E383 Pamela Batiz (MilaH)

Episode 383 September 25, 2023 00:50:03
E383 Pamela Batiz (MilaH)
Rare Girls
E383 Pamela Batiz (MilaH)

Sep 25 2023 | 00:50:03


Show Notes

MilaH is a DJ and nomadic artist whose real name is Pamela Batiz, born in Mexico City, currently living and working from Dubai.

MilaH at her young age of 21 has managed to get rid of the stereotypes of society, seeking to create a unique creative community and atmosphere for each type of event fusing rhythms and cultures after having traveled to countries in the Middle East, Asia and America in recent years.

MilaH is seeking to motivate and encourage more young women who become familiar with the artistic world to express themselves and get out of their comfort zone, to create and find the right relationships and connections which will be key in the future to understand the industry and make a living from their art.

Instagram: @milah.dj_

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health, but when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities. They will feel. It is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self-worth. And they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Pamela Batis, also known as Mila. Mila is a DJ and nomadic artist, born in Mexico City currently living and working from Dubai. Mila, at her young age of 21, has managed to get rid of the stereotypes of society seeking to create a unique creative community and atmosphere for each type of event, fuse in rhythms and cultures after having traveled to countries in the Middle East, Asia, and America in recent years. Mila is seeking to motivate and encourage more young women who become familiar with the artistic world to express themselves and get out of their comfort zone to create and find the right relationships and connections which will be key in the future to understand the industry and make a living from their art. Mila, how are you today? Thank you so much for such an interesting. Thank you very much. Very well. How are you? I feel blessed. I feel very, very happy and super excited to know more about you. So I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, Mila, if your friends or the people who know you well could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Wow. Well, this is a very deep question. but also I believe my friends that was said like I'm such a risky person when it's about like taking decisions and actions in life because this is the only way I found how to get out of the normality of the systematic life let's say and I will always go to follow and achieve those goals I'm seeking for. So I am kind of like risky in a good way. And this is I believe the way my friends also perceive me, they will definitely describe me as a decision maker and like, definitely. I don't know, it could be a little bit of a push in between like a crazy man but creative and at the end, I will do whatever is in my hands to achieve those goals. So, basically. Thank you so much. And really, this podcast encourages more women to take more risks in their life and to connect with their crazy side because that's the only way for them to live to their potential. And I want to know more. You said that you take risks and you are into being like a risk taker as a person because that is the way to not live in the normalcy and the mundane routine of life. What motivates you to push you out of that? Because normally the human brain is trying to stay safe, which is not a good thing. And so is it that your brain is different and therefore your brain loves and goes after the risk and that's why you're different? Is it because you get so bored and so frustrated when you are in the normal routine that pushes you out of it. Is it because you're so creative and the ideas excite you and you're like jumping to create them and that pushes you out of the risk? Maybe it's all of them. Or what is the reason that makes it easier for you or more possible to take risks while most people are living life, I would say, like zombies that they stay in their comfort zone, live in the same day again and again and again, unfortunately. Okay, so first of all, I do believe it's a little bit of all of the ones you mentioned, because first of all, one of my hugest fear is to be in this living in this systematic world where you will only go work and come back to home and go work again and come back to home. I mean, At the end, I truly believe that life is way more than that. And what really motivates me to take risks is that at the end, I feel more guilty if I don't give myself the chance at least to try. Because at the end, life will be full of failure and full of bad experiences, but at least they're giving the chance to try to achieve and to express yourself more. I never felt that I was very comfortable while I was on school because I didn't like this type of routines. I always jumped out from the routines as a creative minus and artist to express, to feel, to get out of the box and sometimes people will not maybe understand this at all till the point you reach in there, till the point you achieve it and all of this craziness. It's coming from an inner necessity I do have to express myself, to explore. Life is beautiful when you go out there and you meet these people, the right people, and then suddenly you will start also growing as a person and knowledge spiritually, you know, and these somehow will guide you to your right way because probably we are so lost in some point we don't never know if we are taking the right decision or no or if this is exactly what I wanted to till the point