E097 Pavlina Batzela

Episode 97 November 04, 2022 00:20:03
E097 Pavlina Batzela
Rare Girls
E097 Pavlina Batzela

Nov 04 2022 | 00:20:03


Show Notes

Pavlina Batzela is from Larissa in Greece and her goal is to become a psychologist.

Her hobbies include listening to music, observing the world, learning about new things, traveling to new cities and seeing how people interact with each other in different situations and cultures.

Pavlina really likes reading books about romance, psychology and self-development.

And she has won medals in various Sports including Tae kwon do and Gymnastics.

Instagram: @_.pavlinakii._

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Episode Transcript

Femininity is powerful in all its forms, exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring. And this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz, and my guest today is Pavlina Baczel. Pavlina is from Larissa in Greece, and her goal is to become a psychologist. Her hobbies include listening to music, observing the world, learning about new things, traveling to new cities, and seeing how people interact with each other in different situations and cultures. Pavlina really likes reading books about romance, psychology, and self-development, and she has won medals in various sports, including taekwondo and gymnastics. Pavlina, how are you today? Hi, I'm great. Thank you. I'm so happy to have you here and really curious about you. So I'll begin with this. You love reading books, maybe romance novels, since you mentioned that. What about them interests you or attracts you that makes you love reading them so much? So, I'm reading books. It's like you're living in. You see you interact with the people in the book. You are the main character. And I think I am like I'm living in the book. I am, as you said, the main character, and I have another, a different life than I have in reality. And it's just how every book author is writing. It's how they see love. That's how I see romance books. I love that. So does it help you understand people in reality when you have read so much, saw so many conversations, and so some people will remind you of some book characters and it helps you understand them even more? Correct? Yes, that's correct. I can like some characters remind me of some people in like my friends, and I can see why they do some things. I can predict what they're going to do. Thank you. And you mentioned the definition of love. What is to you the ideal definition of ideal love? I think that they didn't love is loving someone and being there even when they have good times or bad times. And loving all of them, like from the top to the bottom of themselves outside and the inside of them. That's such a wonderful way to speak about love and to ask you. There is this maybe stereotype or I don't know where it is. And also it's part of the romance novel where a girl is always torn between two kinds of guys. One is a bad boy who's dangerous and toxic and exciting. And another one is a strong man, but he is reliable yet a bit boring. And then the girl doesn't know which to choose because she loves the excitement, but she also wants the security. Do you agree with this? Do you think a lot of girls are excited by bad boys or is that just a stereotype or what is your thought about this whole topic? So I think it's not a stereotype because it happens sometimes even in books and in real life. And I think girls are really up, are really looking for excitement in their relationships. So that may be a factor that they choose the bad guy, but other girls, I think they like the excitement, but they want a reliable boyfriend that they are sure about how the relationship is going to be. But I think it kind of depends to the girl. Yes, of course. And how would you define an exciting relationship? Does it mean for you drama and fighting and toxicity and emotions that can be all kinds? Or what for you would be that definition? I think in a relationship it is great to have many emotions and they have to be a sad emotion sometimes, an outburst of emotions. But I think the main emotions that need to be in a relationship are the happiest ones that you can feel happy and not have to worry about anything. And you know that your significant other is loving you. And I think there's no need for drama in a relationship because that is something that is draining to, is draining yourself. I understand 100%. And therefore to ask you as a person, are you someone who loves to experience all kinds of emotions? Do you sometimes watch a sad movie just to cry? Do you watch a documentary about murders just to feel that emotion? Or do you keep it at good vibes only? I do watch some documentaries about murders because I like to see how they think and how it is going to be. And yes, I need to see movies sad so I can feel the sadness and cry myself out because I think sad movies are really great. Thank you. That's really interesting. And to speak about guys, since you're someone who observes behavior, have you ever had like an instant crush on a boy or you met someone where you felt instant chemistry, like you know this person all your life and it feels electric from the first second? Or do you need to observe for some time and different meetings before you develop any emotions that could grow into love? I think I had that person that came straight from the start this summer in summer camp but I think it didn't grow out to love because we didn't have time. But I think I do observe people and I need time to observe them to think how the relationship would go because actually I'm kind of afraid of being hurt because I had been hurt for the past so I need time to observe the person I have a crush on before I commit something. I understand fully. And when it happened to you that you were hurt before, was it that it seemed the person was perfect and suddenly they changed? Or was it that kind of romance story where you noticed some red flags and you were like no no no I will change him or no no no I'm sure he's different or whatever and therefore ignoring the red flags led to the heartbreak rather than being surprised where it happened suddenly? How was it? So it was both I think but I think I had the image of him different in my mind and I had very high expectations of things and he didn't meet up to them so I was kind of hurt by that and yeah I think that was it and then he was kind of toxic sometimes and I was like it's okay he will change he'll just do those things because he loves me but it was nothing like that. I understand fully. And when it comes to love do you feel there is something different about the Greek culture because of the history when it comes to being romantic hopeless romantic or love and in general how would you describe a Greek girl? What is different between the culture or the attitude of a Greek girl your age compared to other countries near in 2022? So I think Greek girls are really loving from their tradition but now in 2022 girls are not really I think hoping to find that prince in the white horse that is going to save them as we have been told when we were little too