E390 Rachel Loise Camaclang

Episode 390 October 03, 2023 00:16:01
E390 Rachel Loise Camaclang
Rare Girls
E390 Rachel Loise Camaclang

Oct 03 2023 | 00:16:01


Show Notes

Rachel Loise Camaclang living in dubai for five years and counting, is a Brand and Fashion Model.

Rachel loved singing, dancing and acting since she was a kid. She used to do pageantry as well, and she used that as an advantage to be a professional model.

Instagram: @rachel.camaclang

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women, to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health but when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self worth, and they will connect with the sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Rachel Louise Kamaklung. Rachel Louise, living in Dubai for 5 years and counting, is a brand and fashion model. Rachel loved singing, dancing, and acting since she was a kid. She used to do pageantry as well, and she used that as an advantage to be a professional model. Rachel, how are you today? I am good, thank you. I'm honored, blessed, feeling very happy to have you here. And I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, Rachel, if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, What would they say about you? I think they'll say I'm unique. Because I think they think that I have a different mindset than others. And I encourage people, like I'm open-minded to their problems and yeah. Tell me a bit more about that. Because when people will hear that you're open-minded to people's problems and I assume supportive, they might imagine it's common. common. So what is unique about that? How different is your mindset? Can you share a bit more so that we get an understanding? I think I have a different kind of level of understanding compared to others. Well, I don't want to compare, but I could say that I am understanding because growing up, I feel like I wasn't understood that much. So right now that I'm growing and maturing how I think, I want to put it to others. Like, I don't want people to feel the same way how I felt. I agree 100 percent. And it's my true belief that there are a lot of women who are feeling misunderstood because often they might struggle with being people pleasers. And so they're living a life to the expectations of other people. And so the life they're living is misunderstood by definition because they're not living their truth. What is your advice to women who are feeling misunderstood so that they use that as a way to evolve rather than as a way to feel bitter and frustrated. If you feel like you're being misunderstood, don't doubt yourself like ever. Always believe in yourself. If they say it's your fault, it's not your fault. And be confident and stand by yourself. Always defend yourself. Physical, mentally, don't let them affect you. One hundred percent. Thank you for sharing that. to know even more, can you share your story in a bit? Like what was your evolution? How was leaving your country, the Philippines, in order to start a new life in Dubai? Did you struggle a bit with adapting at first? Or did you use your open mind in order to fit like a glove into it? share a bit more because that is always inspiring. Many people never dare to go truly abroad and start a new life. - So moving here, I wasn't that comfortable because of course I didn't know a lot of people except my family. But from time to time, as the more I met new people, the more I made friends, they made me comfortable, they made it feel like home. And I felt like I can fit in, I can make it work. And I realized that they're supporting me either way. - Thank you, that's very, very important. And just to explain your mindset, how do you view the world that allows you to feel more comfortable in it? Do you feel maybe you're like protected by a higher power or do you feel that your energy, as long as you're elevated, you attract good things, or you feel that you're living your destiny as like someone who is going to go through through any difficulty like a little hero in order to arrive to it. Because most people, some way that gives you courage and ability to withstand things is how you perceive how life works. Can you share a bit more about that? Because I think it would be interesting and maybe it affects how you are. Maybe it's a spiritual thinking that you are someone who is, like I said, living your destiny, manifesting it on this earth. Or it could be that you're pragmatic and you think, well, as long as every day I'm taking action, I am destined to succeed or what it is, is it? Or maybe as long as my family are OK, everything is perfect, they're healthy. I don't need much more and everything is an extra bonus. Can you share a bit more about that? Well, yes, that part of it is manifesting as well and support. But I feel like it's about yourself. Like if you're confident enough, you're going to be able to make it anything you You want to be a model? Just be confident. You want to be a pilot or anything, a teacher? Just be confident. But by by protecting yourself, I think that as long as you stay positive every day I mean, I can't say that you're gonna be positive every day There's gonna be ups and downs, but like as long as you always make it there's gonna be ups and downs It's gonna be a roller coaster But then there will be a time that you're gonna get over it it, you're gonna, you take a rest, take a breeder, and it's gonna be fine again the next day. Just always take breaks. One hundred percent. And you as a girl who participated in pageants and is a model, where when you move to Dubai, there are many models who maybe you said in the beginning, you don't like to compare yourself to other people, of course, but the brain works naturally or you might think, oh, she might get the casting because of blah, blah, blah. Or that girl looks like in a way I wish I had something similar to her. And it goes even further because a lot of younger generation girls who maybe even grew up during the pandemic, and they were constantly on Instagram looking at photoshopped women, they don't feel beautiful. They compare themselves to those women who don't even look like that. How do you take care of your mental health and keep believing in your unique beauty, No matter how other women are or any reason for comparison, even if you try hard, the brain sometimes automatically does it. Yes, that's true. You can't really deny that you don't compare yourself because sometimes I did, I do compare myself. But then at the end of the day, you're going to be like, everyone is just the same. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. And from time to time, you're going to look in the mirror, you're going to see yourself and you're going to feel like, wow, I'm really beautiful. not going to think about comparing to her, to this, this person, that person, you're just going to be like, I feel good, I feel beautiful. And also, everything you see in social media is not true. Like some photos in Instagram are edited, even my photos are edited for enhancement of my beauty. I could say that. Yeah, just don't believe in everything in social media. Thank you so much for this. And you as someone who grew up in a culture where there is a lot of trust like the Philippines and who's understanding and kind to other people, sometimes when you move to competitive environments you might get your heart broken by people misusing your trust or backstabbing you. Well, did this happen to you? Do you now have red flags where you will think, "Okay, this person, if I recognize these red flags, I will not give them too much because I know it will not end up well. And in general, how do you stay positive, even if that happens to you, because there are many girls who that might happen to, even if it's not other people backstabbing them, they might fall in love with a bad boy who breaks their heart or whatever, and then their heart becomes like more closed, which is not a happy experience for them. Well, I did actually, I didn't get backstabbed, sabotage and betrayed all of that but then for me i use it as an advantage now like i'm strong like i use it as a strong power willpower as shield like oh she wanted to backstab me that's mean that that means she's insecure about me or like she has something against me i don't want to say that it means that i'm better than her but then that means i'm better than her because she needed to betray me, to win that thing. I mean, I just want to play fair, you know? I just want to make friends and play fair. Like, if you win, I'll support you. But if you win by cheating or sabotaging, then no, that's unfair. I agree with you and I like your sense of fairness and the way that you are thinking about it. And in general, what did you do on purpose when you are in Dubai and your recommendation to other women so that they will find a way to adapt and feel happy. Because like you said in the beginning, it was difficult. Is it that you wait for the good weather and then you're always outside on the beach or in the parks? Or is it that you make sure first to meet people, maybe go to salsa classes or painting or book reading clubs, anything that might help a person or a girl because there are many who may be the first year or even two, they don't know many people, they feel disconnected, but your advice could help them get there quicker. Well, I can tell you that it's not easy to go up like easily. It will take time. I mean, I'm still growing right now, but you're in the UAE. I could just say that there's a lot of opportunities. Just keep on trying and like applying to everything. And then by that time, from time to time that you apply to this and that, you'll meet new people and that those new people will help you climb up, like support each other. Thank you. Let's focus on that because there are too many people and even some women who maybe they try once or two times they get rejected and they think, "Oh no, I failed. I don't want to keep going." People will think like my family will be be disappointed, people who doubted me will think I told you so. And all that, a lot of demons come out. How do you keep yourself motivated to apply for more and not be affected when some things don't work out? Because in this life, you need a lot of tries in order to get anywhere. But until you arrive there, too many women might give up early. I mean, there will be ups and downs, obviously. You're going to have breakdowns. I did have breakdowns. There was a lot of casting that I didn't get accepted. And there's a lot of agencies that didn't accept me because I was too short. Some I was too tall. I was too dark, something like that. But then you will find a perfect one that will accept you by who you are. And you're going to be like the perfect girl. And it's like it's meant for you. You know, you're going to be satisfied by it. One hundred percent. And thank you for sharing that. And it makes me very, very curious because you seem to be a woman and a girl who is connected with her authenticity, with her soul, with her truth. There are many people, men and women, who grew up putting on a mask all their life in order to please other people, that they forget who they are and then they don't know. When they try to connect to their reality and their truth, they have doubt. They think, "Is it me or am I living what my parents told me or what my teachers told me or copying some characters from a movie or a series. And so how does it feel? How do you know what is the journey you recommend for other girls and women so that they find themselves, understand themselves and get to connect with the real self? And how do they know that they're going there rather than inadvertently or without knowing copying someone else but then thinking it's the real selves. I actually experienced that, like I wanted to be that person. It was sad honestly, like thinking about it now, you're gonna be like why, why did I do this, why did I want this? But then you'll always realize in the end that you're gonna make it, like you're gonna be that girl, you know? It's just, it will take some time. Just be patient. 100% thank you for that. And to finish this, it's something that you mentioned, but I want us to repeat the point even more because it's so important. Too many women are living in their comfort zone. They feel, whether it's because of anxiety, worry, afraid of failing and disappointing everyone they know, they don't go after their dreams. They leave their potential behind and stay in a routine within their life that lets them at least not lose, but they don't even try. What is your advice to them so that they will leave their comfort zone and finally at least make a great attempt at their potential so that they will never have regrets because no matter what, in the end people will regret not taking enough risks and they never regret trying even if in the end you failed. Well, at least you gave it your best shot, but that some people understand that, but some people might be thinking, "Well, my brain doesn't let me, I just worry so much, I can't do it. What's your advice? Well, there's gonna be a point that you're gonna doubt it if you're gonna think that, can I do this? Will it work? Can I try this? But then this is the thing that I put in my head. I always think that always take the risk. Always. Because you never know. They might accept you. If they don't, at least you had the chance and you got to try it. But then if it didn't work, go to the next one. There's always going to be a next opportunity. Thank you so much, Rachel. It was my privilege and my honor to have you here, to share your thoughts, your wise perspective, and your voice. I wish you all the success in modeling, to be that girl, as you said, and keep going. Thank you so much. I wanted to say that if you're having a hard time, always reach out to your good friends, your close friends, girlfriends. They will always be there for you and they will understand you, even though you'll think, you'll overthink that they're not going to listen to me. I'm just going to be a bother. No, just do it. 100%. Thank you again and keep going. I know you'll inspire a lot of girls. I hope so. [Music]

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