you try it and it's like okay it's very interesting but maybe this is not what I wanted so I will take another one maybe. Thank you I love that so if I understood you correctly I I noticed a few things. One of them is because you're so eager to discover all the things in the world to find what is aligned with you, what is true to you, what is something that is yours. And therefore you are in exploration mode. You're exploding to enjoy as much of life as possible. And you said something, and I want to understand the connection. You said you feel when you are outside of the box, which I can imagine because it's new emotions new experiences and express. How does that work? Because is it when you're expressing, you're feeling more, or is it when you're outside of the box, you are so full of emotions that you need to express because it's like so much emotions, or how is your expression a part of you feeling and of you trying new things and you being creative? I know that sounds, but because we're exploring your creative minds, of course, It's not easy to explain, but how does that work? I mean, yeah, I'm talking about from an artistic expression, because I feel like I'm somehow full of talents that I am, I'm trying to adapt with my reality as well. Like I am into music, also I am into painting and visual arts, and I am very sensitive when it becomes about artistic expressions and the most... How can I explain this? I'm just very sensitive when I can get familiar to artistic environments, which is something I've been trying to seek during all of this journey. And the only way I found myself in the right way, it was just getting out from my routine because I will not find it only with myself. I'm trying to connect with that mind outside, with that creativity outside in order to grow on my own artistic project as well. And it's like super beautiful when I'm traveling to other countries to see how does the culture and how does the people mind is working from a nation to another nation maybe and this is all at the end like fitting my own way to express my art in music and visual arts and even like in creating events and then to understand as well what are the people necessities and what are my own necessities and how I will manage with all of this. Thank you. So if I understood you correctly, for you going to different countries or different artistic environments allows you to see new ways that people have created it because each culture and environment is so different and that inspires you to try new things and new ways to find what is your way. Plus, it gives you more creative energy that pushes you to create your own new thing. Is this correct? Did I understand you correctly? That's correct. That's what I was trying to express, but thank you so much for your clear explanation of it. You are welcome. And to ask you then about Mexico, I always felt I'm cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world. I did not believe too much that people are separated by borders in any way. We are all human. we just look different and are different just to make life exciting and unique and interesting. Did you grow up feeling like at first at some point like a traditional Mexican girl but then something happened and you became very different or because with your brother and mother you're always moving around you never felt you had roots anywhere so you looked to the sky and you thought the whole earth is my place or how was it for you? Because I want to understand and I want to ask, and this will be might be difficult to ask, is it that within your soul you always wear like this? Or do you believe that the life experiences made you this person? Because to me, I believe that some people are born to be different. Some people are born to be cosmopolitan. And that even if you have a comfortable life or a life that is full of movement, you end up being the same person, but maybe in your experience is different. Are you born always with this fire or it was the movement constantly that gave you no roots, that created your fire of desire for the unknown? OK, this is a very lovely question, very interesting to answer. So I believe all of this starts growing within my journey and my experiences in life as well, for sure, because at the beginning I was and I can say that I was a very shy girl And I was shy to express that maybe I never felt like I was in the normal way of all the kids, like maybe sharing school with me and stuff. So it's something that it's been growing all of this fire and desire to get out and desire to explore more. It began with my, you know, with my life journey. My mom, she's constantly moving as well. She took us for several travels. Thanks God I took the opportunity as well to travel to different places, to different countries with my family, with my mom as well, who made me also realize that the world is huge and I never wanted to stay in that place where I was not feeling myself adapt at all because I was never good in school at all but not because I didn't wanted to just because I was having like some troubles and get the concentrate with the subjects or what was the teacher explaining and stuff because I I was always like in my own world, you know, thinking into musical sounds. I was thinking into what I would like, you know, my own, my notes were always drawings. And I was like living a completely different experience during that point because I wanted to, I wanted to express myself in somehow, which I didn't found an opportunity to do it at the young age, because it's not easy to even explain to your parents, like, maybe