E056 Julia Borisenko

Episode 56 September 08, 2022 00:21:31
E056 Julia Borisenko
Rare Girls
E056 Julia Borisenko

Sep 08 2022 | 00:21:31


Show Notes

Julia Borisenko is a handball player who won many competitions with her team, and an active volunteer.

Her hobbies include video editing, theater, kayaking and learning English.

Julia adores all different kinds of minerals and stones. In the near future, she plans to open her small shop where she will sell jewelry with stones .

Julia wants to transfer some of the money she will earn to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and support her country at these difficult times.

Instagram: @zavadyuchka

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Episode Transcript

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 0:08 femininity is powerful in all its forms. exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being such rare girls are inspiring and this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Yulia booty Sanko you Yulia is a handball player who won many competitions with her team, and she is an active volunteer. Her hobbies include video editing, theater, kayaking, and learning English, Yulia adores all different kinds of minerals and stones. And in the near future, she plans to open her small shop where she will sell jewelry. With stones, Yulia wants to transfer some of the money she will earn to help the armed forces of Ukraine and support our country at this difficult time. Yulia, how are you today? Unknown Speaker 1:19 Oh, I'm good. Thank you for inviting I got to talking to you today. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 1:23 I'm really excited to know more about you. And I will begin with this question, which is interesting. If your friends were to describe who you are and your personality, what would they say about you? Unknown Speaker 1:37 Oh, to be honest, I'm sure that they would say only nice things, because I always tried to be kind to people and help them. So they always knows that in any cetaceans, I will help them. So we have a really good relationship with them. And really, I'm sure that they are good people, and we will communicate for ages. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:07 I like that that's a very positive way to say it. Do you feel you said you always helped them? Do you feel that it's common to find many people who are helping all those who need it? Or is it more rare? Unknown Speaker 2:22 No, sometimes people just need really small help. For example, they just need person who can listen to them to their problems, to give some advices and, or to just help with some homework and they also can help me and this make our communicate really nice. And we have warm like warm patients. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 2:51 I like that. And can you tell me a bit more about you? I know now it's a difficult time. How do you spend your day What is your routine in the morning, afternoon and night, etc. Unknown Speaker 3:04 Now my school starts so in the morning, I wake up and go to school. After eight I have trainings. And sometimes in the end of the day, I have serger cars are for example, I have English license. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:22 I love that the training is for what exactly is it like going to the gym or what? Unknown Speaker 3:31 It's Han all training? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 3:33 Tell me? What do you love about handball? What are the things about it that really fascinate you? Unknown Speaker 3:40 Oh, when I was a child, and someone invited me to visit one tumble training, I even didn't know what is it. And now when I other day, a handball player for so many years, this sport became so native for me. There are so many people who make muscles happen with these people. We travel a lot we have a lot of heart training. Competitions that's always very much new emotions. And this everything make me feel so good. And really, I was is this training as my second home? Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 4:29 I love that. And you mentioned new emotions in theater. Is it the same that the different experiences and the people give you a new emotions? Unknown Speaker 4:39 Oh, of course theater is something new and I definitely have a lot of emotion. But to be honest, I start with et cetera only one hours ago so I am new birth on this fear. My sister invited me to try it. So was there I have a great time with my sister and I allow her to make some new friendship. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 5:07 Thank you. And I know you're a lover of learning the English language. Maybe some people are curious about your method. How do you learn at home? How do you practice? How do you improve vocabulary? What do you do? Is it YouTube videos and tick the box? Is it exercises and books? What is your method? Unknown Speaker 5:27 So I have lessons with my teacher. Also, I was speaking cops on different topics. That's real helpful, because are very important to improve my speaking skills. Recently, I started to read books in English, there's something new and I can learn a lot of new words from them. And also, I try always agree on new opportunities to try me a speaking English for example, as our conversation I will receive, receive some practice from it. And I'm really glad that you invited me Thank you. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:09 You're welcome. I'm glad as well, it seems to me that you're a girl who loves new experiences to travel and exciting life, new emotions and adventures. Is this correct? Yes. And are you more introvert or extrovert? Unknown Speaker 6:26 Oh, I'm totally extrovert. Because without people, I'm getting upset. And I can just do anything. