E399 Mishie Doll

Episode 399 October 14, 2023 00:26:01
E399 Mishie Doll
Rare Girls
E399 Mishie Doll

Oct 14 2023 | 00:26:01


Show Notes

Mishie Doll is a single 32 years old living in Dubai for more than 8 years now.

originally from the Philippines, she is a nurse by profession but she would love to change her career into fashion. She had some freelance experiences before as a model mostly in photoshoots.

Mishie loves exploring places and traveling. Lately, she gained an interests in exploring and trying different restaurants. She also loves adventures and outdoor activities.

Mishie is a curious person, hence she’ll never get tired of learning different things. Dancing is one of her favorite things to do that she'd like to go back into practicing again.

Instagram: @mishielove06

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women, to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health but when they listen to the rare girls podcasts where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and overcome all insecurities. They will feel. It is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self-worth. And they will connect with a sisterhood of rare girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Michi Doll. Michi is a single 32 years old, living in Dubai for more than eight years now. Originally from the Philippines, she is a nurse by profession, but she would love to change her career into fashion. She had some freelance experience before as a model mostly in photo shoots. Me she loves exploring places and traveling. Lately, she gained an interest in exploring and trying different restaurants. She also loves, adventures and outdoor activities. Michi is a curious person, hence she'll never get tired of learning different things. Dancing is one of her favorite things to do that she'd like to go back into practicing more often. Michi, how are you today? Hi, Aziz, I'm good. Thank you so much. Thank you for inviting me to this podcast. How are you? I feel blessed. feel full of good energy and looking forward to know much more about you, Mishi. So I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Well, with my close friends, they will say that I am a very fun person to be with. At the same time, I can be quiet. I like that. What is the difference between the situations where you are quiet versus the situations where you bring out your fun side because there could be some hints there for women who are trying to push themselves forward to be more bold, to be connected with their crazy side. Maybe it's the circumstance, maybe it's the mood of the day, maybe it's the person that is with you. Can you share a bit more about that as a woman who is multifaceted? Well, for me, it actually depends on the person because I am the type of a person who can actually read the energy of the people, of someone, of someone who's in the room. I am the type of person, so I can sense if the person is in the mood to have fun as well. I can sense if that person is a bit serious or has a different type of personality. I am the type of person who likes to have fun when it comes to my very, very close friends. I don't have a lot of close friends, actually. I appreciate my few close friends. I have two or three friends, and I can be quirky with them. I can be fun with them. But at the same time, I love my space. I love to be quiet and I just love to observe them as well. Like I can go to my other side, other side of the table, other side of the chair, and just be quiet and they will be like, "Why all of a sudden you're quiet and just like me?" It's just my personality actually. Thank you. I have so many questions about that. How does it connect with the side of your personality that loves adventures and loves being outdoors? Is that because adventures and outdoors don't require you to talk a lot so you can be focused on yourself and focus on your own energy and connect with who you are? Or is the opposite because there is adrenaline and it's exciting. You are exploring more your crazy side or how does it work? Yeah, because there is an adrenaline about when it comes to adventures and outdoor activities. There's an adrenaline to it. There is like an exciting, thrilling feeling about it without even you talking, you know, like talking and just like speed talk, small talks with it. You can just like go and have fun with your physical thing in those adventures, in those outdoor activities. But again, it will be, it will like not all people have that same energy with you. It really takes certain people to jive with your vibe at the same time. And I am not the type of person who talks too much. I like deep, long conversation. I don't really do small talks, to be honest. That's great. I understand that very much, and I have also so much more to explore with you, but I'm curious about another thing. You lived in Dubai in the UAE for eight years, and you said that the people around you, the person, how much they're willing to have fun, impacts which side of your personality evolves and is expressed? Did your personality significantly change from when you were living in the Philippines compared to maybe the dynamic fast pace of Dubai? How did it change? Are you now maybe more of a person that is constantly on the go compared to a more relaxed person in the Philippines or it made you appreciate new things about life? I'm curious about the evolution going from a culture to another? Well, actually in the Philippines, yes, it is more laid back. You get just, you get to explore with people in the same nationality. In Dubai, you get to meet people in