E420 Sonoshee Cloud

Episode 420 January 25, 2024 00:43:12
E420 Sonoshee Cloud
Rare Girls
E420 Sonoshee Cloud

Jan 25 2024 | 00:43:12


Show Notes

Sonoshee Cloud is a female Rapper, one of the only female rappers in the United Arab Emirates, and also a singer, creative director, producer, model, business founder, and content creator. She studied business management in Geneva, Switzerland and marketing bachelor and now sound engineering.

Instagram: @sonosheecloud

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Episode Transcript

Hello. My name is Aziz, and I'm the son of a divorced mother. She is really my superhero. That's why it's important for me to support women to share their uniqueness, their personalities, perspectives, and emotions about life. Too many women in this world feel alone. They worry about the judgment of others, and they struggle with their mental health. But when they listen to the Rare Girls podcast where empowered women share their voices and tell their stories, many women will feel inspired to live a life of freedom and to overcome all insecurities. They will feel it is a safe space to find their confidence, to remember their unique beauty, and to feel their self-worth. And they will connect with the sisterhood of Rare Girls who encourage their success and support their dreams. This is what this podcast is all about. My guest today is Sonoshi Cloud. Sonoshi is a female rapper, one of the only female rappers in the United Arab Emirates, and also a singer, creative director, producer, model, business founder, and content creator. She studied business management in Geneva, Switzerland, and marketing bachelor and now sound engineering. Hailing from the vibrant tapestry of the Middle East and North Africa, the enigmatic artist known as Sonoshi Cloud, whose real name is Yasmin, embodies the essence of a truly international sound switch and flows between English, French, and Arabic. She's the embodiment of a new era in music, a boundary-pushing rule-breaking force that refuses to be confined, a true musical. Polymath, Sonoshi Cloud is a name synonymous with versatility. Her dreamy trap sounds and melodic vocals are a testament to her artistic prowess. With an unparalleled high-energy delivery that compels listeners to nod their heads in unison, her songs are a sonic journey into uncharted territory, with beats that shimmer, like candy-coated colors from a box of crayons, Sonoshi Cloud unapologetically radiates charisma and charm. Her music transcends genres, effortlessly blending elements from diverse musical backgrounds into a symphonies that captivate the soul. But Sonoshi Cloud is more than just a rapper. She's a performer with a stage presence that ignites the atmosphere. When performing, she channels her alter ego, a complex fusion of feastiness and cuteness, boundless energy, and laid-back charm. This intricate blend beckons you to embark on a musical adventure, a soundscape like no other. So, Sonoshi, how are you today? Hey, hey, hey. Thank you so much for this amazing introduction. How are you, Aziz? I'm very fine. I'm feeling blessed, super positive, and curious about something I will ask in a very, very different way, because you have an alter ego, so you are both Yasmin and Sonoshi. When you would describe the personalities of Yasmin, as well as the personality of Sonoshi Cloud, how would you say their personalities differ? How would you describe their personalities? Honestly, Sonoshi Cloud and Yasmin are the same person. It's not like I'm faking something or in a different image, but of course it differs. So, Yasmin is more like the person that is a bit more private with her personal matters, and that is more vulnerable, like every human in the world, to just open up sometimes. She opens up sometimes to close people, like when things are being more negative in life, well, that's when I would become more vulnerable. But Sonoshi Cloud is more like that very confident person, and just like Yasmin and Sonoshi are both like bubbly personalities, ray of sunshine and everything. But it's just like Sonoshi is a little bit more emphasis on that positiveness and that hype and that good energy. It's just like a fusion of everything, everything that's positive and good vibes. Thank you. And you mentioned that Sonoshi is very confident. What is the meaning of confidence for you? And for you even more, there are many younger teenage girls who are growing up and they cannot find their confidence. So what is your advice for them to find it? So first, what do you mean with confidence? Is it self-love? Is it taking risk? Is it not being affected by people's negative perceptions or words? What is that meaning? And if you could recommend, let's say you had a friend who was a couple of years younger and she's coming to you for advice about gaining confidence, what would you say? Honestly, confidence, the meaning of confidence might a bit like differ between person to person. But for me, to keep it short, it's just like self-love and just being you and not really caring about what other people might say in the negative comments. Because honestly, especially as a female rapper in the Middle East, that's something that not a lot of people do here. And of course, it's very new because I started this way back. Like seven years ago, I started posting stuff online and on the internet. So of course, when you are a public figure and you expose your life or a part of yourself on the internet, you will have a lot of positive comments as well as negative comments as well. And throughout the years, you just learn to just block these comments because it's so easy to hate behind the screen. But at the end of the day, in real life, everybody respects me and doesn't really open their mouth and spit out all this negativity. So it's very me was something that I say to the girls that come to me and say like, yeah, like Sanoshi, like you're doing something that I'm not confident yet to do. And