I'm more into art, or maybe I'm just, you know, like, I'm not getting to adapt to this. So that's why I did start traveling by my own, because even traveling with family and stuff, you will make the family activities and we will go to, you know, museums and other things. And I did really have this necessity of like, exploring the world by my own perspective, sorry, in order to understand that what was all of these emotions and creativity that I was holding, I was just needing to express and to identify myself in the artistic world. And it took me so many years of feeling uncomfortable to really understand that I wanted to be in the artistic side, let's say. Thank you. I have so many questions. I have five questions actually, but I'll begin one by one. First, you spoke about how you were doodling and drawing during class, which is more of visual and we spoke earlier about your desire to create an immersive experience full of all the arts. But just as a first beginning, out of all the arts, why did music first or mainly attract you? Is it something about the sound that vibrates your soul in a different way? Is it that something about you allows you to create art and images in the mind and shapes using music and it's easier for you in more natural than other ways, although you experience and feel all of the art pieces, or why music and not, for example, doing everything or another thing or whatever, or maybe it's easier since you're always traveling in airplanes and transportation vehicles, you're listening to music, it's easier. Tell me more. you know, I did start some like in spiritual journey, while doing all of this like exploration with myself and you know, at the end, we are all made of energy and the energy is also a vibration, you know, and I became like very sensitive with the music. Since, since my family as well, they are related, especially from my dad's side, they are related with the music, they are musicians. And I grew up listening to full albums and collections of classical music, especially and like Orecesta and stuff. And it was like a fusion of many instruments that were just fit in myself and I was feeling so comfortable and so calm while listening to music till the point I fall asleep, you know. So it just became something natural in my life like, and as you said, I do use the transportations and I do use every free space I do have to wear my headphones and listen to some music and music. I feel it as a frequency, as vibrations, you know, and when I did start playing my music I was very focused into like some organic sounds and like healing sounds and stuff but relating them with the electronics so there is this genre called organic down-tempo so I did start with mixing some organic organic down-tempo then I went through the indie dance then I started exploring all the genres because at the beginning I didn't even knew like Why did I want it to play? I was just exploring the music. Then I got into this-- suddenly, I got the opportunity to study how to mix, how to become a DJ, so to understand the process of building a song on how to mix when a sound will be matching with another sound. So I went more into the technical side of it. I was just not only enjoying it, I also wanted to learn more about the techniques and stuff. And regarding the visual arts, I mean this is something completely natural. I mean also my grandmother from my dad's side, she's a visual artist. And I mean, well, she used to be a visual artist because now she's a little bit old, but all the paintings we used to have at home, they were all made by her. And I remember she had this, um, her painting stand, you know, with all the oleo and acrylic paints and stuff. And I was going there to steal some of the paints and I was doing my own art as well, because I was getting very inspired because of her. And she used to make also like sculptures and stuff, you know, it was not only like paintings, it was like, like, visual artists, and she was such a good artist. And I just got inspired by her. So when I was going to school and stuff, I was making my own drawings, you know, and I was remembering like, at home and stuff. And somehow the music helped me to also create all of this paintings and stuff because if I am into making a new painting technique or something, I also need to match the music I'm listening so I can express easily. So somehow they are connected with each other by the same reason. Thank you. And I love the whole family artistic side of it. And it makes me things. You said you had the opportunity to learn about how to be a DJ and the DJ techniques. And earlier you said that you want to explore everything in life to discover yourself and your way by trying everything. So I want to ask next, not now about like your spiritual side. So this is not the question, but this is more related to destiny. Which is how do you see the world? Do you see it that actually, if you stay in your comfort zone, nothing happens, there is no destiny, but you have to go out there to try everything in order to find the right things and create your destiny? Or is it like you said, when you use those words that you got the opportunity to become a DJ or learn how to DJ that it was meant to be, and you believe that your destiny was waiting for you and you need to search for it? Or how do you see the world in this sense? And it's It's not the full only now about destiny. The next one I'll ask about spirituality and I love this. Thank you. - Thank you so much. So, wow, this is actually very deep and very interesting. So about destiny, I believe in talking from