E240 Anna Mykhailiuk

Episode 240 March 23, 2023 00:24:47
E240 Anna Mykhailiuk
Rare Girls
E240 Anna Mykhailiuk

Mar 23 2023 | 00:24:47


Show Notes

Anna Mykhailiuk is a Ukrainian FLEX Alumna '17-'19 from Sumy working now as a support Lead in an IT Company.

Anna participated in the program “Using digital services in education in Ukraine” organized by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine aimed to better education in her country, where she shared her experience about studying on the educational platform - Coursera.

Anna also previously worked as a Cabin Crew in an international company, and she loves Learning languages, traveling, and exploring new cultures.

Instagram: @___anyam___

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Hello, my name is Aziz and I'm the son of a divorced mother she's really my superhero and that's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities perspectives and emotions about this world in these difficult times in human history we need to bring the people of the world together, and when we hear the voices of women when we listen to real life of women from other countries, we connect our cultures without differences or stereotypes, and we get inspired by their stories to live a better life that's what this podcast is all about My guess the day is Anna Mykhailiuk Anna is a Ukrainian flag salaam not of 2017 2019 from Sumi working now as a support lead in an IT company Anna participated in the program using digital services in education in Ukraine organized by the Ministry of education of Ukraine aimed to better the education in her country where she shared her experience about studying on the educational platform call theater. I'm out also previously worked as a cabin crew in an international company, and she loves learning languages, traveling and exploring new cultures. I'm not how are you today? I am so glad to be here. I'm going to thank you. I'm honored and privileged. I'm very happy to have you here. I'm very curious about you as a person fall begin with this nice first question Boychev if your friends and the people who know your best could describe your personality what would they say about you probably that I am very curious person you go through to learn to explore I cannot see it I don't wanna place and do nothing so I think that cure curiosity is actually the world the word that best describes me I love that and then you know in psychology that are many people who argue that the best remedy for fear is curiosity. It's not really bravery that when you're curious about something you don't feel afraid would this be a way to describe you that because of your curiosity you don't live in so much for your annual live more and excitement about discovered a new things or does that not describe you It's hard to tell because you know I'm curious about a lot of stuff and throw example. I'm curious about other cultures and languages and that's why I like to travel I like to explore so in this case, I think all this my curiosity is not to be afraid you know how to be somewhere alone, or to be in an international environment with people of different cultures saw in this part of you I think it is, and by the other hand that might university gives me opportunity to develop my skills and to make my soul better like a better person to know oh More about a certain certain skill or language so it's hard to you know, saying like exactly I have so many questions, but I will begin with this one which would be a relevant to many girls, teenagers, or young women, who have lived through the pandemic, and because of the social isolation, they have a kind of agoraphobia where they worry or will people judge me or I don't know I don't feel comfortable meeting with strangers even from their own culture or other cultures, so what about you the way you think the way you perceive the world makes you have that bravery to interact with make friends with and be yourself around strangers or people from different cultures and what advice would you have for Sachi women and girls thank you for the question I Will I am not afraid of me the new people even though like they can be of a different country on speaker different language I mean I don't curious to meet new people you know I'm curious to talk about their perceptive off life to holiday themed and it's very nice to have as many connections as possible and through my entire life I had a lot of experience meeting new people like everywhere for example, when I went to the United States The students know I was born in the completely different environment and it was amazing opportunity because I had to step out of my comfort zone and speak to people who had a different culture. They spoke a different language, so that was really fine then of course like her as I think a lot of people that like I want to university also this in the world me the new people and then I worked as a cabin crew you know and I had like 400 passengers every day, so you cannot just really be afraid of people when you work with people so for me, this has never been an issue and my experience in life and like. Change the renter in my career is help me a lot with this issue and you were talking about advice that I can give to girls just nobody cares about you you know don't be afraid you know if you meet somebody and you make a mistake it's OK like people am I gonna judge you people have their own lives and even if you're not like understood correctly or even if you make a mistake or you look silly it's OK it's your life and this is who you are just accept yourself and be sure that nobody is going to talk about Europe because everybody has their their life so thank you I agree 1000 million percent and it's actually liberating to know that people like I remember someone iPhone and I TEDx talk what he fab you are may be their priority number 210 on peoples mind so they're not even thinking About you and what you do and they already forgot whatever you have done in a few minutes after it's done, so no need to judge yourself or limit yourself and you spoke about curiosity how meeting people from different cultures chose your different perspectives, shows you you ways to see the world what does it give you? Is it the more you learn about other cultures the more you understand your own culture or is it more personal that the more you learn from other people and their stories you can pick which traits and characteristics you want to put in yourself from their stories, inspiration to overcome your own personal die Obstacles how does it work for you? That way of learning from people I think that the second option more applies to me because I think I could I'm gonna give an example when I went United States I mean we have different cultures you know in Ukraine sometimes people judge each other you know like we we can bitch Jazzy right so when I went to go stay, it's like I saw how open minded people are and how they like don't you know