E401 Tun Sandy Lin

Episode 401 October 18, 2023 00:29:55
E401 Tun Sandy Lin
Rare Girls
E401 Tun Sandy Lin

Oct 18 2023 | 00:29:55


Show Notes

Tun Sandy Lin is the first girl from Myanmar in this podcast.

Sandy is 21 yrs and because of the current crisis in Myanmar, her academic education is still postponed and pending at 2nd years before graduating as a psychologist.

That's why she made the decision to come live in the UAE and relocated to Abu Dhabi alone to explore better opportunities to follow her dreams. Currently Sandy is joining a Private VIP Airline and Aviation as a ground service crew under F&B in Abu Dhabi. Part of her passion is supporting to improve communities with positivity and equality.

Instagram: @sandy_iz_treazure

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others and they struggle with their mental health, but when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty and to feel their self-worth, and they will connect with the sisterhood of Rare Girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. That's what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Tun Sandilin. Sandi is the first girl from Myanmar in this podcast. Sandi is 21 years old and because of the current crisis in Myanmar, her academic education is still postponed and pending the second year before graduating as a psychologist. That's why she made the decision to come live in the UAE and relocated to Abu Dhabi alone to explore better opportunities to follow her dreams. Currently, Sandi is joining a private VIP airline and aviation as a ground service crew and their F&B in Abu Dhabi. Part of her passion is supporting to improve communities with positivity and equality. Sandi, how are you today? I'm good. I'm pretty good. I guess I'm really excited to join the postcard also. I'm waiting here to become the day, you know. I'm good. I'm happy to know that. I can feel your energy. I'm super excited as well to know much more about you. So I'll begin with this nice first question, which is Sandi. If your friends and the people who know you best could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Actually, all of the people have like a, you know, personality, good personality and a bad personality. But most of my friends, if they have a chance to describe my personality, maybe probably they're going to describe as far as their point of view. Like I'm like a supportive friend and like optimistic. Sometimes I sometimes I'm crazy, you know. But good things, crazy and good things. So like generally they're going to be described like a supportive. So I have like a manpower and win manpower to my friends, you know, my girls. That's so great. I have so many questions about each one of them, but I want to begin with your optimistic side. There are many girls who are feeling negative. They're a little bit depressed, even if their life was not so hard. You have been through a crisis in Myanmar and still are optimistic. What about you makes you be this optimistic? Is it that when you grew up, your family was so optimistic? Is it that you are a spiritual girl and you feel that you're reincarnated from being a princess in the past? Or what or you have journal and always daily gratitude and daily exercises to be optimistic? How do you be optimistic, even if sometimes life is very hard? Actually, you know, neither, not because of my family, you know, it's like your personality is not depends on our family, like our environment sometimes is impact, but not like 100 percent cover. So like sometimes, you know, actually my family is not every time positive and optimistic sometimes, you know. But why? Because sometimes maybe we have like a negative energy. Maybe we're going to get this depressed stress, especially when we are in the crisis situation, we can be positive every time. So we have like a lot of straggling and something like that. So in past, also not because of like every time it's like apps, we just pass through app and sound every time. But at the end of the time, you know, maybe sometimes I get the distress and depressed the whole day. Of course, we are human beings, so we have like emotional, you know, changes and so it moves things. But at the end of the time, I just think about that. OK, it's for everything to happen for good reason, right? So if we feel like a stress and depressed and we just laid out in our bed and we just getting stressed in a room for a long time. So what is the benefit and what is good things and bad things for us? So I just consider myself like this and after that, OK, just do it. Just get up from the bed and just get up from the room and they're just trying to do that new things, just trying to like to be ready for a new chapter. That's it. So everything happened for a good reason. I just remind myself like this. So and then for that reason, I just get a positive for everything. You know, OK, if I have a bad days, OK, for bad days, maybe tomorrow will be good days, good days, right? So I just think like this and everything's like live, enjoy every like, you know, every moment. So I just do it like that. Thank you. I love that attitude. It's very, very cool. And then I want to know about your crazy side. Is it related to your motivation and optimism and wanting new chapters in your life? Or is it because you feel very feminine like that? That is your energy of being a woman. You want new emotions. You want to be crazy. Or what about you allows you to feel that it's OK for you and happy to be crazy and not think that other people will judge me, other people will talk? Because after all, you come from an Asian culture where a lot of families think, what will people think? What will people say? All that stuff. So tell me more about your crazy side and how you have the freedom to live it without stopping, which many women can be limiting themselves from being their crazy, real self. Actually, you know, for example, sometimes like for me, like I have work since I was like 17 or 19. So maybe that can make me mature. I don't know. But most people say that I'm a mature. But at least I have