my own experience and my journey, I do believe it's half and half from the thing, you know, because of course there is something that it's already meant to be for some reason I did boring in the place I born with the family I do have with the experiences who helped me to get into who I am now. But at the same time, it's like we should push from our side to express what, because in my experience, I do believe that we are coming with a reason. And in our journey, we will find what is, why I am here. what is my mission, what is my reason? And this is starting with like kind of a spiritual journey and then it's not always about like, you know, meditating people is finding it on the religion as well, you know, especially if you see Muslims, they do, like, you know, they have a routine of praying and it's also something completely beautiful and it's about respect of what other people believe, you know, so we will find our own experience by creating our reality. So what I do believe it's like, if I want to find out exactly what does my mission is, I need to start working with in myself, starting with very basic things, which is like, you know, taking care of my thoughts, because in somehow the things we think about too much, they will suddenly become a part of reality as well because we spend so much time as well in our minds, in our mental world, you know, that becomes part of our reality as well. So I do believe in manifestation and I do believe in like, we can create and we are creators, but it is not always what we want. We will always give this half of the job to the universe and what those God plants is, you know, so we need to help as well from our side as humans, but with what we have in our possibilities and what we are, you know, and what we will be in this life. I love that answer. Such a great and really wise answer. I believe you're an old soul. So let me ask you, because you mentioned having a mission, finding your purpose. I know you're still on that journey, but even before, so the question for spirituality will be next, because I love this, this is so important. What are some of the elements? Because I know you're still shaping, you're still experimenting, experiencing, discovering yourself. What are some of the elements you discovered should be part of your mission? Or do you have any hints or small idea of the direction of your purpose and mission that gives you fire in your life and passion? Basically, this is a very interesting question to be honest and quite deep. But I believe like I did got this Awakeness since I got the opportunity to travel to Switzerland because of school and I did share with lots of people from different countries. I met this British guy who gave me his advices and how to travel and work at the same time, you know, by volunteering. Sometimes they are not even paying them, but they are like having accommodation and food for free and stuff. And he completely changed like kind of my perspective of life as well, because not, not all of us, we don't have the same meaning of success in life. You know, there is people who is looking for something simple as just traveling to different countries and live by having a place to stay and food to eat, you know, and then continue the journey. So I did wanted to experience something like that, to be honest, he did started this like curiosity on myself to go out and to explore more. But at the same time, COVID starts and I was in Switzerland when COVID starts and I remember they were closing all the airports. I came from Spain and they told us you guys are living or staying because we don't know anything about the situation. So I left in the middle of my journey and I did felt it like I didn't finish something. That I wanted to stay but I was needing to make quarantine and to be back with my family as well because everything were super uncertain at that point. So when I came back, I did pass through lots of like, kind of like depression and anxiety episodes, because this was something very difficult for all of us, I believe, like, like, suddenly, they will put you back on your home. And we were living with a fear of going out and maybe getting infected by a virus we we didn't even knew it was killing lots of people. And at this point, my grandma from my mother's side, she will still living with us. She used to has her own huge, beautiful house with a huge garden. And while COVID, what we were doing is like my mom, she has seven sisters. So we were making like a rotation between week and week who will come in to take care of her and like that. So the whole family were coming to grandma's house and stay there for the entire week and then next week where the other family come in and stay to her in order to all of us to have some like space to share with her and stuff and well nothing. It was just the coincidence that while COVID started it was my mom's rotation. So we decided not to leave her because it was very dangerous to keep making these rotations while people were still going out and stuff and my mom, she were, I mean my grandmother, she were very old already. So this was such a beautiful experience because we did spend a lot of time living there with her and I did got a very close and like a very close connection to to her because she were very old already. She were not listening very well. She were not seeing very well. So I was feeling her. We were like kind of like sharing energetic connections. So I will be able also to support her and to take care of her. And sometimes it was only my grandmother and me at home. I was taking her to the garden to