E095 Diana Krizhanovska

Episode 95 November 02, 2022 00:24:41
E095 Diana Krizhanovska
Rare Girls
E095 Diana Krizhanovska

Nov 02 2022 | 00:24:41


Show Notes

Diana Krizhanovska is an English & Polish Philology student at National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, in Kyiv Ukraine.

She loves Singing, reading books, Watching series, drawing, and Listening to Music. She took part in singing contests, and received a scholarship to study at her University.

Instagram: @irradiant__

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Episode Transcript

Femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Rare girls are inspiring and this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz and my guest today is Diana Kryzhanowska. Diana is an English and Polish philology student at National Pedagogical Drahumanov University in Kiev, Ukraine. She loves singing, reading books, watching series, drawing, and listening to music. She has taken part in various singing contests and received a scholarship to study at her university. Diana, how are you today? Oh, hi, I'm pretty good today, thank you. I'm happy you're here. I'm really excited and curious about you. So I'll begin with this. Why philology? How did the idea come to be? Or what is your story of loving languages? Oh, honestly, it's not my first major at the university because my first step was IT sphere. When I entered school, I was going to pass the exams. You know, after school we all, all the students, post-graduated after school, they passed some exams. It's named ZNO. And I had my results. The math was the best and I decided to go into a technological major and my parents agreed with that decision. They also gave me advice that you should go to IT sphere and learn how to create, how to code, and so on about some programs. I was there for one year. I was studying programming, coding, using my laptop. And then I decided that it's not mine. I don't like that. And I decided to go into another university, into another major and sphere. And I was thinking about what, what do I want to do? And I thought about singing firstly and then languages because I think it's not so heavy for me to study in these two spheres. I like them both, but singing maybe more. But my mom said that it's not a right decision because if you are really talented, you don't need to go and study this. You will spend your time and money and that's all. So they said, parents said that I need to go into languages. And that was my decision, I think. Thank you. That's so interesting. And so to begin, even more about the core of your personality. If your friends could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Who is Diana? I can't say what would they say. Maybe I can only imagine, but maybe they would say she's really kind and funny and pretty. And sometimes maybe strange, unusual. She's really, she's really curious about everything because I am. They would say that I love, I'm fond of food, I'm fond of singing. I'm very creative person and maybe that I'm purposeful because I have my own purposes in life and I try to go into that way. Thank you. And I had caught my attention that you said you are both strange and unusual. What does that mean? And can you describe a bit more like what do you do that people can consider strange and unusual? I can notice that only in my behavior when I am with my close friends or my relatives. Maybe sometimes I can go into my head, go into my mind and don't care about everything around me. Around me, maybe it's about people also. I can go for a walk and don't pay attention on person for some time, maybe one minute or two and I can go into my mind and it's just I imagine something or I just in my thoughts and I can't pay attention on environment around me. But I think about something and when I start to talk again with person I am walking with and I realized that I wasn't with her, with my friend. I was in my own and she says that what were you thinking about because you weren't talking with me and I don't know. I understand that I was thinking about something but I can't remember. And maybe like you know all people pay attention on some things, some usual things like gossiping and other people, some material things. But I like to pay attention on stars, on sky. I can see sky and if it's beautiful today I can go into this and just it's just I'm looking at the sky at the sunset for one half an hour and my friend tells that I'm really fond of sky if it's beautiful. And I can see for example in Kyiv we have many squirrels in the park and I can go to this squirrel and I can spend time with it and don't pay attention on person with which I'm walking into. Maybe that's like unusual for my friends sometimes. That's really really interesting. And do you go inside your mind in the same way when you're singing? Can you describe what do you love about singing and how is the experience when doing that that makes you love it so much? I can say that singing is not my hobby. It's something more because when I sing I feel special. I feel like I'm not like everyone in this world. I feel like it gives me so much pleasure that I can imagine. I feel so much energy when I sing at home. It can be at home only just at home but I feel so much energy after this and I feel my moods had become better. Then I feel that I'm fulfilled. I fulfill my space in me. Some space in me. Some empty space. And it's kind of like some repression. I don't know how to say it but it gives me so much energy and a good impression, good mood that I can share it with others. If I feel sad I can sing and I feel better. If I feel angry I can sing loudly and I feel better. If I feel really good I can sing and I feel even better. It gives me really much energy and pleasure. Thank you. That's really really cool the way that a squirrel or singing or the sky can really give you great vibes and improve your mood etc. Then I'll ask you, do you focus on hoping and trying to often have great moods or do you often too want to watch a sad movie and cry or a murder documentary and feel scared? Do you like to add also some negative emotions in your life so that you feel the positive stronger or are you more about often positivity? No, I am positive person. I am kind of such person who wants to feel good almost always because I don't like that state when you feel sad or angry. It doesn't give me so good emotions but I fulfill myself with good emotions not bad ones. But if I feel that mood, how to say it? I don't know. I like to play sometimes, play with my condition, play with something, with someone and I can overplay my emotions. So maybe I can feel sad a little bit but I overplay it and I can go into tears. I don't know but I didn't want to cry but I can go into tears because I overplay and it is more than play because I start to feel more sad but I wasn't sad so much. I don't know how to explain. I really rarely feel myself sad or angry because I don't like those emotions. But if I overplay, I start, I begin to feel myself worse than it was. But I feel pleasure after this so I don't know how to explain it. Thank you. That's so interesting the way that you love to experience and put things to more beyond