E027 Natasha Steel

Episode 27 June 16, 2022 00:31:21
E027 Natasha Steel
Rare Girls
E027 Natasha Steel

Jun 16 2022 | 00:31:21


Show Notes

Natasha Steel is originally from the central part of Ukraine but now living in Lisbon, Portugal.

She is a yoga teacher and she also worked as tattoo artist in the past, and now feels the energy to come back this work too.

Natasha plays the bass guitar and in the past she had her own band, where they played noise jazz.

Now, she is building her new life in a new country.

Her Instagram: @natasha__steel

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 Femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Natasha Steel. Natasha is originally from the central part of Ukraine. But now she lives in Lisbon, Portugal. She is a yoga teacher. And she also worked as a tattoo artist in the past. Now she feels the energy to come back to this work to Natasha plays the bass guitar. And in the past, she had her own band, where they played noise jazz. Now she is building her new life in a new country. Natasha, how are you today? Natasha Steel 1:13 Hello. And today is a good day. So I am fine. And now I live in this barn have beautiful weather. And finally I feel summer because from the February of this year, it was awful feeling because bar was begun in my country. And it was really terrible time without less sleep, less eat, and a lot of panic. But now already two months. Like I'm live in Brisbane, I'm ever grated, my mom and my cat, she now live in Portugal too. So finally, I feel myself a little bit more relaxed. I found a new apartment to rent, and have already my documents to live in this country and try to relax and feel the life. So yes, it's out. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:11 Thank you, Natasha, I have so many questions for you. But I want to begin with your skills that to what is the most interesting part for you about being a tattoo artist? And how, what are the emotions that it gives you, when you create a new tattoo or help a person get that to they want. Natasha Steel 2:38 First of all, I want a mark that I'm accountable to two artists. And I work without machine on the work. There's my hand inks and needle. And for me, it's some kind of sacral process because like it's a handwork and our time what I make into tool for some customer, I'm trying to give good vibes and energy to some samples or some picture of what I did on the Sun person. So the most interesting and most awesome part is that it's connection with other people, like somebody wants to get some lucky sign. And then they come to me. And we make a short meditation to fuel their energy and to give this energy doses process. And after happening the magic, like it's not very short process because this machine will do it much more faster. But when you do it with your hands, it's slower and as soon as a customer can understand what they do. So yes, we make him Dotto, and all this process, tried to think about some liking, awesome good vibes. And because of this, it's work like I don't know, like, good protection. I think it's the best explanation is like good protection. So for me, it's very important. It's not only work, it's like this ability to do something good for other people. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:32 I love this very much and I noticed earlier you spoke about nature, the good weather and now about energy and good vibes and magic and protection. Are you more of a metaphysical or spiritual person? And do you see the world in terms of energy in terms of vibes or is that something that you try to do so that you Have goodmood How do you feel? How do you live? And how do you experience life? Natasha Steel 5:07 Yes, I'm in this topic. And I think already, like, near five years, I'm working with energy and some in some spiritual practice, like yoga, or Qigong. And when I started doing this, my life started changing. And I think now I'm totally sure that working with energy and work in ways your body like connection, Body Spirit, is a way to have good protection, to have a good life. Full of good life. And as adults in my country, the war was began, but I was lucky. And before this, I go to Sri Lanka to teach and to learn some yoga practice and some bodies. And it was like my own protection protection, because on the 24th of February, I was not in Ukraine, and now I'm still not in and I'm safe from alarm. So it's a very big show how to do this a how to work as energy and how they can save even even save your life. And yes, I'm up to metaphysic. And it's very interesting topic for me, because, like, I think only what we can see by our eyes, it's not everything, what happens is fold and work with your body. And this your spirit, it's a chance to feel and understand how this work, work, work, work better, and see Arison but gap happening around you. And like Yes, about good vibe and good energy. It's also some skill, what you can work on it, because when you live in some sunny country, it's much more easy to be relaxed. But when you leave in some cold country, when you have some, I don't know, uncomfortable feeling. It's much more harder to work visit. But also, it's reason to be like better student in this and try try to understand how this work, work. work better. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:51 Thank you, I really, really love to what you're saying, I want to ask, of course about protection, because you spoke about that a lot. If it's something that is becoming more important for you because of the war, or even before you always wanted more protection, and why is it important to have protection? What do you believe is a bad thing or the evil thing that we need protection from that protection is important. Natasha Steel 8:22 All right, if the honest, I don't believe in some evil sinks, or something like zigs that somebody can do for you specially, and I don't make world too to black and white, I think everything is gray, or maybe more colorful, but results is two sides. But anyway, sometimes when we spend our life, not like we want, especially not like we want like our inner self, don't feel that it's a good way, but we follow them. And in this case, started with some problem in your life. And as an adult to work is your body and your spirit. It's a way to follow your inner self. And I think protection may be from your from not your inner self, but from other selves, like, you know, have some, for example, in me have some good girl and bad girl. And I think maybe it's protection from my bedside. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:39 Oh, this is really important. So we'll relate it to being a woman and since you're speaking about energy, what is the energy of being a woman? How can you describe it and how is it different to the energy of being a man? Natasha Steel 9:56 I assume the energy of will and it's a pure Nature, energy and energy of art. And to be a woman, it's to be and nature art, and different between men and female. Energy, I think it's about power, but women also help bother. But men have different kinds of power. And I think women can have some if complete with nature, like women have more water power, like flowing and everything. And sometimes it can be gentle, and sometimes it can be strong and destroy everything. And, man, it's like a fire, it's also can be warm, yo, and also can be done you. So it's like a beautiful dance between Shiva and Shakti and to be in harmony. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:07 I love that. And you're speaking about Shiva and Shakti and all that I want to speak about your own experience. What is attractive to you about masculinity and about a man? What feeling does it give you not in a way about water and fire and all that but in a way that specifically in your body or in your emotions that you feel is important, and maybe you can describe as well as what makes you feel the most femininity in your energy when you are with a man that you feel his masculinity? Natasha Steel 11:47 For sure it's relax, relaxing, calm. And if I understand correctly your question, when I'm with a man who give me his masculine energy, I can be calm. And I think only when a woman is calm and relaxed she can be she can show her true face. But if you ask me about my inner man, and how I feel with masculinity of mine, I think it's like, be more. Let's think about the sport. Like go to your goal is most correct way. Like don't spend your energy for I don't know some some empty talks with either or something like this. Just do what you need to do and follow your goal with the most correct and most fast way but first, not like tempo. But first, like between choose between Samsung good and also correct for you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:09 Thank you. And you said when a woman feels the man's energy, it's relaxing. Well, there is maybe a myth or a stereotype that women like bad boys and bad boys are full of drama, emotions risk and it's not really safe. So is this real that there is this big desire that femininity and women have for exciting bad boys or not? And if yes, how do exciting Bad Boys help a woman feel feminine and relaxed at the same time? Natasha Steel 13:47 I think it's about lesson and how I understood this and her own about my own experience. To follow some bad guy you need to learn some lesson because it's like different kinds of relationships you can not be relaxed and you try to play some game and to show you're not really face and how we spoke in began of this of our podcast as the one you don't follow your inner self and try to play another game. It's not a it's not good for you. And you will get some trouble some drama and some bad emotions. So yes, I think it's definitely need to learn how this world to work and to complete because when you have experienced to play this game, this bad guy, and when you have experienced to be yourself is a good man around you. And it's a totally different feeling from living this life. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:08 Thank you. And can you tell me about yoga? Did it change you as a person? How does it help a woman increase her feeling of femininity? Or a man increased his feeling of masculinity? Or is it not related at all? Natasha Steel 15:28 First of all, I want to tell you that I think yoga saved me because I'm coming to yoga Fromer settled this bedside of Mises bed Joe, and life experience what a follow was like, some kind of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll because I'm playing in a band and I wanted to play in this role, like a rock star and everything. And one day I woke up and understand that I can continue like this in the future, and I need to change something. And with magical way, the practice Cantonese, I found my first teacher, he was not yoga teacher, he was like, Kesha of Sandow. It's also one of them. Very old technique to work with energy, and he showed it for me how I can do some very easy movement and it will help me to control my mind to control my body. And with yours, I start with changing like, I started being more calm, I start the be more attention for my body, I start to understand what they want and what they feel and everything what they want start start comes to me, like right away work, like good people, bad people start to unfollow me good people started following me. And I started to feel that I'm on my own way that I'm disconnected with my inner self and about community and masculinity. It's depends which is why you want to start yoga because for me it was mostly I wanted to work this my spiritual, but I realized that it's impossible without my body side. And for example, if somebody wants to come to your guy just like some gym, or some fitness it's really more of but much more or less and not so beautiful. Right like it's can be so about femininity and masculinity. I think it's up to what US and US and what practice your practice. Because have more gentle version of yoga, with in energy. And of course, it's real growing up, you're in energy, like your feminine energy and health. Most drawn to yoga, like Ashtanga, for example, with very strong discipline, and it's really growing up your masculine energy. And in my experience, in the class what I follow it, like, students, not like a teacher, like it's working on some more gentle kind of yoga like vinyasa, or in yoga, it's more ladies on the glass, and with some strong kind of yoga, like Ashtanga, it's more money. So it's up to what you want. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:00 Thank you, and you spoke more than once about your bad girl side and good girl side. How do you feel women and humans are? Do you have more of a bad girl or girl side than other people? Or Everybody has it? Or every woman has a very strong Bad Girl and very strong Good girl. How does it work? What's your conception and idea about this process? And how does it relate to femininity and energy? Natasha Steel 19:32 I think we came to this world to get experience and to get my experience we should learn more or less than and to learn more or less and we should play more roles and role or more games. So as a bad side and good side like I told Bad Girl and good side it's definitely needed in one person and the way to be happy It's to find balance between these two personality. Because if you will follow on the bad on the good side of you, it's will disharmony and it's feel like you will close one part of you. And it's also deal being future, like some troubles with your body with your health, mental health or physical health, health. But when you realize and accept two sides, sides of you, and finds a way to communicate between you, between them, it's on the one way to be balanced. And to be balanced, I think it's on the one way to be happy in this life. And, yes, maybe it may be the bad side of yourself, like Bad Girl, they follow in more masculinity because like want to be more rude, and more strong follow like, shows that you can do only by yourself, and you can like drink or do something but not good, not good for your house. And to be more only in good person role. It's also to not feel this life, on your phone to dawn, give yourself a set, also try something maybe not good for your health, but it's all about experience. So I am already on the very act when I I sink, tried to make a friendship between my bed and good side. And to feel this balance. And to understand that life can be like from one side and from another side. But the happiness is on a needle. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:54 Thank you. And I want to know since you're connected to your body and your emotions, have you ever had that feeling, especially with men of instant chemistry and attraction, where you felt magically drawn to this guy and felt like you know him from 1000s of years and things like that? Or do you always need time because you're close in the beginning to open slowly and know the person and observe before you realize if there is chemistry or not. Natasha Steel 22:32 I assume chemistry, it's a chemistry and it's work from first minute what you met the person. But it's also about how you feel in a long perspective. Because now I have a husband. And when we met each other it was like a chemistry and as a feeling like we know each other from a past life and something that exists. But if you're in a long term relationship, that chemistry started, be less. And after this, you're still to keep in your mind that you had this feeling in the past, that you met this person not first time in not first life and to keep growing it because life is very strange thing. And sometimes we on the top and sometimes we fall in very low. So yes, it's like a very big work on yourself on relationship and to keep growing this feeling what you get when you met this person and feels this chemistry. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 23:50 Thank you. And things you do yoga and you're in your body. I know you have a husband but in general, are you comfortable with touch some people and women especially will say I need to feel the man touching me so that I feel his energy and intimacy and I feel how he is while others will say I grew up in a family without many hugs without many touching so touches too personal and intimate and therefore, even in a beginning of a relationship. It's still too strong and intimate and therefore they like more personal space and distance even enrollments. What's your perspective on this? How was your experience and how can you explain it? Natasha Steel 24:40 As a yoga teacher, I cannot touch my students without they give me acceptances. And every time when I'm making some class, and I see that the person making some mistake in a post, I'm just come and ask Can I touch You're, and if I get accept, I can, I can show how to do it with my hand. And in a real life, I'm 5050 person, I can be very. I love to hugs. And I love to have visit even random people. But to spend very long time, in a hugs, it's not about me a complete miss with some animals. I'm like a kid. And when they want some hugs, I will come and make some gentle touches. But if I don't want, I'll sit in my room and do my sinks and fill my private space. I think it's also very good opportunity to feel your own space, and follow what you want, and what your body wants. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 26:01 Thank you. And how do you feel about the difference in personality between Ukrainian women and women in Western Europe? Where you are right now? Do you feel there is a difference in the level of femininity, energy or aesthetic or anything related? Natasha Steel 26:21 Yes, I feel very big difference. And I'm still not sure why. But maybe it's because of wiser here very warm, and how I see people are much more open minded. And without any sightings can dance on the street, can hawks with random people and to feel they self more open? And if complete with Ukraine, it's a little bit more different situation. And maybe it's because of weather because like how here we have not very worn visor. And you know, when I was in Sri Lanka, I had a very interesting conversation with a local. And he told me that how we speak he tried to explain that Western people speak with not very open their mouths, because they want to keep the warmth inside of them. And Sri Lankan people, they speak in very loud, and they open their mouths very, very and because in Sri Lanka, very warm and say don't want to give this warm inside, say so. So maybe it's because of weather. But also maybe it's because of mentality said historical weather in Ukraine, not very, like all the time have some conflicts on some on some site of this country. And maybe it's like instinct of protection that don't want to feel don't want to be very close to somebody because like, waiting Samsung but and in the past, I feel the same as well. But last year, I when I started to travel, I started to work with this and try to be more open to other people and also to be a more open minded. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 28:38 Thank you so much. And to finish if people want to learn more about you to follow you to do yoga with you or anything like that. Can you share what are the best social media to find you? And I'll write it in the episode description as well as Can you explain why do you do that too? With needle and hand compared to using the modern machines? What difference does it make and why would people choose to come to you for this? Natasha Steel 29:15 First of all, social media water use in more it's Instagram and they can find me on Instagram. But also now I'm working about my Tiktok page and telegram channel and about print book as adult it's very spiritual process for me is that like machine it's even in a world worth have this word machine like a robot like you make robots things. Of course, it's not like this, because I know a lot of very artsy and very open minded and open so that artists who work with machines But for me, I don't know maybe it's from my past life, something like this, like it's very deep and sacral process, it's like, you have a different when you make a painting on a some laptop or when you make a painting with your hand. Like for me, it's a different between this two process is like your put part of your soul and you do it with your Visio. So, so yes, for me, it's a very big difference and I'm choosing the this kind of like handwork in process because I give part of my soul and part of my energy to my customer. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 30:52 Thank you so much, Natasha. This was my privilege, my honor. I wish your protection I wish your prosperity. And I wish you good vibes and Slava Ukraini, Natasha Steel 31:05 Thank you for this interview. It was very interesting to communicate with you and answering your question. Have a good day.

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