take some sun and stuff. And it was a beautiful time, But some months after this, like my grandma, she passed away and we were the ones who were taking care of her in that point. And I felt like I wanted to live. I wanted to, I got this like very deep feeling that I didn't want it to stay in the place. I was 'cause it was something very painful and somehow, but I wanted to heal, not in a way that I wanted to live just to avoid the pain. I was ready to face my pain in order to heal. So I took all of these recommendations and advices from this British guy that, you know, it was possible to find places to stay for some periods, helping with the necessities of the place and volunteer to have some accommodation and older benefits for free, for sure. So I went to the south of Mexico and everything changed because I did met this shaman. I don't know if you know the concept of a shaman. You know what does a shaman is? Okay, so this is like more common and maybe that side of the world because in here like-- - I know, I even know like Toltec shamanism and Aztec shamanism, all that. I'm very familiar with it. - Lovely, lovely, lovely. So I just met a very, very wise guy. And I was, as I told you, I was passing through lots of emotions. We work with this fear of COVID. Everything was uncertain. My grandma passed away. And I know it was a crazy idea. The only thing that were keeping me in there without traveling was because I was taking care of her. But when she passed away, I was just like, I need to expand myself. I need to go out and I need to find myself, but not with my family this time. That was my very first solo trip, not with the school, not in a camp. It was like, I took the decision to take that plane and go and see what I would find out under. And yes, suddenly, if you get your mind looking, seeking for something like universe will send you some signals on your presence, you know, and as long as you are ready to receive, you will see them also. So I do met this guy and we do have like a very beautiful and very consciousness talk. We did meditate like, you know, in front of the Caribbean Ocean and he gave me also lots of information about how does the body works itself, you know, how we are created by lots of like particles and all of this quantic energy which is like the most, most like the more small things we have, you know, the smallest things, we are created from this. So we are also a huge universe only on our body, you know, and how we can even control all of these like little particles, what we are made for by controlling in here and your mind, you know, so to get connected with the entire energy you are, which was a little bit hard to understand at the beginning for sure because it's like lots of information and it's not always easy to explain like someone new and their journey but what I believe like as long as I was like also trying to to to know myself I was open to receive all of this knowledge and I started practicing it I started practicing meditation and I started practicing having a better health, I did completely change the way I was seeing food by starting eating in in a more conscious way. Like, it's not always like eat more vegetables and stuff, but like, you know, he did explain so many things that after I met him, I did start my searching for my own side as well. So this is how did I actually start with like, let's say, in spirituality, a journey while trying to heal myself. And I did find lots of answers and lots of like, you know, like inner knowledge that I know it was not, it was maybe coming from from my from what does my for my energy is taking you know so like nothing the way I changed my perspective from life was a very interesting period and it's not something that will change from the from a day to another and what I did understood from all of this experience is like spirituality is not about meditating or about like being calm or wishing blessings to people and trying to be calm. Actually spirituality starts and begin from the point when you are ready to face your darkness and when you are ready to face your fears and your traumatic situations and when you are ready to heal not only you. I mean like the first one you are ready to heal this generation traumas and patterns you know while we are growing up it is not only about your own experiences like even like your your mother she transmitted something to you and your father as well and this is who you are but it's it's a huge uh I don't know it's the kind of like complicated to reach to all of that. But at the end, it's part of like, you know, the healing process and the spirituality I'm talking about, not about like, God or energy or manifestations, or it's like, starting from the desire to heal and to change, because everything can change if you are looking too. Thank you so much, Mila. I really admire your desire to evolve and to change. And I have another question, which is about people. It seems to me that people are a huge part of what interests you in life, of the things that you are into, the things that shape you. You spoke about how parents can put into you patterns that you need to heal. You spoke about the energy exchange with your grandmother. You spoke about building a network and connections for artists with other great people. You spoke about the shaman guy, the British guy in Switzerland. You spoke about how when growing up in school, you did not connect with other students, but you are looking for your people, etc. What is to you the definition of the right people? What about them makes them the right people? Is it because you