they tell me, like, I inspire them. And that's my point also. It's one part of like my motivation is that I want to also prove as much as I inspire these girls and these guys, but mainly these girls, I would like them to just break free from all these like comments and negative comments because at the end of the day, like you are living your life, whether you're doing good or you're doing bad, people are still going to talk bad. They're going to talk shit. So like, just be you. And at the end of the day, when they see you being successful and popular and trendy and famous, then they will come to you and they'll be like, oh yeah, I remember you. No, no, no, no, no. But back at the start, it's always going to be hard. People are always going to talk like bad about yourself. And the important thing is just to keep going, keep yourself busy. And that's it. - I agree 100% is very important. Confidence is an essential part of being a complete person who can reach for your dreams, et cetera. - Absolutely. - And to ask you about your situation now, as one of the very few female rappers in the UAE, et cetera, what are some of the magnificent best parts about that life? And what are some things that are negative that you're struggling with today because it's a difficult journey that you're on? - Honestly, it's the biggest blessing of my life to be doing what I truly am passionate about because at the end of the day, for me, it's music and all this creative industry or nothing for me. So I've sacrificed a lot in my life and I will still sacrifice more, I know that, in order to achieve my dreams. But honestly, I went through a lot of traumatic experiences throughout my childhood. And I've felt, of course, as you mentioned, I felt alone for a while, for a long while, until now, sometimes I feel alone. And with music, that thing really saved me. Like with music, I met so many amazing people who are on the same vision as me and everything. So my family became the people that I started working with. And I'm trying to also build the community in the UAE, for people that are in the creative industry because we are not a lot of people. And it lacks this coming together. So in that sense, this is one of the biggest blessings in pursuing what you like is to be able to pursue it with people and creating a movement. Now, when it comes to the negative side of it, of course, it's the negativity, people judging you. And that you learn with years to just block it out of your ears. It doesn't really affect you anymore. And of course, the more negative side, and that's something that people, they just see like, okay, when you're a singer, oh, this is glamorous, they see me doing shows, they see me doing music videos, they see me hanging out with cool people, quote unquote, but they forget that there's a lot of sacrificing, you need to do, a lot of work you need to put. And this is something to be realistically, like even me, for example, sometimes I might like cancel plans with friends or family because I have studio time, you get what I mean? So this is realistically, in order to achieve like the bigger goals, you need to sacrifice. So yeah. - Yes, sacrifice is always essential. And I salute you for doing that because I know, like you said, you've been doing it for years and a big part of your growing years were spent in this sacrifice, which means also you're doing something that many people are not willing to do. And to ask you about another thing, just to understand even more, how does Yasmin spend her day without, when she's not in her Sonoshi mode? How do you like spend your nights? When do you wake up? Do you do some yoga or meditation to deal with any of the stress that comes with being Sonoshi? Just because people will see and know a lot more about Sonoshi and Yasmin is private. So what is a normal, comfortable, nice, typical day in the life of Yasmin? - Oh my God. Sonoshi and Yasmin have the same lifestyle, you know? Like Yasmin wakes up in the morning, breathes music, sleeps music, eats music. So it's like, in that sense, I'm always like music is a huge like part of my life, you know? So like, but except music, yeah, I go to events. I like to go to events, support my peers in the creative industry. I love fashion so, so much. So yeah. And I just like to hang out and just do things that are fun. Like whether that is like designing my next fit or painting or drawing or just having a walk and discussing with people and just meeting new people. I just love meeting new people and having interesting talks with them. And just like, yeah. I really like just having just normal talks about things that just getting to know people, you know? - I understand. That's a great thing. And I wanna discuss that, but I'm curious about your creative process when it comes to music. Do you do it like Pablo Picasso, where, for example, when he decides to create a painting that is around the green color, he will go in nature, he will look and fill himself with green energy and then come out to drain it onto art that will be with the green theme? Or are you more like some of those people that get it suddenly, all of a sudden, you just cannot stay still and you get the sense that you have to go create something until it's done. And if not, you cannot even sleep. Is it more that you are giving tribute to some things that are inspiring you and different artists from older times or whatever that are role models? And so you take a bit of an idea from here and a bit of vibe from there and you are like bringing back their souls in your art and that's how you get inspired. Can you tell me a bit more about this process? - Honestly, like in terms of environment, I can be inspired by the smallest thing possible in my daily life. Like, for example, I might see a flower walking in the street and I might just not hold this creative process that I have and my hands start itching and I just take my phone and I start writing. And that my friends know