like an immature side. But, you know, sometimes in like a normal days and working period or something like that, we are trying to act in like a juxtapable with everyone and a table with anyone and any situations. Sometimes we have to hide our true feelings and true face. Sometimes, you know, sometimes we have like a stress, deep breath. We have like an emotional day, broken day or something like that, you know. But we have to cover this one and we have pretend like, OK, everything is fine. Everything is good. And like, you know, we show like our only good side, not sure our dark side. So like, you know, but it's a good thing sometimes, like, you know, when we cover like our dark side most of the times. So it changed into like normal. So every time you have to be smile every day, you have to smile. For me, my work is every time I have to be smile. Even I have like emotional symptoms or something like that. OK, leave all the things and I have to smile. This is my job. So currently what I am doing. So I have forget that what I am doing and what I am where I have to go. So that's it. So I just focus on that. And then after that, OK, call us everything and I have to smile. So every day, smile, smile, smile and then forget about my emotional things and everything, you know. And then I have to be a dadavel this every area or like that. So if you have like, you know, crazy things or like a dark side or something like that, we just cover it. Of course, we can like we can feel for that we can cry in or we can we can cry or something like that. We can feel depressed, but for a while not taking like long time and not taking not to be crazy all the time. Just for a while. And after that, get it and then go your work. And that's it. Thank you for that very, very much. And you said that you're very supportive to your friends and you love your friends. And you said that with your friends, you have both feminine energy and masculine energy. Can you explain the difference? What is to you feminine energy when you're supporting your friends and what is to you masculine energy when you are supporting your friends? Actually, you know, for me, I don't know when since I was young, like, you know, I I just want to do like a both side. For example, like in my country, also we are Asian, like, you know, right. So daughters like gays have to be like this. Boys have to do like this. You know, this is not allowed for kids. It is allowed for only boys. Boys are higher than girls. Actually, of course, some some some things are right. They are the same, right. But, you know, everyone has to be equal. So since I was young, because I'm when I was young, I just question like, you know, I don't forget about that. I'm always some or something like that speech about the feminine and like something like that. So once when when I was young, once I start listening about the speech, I have like a female like, okay, maybe I have like a female myself inside, you know, everyone have to be equal. So men and no one like women, we are powerful and blah, blah, blah. And more than men, no men and women's all equal. We all are human beings. So that is my like personality and my acceptance sites. So for my friends, like for me, most of the gays you can see in this, you know, surroundings and this era, you can see most of the kids, they are trying to jealous each other. For example, if you see like even friends or anything, you know, anyone, you can see like if someone is better than you, if someone is like prettier than you and higher than you, higher positions or get a promotion or good chance. Of course, we are human. So we have like some, you know, something inside feeling bad or like in a jealous or something like that, especially girls, they are jealous each other. But I don't like that kind of things, you know, for me, I never jealous of each other. But sometimes maybe, but if I get this kind of things, like maybe I'm jealous of her or something like that. Okay, I change into inspiration, you know, why I need to jealous, right? So why we need to jealous each other gays when I see beautiful kids or my friends wearing beautiful things like super hot and sexy or something like that. Why we need to jealous? Oh my gosh, she's really good. You are really good. We have to, instead of jealous, we have to speak out because we feeling that she or he is really good. So just speak up. You really go. Just give a compliment to trying to speak out the true feeling. You're really good. You're very nice and you're doing great. Congratulations for you. Instead of we know that this is good things, but we don't want to speak out. We don't want to give compliment to others. We just trying to be jealous. Oh my God, he's really prettier than me. And we just, you know, inside. So change that one to, you know, try to speak out and give that compliment for that and accept the truth. And after that, okay, I want to be like her. So she's really good and she's really super hot smart. So just try it, right? We don't need to jealous. We just inspire him and trying our stuff. And we just trying our own way, but not copy, but inspire and then different way. So that is the other side. And then to my friends, like whenever they need, I'm going to be, you know, sometimes like they don't need, they told me that they don't need like a boyfriend or something like that because I will be here for them every time. For example, if they need something help or something like that, if they're feeling strange and sometimes I have to be project for them like a mom, you know, of course, sometimes they are going to be like a mom, like my mom. So that sometimes I have to be project for them. So if girls would be are like free of jealousies and they are like sport trying to support each other. So no need actually, you know, most of the people love like only man. We need boyfriend. We need man. If they get empower each other, like a true with a true feelings and you know, no need to call us and no need to cover and you need to fake fade, you know, so we don't need that much. So that's why most of the girls, my