E400 Lina Ammor

Episode 400 October 15, 2023 00:29:45
E400 Lina Ammor
Rare Girls
E400 Lina Ammor

Oct 15 2023 | 00:29:45


Show Notes

Lina Ammor is a Dubai based singer and entertainer from Germany.

With a background in Political sciences, Lina is a House vocals & RnB lover, she enjoys driving boats and riding horses, as well as traveling.

Instagram: @linaammormusic

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz, and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women, to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others, and they struggle with their mental health. But when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities they will feel. It is a safe space to find their confidence to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self-worth, and they will connect with the sisterhood of Rare Girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Lina Amor. Lina is a Dubai-based singer and entertainer from Germany. With a background in political sciences, Lina is a house vocals and R&B lover. She enjoys driving boats and riding horses as well as traveling. Lina, how are you today? Hi, Aziz. I'm very, very well. Thanks, and you? I feel positive. I feel blessed and very, very curious to know much more about you, Lina. So I'll begin with this nice first question, which is, if your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Yeah, good one. They would say, I believe that I'm an entertainer because I love to make fun. I love to imitate different accents and to just enjoy the moment and be very crazy and spontaneous. I would say sometimes a little bit overthinking. I'm a big overthinker. I always try to be doing my things very perfect, and sometimes that is not good in life. So I wait sometimes, wait too long to make a decision. And yeah, sometimes I can be also a little bit clumsy. I understand. I have so many questions. I'll begin with your entertainer side. There is a kind of idea or myth or even psychological projection that people who are entertainers, they actually got a lot of love and attention when they were little for being funny, for entertaining people. And that drove them to get so much pleasure out of being entertainers. Was that your situation? Did you grow up where you are the funny one at the dinner table everywhere you went and people showing you love? And that was a reason for your trajectory in life. That is a happy trajectory. Or how did that develop? That is a very good question. Actually, it was not at all the case. I was more the shy and introverted kind of girl when I was younger. And I started being more extroverted when I was maybe 16 or 17. And when I really started pursuing being a singer and singing with bands and stuff. But my father was a big entertainer in our family. And I always loved his humor. And I believe I picked up a lot of him. So yeah. Thank you. Then I will ask you, there is this idea that a lot of entertainers, even sports athletes, have an alter ego where they are shy in real life. But then they have like some people say, for example, you are Lena at home, but Lena Amor, the entertainer on stage. And so you bring a side of you that is an alter ego superhero woman. Is this something that happens for you? Or how did you go from being the shy little girl into the more brave, daring teenage girl? I like me personally, I don't see that like in that way, but I heard it a lot from people that got to know me and who were thinking of me in a different way before they knew me personally. When they saw like my Instagram or they saw me performing, they were thinking I might be some kind of arrogant person, somehow like nose up. But then they felt like I'm super down to earth and yeah, like communicative and social. But I believe sometimes, I mean, I'm a tall girl. This is sometimes a bit intimidating for some people. And when you step into a room and you get to know some people and you're a singer and you introduce yourself, oh, what are you doing? Oh, I'm a singer. And then they directly might think, oh, yeah, that's like, you know, oh, she's a singer. You know what I mean? But I mean, of course, there's some places when I perform that I I'm the kind of a diva. I'm not Lena, the girl that chills on the sofa with her friends. And I don't know in her pajamas sometimes. But yeah, I mean, of course, when you step on the stage, you're becoming a totally different person in a totally different world. In that moment, you're just you know, you're entertaining. You're having another emotion. And and of course, sometimes you're not feeling like performing right now because maybe something happened in your life, but you have to switch into that mood and give out that emotion and entertainment for people because it's all about that. So yeah, thank you. I love that very, very much. And I will ask you specifically about you being someone connected with your emotions and your sensitive side so that you can create and give that emotion when you're singing. And when you enter a room, like you said, as a tall girl, who people think you're a snob just because you're a singer, how do you protect yourself from that negative energy or from feeling hurt without becoming like having a shield that stops you from feeling the emotions in life? Yeah, I mean, I have to deal with that a lot. And I can tell you from my childhood, because we were talking about growing up with a lot of love and attention. Basically, my parents got divorced when I was six years old. I just started going to school. And in Germany, back in that time, there were not so many migrants, I would say. I mean, I was born and raised in Germany, but my background is Moroccan and I look definitely not totally German. So there was kind of I wouldn't call it racism, but it was more a how you call bullying. I was bullied like for a long time in school and that that was making something out of me. I was kind of broken and super shy and yeah, like a little bit even traumatized, I would say. But then later on, I think it was due to the love to music that I started performing a little bit with bands that opened up that side to to be more confident. But because before at school, there were so many people who were laughing at me. Are you not a singer? Forget about it. Stop it. And, you know, making a fool of me. But I never stopped pursuing what I really wanted to do. And I don't know, like for some reason, it took me to where I am