different cultures. So I have the evolution from me from the Philippines to here is that I was able to learn how to adopt and learn different cultures in different people where I cannot even do that in the Philippines actually because Dubai is a multicultural country right? Philippines is not really very much of that so in Dubai I have learned a lot. I have encountered different people in different countries in different cultures and have learned so much from that and it grew me from there with my experiences as well. So I think my personality was like, it changes from that, especially when encountering and especially in dealing with other people's personality, how they manage, how they react with other people's personalities or actions and everything like that. 100%. Thank you for that. And now you discovered also an interest in trying different restaurants. I'm curious why that developed? Is it because you have been working so hard hustling nonstop that you didn't take time to enjoy the pleasures of life and you're like, finally, I can take time to stop, enjoy the food, try different tastes and different textures? Or it's about the environment since you are so sensitive to emotions when you go to different restaurants, it gives you different feelings, almost like you took a break from life to escape to a new country or a new place. So it's more about a mini vacation. Is it a reason to meet some friends that you cannot connect with often so that you can just build that bonding experience? Or for you, what is new that made you fall in love with trying new restaurants. While before, based on this being a new interest, it was not like a primary thing in your life. Yeah, actually, if I have to compare before, my thing about before was just like going out, go to like bars and just drinks and something, you know, just something like that, the common stuff. But right now, as I grew older, I think It's something that I have not appreciated before, where you can really just have fun out of just going to restaurants, eat and dine with your friends, talk about life, talk about something interesting, not just talking about what other people, you can just talk about what you can do in the future and then while at the same time dining in different restaurants, trying the recipes of that restaurant and like savoring from, for example, if I dine in an Italian restaurant, I feel like I am in Italy as well because I am dining in Italian restaurant with my friend and talk about life. And I feel like, yes, indeed, it's like sort of a mini vacation where you're just in the same city, but somehow you're like, you're like, you're eating there and you feel like you're in that, in that country where you're eating like an Italian restaurant, Korean restaurants or Filipino restaurants, something like that. Perfect. Thank you. I imagine that that's a great experience to have whenever you have time. And you said that you are someone who's sometimes quiet, that you are a girl, if I understood correctly, who is sensitive, you feel emotions strongly, you care if people are negative around you. And so you'd like to have a world filled with positivity. I will ask a question in a way Do people expect you to be this way? Like when they see you from afar, do you have like some girls struggle with having like a poker face or they think about them? Oh, that girl looks too serious and intimidating, but in reality, you are a sweetheart or is it that they think, oh, maybe she's not so sensitive. Maybe she looks like a super extrovert, but in reality, you like to stay within your own shell a little bit because it's more comfortable to have deep talks rather than having shallow conversations. Tell me a bit more about perception versus the reality of who you are. Maybe it's different. And how sensitive are you? Are you like a really sensitive woman who sometimes has anxiety thinking and overthinking about things in life? I would really say that, yes, I am a sensitive person, but I have learned to actually develop that into something that, you know, it's not all the things you have to be sensitive with. Actually, before I was really very sensitive that every single, every little detail, I have to react to it. But right now I can still, I am still a sensitive person, but I get to choose if that certain circumstances, certain words that have thrown at me is worth reacting. And so when it comes to perception, people has this perception of me that I am intimidating, that I am not approachable, that I am boring, that I am not fun, but when they got to know me, they got to say that I am crazy, I am fun, and I have this depth in my personality. - Thank you for sharing that. And tell me a bit more practically, does it come with the years that you become able to control it a bit more because there are many girls who are growing up, even younger generation teenagers who spend so many years of their life in social isolation and the pandemic. They worry about online, whether enough people clicked like on their photo or not. They compare themselves to other women, so they're very sensitive and they want to let go and be able to select what to care about and what not to care about. What practically can you do or is your advice to them so that they will care about what really matters and let go about the things that are too insignificant. I think it's all about self-awareness. You know, if you're aware of yourself, like for example, if you're going through social medias, scrolling and then going to some other people's pages, oh, they have this well curated. And we We all know that social media