about this and they always laugh at me because they see that. For example, I might be hanging out with my friends and I have this idea, this creative idea that comes in my head and I just cannot stop it and I have to write it down. So in terms of that, yeah, I get inspired by anything that I see or sometimes even I sit down by myself at home and I just reminisce about my past experiences and I'm just like, okay. And it's just like me, my creative process in terms of music, I just start like hearing beats and beats and beats and get inspired and sometimes I might go for more melancholic feel. Sometimes I might go for more like, okay, like rapping, rapping and like, okay, like just proving a point or just like speaking about like, you know, just being confident in this and sometimes I might be more vulnerable in my songs and just be like more singing and more calm about it. So it's really like I'm very versatile in terms of that. So I can do a lot of different, I can deliver different emotions. - Thank you for sharing that. And it makes me also curious since you're so versatile, does that come from you being a girl who gets bored very easily and you need new experiences, new emotions? You're like, if you do the same thing for a bit or have the same experience for a bit, you're like, I'm bored. I need to find something new, experience something different. So does it come from there? Are you such a girl where you would, and that's why you're interested in art because each piece is so unique and a new experience? Or is it the purely that your ability to be inspired is so random? That's what causes it. It has nothing to do with you being a girl who gets bored from everything all the time. - Look, I don't mind the routine, but I need like different to switch up the routine all the time, if that makes sense. Because yes, there is some point of truth to both things that you've mentioned. Like I am someone who gets bored if I do the same thing over and over again. That's why, for example, for music, I never get bored making music because this is what I truly love, but I might be bored of doing rap music, for example. I might switch it up to melodic rap, cloud rap. Then I might switch up to Afro. Then I might switch up to singing. Then I, you know, so it's always like, it's good to like switch up because yeah, like just doing the same thing over and over and over again, I just cannot. Even you can see it in my style, in my fashion, I don't stick to one. Like sometimes I might wear streetwear and then I might go like more chic and elegant and then more like cute. So it's like, there is a routine in store, but I got to switch it up all the time. - That's great. And you spoke about the importance of having the right people and people in your life and you creating a movement that is in the UAE, et cetera. What is the most fascinating kind of people that you love to have in your life? You spoke about positivity. Is it the people with the right energy and vibe and that's what you love? Is it people who are always on new adventures and constantly switching things up so that you're never bored of them as well as people? Is it people who you admire them because they are also going through the grind in order to get to their goals and all that? Like tell me a bit more about if you could create an inner circle of the right people who are not haters, but they're the ideal ones, how would you describe them? What would you choose in order to have the right people in your life? - Look, I am someone who, a lot of people know me, but that doesn't mean they're part of my close circle. I'm friendly with a lot of people. I'm not someone who tries to get people on my bad side or vice versa, but to be in my closer circle, now that's a little bit, very, very hard because I'm someone who doesn't trust people in general and I'm someone who's very honest and I give a lot of my energy. Like me, I'm someone who feels a lot of the auras and energy of people. That's why I get drawn to certain type of people who have a good, good energy or a high frequency because you can feel the vibration. Everything in this life is a matter of energy and vibration on a certain scale of frequency. So when your energy is at a certain level of high frequency, you will be able to attract those people that are on that same level. So when, that's why they tell you, like the psychologists tell you, like when you are a little bit feeling low and always thinking about bad things, bad things, bad things, bad things will continue coming. You will attract those bad things. But when, as soon as you try to free that, those negative thoughts and those negative energies and just try a little bit and like elevate those frequencies up, you will be able to attract those higher frequencies. So for me, the people that I get along with are people who are like down to earth and what's it called? And that people are genuine, they are real. They support me not only because of, oh, they want something from me or, oh, because my looks or, oh, because of this or that or the simple fact that I'm a rapper or something. No, like to be able to be close to me, it takes a lot. And I need to see that you are genuine because I will be genuine back. I don't like fake people and I can smell like hypocrites from a mile away. I just don't say anything. I just like to play stupid sometimes and see where it's heading. But yeah, I'm keeping it real with people and I expect the same from my close circle and that's it. - Yes, that's a great attitude. And it also makes me wonder though, you said you don't trust people in general. Is this more something that increased in the last seven years since you started posting online and in the beginning you had like hate coming your way? Or is it something earlier or how does that work? Because especially you, for example, who went and was living in the UAE and as originally has roots in North Africa and you're living in Switzerland each time you needed