here. I love people here. I've met so many different people from all different parts of the world. And I love that. I love that. I love meeting things. I mean, meeting new people that don't have maybe a lot of things in common with me and I can learn a lot from their cultures, their traditions. I love that. I love that. This is something I've, let's say, touched first in London when I live there for a little bit. And then that's and it's been found more of it here as well. That sounds like a lot of fun. And really, I'm curious too because you're someone like you said, you left home to go to London and then to the UAE. And you're living life with discipline. And with routine at the same time, giving yourself the opportunity for adventure, I will ask you for women who might feel stuck or they worry about the judgment of others or they have some anxiety that makes them worry too much about the consequences of any action. What's your advice for them so that they have the courage to go out of their comfort zone and begin to follow their big dreams and live to their potential? I love that question. I think women in general are brought up maybe not nowadays but let's say my generation and older women than me. Maybe we are somehow brought up all of certain rules and standards that women should follow but this is something I've learned here as well. I've learned how to go out of comfort zone and chase the dreams and I believe no woman should be restricted by anything. Their family, their partner, their friends, the culture, their religion. I think everyone should follow whatever is in their heart, whatever, whatever sense their soul and fire, whatever they feel drawn to, whatever they think is their purpose in life and they should chase that. I think women in general sometimes put a lot of pressure on themselves because of certain society standards that they should fulfill, that they should be married at a certain age, have children at a certain age or have a career of a certain type. I don't like rules of that kind. I don't being restricted in any way and I really, when I talk to other women as well, I love if I can empower them into trying to do new things, trying to achieve certain goals of their own. I really do love that and I love to talk to a lot of women who are very strong and confident and bold and they know what they want and they know what they want to achieve in life. I really, really like to be surrounded by empowering women like that and I do like to empower women to pursue their goals as well in all sorts of ways. Thank you so much Leah. It was honestly my privilege and my honor to share your voice and your perspective and to have you on this podcast absolutely I enjoyed every second and you had really, really unique and interesting things to say because you're a unique woman and every woman is and thank you again for participating. Thank you so much for having me for my pleasure to talk to you and hopefully maybe inspire some women that are going to listen to this.

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