is not really facts, not real. They just posted the highlights of their life, but not behind that. People are going through something we don't know about. So I think you just have to like, for example, if you go through social media, you were scrolling and then you feel like, "Oh my gosh, she has a very, very good life. She's doing this, she's doing that." I think it's like, go back to yourself and tell to yourself, "Why would I compare myself to this person, this person has her life, I have my own life, I have to focus on my own. And just like, focus on you have to compare your your present self to your past self, what you have achieved right now instead of comparing to other people. Because it will not do you any good at all. You're just like I mean, it's, it's like a thief of joy comparison is a thief of joy. Right. So it's a really, it's really not a good thing. I what can advise is just be more self-aware and be more like get to know yourself more. And then by that, you have to work on yourself as well. And it really takes time, actually. It's not like a snap of a thing that all of a sudden you'll get through that, but you really have to. It's like you have to pull yourself up and be disciplined about changing yourself for the better. 100%. I agree with you, me. She thank you for saying that. And now I'm curious about the part of you that is interested in modeling in that part of yourself. I interviewed a model who said she loves modeling because she imagines and feels that she is sharing good aesthetics and beautiful emotions with the world that will brighten the day of the people who will see her photos, whether it's in Instagram or anywhere that she aims to give and open her heart whenever she's posing. And so for her, it's a way to be a sunny energy that is shining throughout the camera and shining throughout the photos to the world. But different people have different things. This is, for example, another girl who's an actress, I imagine it's not too different since you put on so many looks as a model, she said, as an actress, she loves to be any person every day. She can be a one day, a lawyer another day. She can be a doctor, another day a pirate, so she can change who she is and she's not confined to any limitations. To you, what is it about modeling that makes you feel and wish that this could be your full-time career so that you can explore it and feel those emotions to the maximum. I think for me, modeling is really, I think it is somewhat what you call it, it's an art. It's like an art. You get to express, for example, in photo shoots, you get to express different emotions in the photo shoots. You have to look fierce, you have to look like charming, you have to look a certain way. And I think for me, modeling is really, it's a way of expressing yourself in an artsy way, you know? But as with my experience from being like, I have freelance experience in me in photo shoots. Yeah, it's fun. It's like art. It's like an art. But I'd rather like be in a fashion stylist because I get to style other people in the way how they look. And it's like me expressing myself to other people as well how they should look and how they should present their selves. And it's me looking to that person. That is my style. I put it to the person because she looks good in that certain style. But yeah, I guess that's my own perspective about modeling and about fashion. Thank you. And about fashion, stylists work. What inspires you when it comes to that? Is it that there are certain looks in the world or celebrities or magazines that give you pieces to the ideas that you want? Is it different like a real painter or someone you sleep and you get in your subconscious dreams with color is that you materialize to express yourself? Or is it you speak to the person and based on their energy or based on what they say that they are their values you express that? How does that work? I have an interest with fashion to be honest. I feel like I can work with it the entire day because I love doing it. It's like expressing your own style. It doesn't have to have it doesn't have to be like vulgar or bold or like modest. It's just like, I don't know, there's like a certain expression about it, about myself that I can do with other people. Like for example, if I can see someone who's not really very good at styling herself, I can, I feel so fulfilled if I get to like dress her up and then somehow give and impart some knowledge about what to wear or how she can style her own body because everybody is beautiful. Every everybody type is beautiful. So for me, it's like, yeah, it's like fulfilling for me in a certain way because it's an art and at the same time I can express it to other people and impart some certain ways and some knowledge to them if some people doesn't know how to style themselves. themselves. Thank you. I noticed that you love knowledge in general. You spoke and I said it in the introduction that you're a very curious person. You love to learn and know new things. And now you said that you like to impart knowledge on other people. Why is knowledge important for you? What does it give you? Do you feel just in general that you're discovering more about the world? And So it's new emotions and a sense of like discovery. Is it more that you feel more empowered, that you can do more things in this world because you know more? Is it in general like a break from the routine and the monotony of life because you are being exposed to something new? Or what is the value of knowledge for you? Maybe it's self development and you love to discover your potential. Or