I don't care about other peoples appearance or how they're doing it on gossip gossip, but not as much as we do so I realize you know how like this is so nice like old people They're so nice and I like how they see the world and how they communicate with each other so I wanted to implement this in my self and the second one is a new people call from different cultures I think and I become more understanding you don't like either like there's so many people and there are so many cultures and there are so many mines so like I've become more understanding of people, I try not to judge I try to understand a person, even if I don't agree to his perspective or he's easier I still try to understand like why this person is like this and what makes him be this person so this is very interesting and I think it's psychological in someway and why is that important for you when you understand how the people came to the conclusion the way they think even if you don't agree with it is it because Maybe growing up you judge yourself a lot and you are critical and so by accepting other people you allow yourself to be even more accepting of yourself or is it more good vibes or what and why is it important for you? I think it's a very important in communication like when I try to do you know I have a project with a person or to settle down next time. If you were the person I need to look at this issue not only from my perspective but from other person's perspective and then I should understand like why this person thinks this way, and then we can come with a conclusion together so I mean, I think it's all accounts to communication and working together on anything I understand 100% and now to know even more you are spending your year a gap year. How do you feel linked with experiences or opportunities to meet new people to understand more people to explore new languages and cultures. How is that reflected in the way you're living day today or in your schedule? I mean when I wasn't asking you. Cassity suicide and I didn't have much time because I was studying biology and it is quite hard to know how to study so I didn't have much time to participate in the real world events so right now I'm taking my academic computer and I have a lot of opportunity to try new jobs to try myself in new positions to travel to explore to meet new people. If I see an event I can go there you know I'm not stressed about exams. I'm not stressed about anything. Thank you and I notice in many things that you're speaking about you're always directing it to understanding more about yourself learning about yourself growing as a person and all that can you explain this like, is it fun for you? Do you feel I would say for myself if I'm not growing I feel like I'm dying or about life and it's stuck or whatever it is. But why is it important for you that attitude and very importantly, in general, did you notice that most people are that way or it's only a minority of people that you love to surround yourself by well first of all I wanna say that I like that you wanna not self developing like sudden exploring I feel like my life is personal Like I want to explore I want to learn so this is like 100% also got me that is why I am like always trying to like learning a new language or take a new course or started something else. I read the book you know educate myself on a show to become more open minded person and like understand this world better, so but I don't think a lot of people like this way I I I noticed that sometimes especially when people have a job already they stopped being curious for some reason I understand and I'm noticing to that you equate that choreography and self development with becoming a more open person some people will say differently they say OK if I'm developing, I'd become more competent or more powerful or more able to be free or more valuable All in the marketplace to find a job or more, able to understand how to make myself happy or whatever it is, you focus, and in many of the things that we use we spoke about before you were saying yes, I want to understand people even if I don't agree with them, I do understand and all that why is it for you and that curiosity which leads to self development and learning and discovery which leads to you to be an open minded person? How does that work? Because it's one of the ways to understand you, and how you think because it's not common that people will put the chain of logic. Well, I also agree that curiosity and likes of development it gives you. Nice career and stuff but from your open mind, this is like when I understand there are so many options in this world and that I can do you know I can become whatever I want. I am open about everything you know if I'm if I see that I am interested in something I'm going to be pushing towards this thing, so this is what I meant by being open minded, so I'm not like I'm not afraid to change my my path or to take another course or I don't Know. Country because why not this is my life but it's also for sure about self development and to become in a professional as well. I agree with you the same to me I literally in my life I have reinvented or change everything within myself and also lost everything through time so I had to start from zero to life and it's absolutely one of the best yet most scary, but most empowering experiences, but I will ask you because there is this thing or idea or whatever it is that no to become a special is someone who gets recognized for who you are you have to focus on one thing and go deep and deep and deep for decades with it and if you're constantly changing, it means you're getting bored easily or you're someone who's not fear he is, or whatever is your active word they may describe this attitude, which to me it's actually you'll be. Become a polymath, able to understand many perspective, which developed with them, rather than someone who knows only one thing very deeply, and very naïve about everything in the world, but do you have you ever experienced that were for example, they say, as a biologist you must specialize in something very specific, so that you'll become only focus on that thing, forever and ever and ever, and become the best in the world that died while to you your desires, and everything are saying I want to learn everything I don't wanna stop at one thing, so how like do you need to adopt? Do you need to compromise? Do you not compromise and go fully after your wishes and desires and trust the process or what's your perspective on this idea which is generalized that no don't learn everything don't live everywhere build a reputation in one please build a life in one place build an education are in one field so that you'll become if that specialist. Well, I believe that you are supposed to be what makes you happy right so when I was telling biology I like eventually I realize that I don't want to spend all of my days in the lobby all doing the same work from the up-to-date