kids, especially you are like my boyfriends or you're like my gay friends something like that. So I think that's that's why they just think about me like this. Thank you. That's very, very interesting. And I'm very happy that you support your friends so much. And sometimes you're a mom to them and they don't need a boyfriend because of you and all that. And also you spoke about the way you are that you are a girl that loves to explore you open new chapters in your life. You try new things and you wake up yourself from bed, even if you're depressed to go and try something new. There are many women who have anxiety who think a lot and worry and think, oh, maybe there will be a problem. If I try something new, maybe something bad happens. Maybe they travel and go to the UAE and they think, wow, I'm far from family. If something happened, they cannot help me. And they keep thinking and thinking and thinking. And then that stops them from living life fully and from trying all the new things. What about you keeps you positive and wanting to try new things instead of stopping because of worry and thinking too much? For me also, people say that most of the people judge me like you're so confident. You're only 21 and you can explore. You just rely on yourself and you're really great. And they just actually back off the stage in a public, they just see only for one size. Back say, of course, I have a fear. I'm scared to come here or something like that. And also I get a deep breath every time I don't have that confidence. I have anxiety. I'm also kind of like the person with anxiety and feeling like nervous or something like that. But at the end of the time, I just think about that. So for me, my acceptance is like, you know, it's okay to get anxiety because everyone can get anxiety. Go just just think about it's okay because everyone can nervous. Everyone has to face like this kind of difficulty and struggles. But in different ways, they all are struggling. Even they are like happy and they are like they get a promotion. They get a successful, you know, but they have to dance in with their own problems. You know, nobody knows. So we are so like we have the problems and we just overcome that and after that problems and after that the anxiety everything you can even find it out. Everything is easy. So when I came here in UAE, you know, I have like I'm always dreaming about to explore another country when I my age of 20 for as an Asian, especially and also like under parents control. It's just really impossible. 100% things because even I'm fighting always I have like a conflict with my parents. I want to go after you know, out of the country. So I never I try but I never get it. So first thing we have to try first like to get you know, like, you know faithful from our parents like to get the trustworthy for our like parents or something like this to get a permission. I try my best first and after that I got a permission and after that I just got you know, trustworthy for my parents and then they allowed me to go. So that time I have an anxiety big anxiety and really bit nervous and worries. How can I stay there? What to do because I never stay alone without my parents even cooking, you know, like a A to Z. I have to do all of my stuff by myself. So I have a big anxiety and I don't know where I have to go and something like that. I'm thinking but you know that time I just think about that and I think it's like kind of you know, a thin layer of a word, you know that cover to find a way. So that is anxiety for example, if we want to go outside like I don't want to go crowded and so many people are there. I don't want to go maybe I'm shy. Maybe they judge me or maybe they just my appearance everything. So that worries and thinking that anxiety is a thin layer. Actually, we can see it's not wall. Just only thin layer but after overcome that thin layer you can find a way that is really easy. Oh my god, it's really easy. Why I came before he why I didn't came here before early? Why didn't I go there before since before? Why didn't I came here early? We can think like that why I didn't do oh my god, I can't regret I get the worries and stress. So I for that reason so you just if you have anxiety is okay to be anxiety and nervous, but it's a thin layer after that thin layers overcome. You can see everything is easy. Everything is wonderful. So you can maybe if a problems you can solve the problem after this things. Yeah, you can think that okay, it's easy. This problem is not there. It doesn't matter. It's a piece of care. You can you can they fight out what we have to think Leah. So that light is kind of way. I just came here and I just especially follow my dreams. But when you go there, you have to follow your hat, but without hat or without feelings you can't do anything. Yeah, that's it. Thank you so much. I appreciate how much wisdom you have and I believe I see the psychology. And knowledge and education that you have and so I want to ask you why did you decide to study? Although you needed to postpone it now psychology for many people. It's because they want to understand themselves because when they're young they have a lot of like crazy thoughts and they're like I want to solve my own myself. They study for themselves first, but to you what motivated you to choose psychology? How was that decision? Actually, you know psychology in my country internationally the psychologist. The subject is like a you know, specialisation is like a high school or something like that. But in my country is really low score. You know, if you get a lower score, you have to go psychology. So if I choose psychology other than the other specialisation subjects or my parents not allowed to go there to choose the psychologist. But why you didn't choose you can choose other subjects like you know, English specialist and E major. We call E major and other things, you know, why you choose psychology is go for only low score, you know students in my country depends on my country situation. So that time I have options for other subjects, but I just want