their limits in order to discover more. Can you tell me about drawing? Do you tend to draw skies and nature and squirrels or is it more about people and you try to focus on their emotions or even for you, how does it feel inside when you're drawing? Is it similar to singing? Is it similar to being lost in your mind and thoughts? Is it similar to overplaying with emotions or how was the experience of a really enjoyable drawing? When I was more younger than I am now, I used to draw my own paintings, my own pictures and it was not something specific concretely. It was like what I want to draw. It could be some face of girl maybe because I didn't draw any men in my life. So it was maybe face of girl but when I wasn't feeling like I liked it, I threw it into a rubbish bin. Then I remembered that I drew some paintings of trees. It gave me more pleasure I think and now I'm fond of more drawing coloring books. You know coloring books by numbers or paintings by numbers or coloring books, anti-stress books because when I'm bored I can go into this thing and I can keep myself busy. If I want to feel spare time I can go into this and feel pleasure also. So sometimes I feel that mood when I want to draw something on my own, on the empty paper, on the white lists of paper but it's rarely, it's not often. Thank you and as someone who feels emotions so deeply and is fascinated by nature and life, do you find it difficult to make decisions quickly? Do you tend to hesitate about things often if even like an idea if some friends say oh let's go to this place watch a movie or something you might think I don't know maybe yes maybe no maybe yes like that or are you more that you make decisions quickly and it's not something that has hesitation? Yeah I think I'm kind of person that can't make decisions quickly uh I think it's my it depends on my character you know when I go into some shop where I need to buy a shampoo for example I can't make decision about just that I think about what which one smells better and it can take me for 10 minutes so what can I say about the other decisions it's really hard for me. Thank you so even if you like something you tend to hesitate and find it difficult where do you think it comes from like because usually if you like something it should be easy but maybe you think well I don't know and maybe today is not the right day and maybe it's not the right mood or something like that can you explain it more because someone could listen and they don't really understand what that experience could be? It really depends on mood mostly but if it depends on also about things which we are talking about if it's about walking for example I'm always ready if it's not good weather or it's not so good day not pretty day or I have some deals no I'm ready always I do my deals and go walk for a walk but if we say about some decisions like uh living for example what do I want to do to live in that flat or to live in another one to live in that area or to live in another one it's quite hard or when we say about decisions like what do I want to cook it's always hard because I don't know what I what do I want or if I have for example some holiday for example my birthday my relatives ask me what do I want to get and I don't know because maybe I'm that person who is not sure about something it's really often and or I just don't care about something so I can't make decision or I care more than enough I don't know where it comes from maybe about my statement because my moods change really quickly so I can feel that way and in one hour I can feel another way and I can't be sure about something where I understand that my mood can change and I won't be able to do this anymore because I will want to do something else. Thank you that's so interesting and it's important to to know part of your life when it comes to the war because it's a big and really horrible event. How was February 24th for you? How did you hear about the invasion? Did you believe it at first not believe it? What happened? Can you tell me the story? Tell me the emotions and also many people many Ukrainian girls left to other parts of Europe. What was your story and what was the decision? I can remember that day perfectly. I woke up after calling from my mom she wasn't at home it was half past six a.m and she said I got a call and she said get up we need to pack our documents and the most necessary things and be ready to leave our home. I wasn't shocked but because before this date it was on 16th of February and in the internet on the internet you know that all people were talking about war and that it can start any minute anytime and we were thinking like oh my god what a fulfill what a fullness because what war it can be war or we are living in the 21st century and it can be war in our time. So I wasn't shocked because we were like warned you know but I remember I was calm I was thinking about what should I do firstly I was taking a shower because I didn't know where I will be able to do this the second time for example where will I be so then I packed some things and documents and I waited my mom she was at work she closed her shop and came home then we were buying some food and you know it was like it was a really crowded street our main street in my little town where I live in Donetsk region all the streets were crowded all the shops all the banks and I was trying to give my money from the bank and because all money were in cards and we were thinking about that it would be better to have our money in cash then we were buying some food and so on after two weeks by the way we had no sirens in our town it was really strange because Donetsk region it's really dangerous and we decided to go abroad with my cousin and my mom we went abroad we went to Poland we were in Poland for one month our relative helped us with a living place in Krakow we were in Krakow we were trying to find a job and we weren't lucky because we didn't know polish and english wasn't enough so after one month we decided to go back to our home to Ukraine it was a really hard decision because we didn't know where we will go we decided to go to western Ukraine we were in a little village firstly in Zakarpattia then we went to Uzhgorod with my mom and my boyfriend came there also my sister went with her boyfriend to Lviv and we were there separately we were in Uzhgorod for two months and then my mom decided to go back to Donetsk region to our home and me too we all went back to Donetsk region to Dobropolje and my mom is still there and all my family by the way but i am in Kiev now with my boyfriend because i decided that i have no something to do in that little town mostly shops are closed and restaurants mostly are closed and so on i'm young and i'm ambitious i have nothing to do in my town so i left my family and went to the capital of Ukraine that's all history thank you so much Diana it sounds emotional it was i'm sure a really traumatic and horrible experience and all i can say is Slava Ukrainyi thank you again i wish you success in your studies i wish victory to Ukraine and i wish your ambitions and purposeful dreams all to become real thank you

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