and I was not afraid to change this you know I was it was OK for me to look for another options. This is what my open minus is about you know is I was like you Even though I'm looking at university setting biology, I'm still open minded about other professions of all the different part about different careers. That's why I started exploring like what I want to do and how I see myself in the future and I was exploring and I realize that like I am more interested in this or in the eyes, and then I started focusing on developing those skills you know connected to what I'm interested in. What I want to be a person who is not only confident in one in one field by a lot of others so it's like if you want to become a great professional, a special place you have to have deep knowledge and qualifications in one specific field, but it shouldn't stop you from exploring you know what is outside this world so you can be like I don't know how you can be And engineer and you be interested in reading about dogs you know what it's totally fine you are not supposed to become a rat if you're interested and they say it's it's like a hobby so even though you can be a specialist in Mansfield, you can still be curious about what's outside your career or pass whatever great but then I have to ask because for a while you were speaking about how people were an important source for you to learn about the world, the different perspectives how different is it taking a course and learning from books and trainings in a different field and what does that give you compared to what is it when you learn from the experience of other people? How different is it? Is it similar? Is it like the same thing and they're different clothes are in different shapes or how is it? How is the difference for you will learn from books it's my car you know yours is about academics and stuff like you are reading and then you have only your own perspective on the information you had when you need to meet new people and then you start talking about a specific topic then you also hear hear them all so you can comparing all the fast and the next is actually very interesting when I was in the University like we run the same book snowfall for the exams in the truck and then we will talk with my roommates about. Topic and it was super interesting how my friend was respect the same information and sometimes you can read about something and then you do not pay attention on some small things for example really do you don't think it's very important. You just focus on the bigger part. Person who is very attentive to the details and you started like realizing that oh my God it was actually there but she didn't realize it was there because he didn't pay attention to this, so I will definitely combine this too because it's for me it's very important to learn by myself to spend time with myself you know self development but it's also very nice time to talk time from time to speak to somebody about this or to share your ideas to see how another person season because in your minds it's gonna be all perfect you know the third picture you understand everything and then this person can ask you a question and then you'll be like are you Or it's not that's the bright as I see it that's really really interesting and of course, as a Ukrainian girl we cannot, and are not as speak about the invasion and the war, the bigger war, because of the war Samoset started thousands of years ago, other than saying, thousand 14, but I mean the invasion of February 24 how was that day for you? How did you hear about the bomb bangs? How did you feel at? What is your story from then till now and you feel you change as a person because of it well I definitely changed. I think it changed everybody who is Ukrainian, or is somehow connected to the country. I wasn't here when this started with a full schedule and actually my boyfriends mom she called us and she was like 5 AM and she said I didn't like there is a war and I remember I was so shocked that you didn't realize you know that it's actually happening but I still decided to call my parents because you know they're very important to me and they're they were in a different city because I was in Kyiv and I am originally from summer so they were in summer which is like 40 minutes to Russian border so I was like super scared, but they were scared of me as well because I was in chaos and you know how they wanted to take care of in two days so It was impossible to leave the city after a couple of hours after it all started because the Russian occupy the city and all the roads so it was impossible to look for them safely. I wasn't clear on their own supposed to open, and we have a family in Poland oh reach are so sweet and they were so nice to help me. I want to Slovakian border all by myself because I thought that you know. My my parents they cannot be right now and maybe there will be a situation that they will need money or any help but there it's impossible to get in trouble or it's a state like to earn money in the situation and Didn't experience this before, so I thought that I'm gonna go to Europe and I will be the one who will be in a safe place trying to like find a job and just in case I would be this person who would be able to help them in anyway so I went to the Slovakian border and my cousin she picked me up and I want to or so and then after this, my mom and my sister and they managed to escape from summer. There was a green corridor, so there was very nice organized, so they also screamed and then I got a job as a cabin crew in Portland. Tile I went there and I worked there for six months, so yeah and then I decided to come back to Ukraine after six months thank you for sharing that I've been all I can say is Slavo craving how do I slow end to finish this? Is there a lesson that you recently learned or any perspective or mind that that you discovered about yourself and the way you want to live that maybe you're trying to remember it or trying to live according to it that you can share with some of the girls and women and men and people listening so that they can live life better and they're to go out of their comfort zone more and more. I was just saying that I always try to remember that I am strong and I can do I can you seen in this life and I am capable of anything so I shouldn't be afraid of anything I am I'm capable you know, so if even if it seems scary, make the first step and see whether it's a ghost as scary as you thought it's going to be thank you so much I know it was honestly my privilege and my honor to have you here such a wonderful way to share your voice your perspective and to learn from you and I wish you a fantastic week. I wish victory to Ukraine and I wish you and your family peace and thriving and prosperity. Thank you so much for having me here I was a delightful time and thank you. Very much for your support and all the kind words

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