now. I'm I'm not a Beyonce. No, of course, but I'm I'm earning my money with singing. That means something. And I'm performing at super high end venues. So that means something. And that gives me the confirmation that there is something that I should believe in myself rather than doubt myself. And, you know, sometimes I have struggles with the weather and allergies. My voice is not functioning. It frustrates me. So there's a lot of hate in my business. Some other singers who might think, oh, she's not singing well today, or whatever. And yeah, of course, there's a lot of people who are just watching your steps, but never supporting you. And you feel like, OK, they are like, you know, smiling at your face and telling you things that behind your back, they tell something different. But how do I try to prevent myself from these kind of emotions from this negativity? I tried to just round myself to like surround myself with very positive people who give me that other kind of feeling. I have a loving family, loving friends and and thanks God, a strong connection to God and to myself to really be realistic. I'm not saying things that I can do, which I cannot. Like I'm being realistic, what I what I'm capable of. And I'm grounded. I'm down to earth. I'm never arrogant and saying things of showing off or whatever. So I just, you know, I'm always killing them with kindness. And that's it. Thank you for that. And early on, you described yourself as a woman who is a perfectionist, that you have like a problem making quick decisions that you delay, delay, delay a lot. And you said as well that you are someone who over things a lot. And at the same time, you are spontaneous. You love to enjoy the moment. You have a crazy side that drives you. Both seem to be opposite, because if you're overthinking and unable to decide, you cannot be spontaneous. If you're perfectionist, then you worry about like what to do. And that kills your crazy side. So are you a Gemini or do you combine both sides? Or each day, depending on the weather, tell me more. Yes, no, I mean, spontaneous. Like when someone is asking me to do something, let's say, when it's not related to work, when it's not related to any like important life decision changing thing, that is something that I am spontaneous. OK, let's I'm free tomorrow. OK, let's book a trip there. OK, let's do it. I can do it. That's fine. But if something is regarding, I don't know, a life changing thing, then I'm overthinking it a lot. Or if it's about my music or like my original music, I want to be like, you know, working so much on it to the point that I really can say I'm happy. I want to like publish it and, you know, go go online with my music. But that point didn't come yet, even though I have the songs, because I'm always thinking I should do it better before I show it to someone. And these are things that sometimes people push me and tell me there is no right moment. Just do it. And you keep becoming better day by day if you work on the next song. Let's say that's that's what I mean. Thank you so much for that. That explains a lot. And then it makes me wonder how was the life change in decision of moving from Germany to Dubai? How did you go through that process? Did you delay a lot? What made you decide? Because also there is another thing that you already had a kind of reputation. You build connections in Germany. It's already something that you know. While going to Dubai will be not only life altering, but it's like a totally new environment where you need to start almost from zero. So how was that decision? If you are someone who is even about your songs that are original, you're still working to perfect them all this time. That decision was made super easy. Easily to the point that I was saying to myself, why didn't you go for it early? But the point was back then I had a very bad relationship. I was seeing someone narcissistic and we were living together for almost four years. And I kind of felt different when I went to Dubai by myself for some events. And I felt another kind of energy in the city, which I also was missing in Germany because the whole entertainment scene in Germany is completely different and there's not the same level. The weather and the mindset of people. There was so many points that took me to Dubai, which made me make the decision very easy. So yeah, I believe that that was one of the easiest decisions. And I'm really happy to have made that step. Thank you. And you mentioned that you felt different as soon as you visited Dubai for the first time for some events and that it was about also the weather and the energy of the people. This one is more about thinking and rationality. The other one is more about intuition. Are you a girl that follows her intuition a lot? Are you more intuitive or more into your logical side that you trusted more? I'm not saying that you're like a machine in that way. But when you are making decisions and although you delay decisions, do you tend at the end to trust? OK, logically, these are the reasons why. And therefore, it's a good reason, like a good German girl. Is it more intuition that you think I feel this is the right decision? So I'm going to trust that intuition. Yes, I definitely follow my intuition a lot because sometimes it's really about the gut feeling that you have, like vibes and feelings are saying a lot. And there is definitely energy. It's proven. And of course, there's some logical things that you have to think about sometimes as well, but I definitely have situations where it's more about the gut feeling, the intuition. And that was one of them. I when I as soon as I arrived in Dubai, I felt warm hearted people, open minded people. If there's a problem, there's a solution directly like in Germany. If something, there's always a problem. And they cannot solve it. It's like not possible. And that's it. Second of all, the weather. I mean, the vitamin D is super important for our mental health as well. And I definitely felt a complete difference in my life in Dubai. And yeah, the I mean, the culture, the different cultures that come together. It's so nice. Everyone is coming from some part of this world. And we still connect somehow. And it's easier to bond with people than in other places. I mean, of course, it's not easy to find the right people, but it's easy to get in touch with people to network at least, which is very difficult