learn from them new things that you will try on your own to discover who you are? Is it people who are open-minded and are exploring as well? Those are the right people? Is it vibration that makes them right? Is it you that actually you're not traveling to places, but actually traveling to experience the people in the different places? Tell me a bit more, because it seems to me that such a huge part of what interests you in life and what allows you to discover who you are is what you said, the right people. So what is the meaning and your experience of such a thing as the right people. - Okay, so I do believe there is no right people or wrong people at this point. There's just people who had some experiences and some people who had type of knowledge. And at the end, everything, as you mentioned, it is about exchanging this energy and how supportive we will be to each other. As long as you are helping me to grow, I wish I can also help you to grow, you know, so this is like the type of people I am wanting to connect with and wanting to, you know, to be nearby people who is like open to share and to grow, like in a collective way, you know, I am just trying to avoid like selfish conducts or trying to avoid as well people who is like very lost and it's not because I already got a process. So for me, it's more important to get into people who can understand and somehow my way of thinking and my necessities and people that I can support and they can support me as well. So basically. I agree 100% to me. I spent most of my life as well growing up. I did not feel I was similar or connected to the people I studied with. And I traveled the world to find my place. I thought there is a place for me. I lived in Barcelona, Amsterdam, Rio de Janeiro, (laughs) - Sloane. - And Philippines, and many, many parts of the world. And then I discovered it's actually not a place, but it's our people, we create our own universe of positive, supportive, kind people and kick out any toxic people. And then it's not about the place you are, it's about the people that are with you or that you build connections with. That creates a sense that any place in the world is exciting and you feel at home because of the people, not because the location you are born or not. And I have two more questions because I love it. You're very interesting. This is the longest interview I've done in this podcast and there are 380. It's really, really good because you have, like I said, a lot of the right experiences that allow you to have the right perspective in this world. But I want to speak about energy. It seems to me that energy is essential for you. It's very important for you. That is a big part of your life. You spoke about the shaman telling you about quantum physics and how our life and body is a microcosm or a universe in itself. True. But to you, how do you experience energy? Do you experience energy? I'm a super empath. I can experience energy of places, cats, dogs, trees, everything. But I don't know how it is for you. You spoke about music, how you create energy. Are you giving energy to people? Is that support you're speaking about in a way to people giving you the right energy and you're receiving it? Is your evolution a change in your energy to become higher and higher vibration. I don't know how you see the world in the terms of energy. And if you could define it, maybe someone is hearing you and they're like, I don't know, energy sounds like dangerous electricity. I don't know what that is. What would you say is definition of energy? - Oh, wow. Well, the definition of energy in my experience, as I mentioned, I'm a very sensitive person, especially when it becomes into energy. I know this is not something very simple to explain, But what I mean from my own experience and how sensitive I can be, it depends on the environment I am surrounded by. If I have people, positive people around me, I could feel that energy. And even the room where all of these people are, we will somehow feel this positive energy around. But there is like a very interesting channel I saw a few a couple of years ago with my dad and it was like literally it's like an experiment you can you can even try with your friends and stuff but if you are in a room with people who is depressed and with the toxic thoughts and like hey living in the heart situation you will naturally start feeling all of that energy in you and somehow will start feeling like you're low and energy or like you feel sad even if you were not at all before coming to this room you know and there is another room where they have all of like these positive minds again and people with ambitions and when you get surrounded by that people you also feel like you want to grow like you want to create something so it's about that and it is something very important it's the most in my life to be like selected with which environments I want to be with and which which ones I prefer to not to to stay longer. Thank you. I love this and I've been waiting to ask this question. Nowadays a lot of women struggle with people pleasing. They sacrifice themselves in order to make other people happy and you have have this sense of trust in your perspective. You trust that you have your inner knowledge. Even when you said about the shaman telling you about the food, you did your own research before you decided you did not just listen. Or even at school, when teachers are trying to teach you, you're like drawing and doing your own thing. So what is your own? Where does this ability come from? I mean, how do you trust yourself so much? Where most of