how does it go? I think what you said is all of the above. And I mean, knowledge is-- it's really-- yes, it is an empowerment as well. It's like I cannot imagine someone having no knowledge about a certain thing. It's really very important that at least you have some knowledge about something. Whatever it is, whatever it is in certain life, example, in your experiences, or in whatever experience you had encounter bad, good, or average, at least you have something if you have learned something from it. Or if you have read a book, and you have learned something from that book, you can impart it to other people who needs advices. And, and at least somehow they will able they will be able to carry it from to the rest of their life, because they have learned something from you. And that is really like, that is something, you know, the impact you give to other people, that is really something, a feeling of fulfillment and a feeling of joy for me, because they will be able to remember you that, "Oh my gosh, Misha told me about this. I can't remember the thing that she advises." And it's just like it's fulfilling to have it that way. Thank you for that. I love when people are living life in a way that fulfills them, that gives them the right emotions and feelings. And so I'll ask you this. There are many women who might be doing a career that they are doing it because it's a nice job, but it doesn't fulfill them on that deep level or they want to explore new things or maybe move to Dubai, but they have a lot of thoughts and anxiety and worry. they think, "Wow, I'll be far from my family. What if something happens and they cannot help me in any way?" Or, "Oh, what could I do if I fail?" And then people will say, "I told you so," or whatever it is. What's your advice to women so that they will dare to live up to their potential because that exists outside their comfort zone and that exists by following their hearts, which is also risky, which is exciting as well, but also the overthinking mind might stop that. - Well, I would say do what you fear because if you will not do what you feel like you want to do and you're just being held up because you're scared, because you're overthinking things, then you'll get stuck in a rut. You won't grow if you'll be in your comfortable space, in your comfort zone, you will never grow. You have to go out, you have to do what you fear, you have to take courage. take courage to go out and meet people and you will know what will happen next. Failure, it's just, it's part of life. It's where success is. You cannot just have the success in overnight, right? You have to fail, to fail, to fail, and to learn. Failure is not a bad thing at all. It's part of the ingredient of being successful. So you have to go out there and first things first, you have to get to know yourself so that you know how to sell yourself. You don't have to like, and you should not be influenced by other people, by other people's opinion. You can listen to them, but you don't have to like, you know, like take their opinions if it is negative or take their opinions if it doesn't really match what you're thinking. But at least you can ask for other people's opinions and it's up to you how you take it. But you have to get to know yourself first. You have to have a self-awareness. Very important. And you have to go out and explore. You have to really face your fear unless if you want to just stay there and be comfortable with the rest of your life, you'll not get too far. So you have to do what you fear. You have to get out. Your only enemy is your mind, actually. Your mind. One hundred percent. Thank you. That was very inspiring. And to finish this, people might wonder about your story and your daily routine. Dubai, how busy you are and how you take care of your mental health, of your physical body, of your emotions, time for bonding with friends. How do you spend a week in Dubai? When do you wake up on Monday? How long do you work? When do you find time to do some stretching or go to a restaurant? When do you meet friends? How is a daily or weekly routine of a girl who has been living in Dubai for eight years. Oh my gosh. Like, um, it's been like, I think it was just recently that I have learned to wake up like very early 4 AM and I start to like meditate, read, read something and then stretch out and yeah, do the rest of my day. I have, um, eight hours to nine hours, Judy. So after that, if I have the time, I do get to work out three times a week, actually. And I don't really meet my friends that often, to be honest. Sometimes when I feel like we go out, but I really love my own company, to be honest. I love recharging by my own space, with my own company, with myself. I go out alone and I love that. I get to meet my friends like every two weeks. And yeah, other than that, it's just all about me. I go to the gym, I stretch out, I wake up at 4am and then go to work. On the weekends, I get to like, if I don't go out, I just chill at home and read something or just watch some inspiring documentaries or movies. Thank you so much, Michi. I really encourage your success. I encourage you diving deeper into fashion and truly following your dreams of being a fashion stylist. You live in life on your terms and to always recharge when you desire and keep learning and keep staying curious. Thank you again for participating. Thank you Aziz. Thank you so much and may you have a blessed, blessed life and yeah have a great, great, great three months of these remaining months of the year. Thank you so much.

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