but I think we have so much love inside of us that we wait for one patient to give it all and we really love our tradition some of us actually and we want our significant other to love our tradition too so we can feel loved. Thank you. Can you explain that a bit more what tradition is that tradition that you're speaking about specifically as some listeners might not know enough about Greek traditions? I mean our weddings in the church and the rice that we are throwing after the bride and after the wedding is over and like our traditional foods like moussaka, tzatziki and other traditional foods like when I think I would want my partner to like those foods because I like them since I was little and yes that was what I was kind of saying with the tradition. Thank you and then to know even more about you nowadays with social media a lot of people from all over the world and I'm sure in Greece are influenced by K-pop so they have a little bit of Korean culture, Hollywood of course so there's American culture influence maybe the French and British culture and with anime the Japanese culture etc. Do you feel even yourself that you are more about Greek traditions and culture or are you a mix of many cultures of the world? I think I am a mix of cultures from all over the world because I like I have seen many cultures from the internet from the social medias and I like some of them and I think I like my tradition as well the Greek culture but I like the American culture, the French culture and some other cultures so yes I think I'm a mix. Thank you and tell me about self-development two things one do you feel that a lot of people your age are focused on self-development or they're just don't care they just live life without too much changes and what is important for you about self-growth and self-development? So I think people my age are just living life without thinking too much about it and I do too but I think we should really think about our future and how we could be better for our future selves and do some things like I don't know working out so we can be healthy in the future like journalism so we can really get to know ourselves because some of us really do not know ourselves and we need to work to find out what we really like what we really are like. That's really interesting and your goal in the future is to become a psychologist do you dream of a specific university or a place in the world where you wish to study this would you love to do it in Paris or London or Athens or something like that? Yes I dream of studying psychology in Thessaloniki Greece and then maybe do some lessons in the in France or America I don't know something outside of Greece and yeah I really love psychology because I can see how other people think and give them solutions to their problems. Thank you. Are you an empath? Do you have the ability to feel people's emotions and almost read their minds or is it a skill you wish to develop more by understanding the sciences of psychology etc? Sometimes I do feel how other people feel and why they feel like this but I think I would really like to develop that ability let's say because I really like to help people with some problems or just anything they need help for. Thank you and what's your favorite thing about yourself as a person? Is there something a part of you that encourages your self-esteem and self-love? Is there something about your personality or how you are that you adore? Yes I think I love my personality because I'm a nice person I think depends on the situations though. I really love my hair now that I have dyed them red and I just love myself but not every single day sometimes it's hard to love ourselves and I need something to get my confidence back like when I'm stressed I usually do not like myself at all and I think I'm the worst but that's when I need something to encourage me and continue to love myself and do the things I love. That's absolutely wonderful and nowadays are you a girl who wishes for big city life? Do you dream about being in a huge city with people and activities from all over the world or do you wish more for a peaceful life in nature in a small town and that is more your style? I think the second one because since I have lived in a small town in a small city I'm more used to the small world the small city let's say because you can interact with small people and it's not too much drama and I really like forests and the nature and I think I would not let's say fit in the big cities like for example Los Angeles or New York it's a great they're great cities but I think they're really big for me. I understand and nowadays when you're not studying how do you do keep yourself inspired what do you do that inspires you that takes care of your mental health and keeps life from being boring? I'm going out with my friends it's my favorite thing to do and have free time because I get to live life except from studying or taking care of myself going to trips with my family that's some stuff that I really like to do so I can so life is not boring. Thank you and what characteristics do you look for in people that you think make the best friends for you are you looking for open-minded people chaotic people people who love small town living and are don't fit too much in big cities people who love traditions or are artistic and creative what things make you think yes this person will be my kind of friend? I'm surely open-minded people because I cannot keep up with closed-minded people because I really have some thoughts that are completely wrong so yes that one characteristic that I need to have for a friend also I'm not really I do not really care if they like big cities or small cities but I do need to find the characteristics that they like nature and for sure dogs and cats and I think every characteristic that everyone has it's something unique and you can love them in some kind. Thank you and can you tell me the story of choosing and deciding to study psychology was it a day where you saw something on tv or did you read the book where there was a character who was a psychologist and that was like falling in love or do your friends come to you for advices and you thought wow I want to do this as a job so I should be a psychologist or how did that decision come to be? As I said previously I really like helping people and actually yes my friends really got really often come to me to help them and tell me their problems and we can discuss them and find a solution or don't really find a solution they just need someone to hear them and I'm really I'm a really good listener and that's how I think I came up with the idea to how to become a psychologist. Thank you so much Pavlina this was my privilege my honor I wish you to study exactly where you wish to study to live life on your terms to surround yourself with open-minded people you're the very first greek girl who participated in this podcast so it's wonderful to share about how a greek girl is unique and how the culture is different as well so thank you again thank you very much too it was my pleasure

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