humanity, even at school, they give you bad grades. don't listen and follow what they tell you. Even many people are working now and it's the same training. If you don't, you're not an obedient worker. They don't give you your salary. So people are taught to listen to other people and follow and not trust themselves or even sometimes. Maybe some girls that were teenagers and they love the bad boy who broke their heart and she's like, "No, I won't listen to my heart anymore. I stop." So what allows you to trust your own perspective? What healing did you go through and what is your advice to other women so that they move into being their own center of power and center of understanding rather than giving other people that power over them? Wow, this is beautiful. So basically, you know, it's, it's, it's part of life to have these types of experiences. As long as you are ready to learn of the of the fail, you know, because it's not something like, okay, I just woke up one day feeling like I'm super confident of myself, of course, no, and I'm still having some struggles with myself, but it's natural. We just need to learn how to encourage our own selves, especially as women, because I believe in any culture, like we do have this perception of the women be the one, like the mother, the one who's taking care of the home, the one who is like, you know, being very supportive with the husband. and they teach us how to follow orders but not how to follow our heritage. It's been such a long time since women are trying to get the right to empower themselves to have a voice. So at the end, what I can recommend and what I should advise is like, Don't listen to what those people perceive about you because at the end we do perceive what we are. The part of encouraging yourself to trust your decisions is starting in the moment that you feel what is the right for you. Know what is the right for the others or what is the right maybe for your company, what is the right to have a good grade? What is making the right for you? Of course, you have some compromises you cannot miss. And at this point, you can find the balance with what you want from yourself and what is your professional career and what is your compromises as well with your family, with your work, with your studies, you know. But we must balance our, you know, like, we must balance our emotions and our health. And it's quite hard at the beginning, because if you are a giver, it will be always hard to not to be disappointed of not receiving what you gave, you know, but it's part of the process. I mean, I would love to encourage all those girls out there to live and experience their process, you know, by making mistakes, but do not to push themselves so much, you know, like what I'm saying is that sometimes we have very high standards of our own selves and do not to achieve that well maybe in the time you were expecting to achieve it doesn't mean that you are not like enough to do it you know keep going as long as you have a discipline with yourself as long as you have you need to be constant and to be a lotion to your idea, even if you are right or if you are wrong, be a lotion because this will bring you confidence, you know. And maybe your goal is to be the, I don't know, let's say the president, why not? As the women, you know, if that's your goal, then start what you will do to reach on there. Don't think about time, don't think about what other people will think if you're crazy, how come you think you will get to be a president? Forget about all of it and focus on reaching your goal. And if you start today, you will see your steps in a few years ago, and maybe you're still not there, but you are not in the place that you began. So it's about to start. And as long as you keep going on your process trusting that you will achieve this goal, you will naturally get that confidence on yourself. And even life will teach you how to not to give more energy than the energy you have reserved from other people because it's going to be a balance. Always put yourself first, not in a selfish way, but put your mental health, your emotions, your health and your goals first. And then that all the rest of energy split in small parts with people and with things who really deserve. Sometimes if you don't feel like to go into that party but you feel the pressure in your friends and everyone like yeah come and stuff if you don't come you will not be the friend anymore or who knows there is always pressure from from people outside you know if you don't feel if you just don't feel like doing the things. Don't do it. Don't force yourself. Be be be loyal to yourself and confidence will will will make you strong and will make you brave to stand by by your feet and and be proud of your own self. Do not to try to stop seeking for other people who to recognize you. Recognize yourself first and that's the the key in my experience to get more confidence, more confident about what I am. - Thank you so much, Mila. It was my privilege and my honor to share your voice, to hear your perspective, to have you on this podcast. I wish you to truly follow all your dreams, to keep exploring and discovering more about who you are, to have those right exchanges of warm, sunny, glowing aura and energy and to create the immersive artistic experience in Dubai and all over the world. Thank you. You deserve that and I encourage it very much. Thank you so much Aziz. What a beautiful talk. Thank you so much for your questions and the chance to be here. It's my pleasure and anytime.

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