E257 Tasabih Diab

Episode 257 April 11, 2023 00:19:05
E257 Tasabih Diab
Rare Girls
E257 Tasabih Diab

Apr 11 2023 | 00:19:05


Show Notes

Tasabih Diab is a Sudanese national and Life style creator as well as a business woman with her brand Bronze Beauty living in Dubai.

She loves fashion, she does sports “skating, boxing, diving, gyming” and she loves traveling and exploring new things.

Tasabih loves reading books, she is a brand ambassador for Puma, Sivvi, Noon, Stylie, 6th street, as well as part of many other brands like Splash.

Instagram: @tasabihdiab

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really. My superhero. That's why it's important. for me to support women to share. their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about this world. In these difficult times in human history, we need to bring the people of the world TOGETHER! And when we hear the voices of women, when we listen. To real lives of women from other countries, we connect our cultures, without differences or stereotypes. and we get inspired. Buy their stories to live a better life. That's what this podcast is. All about. My guest today is Tasabeeh. Diab. Tasabih is a Sudanese woman and lifestyle creator as well as a businesswoman with her brand Bronze Beauty living in Dubai. She loves fashion. She does sports, including skating, boxing, diving, gymming, and she loves traveling and exploring. New things. Tasabeeh loves reading books. She is a brand ambassador for Puma, CV, Noon, Styli, 6th Street, as well as part of many other brands such as Splash. Tasabi, how are you today? Hello Aziz, I'm good, how about you? I feel great, I feel blessed, I feel amazing, and I'm very curious to know more about you as a person. So I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, Tasabiha, if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality as a woman. What would they say about you? I think they will say happy spirit, happiness, like, you know, spread happiness around the people around me, for the people around me. I love that. So you're a sunny person, you're like the sunshine, the ray of sunshine that makes everyone around you feel good and happy. Is this correct? Yeah. And, you know, most people are not born happy, you know, they need reasons. Did you have periods in your life, maybe as a teenager or at any time where you were not happy and then you decided to develop yourself into happiness? Or is it just your natural way or copying your mother? Or how does it work? Actually, if I told you that, till the moment now we are talking, I'm searching for happiness, you would laugh and you would tell me how come and then why they see you as like, you know, happy spirit or something like that. But I learned and I realized throughout life that I have to fake it till I make it. And if I'm not happy, this is not gonna change anything. And if I'm sad and desperate at home, this is not gonna change anything and it's not gonna take me anywhere. So I have to act happy, I have to make the people around me happy because that will make me happy too. And just go through life till I find it, or till I know it, or till I figure it out. Thank you, that's such an interesting approach and very, very, very appropriate to this podcast. So there may be many women in the world who feel anxiety. who maybe fear the judgment of other people and so they don't follow their goals, they don't go after their dreams and. They are living a life that other people choose for them. How, what is your advice? How can they fake it till they make it so that they will begin to have that confidence before they really have it? Actually, when I say fake it till you make it is this thing that you want and the thing that makes you happy. But something that make you desperate, something that you don't accept in your life, something that is not within your boundaries, my advice is just to cut it off. Whatever it is, like for me in life, I just, I told you, I just learn. whatever, like, experience I have been through that It's very important to put yourself first and to love yourself enough that you won't accept anything that doesn't make any added value to your life although you like it or you love it or you want it. No one is matter, because... In this life, anyone loves themselves, cares about themselves, even though they love you and they care about you, but their love and care has something to do with your That's what makes you special. That's what makes you special. With with their benefit. So you have to be smart. You have to think well you have to sit with yourself and decide like This relationship or this friendship or this person or whatever you are going through that you don't like it Is it does does it have any added value for me in life? Does it does it make me happy at least does it? help me grow in any way and if it's not just cut it off whatever it is. Many women are very very uncomfortable with saying the word no. So how did you learn that? Is it also fake it until you make it? How to not worry that other people will not be happy that you say no and you don't do? something because it's not within your boundary. You know, I realized that people respect when someone says no. And as well, like, I used to be a people pleaser. for a long time, you know? and not even realizing that, you know? And after that, with the time, like, no, you have to say no, no, this is your happy word, this is your shield, this is your boundaries. And if the people in front of you that they don't accept you or know, that means they don't accept you or they don't appreciate you. This is your personality. This is your boundaries. And if the others, they don't respect it, then they just go away, you know? 100 million percent. And you're a businesswoman. Many women could be dreaming of being a businesswoman, but they think maybe it's so hard, it's impossible, maybe it's so difficult. Maybe in Dubai, it's even crazier. What is your experience with that and advice to any woman who doesn't now have the experience? But she wants to become a business woman too. Actually, my company or my business, we can say it's one year old. I started like last year. And the idea, it was always been there, but I didn't know how to start. And After that, I started searching, like, if today I want to have my own brand or I want to have my own income, I don't want to be, I'm sorry for the word, a slave anymore, for someone else to achieve their dreams, because I have been, like, employed for almost like five years we can say. So I started searching and I figured out that the most important thing is to know what you are good at and something that you won't get bored of. Something that would get you money and in the same time you need money to have that thing So I start focusing at my job because for me, I used not to save money, like I used to travel a lot and my money, I just use it to make me happy or to do something that I like. So I start saving money for one year and I start preparing, searching what I need and like. the minimum cost and from where I have to start and the idea of the company I have like cosmetic products like contact lenses and hair products and the idea came to me because I'm African I'm Sudanese so I have curly hair and in the same time I have some eye problem I can't see well so I used to wear lenses a lot like all the time. So people start asking me, like, ah, this is your eye color, ah, I like your hair, that the structure of your hair is not, like, very curly or very strong. So I start thinking, like, this is what my followers, and this is what my, like, the people around me always asking me about, and they like about me. And there's some girls out there, they don't know how to, like, you know, to fix it the right way