to go for psychology because you know why like psychology is we like, you know in every like a daily basic and in every work like even like my main management or HR human resource everything like even daily basis. We communicate each other is in involving with a psychology, you know, because we have to scan in each other. If you go and if you talk with a person like a stranger, you don't know. So we have to scan in this person. What is the person's like, you know behaviour and what is the person personality or what it's like he looks he or she looks like or something like that. We have to scan in each other every day, not even person to person. We have to like a new job, new environment everywhere, new country, new culture. So we have to scan in and we have to observe in we have to like, you know, considering every situation about that. So psychology is like this. That's why I just choose the psychologist subjects as my specialization like to impact to my like career and like my personal life. So that's the reason. Thank you for that. I have two questions I'm thinking about, but I'll begin with this one. Now that you're living alone, you said without your family, you need to do everything on your own. How is your typical day off in Abu Dhabi? What do you do? Do you go out? Do you go to gym? Do you go find some nature? Do you go to the mall? Do you stretch and do yoga? I don't know. But what is a typical day for Sandy and Abu Dhabi when it's not just about work, but when you are outside work, maybe you meet some friends. Can you describe? Maybe you wake up at noon because you sleep all morning or you wake up early. I don't know. Tell me more. For my work, it's like a 2D work and 2D off. So people say that 2D off so I can like spend my time or actually know after 2D works, you're going to be really no energy, zero energy, nothing. You can do anything. So what to do? You know, first, sometimes I just actually my nature is I always want to go outside, you know, the person I always want to go outside. I want to explore the new things like I just use my Instagram social medias like exploring new things or something like that. But the first day of my off day is like in my bed, you know, I can even get up early because every day I have to wake up early. So I'm really sick of get up early, you know, and every time I am planning to go gym or so gym and something like that work out because we have to, you know, polish our brain beauty, not only beauty and like body. We have to also polish body. All right. So we have to work out a gym or something like that. I'm planning every time so many plans for my weekend, but I can't do it most of the time. My holiday, I can't do it. I just lay down my bed and I just spend my whole like the half day or something like that. I have to prepare so many things for the next walking day. I have to clean and everything and after that I just see your energy again and time to go back again. So time flying so fast, nothing to do. But typical day like this is the end. Then we have a chance like a long holiday for days or something like that. Like we don't have that much flight schedule. So that time I just go outside every time I'm trying to go outside like a new things, you know, sometimes maybe we're going to go for in July, but sometime for exploring the new things. Sometimes I just like learning another like language or something like that. And then sometimes we just go running cardio. That's it. That's my topical day. Like it's happened like that. Yeah, most of the time in the bed. That's very, very funny. Thank you so much, Sandy. I love how interesting you are because you're willing to be yourself rather than try to copy other people, which is very, very important. So I wish for you to give your advice to other women who maybe want to live life, but they're following the expectations of their family. They are maybe choosing the same study that their parents did or they choose for them. Maybe their mother wants them to be a doctor or their father is a lawyer or something, but then they think inside, wow, I wish I can live the life I want. Maybe she wants to be a cabin crew or she wants to be an artist or anything like that, but she thinks her family will be so angry and disappointed and not give permission. Maybe she's Asian as well. What's your advice to such women so that they really live their life because life is so precious, like you said, time passes so fast so that they will finally really live. Actually, you know, it depends on the parent. Parenting, you know, how you grow in your environment is related. Of course, if I can say like that, don't follow your other suggestions and don't follow other advice, you just find it out your way. But you don't have a chance to find even find out your way. Some parenting and some environment didn't give you any chance. Some family are really strict and like a stereotypical. I mean, not only Asians like like even other countries, they have like stereotypical family if they have so far. Some if you grew up like this kind of family or environment or surrounding, you don't have even chance to find it out and you don't have even chance what your heart want to be and just to follow your heart. So you just like a robot. Okay, my parents are right. Whatever they said, they are right. Whatever your surroundings, they are right. I have to face like this. I have to go this one. So you just forget about your even your what your heart want to be. So sometimes we just face it like that. So it depends on firstly, it depends on the surrounding and environment. So if you just think about that my surrounding is like a toxic, you know, sometimes kind of toxic, you know, toxic to me or in a good way for all. Of course, sometimes I want to be like enjoying and I want to go apart every time, but my parents go for study. So this is means your parent is right. You are wrong. You're toxic. Not your parents toxic. So just find it out first. You are your surrounding is toxic and good advice like suggest to a good way. So after that, you just consider yourself what I