in Germany because people tend to be more closed, more cold, more like, let's say a bit more careful who they talk and connect with. Thank you. And you mentioned the right people. What does that mean for you? Is it people who are like supportive people that give you extra energy and are there for you or is it people who have similar values and topics that you can discuss or people who are progressing on their journey of music and therefore you can bounce ideas and trust their opinion? Or is it like you said, it's about the vibes. You meet someone and you're like, wow, these vibes are great. These is the right person, even if they're totally different to you. And then someone else, you're like, they can be a great person, but I just don't feel it. What does it mean? The right person when it comes to you and you said it's harder to find. Can you talk a bit more about that? Yeah, sure. It's easy to have a circle of people around you to hang out with in Dubai. You can go out every day, party and eat with them and whatever. But when it comes to just meeting at home and talk about something deeply, when it's coming to support and when it's coming to anything where you need help, it's really, really rare that you find these kind of people. And then, of course, people who understand your journey, people who are really generous in their hearts, like generous in the way they talk and how to say, like to be reliable. You cannot find reliable people anymore. And it's more like the past life in Dubai. You can meet someone and you're friends for a month and then they disappear and you don't see them anymore. It happens a lot. But like to have a circle of friends who are on the same journey as you, who are having their own ambitions, who are not going from club to club for drinks or only dating on Tinder and I don't know, like completely lost in their life. You have these lost souls a lot in Dubai. I mean, really like in terms of boys or girls, like both sides, you can find it. But there's like a handful of people that I met in Dubai who are here really to grow, to achieve something meaningfully. And, yeah, like friends, we can sit and exchange our ideas and I can maybe have an idea for their business, which is totally like different from my business. And the same on the other side. So we really, yeah, help each other and light up each other somehow. And yeah, before we continue, please introduce me to all those girls that are like that so that I interviewed them for the podcast. All of them. Like someone said, because I'm very ambitious, ask me how many women do you want to interview for this podcast? I said four billion. All of them. No limits. Why should we limit ourselves? No, seriously, I only know like brave girls who are having hobbies, like hobbies not going to brunch from because like you said, it's hard to find like the greatest people. And I wish this to be a community where women can find such more of those women so that they can grow and empower each other. And in general, I believe that the more great people evolve in their consciousness in this world, the more that all of the world will be impacted with that energy in order to change into a better, peaceful, happier planet rather than a planet that is in a bad state. You know, yes, definitely. I when it comes to to being shy and introvert, that is what made me a different person, like lifting each other up with other people who are brave, who are telling you their stories, who encourage you and even challenging myself. Why? I mean, I was scared of literally everything when I was younger and and now I'm like usually it's the opposite. Like you're scared when you're you're not scared when you're younger and when you're older, you're scared to do anything. And when I grew up, like when I started being, I don't know, 18 or 19, I wanted to do everything like I started doing extreme stuff like jumping from cliffs and and not bungee jumping, but skydiving and like surfing and all this stuff, which formed me as a person, because that is also something that makes you mentally stronger or do an ice bar. I don't know, like uncomfortable situations that makes you resistant for anything around you. No matter what's happening around you, if you keep calm, if you keep like being mentally strong, you will make it and nothing can affect you and offend you. So whether it's someone insulting you or thinking you're shit, sorry to say that, or not at all talented or whatever. Yes, thank you for your opinion. But I mean, I know what I can do and what I'm doing right now and where I'm working. So, you know, so I'm not taking that personally inside of myself. But if I would be more taking everything personally, I think I would be a broken person and not able to sing anymore. So there's a lot of hate messages. I mean, we also experience some people I don't know who are they and what they do in their life to be that bored at home, to just go through people's profiles and text them some some, you know, hate speeches. But anyway, that part was very inspiring, the part about you being so connected with others, not the part about the hate speech. That's not inspiring. But it happens because I believe really that it's like Ying and Yang. If you are creating a hate speech in some people, it's because you are not being average or neutral, but you stand out, which means it will also create some super fans or people who love you for who you are. So to me, hate is a signal that that negative energy is going to be compensated in other people as positive, extra good fan base for you, for example. So I see it as a good sign in general. And I'm curious as well. You as a singer, you're an artist and artists throughout all of history have been inspired by nature, by animals. And you love horseback riding. You love riding boats while there is the water, the sea, the ocean that is nature and horses. You don't you don't ride them in the middle of the highway. You need to be in nature as well. So tell me a bit more about that. What do you love about about boat riding and what do you love about horses? What do you love about that whole experience? Does it recharge something within you that allows you to find new creativity or give new emotions or it's just adrenaline, your crazy 18 year old side that was jumping from cliffs. You miss that and you return to it a little bit sometimes. Or how does it work? For me, it's kind of a meditation