to start a new page with new people. So that when you're meeting a lot of people but you don't trust people easily that limits your possibility to feel that at home everywhere you are. So is it something that is for you makes you feel more lonely like that? Or do you think it's better to be safe than to take risks? Tell me a bit more about it because sometimes people who protect their hearts very much might stay lonelier than people who take more risks to have their heart broken. But even more, is it something that increased because of the exposure online or it was part of your nature for the longest? - Look, there's this saying that an artist that I admire a lot and that died, may his soul rest in peace, his name is XXXTentacion. He used to say that love is pain and pain is love. So 100%, like when you are vulnerable and you open your heart to some people you will get hurt at some point, that is no doubt. But you need to find the right people that are worth taking that pain for. So for me, I know that, me, I'm just, I have a good heart. So I'm open as much as like sometimes I might come off as like a threat to some people because I'm just like, okay, I know what I want and I am confident in what I do. But trust me, I'm someone who is very like, that gets sensitive like every human being and I have more of an emotional side. So that's why I know that when I open my heart to too many people, first of all, it will get me less time to focus on the closer people. You know, I'd rather have my circle a little bit close and less people, but actually be able to give them the right energy and the good amount of time for each person rather than just being fake or like just like, okay, saying, like being cool with everyone and just like talking, talking, talking, I'd rather show actions rather than talk. So, and part of that, not feeling home at each and every place, this is something I dealt with a lot all my life. I felt homesick. When I'm in the UAE, as much as I love this country and this is my country as well, I have family from here. When I'm in Switzerland, I also feel homesick. And when I'm in Libya, I'm also homesick. You know, when I mean, I never been to Iraq and that's the things, you know? So, and I've actually made a song about it and it's dropping very soon in two weeks, it's gonna be called homesick. And it's very like, it's something that people are going to relate to a lot because it's a huge project and I've made sure to sonically, it will sound good for people. And lyrically, people will relate to it because at the end of the day, there might be that even if they don't feel homesick, but there is some truth to some lines that they can relate to. And I highly recommend those girls that listen to your amazing podcast to refer to that track that's coming soon to feel, I hope, less homesick and less lonely with this song because yeah, I'm just trying to make people feel like they're less lonely, you know? If they're dealing with something, well, I am here also and I dealt with the same thing beyond just being like, okay, yeah, life is good. Yeah, I have money, I have this, no. Sometimes we gotta be real, you know? - For sure and of course to all the listeners, your Instagram is in the description of this episode, so they should check it out, especially in the next two weeks, et cetera. And I want to know more, much more about something. You have been doing this for seven years and it's a huge difference between in the beginning when it's a fun experience, when you're doing it as a hobby versus when you make money as well as when you build a reputation that you become kind of hesitant to break because every time you might think about yourself that you're only as good as your latest project and so that builds a huge sense of fear of not being good enough or fear of what if I peaked in the past, a lot of artists deal with that where they might drop an album and it goes huge and then they stay 10, 15 years or never to create anything anymore because anytime they're trying to create something, they might wonder if they live up to what people's expectations. How do you deal with that? Did you deal with it? How do you overcome it? And what kept you so far for seven years motivated on this journey when so many people, even if they have a new year resolution after one week, they're already, after seven days, they gave up. - That's very true and honestly, I relate to it a lot because obviously like with every dream you're trying to reach or anything you're trying to, like especially the bigger the goal, the harder it will be for you to reach it when it comes to timing. And honestly, sometimes yes, I'm going to be 100% honest with you. Like I'm not someone who has the following count or like those millions of streams yet. However, that's what I'm hitting for and I have no doubt with the help of God that I will reach this level of streams and this recognition and this fame and all that. But honestly, like before it used to bother me a lot when I used to drop something and I think that like even people who hear it, they come to me, they're like, "Wow, it's so amazing. Like you should be on the billboard. You should be this, this, that, you're the next Doja Cat." Like of course, sometimes it makes you feel down because your work does not get the recognition it deserves. But however, this is life. Like at the end of the day, I know every single day me, I've been making a song almost every day for three months. And I know like I'm stacking up these big tunes, these big tunes and trying different things and putting in like marketing strategy and everything because I know that the things I have already are good, but the things that are coming will be even more better. And then when I will drop them, I will be working again on new things. And it does not matter. Like there are projects that will do better than others. So it's just about like, just keep on going, keep on doing the things consistently