without changing how, like, their yield. So I started searching, I started saving some money and Here in Dubai, actually, especially in Abu Dhabi, they support like starters, starter business. I'm not going to say woman, starters overall, so I went to Abu Dhabi, I started my process and it's not even that expensive like the ad to start and after that I didn't even had the need to do advertising or we can say like huge marketing to get over to a lot of people because literally my followers and my community they're very supportive so yeah now now alhamdulillah we are like you know delivering all over the world and everything is going very well and i i left my job i resigned after i made sure that the much amount of money i have that that make me survive for at least one year. I'm very, very happy for you and very, very proud of you. And thank you for taking care of yourself and following your dreams and your goals. And there are many women, like you spoke about your followers. So social media is very important to help you be independent and do your business as a woman or as a. any person who is an entrepreneur. Some women too could struggle with social media because they feel it's fake, there are too many women who are photoshopped. And they worry, they think, oh, I am so ugly because I don't look like that girl. Or look, that girl is every day and living in a very luxury lifestyle. I cannot live it. And so they don't even save money because they try to compete. How do you use or how do you recommend women use social media so that it's positive in their life and it's not really something that gives them problems when it comes to confidence or to lifestyle? Actually from this place the first thing that I will tell everyone not only women everyone who use social media believe me I'm from that side of the world social media is super fake okay people show only their happy moment their positive side sometimes I have I have some work I have to be it has to be done and I have some things I have to be in front of the camera and maybe like three minutes or one hour ago or one day ago I'm literally like broke crying, heartbroken, everything you can think about that bad can happen to a person, it happened to me or any other influencer we can say or someone using social media. So from my point of view, even me as an influencer, sometimes social media affect me in a bad way. Like sometimes I forget that these platforms are fake and when I see other influencers or other people that they are doing well with their life, I start thinking that I'm not good enough or I'm not achieving or look at them, they're doing one, two, three, why are you not doing? And then I just remember that social media is not fake. They are just human, as they're showing their happy moments. You are okay. You're doing fine. Don't be harsh on yourself. You don't have to be like that girl to be to be good, you are doing you and she is doing her. Like everyone in this world is unique the way they are. Like everyone is beautiful the way they are, unique the way they are. God made you this way for a reason. So for me as a person now in this stage of life, like I appreciate myself very much. Even my, I appreciate even my flaws. before my, my, my perfection. So you need to take care of yourself, you need to, to love yourself, to appreciate your beauty, appreciate whatever you are doing, even if it's small. At least you are trying. So don't take social media as a measure to your life because it's fake. And you, being you, it's amazing. And you doing you, it's fantastic. I love that inspirational message. And to speak a bit about your experience in Abu Dhabi, in Dubai, etc, there could be women all over the world who dream of living in Dubai, let's say, but all they know is they go there for vacation. What is the reality of life in Dubai? How is the reality of starting a business? Is it so competitive that you can lose everything quickly? Is there a lot of women supporting each other? How is the truth so that people don't just remember the vacation and they think, oh my God, life in Dubai is perfect all the time and so easy and so simple and always fun. See, I will talk not with other people, like about other people experience, but from my experience, like I have been living in Dubai for now, we can say six years. I didn't face any difficulties like the country is very safe. There's very supportive business-wise wise or Inspiration wise, you know, like living here. It's very inspiring like So I always hear that social life in Dubai is very hard or in the UAE overall and in some point I agree because everyone over here they are coming to get a living, to work, to take care of their families but in the same time if you are someone good, thinking positive, you will find such a great people, you will make such a great people around you. So since I came to Dubai this six years there's a lot of people come to my life and get out from my life for some reason. But there are good people everywhere, so I had the chance to get to know very good people and to have a very good experience regarding, we can say, work. The work environment in Dubai is very tough, as you said, it's very competitive, and it's not totally safe. You have to work very hard to be, we can say, a little bit safe. Yeah, you have to work very hard in Dubai. It's it's super it's like it's super competitive but in the same time it's very easy to make money and it's very easy to to make your dream come true. This is the, I call it the city of dreams. Like I consider myself, I'm living in the city of dreams. So if you have dreams, if you want to live those dreams, just come here, work hard, be positive, and everything will go very well. I mean, thank you so much. You're someone with a lot of wisdom. I really appreciate your thoughts. And really, I want to extract as much information, as much interesting thoughts from you. So. Can you share what's your... way that you believe most people should live so that they will have a happier life, so that they live in a way that makes their dreams come true and that protects them from feeling weak or anything like that. My first advice, I can say that everyone is listening. life is ups and downs so feeling bad feeling weak sometimes it's totally normal don't be harsh on yourself just you know go through the process and you will get stronger but don't stay there for longer like Remember that time is money and your life and your time is very precious so just go through the process and get better and get stronger and the second thing is That I literally learned and I believe in that that boundaries is very important I will just repeat that boundaries is very important saying no, it's amazing. It's like it's like a magical word So whatever in life that it doesn't makes you happy. It doesn't like Help you in any way or add anything Good to your life. Just cut it off. Whatever no matter. What is it? Like no matter if it's i'm, sorry if it's a part of your family if it's a very old friend if it's a If it's your husband or your fiance or your anyone it doesn't matter as long as it's affecting you in a Negative way somehow in some point in your life You have to say no you have to set your boundaries and you have just to cut it off This is how you will have a peaceful life and successful life, too I agree so much. Tasabi. I'm, really really proud of you and of everything you do I encourage your success and thank you so much for being part of this podcast It's my privilege and my honor to have you here. Thank you so much. Actually, I'm so happy to be in the broadcast. And you're very nice. And I like I wish you a very successful broadcast. You You Thank you for watching friends

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