like when I start the day, early mornings with the sunrise in the desert on a horse, in the nature with the birds and the little Arab Arabian orangsters and gazelles and and the whole thing. It's a kind of experience that I cannot get tired of. Like whenever I go and I went like hundreds of times, it's just something like that that makes me happy. Like my my child's side is coming out like when the little Lena when I used to be a horseback rider, when I was a kid every weekend, I used to go for my horseback riding lessons. Somehow that's still inside. I enjoy the nature and the horses and the horses. They are able to feel our emotions. They are very empathetic and they're for me like the most beautiful animals because they're just amazing. I don't know how to describe it. It's just they give me some kind of peace and the boat is not for adrenaline. It's more about the waves, the nature to be on the fresh water and the salty air to jump into the water rather than to go in a busy beach club and spend money for that. Like I'd rather take the boat with my friends or my partner and we have a coffee or breakfast on board and we dip in the water and we turn a little bit and we go home. And you have your own little like moment with your own music and friends and whoever you want to invite to. Thank you. I love our conversation and to end it in a great, great way. You have been that shy girl that you said when you stepped into performing with other people, when you stepped into music, you discovered how to unleash your confidence and your power. There are many girls who are nowadays teenagers or early 20s that spend two or more years of their life in social isolation, looking even more at Instagram, TikTok and social media, seeing women that are photoshopped or women who are full of like AI now created that look amazing. And to them, they compare themselves and they think, wow, I can never be like her. And that makes them even more shy. They feel bullied like you were at school. Even if they're not, people bully them directly. Every time they open Instagram, they feel, oh, I'm not like her. I'm not good enough like her. She's in that expensive beach club you spoke about, but I am not. So all that stuff. What is your advice as a trajectory in general? Like if you could return to be that shy, 10 years old, 12 years old before you bloomed when you are in your late teenage years, what would you recommend? Would you recommend, OK, do theater, do art, do music, expose yourself, being in front of an audience so that you will unleash your confidence? Would you say something else like delete all of social media, but then it's very useful for networking and success. So it's not realistic. What would be your advice if you're speaking to like a little sister or to yourself if you are today alive as a girl who is in her teenage years, constantly feeling that you're not good enough so that those girls can finally bloom into their potential? I would definitely say they should always speak up for themselves. They should always be self-confident, wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say to yourself, you're wonderful. Have a beautiful day. You will achieve anything that you want to do in your life. Just be about it, pursue it and do something for it. I mean, there's a lot of, you know, what I can tell you a small story about my my experience lately. I was hoping to be singing in one venue that opened recently and I mean, they opened beginning of the year and I was like literally asking around if someone has a contact for me, but it didn't happen. And then on one audition, the guys were managing a lot of venues. They were auditioning for another venue, but they also managed that venue. So I was singing and then they choose me for that venue that I initially was dreaming about to to sing. So I believe in manifestation. Definitely I do. But you have to also work for it. It's not only I'm dreaming about it and I want it. You should ask yourself, OK, where do I see myself in the next years? What do I need to do to be there? And in terms of being more self confident, just be always kind. You always kill people with your kindness. If you be kind and grounded and down to earth, there's nothing that can go wrong. Just spread your smile. Go like, you know, just meet people, even if it's at school, try to be nice to them, try to connect, speak to them and definitely have hobbies. If it's music, art, sports, go for it 100 percent. And yeah, I mean, just be always polite. There's a lot of things about manners, about how to speak, communication skills. And all of that combined will definitely make a very wonderful woman of you. That's what I would like to say. Thank you so much, Lena Amor. I'll make sure to put your Instagram in the description. And even before we finish the final thing, what are your projects now a day in Dubai? If people are curious or they want to listen to you singing or they're waiting for your original pieces of music, like what can they expect? What are you up to? And again, your Instagram will be in the description for people to know and see more of you. Thank you so much. So in the next weeks and months, you can see me every Friday and Saturday, late afternoon at the Verde Beach. That's where I'm performing right now. It's a restaurant and beach club. It's very nice. But also on some evenings on the Palm at Jones De Grosa on Fridays. And I have a very nice concert going on on the 4th of November. It's at Toda Theatre. It's going to be a Soul and R&B night with myself. And I'm going to entertain a little bit in between, maybe even present one of my original songs. And yeah, there's a lot of projects right now with my dancing show, my own entertainment agency that I created earlier this year. Yeah, I'm working on many things and I'm hoping to to present all of these things very soon on Instagram. Thank you so much, Lena. I really encourage your success. I encourage you to grow and create everything that you desire in this world to never let perfectionism stop you or anything like that, because the world needs to hear your voice and to receive your gift. I thank you again. I wish you thriving success and prosperity. And I look forward to sharing this with everyone because it's going to be very inspiring. Thank you so much. And have a great day. And it was lovely to meet you as well.

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