E026 Elizabeth Tretiak

Episode 26 June 15, 2022 00:22:01
E026 Elizabeth Tretiak
Rare Girls
E026 Elizabeth Tretiak

Jun 15 2022 | 00:22:01


Show Notes

Elizabeth Tretiak studies at two universities: at National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) and at Vilnius University, on Academic mobility.

Liza is Ukrainian and tries to be a fully developed person. Her motto in life is: life does not stand still and we must constantly develop and achieve our goals.

Instagram: @ielizaveta_tr

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, when their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Elizabeth Tretiak. Liza studies at two universities at National University of Kyiv Mohila Academy, NAUKMA, and at Vilnius University on academic mobility, Lisa is Ukrainian. And she tries to be a fully developed person. Her motto in life is life does not stand still. And we must constantly develop and achieve our goals. Lisa, how are you today? Elizabeth Tretiak 1:09 Hello. Nice to hear you. Honestly. I'm a little tired today because I passed my exam in the morning. And then I fall asleep and say I got into the race. But every single day, thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:24 You're welcome. Then I'll have guys because normally, when people think of a girl who is 17, they think your energy is infinite. You're never tired, you're never nap. You're always having energy from midnight to 12 to three all the time. Is this correct? What does it mean for you to be a woman? What is femininity? Is it an energy? Like if you describe what is a woman? What is it for you? Elizabeth Tretiak 1:56 So can you both my feeling as a woman? First, I think about that, I adore various girl things like material, such as cosmetics clauses, shoes, but as for the state of mind, I feel for meaning when I'm treated accordingly, as it used to when a guy says compliment to me behaves really like in gentleman. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:27 I have so many questions. I'll begin with one by no recently you were in Norway. Do you feel that in Western Europe, a lot of women are not so interested in girly things, etc. Or you think it's a myth and Norwegian girls and Ukrainian girls are the same in their interest in feminine things. Elizabeth Tretiak 2:55 Okay, talking about the difference between the Russian girl and Ukrainian I can say that they are completely different because innovation and their most European journals, they dress ordinarily, they don't worry about how they look how what about and other people think about them. The most important thing for them is that they feel comfortable and practical. And they are for nature of beauty. They don't use lots of cosmetics, as they refer trousers, and to close it. Very comfortable for them. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:39 Thank you, I understand what you mean. And another point you said that it's important that the man or the boy or the guy is like a gentleman treating you in a very nice way. So I'll ask you something. Is it a myth though, that girls like bad boys who are somehow risky taking risks and full of emotions and drama? Because those are not gentleman and that gentleman are boring in many ways, or is this not correct? Tell me your thought Elizabeth Tretiak 4:13 I seen because everyone has r1 Adel, like a boy and for someone, someone it's okay. But I prefer Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:26 Thank you. And so you spoke about femininity, the energy the close, if you are to describe masculinity, what's attractive in the energy or the meaning of masculinity for you? Can you explain it? Okay, Elizabeth Tretiak 4:43 for me, that's where I'm friends of mine threads to me cryptic when I say they can see so when he really loved me and he always tried to support me, how in different situation and When I can only be required to be seen and I understand that it's okay to when I x inspired. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:14 Thank you. And you seem to be a girl who has many goals in life? What are your goals? How did you decide them? How did you choose them? How do you accomplish them, share your own productivity method. Elizabeth Tretiak 5:33 That's the truth. Now I have lots of goals. And they may have that is very general, because my goal is never to give up, and always be strong. For me, this means that I must always remember that for every even little work, useful action, there will be a revert, it means that the team must always do everything to achieve my goals. And those goals do even if it is a small step, but it's a step and steps before it is so it's very important to always believe in myself, in my strengths, my capabilities, in any case, never give up and to move forward confidently and purposefully. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:28 That's really good. Elizabeth Tretiak 6:30 Thank you. Thank you. Now, my goal little girl is to study why it's two universities managed to scatter their excellent that my family same because they really proud of me. And I can contribute a lot in my countries to be useful for my country. So in the future. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:00 We will speak all about that. But first, how do you feel the difference between Kyiv and Vilnius? Elizabeth Tretiak 7:09 Oh, to tell the truth, it's really two different cities. Because firstly, I sense that cave is a capital Shoukry and villas is the capital of Lithuania. This venue is not far from Ukraine and it can be a little, little female. Yes. Because Venus University is very old, university executable. I can but can you Israel, a very big hostel and bust a lot of people each in hurry. And they're in beaver's people just relax. They never be inquiry. They say just leave. They just think about these days. And to say don't say never panic. They never feel Nevers. And it's the main difference for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:06 I understand that must be really a shock to the system. But then I have to ask you, millions of millions of Ukrainians are outside Ukraine now. In Europe, they're studying, maybe they found new jobs, new lives. Some say that maybe they will not return to Ukraine because they have a new life outside. Do you agree for you? Let's say you have have this good education in Lithuania, you find a good job, and all that? What would motivate you to stay or to go? Or how do you think about this? Elizabeth Tretiak 8:47 Now if I'm sure that I will return to Ukraine and I will help to rebuild my country, autism for now. What I understand that now I can only study I can understand it to help my countries in the future. So now I am in Vilnius, but after my education, I will return to Ukraine. I think maybe maybe my sorts will be different in the future. Maybe I'll try to rebuild my countries here. Here try to rebuild. Yes. Because here is very good opportunity to get a diploma as European. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:40 Thank you. Yes, it's, I really wish the best for you. And I will ask you another thing. Some sociologists, they say that because of the war in Ukraine, there will be trauma to the society to everybody. So even when the war ends, And people will be very depressed, very traumatized, very sad. Very, very, very unhappy. And what do you think about this? Or do you think that victory will make everybody more excited, more optimistic, more happy in Ukraine, Elizabeth Tretiak 10:18 I assumed brand will get a victory. Each person not be very sad, not miserable, they will be really happy, and they will be motivated to rebuild our countries. To that their relatives will come back to Ukraine. And after our victory, I hope I really hope that we will never have the same in our history. And it will be the last the last awful minutes of Ukrainian history. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:01 I agree with you Slava Ukraini, Elizabeth Tretiak 11:03 Heroyam Slava. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:06 And to ask you even more, you're now in Lithuania, you're making new friends, meeting new people? Is it easy for you to make new friends? And how do you know if someone is your person or not? Those are through Elizabeth Tretiak 11:23 us. It's very difficult here to make new friends because of some reason. The main reasons is that there are lots of Ukrainians, lots of Ukrainians. I think about 90% of Ukrainians, students is from cave mohila academic here, and it is approximately maybe 30, or even 40 students, and from another university still, in 20 Go in a dormitory. And some unacquainted for me, girl said to be in Ukrainian previewed. It's me and Hello. But I don't know her. Then I'm shocked. I'm really short. Because I can tell you, I really use everywhere is Ukrainian language. But I have there a mentor. My mentor is Joe O'Connor. She's from Leona, she started university. And she's really cool girl. And even today, in the morning, I met one more girl. And I even like the same. She was really very friendly. She always smiling. She's interested in, in my feeling and my thoughts. She asked me a lot of question. And it was very easy with her. So for me, the most important thing when I meet new friends, I say my attention on that fact that I should real estate person. Very easy. I don't have to think, what should I say? What should I do? I just be myself. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:14 I really love that. That's the way it's supposed to be. And then to ask you because many Ukrainian girls when they go outside of Ukraine, they say that people notice they have a very serious face. And like a bitch face. And so sometimes people think about them that this girl is angry. She's not friendly. She has bad personality. By maybe it's not true. Did you experience this? Do you feel there is some stereotype about you that people think you're arrogant or something because you look beautiful? Or you think no everybody are always smiling and everybody thinks you're a friendly person. Elizabeth Tretiak 13:58 Mr. Spector really, because I have only heard this sort about myself a lot of time, because when you just go and roll when they think of Samsung of my r1 then they Boris about some some situation then I my face was very serious. And I can look very angry. And then different. My friends go to me and asked me these everything is okay because you look very angry. And then I started smiling and they said, Yes, everything okay, I'm just, I'm just worried about by my exam. For example, I feel the stereotype is a little true. But when Ukrainians most of Ukrainians, of course, start to speak with foreigners. They always try to smile, to introduce was himself as friendly and to stereotype become become disappear? Yes. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:08 Thank you. That's really, really, really important and good. And I'm happy about it. And now, tell me about the war. How was that first day of the war for you? Where were you? How was the experience? And how did these months of war change you, Lisa as a person Elizabeth Tretiak 15:29 24th of February is really was the worst day of my life. I've seen. I woke up at 7am in the morning, and freezer explosions. I woke up, I say, like, what is it, I go went to my window, look at window, but I think maybe it's Samsung, I don't know, maybe it's not a war, of course, and said, I go to my bird, and continue to sleep, what's that bomb is continuing. And then I understand that it is something in other, it's something worse. I go to my event to my parents. And I understand that war is began. Because to us, my mother and father, it was very nervous. masuk was crying. Because we've seen that in 21st century is rarely enforceable. To be such an awful situation. The first day is a whole day, we just were sitting in our kitchen, were looking for watching the news. And we just didn't know what to be in the future. We just try to read reality. Also, I'm from the western part of Ukraine, from the CTO, and to their use quite a force and in the eastern part of Ukraine now, so the key, but once the war begins, it begins from the root to approximately one month, one first, first one month, I just sitting in my kitchen, watching the news, and I didn't start I didn't study because it was very difficult to me. All my thoughts was about the war about soldiers about death and terrorism, when why keep moving the oxygen you proposed me to enter allows the university to continue our study. I understand one very good scene that I I don't bring any, any benefit just to the war at that time. I tried to volunteer Of course, I think each person do and I did at that time that but I understand that. I should to start it. I should start it. I should improve my knowledge, enrich my vocabulary in English, of course. And I decided to apply it to Vilnius University. And now I was there. I'm here. I continue on my stand and giving you the Auckland New but it's a little enlarger that it was before before, of course, that I'm really very worried about my family. Because my family is in Ukraine now. One week ago, I was in Ukraine, I decided to to the bots and to go home to visit them to just do to see them. Yes, that ever since I've managed to sync on the about good things that will be in our future. I think that everything will be okay. I should think so. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:31 Thank you. That's really really emotional and moving. I really wish for the victory of Ukraine soon and safety to your family and to you and to ask you then you as a girl, are you more emotional or more logical? Elizabeth Tretiak 19:51 I think I'm more logical because I don't like to show my emotions to another people. When I'm worried or When I never, I always tried to be to be calm. Yes. And in each situation first, I should think. And then I do. Because nervous is very bad in each situation it always versus station at all is my opinion. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:25 Thank you. But does that mean that deep in you, you'll feel the emotion strong, but you don't show it? Or do you control the emotion so you don't feel it feel strong in your body? Elizabeth Tretiak 20:40 I think is the first your sentence is correct, according to my feelings, because I don't like show my emotions know when we talk about something bad. When I'm happy. Of course, if people saw that I'm happy, I'm cheerful and something great happens in my life. But when civil war for example, yes, once a war begins. I just didn't speak with anyone. Even just there watch your news and think, yes. I wasn't crying. I wasn't panic. There's lots of people. I just become closed async Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:31 Hi, I understand. It's really really complicated you know, to be alive in life in this world and I wish you success. I wish you all your goals to come through and I wish you a good day and again Slava Ukraini. Elizabeth Tretiak 21:47 Heroyam Slava Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:51 Thank you so much.

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