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 6:37 I understand. So are people your biggest inspiration? Or is it something different too? It can be go into nature travel something else? Unknown Speaker 6:48 Oh, I, in my opinion, that's people. Really. Without them, I just can be so enthusiastic to ever sink. And so I'm definitely extrovert. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 7:04 And what's the most interesting thing about people? Is it their energy? Is it their stories? Is it how they solve their problems, and you learn from that? Or is it just together, you can do things that are exciting, and that alone will be impossible. Unknown Speaker 7:24 All people are different. And when I communicate with them, I can always learn some signal for myself or just have a nice time with them. And, for example, I have very different friends. And when I should invite all of them to my birthday, I see how different they are. And that's so interesting. communicate with them all because, for example, one my friend is painter, as an actor, and they can told me much new things. After which I would try I would like to try myself on other things. For example, I recently had a new friend, his actor, and after it I just started with serger cars. So this often happens and new people give me interest to somethings. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 8:23 Thank you. I love that. And so to ask, are you at first even though your love people have like a bitch face and a bit little bit closed, and people think oh my god, she looks so serious and angry. But with time the open and become more warm and friendly. Or to all strangers from the beginning. You're like their best friend and so open and friendly. Unknown Speaker 8:47 Oh, I would like to be like that a second option. But to be honest, I think that I'm more different because I sometimes I just cannot think seriously, but I am done. With my friends. We're always very positive. And people usually think that we are nice, but sometimes when I talk with my old friends about our friendship, they say that you know, when I only said the soap you for the first time I saw that you were real a bit and you wouldn't communicate with me. You were angry. I didn't know why. Still. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 9:31 I like that. That's really really cool. So you have many friends, your loved people. Let's say there is an introvert who listens and doesn't know how to make new friends. What is your way Your method? What would you advise them how to meet someone new and become friends with them? Unknown Speaker 9:49 I would say that you just need to be open to people, talking to them honestly to have great time together. And don't forget about them. always suggest new activities which you can do with them together for and invite them go to the cinema to the cafes. After eight, you will communicate with them more and more. And our friend, your friendship present would be something very important to you, you will understand how nice to have people with who you can talk about how was your day about your plans, make some plans for future together. For example, as I was my friend, we always like to plan or when wearable travels together. And you know, it's just good to have your people in this world. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 10:45 I agree 1000 million percent. So to you people are a very important part. How is that related to stones, minerals and jewelry? Unknown Speaker 10:57 Oh, in the winter with my friend way, guys, so a woman on the street and chase out different minerals, stones, and we were so interesting, whereby one and I wear it for a year. And this stone was always with me. So it was very nice things for me. And to recently when I was traveling to Czech Republic, I noticed that there are not many shops with such things. And I understood, understood how interesting it is for me. And now I working on my new shop. And I would like to open it in this autumn. I hope that I will do it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 11:57 I like that. Do you have some spiritual beliefs about life reality, manifestation energy, and things like that maybe Tarot. Unknown Speaker 12:08 Oh, it's really interesting for me too, but I'm not working on it. I tried to learn some of these cards. But that wasn't very successful. But still probably in the future. I will know more about it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 12:24 Thank you. So this is really, really interesting. And you are new at theater. Do you see yourself at time the future like a small successful famous actress maybe in your city or in your neighborhood? Or do you do it just for fun and for the experience? Unknown Speaker 12:45 Now I do it more just for fun and experience. But if I would have the opportunity to became an actor, I will be glad I would be glad. So I don't know what which job I will have in the future. So probably this event would be actor. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:04 Thank you. And you mentioned that you traveled whether with your team with your people, in many places outside of Ukraine. If you could now live in any city in the world. Where would you live? Unknown Speaker 13:18 I would live in the city but no, it's in the Czech Republic. I really like the city when I visit it for the first time understood for the first second how comfortable I feel there. I allow there every single building. People here are great. And everything just through for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 13:42 Thank you. I really appreciate everything you share. Then I want to speak about the difficult situation in Ukraine. How was February 24 for you? How did you hear about the invasion? What did the story about of that day? And how did you feel? Oh, Unknown Speaker 13:59 I live in the town in which it is quite safe in Ukraine. So I wake up in the morning and I were late to my training so I even didn't catch my phone and I don't know that something wrong is going and I remember how I enter a virgin and security guard say me girl you know that was start and I set on do well. What is he talking about? After it I took my phone and so it erasing and some of my girls from my team or towards their into bonus It was so scary because we even didn't know if Is it safe to go outside where it should go what it should do. We just went to our coach and took our our documents because we didn't know Oh, how long can we stay in Ukraine? Is it safe? And this was something new. And I remember that the first week. All people in Ukraine who I know Tom is the same that they just can't do nothing. You always want to watch the news, what happened to check your phone to check message? You I even can do something else that was a really hard. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 15:27 I agree. And in these six months since the beginning of the war, how did you change as a person? Did you try to enjoy life more to think that every day is too important? It can be the end that anytime I know it's difficult, or what changed in your life and in your personality in the six months of the war. Unknown Speaker 15:52 After it, I understand that we need to help our country now. But don't forget about our lives too. And now, every single meeting with my friends, it's more important. I tried to enjoy this more, because I understand for example, that now I can opportunity to be with them. But probably after two weeks, I will not have such because we don't know what will happen tomorrow. So probably now I'm probably I will stay in ocean Earth in my town for a few years more, or probably something bad can happen tomorrow, and I will need to live this down. And when it enjoy moments with our people while we can do it. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 16:46 I agree 100%. And now what do you do that helps you the most with your mental health and not to feel too stressed out because of the horrible and bad situation? Maybe some people are depressed in Ukraine, and they can hear the way you recommend for them to be okay, in their mind and in their psychology. Unknown Speaker 17:11 Oh, I can give one good advice. It is sports. Yes, just when you're running, or just visit dream after it you feel strongly. And of course, you will always worry about situation in Ukraine, but you will feel better. Irrelevant war started. I started running every morning after it. And that's helped me to feel better. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 17:43 Thank you. And I'm curious about something you mentioned our people. Do you look for specific specific characteristics in the personality of people you make your friends? I know you said they're very different and diverse? Or is it more about the energy that you feel comfortable with them that you feel? You are you belong together? I don't know. It's like chemistry. Unknown Speaker 18:09 Oh to burn is it's more about energy. When you guys with person and you feels good. You want to spend time with this. People more and more time. And probably this, this parent more about me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 18:27 I appreciate everything you shared Yulia. And so what is the future for you? Like I know you said, Tomorrow, everything can change and you need to run or you can stay in your town for a longer time. What is the choice that you want? Why do you want to stay there? Why not follow some of the people maybe heard about or you know, who now live somewhere else? Maybe in Canada, in London in Switzerland or something like that studying abroad for example. Unknown Speaker 19:04 Oh, I plan studying abroad. But now I need to spend two years in my school more. And I prefer to add school in Ukraine. After it I always are looking for some countries in which I can go to university. That would be definitely a great experience for me. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 19:24 Thank you and tell me about the English language. Why do you feel it's very important to learn? How do you feel it can change the lives of more Ukrainian youth who can learn it as well? Unknown Speaker 19:38 English is an international language so everywhere where you can travel, you can use it it would be helpful everywhere really. Because when you don't know language at all, and you visit some new countries, you can just even buy tickets are ask for something that you want to buy. You can just do nothing and it's uncomfortable. So I think that arms, or even everyone should know in which Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 20:13 thank you so much, Yulia. This was my privilege. I want to know even Okay, you've traveled a lot. This is really curious to me. How would you describe Ukrainian people and the culture compared to other places you have visited? What is different about the about the people of Ukraine? What is unique Unknown Speaker 20:35 about the people in Ukraine really, I see the difference with with people from other countries, I even can describe it, they are just different probably because I live in Ukraine and for everyone. People who live in Europe, for example, native country would be something would be, you know, more native to you and yes, and you I live with them in one environment in one country. So this make us a bit similar. Abdulaziz M Alhamdan 21:10 Thank you, Yulia. This is really cool. I appreciate this conversation. This time together and all I can say is Slava Ukraini

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