and then you will reach the goals that you have set for yourself. - Thank you for that. And then what is your advice to many younger girls or maybe their teenagers, et cetera, and they want to become artists. They want to create music or painting or dance, et cetera, but their parents and their family expect them to do the safe thing for money, to become lawyers, to become doctors, engineers, whatever it is that they would hate. And some of them are feeling that weakness and the sense that, oh, maybe my parents know better, but they're no deep inside that they're killing their soul and not going after their dreams. Did you deal with such a thing? And what is your advice to any girls who are in such situations so that they make sure that the world hears their voice and that they go after their big dreams in a way that is possible? - Of course, I've dealt with this. I come from a background of a family who is very conservative, very, one of the sides of my family is very conservative. The other one is very, you know, both of the sides of the family, both of the, sorry, both sides of my family are very like work oriented and they want me to be, my mother wanted me to be a doctor. My father wanted me to be a lawyer. When I went to them, I was like, no, this is my dream. I want to pursue music and that's it. They were very disappointed for a while. And now they see with like consistency and everything in the projects I get, me working for example, having collaboration with the biggest, one of the biggest event, hip hop event in the MENA region, which is called Soul DXB. I performed there, then they saw, they're like little by little, it took seven years for me to reach this and there's still more to prove, but honestly living with the regret of not being able to do the things that you truly want to do because people or your family or your mother or your sister, whatever, telling you that, no, you shouldn't pursue this because this is not the safe route. Of course, your family wants the best for you, but at the end of the day, what does matter? What matters the most? You living with that regret all your life because you didn't chase the dreams that you wanted or just doing, taking the safe route and just maybe might hit what you're doing. So at the end of the day, even when you chase your dreams, it's very important if you take that less safe route to give it your all because this is not gonna be easy, but trust me with like consistency and stuff like that, you will reach and you will reach the points where, okay, you will be finally proud of yourself and your family will be proud of you because you reached that certain amount of wealth, for example, or thriving in your career. And if Sanoshi makes it in the next coming year or years, then this is a living proof that for you, the girls listening to this podcast, that you can make it too. - I love that. And I want to extract though, the small part, which is, let's say they're in the beginning, they don't have those projects that are proving to their family that this is working and they are in the middle in that part where the parents are still telling them, no, this is crazy. It will never work. Where can they find the confidence and self belief in order to do it? My theory and to ask you about Sanoshi, because Vikings, for example, and all time warriors, when they are at war, they imagine themselves to be a different alter ego, like a bear or a lion or whatever, so that they fight without fear because it's not them that is fighting, it's a monster that is fighting. And then when they return home, they feel like that it was a different thing that was fighting there, so they don't take responsibility for any evil thing that happened, but also they don't feel afraid and they don't feel pain at all because they're in an altered state of consciousness. Do you believe that creating an alter ego like Sanoshi could work in a way to give them a shield that protects them during the vulnerable times before they begin getting some real results in the world from giving up because of criticism? Or what is your perspective on this alter ego idea and how it can work to protect a vulnerable soft person who can be sensitive? Look, honestly, that alter ego idea might work for some people and some people, it might not work for them. It's all about just testing the waters and testing. You know, at the end of the day, it's very important. Some people, for example, that alter ego means, okay, that's a totally different person than what they are. You know, I know people and famous singers that, for example, they say, "My real life is boring. I'm a boring person. I don't experience this, this, this. I don't have that confidence and stuff." But when they create that alter ego, it's not they are faking it. It's just the person that they want to be. So in order for them to reach that level of lifestyle and that level of goals and things, they become that person. So in order, it's like some sense of manifestation or attraction. It's be, you know, they say it's fake it till you make it, literally. It's not you being like fake and like showing, okay, you are rich and you have cars and you have this and you have that. No, it's about putting yourself already as if you're already there in that position and just channeling, getting those blessings, getting what you want. So an advice for those like girls that are listening, just be yourself, channel that energy, know that you are worthy of all the blessings and more, you know, and just be yourself. And that's okay if things don't work your way at the beginning, it's going to be hard for everyone. People are going to doubt you. People doubted everyone. People called Einstein crazy. They called Leonardo da Vinci crazy. They called everyone, you know? Like if you actually tap in and go and see, for example, your idol or your inspiration, go read his or her story and you will see that at the beginning, it wasn't easy. Some people were