want to be or something like that. You know what my heart want to be for example, my father and my parents want me to be like a doctor. They like since my I was young when I placed them things, they just give me only, you know, doctor tools or something like that play play this one, you know like this. But that time also I want to be doctor doctor every time every time like this. But when I was in, you know, like teenage or something like that, I just find it out like I'm like I want to be like beautiful. Guess or something like that when I see beautiful kiss. Oh, they are so beautiful because every time I'm studying, I would study and I don't even I don't know even what is the makeup or something like that. I don't even know. So after that, I just find it out that maybe doctor is not my dreams and also I don't want to touch the blood and something like that. So I'm just scared for that. And I don't want to spend my life like, you know, for 60 years in our country. We have to like seven years, nine years. We have to study all the time for only one subject and we have to spend all manis and ways and everything. So I just think about that. This is the right way for me to spend my times, my energy and you know, my age and my everything. So this is my real dream. So this is not my real dream. So what is my real dream? I just find it out. So just find it out your dreams and what is but you have to like, you know, copy others or like a pop in, you know, okay, everyone every year is like want to be Kevin Crews. I want to get one to be dry or so the embrace like that. If you just copy and just like a copycat. So you will never get your dream. If you get your dream, you just fill out for only one month. I don't want to be Kevin Crew. I just like, you know, I just want to copy other. I just want to be trying to embrace. I just want to be a pop in. So just trying to be make sure that you know, it's a really authentic dream for you. Just this your head really want to be for me. I just want to be Kevin Crew. So and also not before Kevin Crew, I have like every age of me. I have a set up goals. Now before I'm just saying about my long-term goals. I have a short time. Mindstorm, mindstorm like for example, 20 years old. My dream is I want to go outside, you know, go out of my country 20 years. I want to explore. So this is my first dream, my song. And then when I'm at age of 20, I just like accomplish my dreams. That's my dream. I can say that I can achieve my dreams. So I already here. So next two years or next three years, I want to be a Kevin Crew. So I have to try and after that I have to wait and watch for my result. So that's the way I just pass through and I just follow my dreams. Thank you. I love that. I encourage your success and your dreams and to see you Kevin Crew and Emirates just like you desire. And to finish this, you said it's important for you to increase the positivity in the community of women and for women in general. What is your opinion about that? How can women support each other increase in positivity and in general, do you have any advice for women to be more positive, sunny and to feel happier even when times are stressful and if the backstage like you said there will be normally haven't too much anxiety? Yeah, actually, you know for the positive energy is like we have to practice by ourselves. So one person and one person is not like a same because we have like a different character and we have to come different different backgrounds, right? So maybe if you are your background is like your environment and your background is with so many negative people around you. So of course, you are negative person automatically even however, you are positive person. I was also negative person before because of the friends. So it depends on the friends and your environment also. So for example, if your friends always talking about negative from morning to night always talking about negative and toxicity everything negative negative negative. So your mind is changing to negative and you can see other person and like a negative so same like this heat, you know transfer evil to one person to another person and that person also transfer to other person. So negative energy is spread it out and the community is negative. So find it up. Please find it out first that you have to like positive on yourself. You have to consider about your surrounding the surrounding you live in and you just your friends or your colleagues or something like that. They are positive or energy person or negative energy person. So if you find it out that you can automatically change into positive. So that's a symbol beans. So for yourself like when you have like a stressful situation or something like that or something, you know, like a depressed or some failure when you face you just find it out yourself. Okay, I can cry. I can do crazy things, you know, okay one day or like the half day but not long time. Okay, you just depressed the whole day and after that finish after that the new things and the new one everything happened for good reason as I have like before mentioned before so you just think about that. Okay tomorrow will be better and then more opportunity will be better. Kala's that's it. So that's how I try to be positive. I love that very very much. Thank you so much Sandy. It was my privilege and my honor to have you in the rare girls podcast. I wish you to always pursue your dreams to feel positive every day to go outside and have fun and have energy not be drained on your days off and thank you again for participating. Thank you. Thank you so much. Also, because I'm also waiting for that to speak out and also because I've just noticed that your your channel like sports get is like a kind of you know, like a platform good platform for every guest to connect each other. So I'll be exciting for that for a long time. So finally the day is can happen. So thank you for your time and also for your postcard like for interview questions and thank you very much and appreciate for that.

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