literally homeless. Some people were drug addicts. Some people were dealing with a high trauma, handicaps in their life. But that didn't stop them from reaching great goals at the beginning. People are going to doubt you. At the end of the day, I will tell you something as is. The people will only believe in you and start liking you when they see you doing good and you are at a pace of, okay, maybe famous, wealthy and stuff like that. So just work on yourself and put yourself first, chase your dreams, whatever it might be. Don't care about the comments. Don't care about the comments of girls, guys, aliens, whatever. Just chase your dreams and it's okay. People are not, not everyone is going to like you, you know? But the most important thing is to like yourself, do things that are going to make you love yourself even more. - I agree with that a billion percent that was absolutely magnificent. And to finish this episode, you said that you are creating a movement in the UAE and in the world. Can you describe this movement? What's the vision for it? Maybe someone who's listening would be interested to understand more and to join. What are the principle for it? What do you see this movement as? And what would people experience when they're part of it? Creative people, non-creative, who are the people who are most concerned? Tell us more. - Look, I don't, I'm not the type of person that likes to do much talking about these things I'd rather show. So for the people who are listening, who are in the UAE, I invite you to come to my page, see what is going on. There's not much going on yet when it comes to the bigger vision because I have a big, big dream and vision. And it's already starting. The movement is already starting. And you can see it, for example, at my shows that I perform as people are there. And it's not only for creative or people in the music industry, it's everyone. Because at the end of the day, the language of music is universal. So you don't need even to speak English for you to be part of the journey, be part of that movement. You know what I mean? So there's a lot more to come. And we're trying to make a tsunami, a storm, you know, with all that movement. Because each one of us is as important as the other person. It's not like, oh, I'm trying to be this or that. No, we are all together in order to make a movement. We need to stand by the same thing, trying to make a change, make things better, you know? Vibing, good vibes, that's it. You know what I mean? It's not like, oh, this is that bad vibes or I'm trying to make things complicated or this or no. It's just literally about breaking free from those chains and those society rules that are in stored for you to be looking a certain way, dressing a certain way, saying the certain things. No, just with that movement is just being you and just not care about what other people are saying. Just vibe and be good with yourself and with people. That's it. Just the movement is literally about that. Just being you, staying true to yourself and not try to fit in so much with the rules and the society norms and stuff. If you like to dress a certain way, go ahead, express yourself. If you like to, I don't know, if you wanna be an astronaut, for example, you know, there's always that kind of song and at the end of the day, you know, we are singers, are also entertainers, you know? We are entertainers. So for example, that guy that might be an accountant that is going on his way or that girl that is going as a doctor, she's going to her workplace. She might just have, for example, a certain feeling or emotion or a certain type of vibe that she wants to go for. What does she turn on? The radio or play that certain amount, like that certain artist that will put her in the mood and brighten up her day in a sense or make her feel related to, you know? So I am trying to be that person, you know what I mean? And at the end of the day, my music is not for one type of person or this. At the end of the day, sorry, at the end of the day, my music, every kind of person might vibe with it. Just stay tuned, wait for the new projects that will come. It will be even better than what I already have. And yeah, be part of the movement, the clouds, you know? As I like to call each one of, you know, at the end of the day, my supporters, I like my family, you know, I call them the clouds. So it's just us being just a bunch of clouds in the skies, you know, and just trying to make a beautiful rainbow. That's it. That was very poetic. Thank you so much, Sonoshi, for sharing your vision, sharing a piece of your soul. It was a privilege and honor to have you participate in this project and I wish you all the success and to let life know what you already know about your future vision for yourself. It's just a matter of time for the world to catch up with the truth that's inside you and keep going. - Thank you so much, Aziz. Thank you so much for inviting me. And just, I would like to take this minute to just tell you that this is amazing, the project that you are doing for all these girls to empower them and things like that. Because I know like you have mentioned before, your mother is divorced and she was your superhero and she had to take in a lot of responsibilities. And I relate to that a lot because my mom is also a divorced woman who has sacrificed all her life to feed me and to put me and my brothers in the best schools and just keep on working and trying to fit in and be a role that wasn't for her, but she still managed with everything. So shout out all the women and ladies and girls that are listening to this podcast. And thank you so much, Aziz, for having me and doing your beautiful project. - You are welcome and yes, shout out to all the women and this project encourages them and supports them very, very much and thank you very, very much. - Thank you, thank you so much and shout out all the women.

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