E101 Diana Barascu

Episode 101 November 08, 2022 00:23:21
E101 Diana Barascu
Rare Girls
E101 Diana Barascu

Nov 08 2022 | 00:23:21


Show Notes

Diana Barascu is from Pitesti, Romania.

She studies mostly Romanian and English, and her hobbies include traveling, watching movies and fashion.

Diana passed every Cambridge exam she has taken, and this year she is taking the The C1 Advanced Exam,

Diana got a scholarship last year because she had the best grades in her class, she has travelled to almost all continents and she has recently applied to the Future Leaders Exchange Program (FLEX) hoping she will get selected to study a year in the United States.

Instagram: @dianaa.barascuu

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Femininity is powerful in all its forms. Exceptional women, rare girls must be appreciated in every way for their perspectives, actions, thoughts, and their unique ways of being. Such rare girls are inspiring, and this is what this podcast is all about. Hello, my name is Aziz, and my guest today is Diana Barascu. Diana is from Pitești, Romania, and she studies mostly Romanian and English. Her hobbies include traveling, watching movies, and fashion. Diana passed every Cambridge exam she has taken, and this year she is taking the C1 advanced exam. Diana got a scholarship last year because she had the best grades in her class. She has traveled to almost all continents, and she has recently applied to the Future Leaders Exchange Program, FLEX, hoping she will get selected to study a year in the United States. Diana, how are you today? Hi, I'm really excited to be doing this, and I'm really well. Just looking forward to what this interview will be. I'm happy, I'm honored, and I'm very curious about you, so I'll ask this. If your friends could describe your personality, what would they say about you? Well, the first thing that came to mind would be that I am funny. I really love my sense of humor. Also, I consider myself pretty loyal, I would say, and just really charismatic, I think. Thank you, that's really interesting, and I'll begin with you being funny. How is it like the approach or the mindset of someone who is funny? Do you think what is funny about this situation, and you say that? Or do ideas just organically come to your mind, and when you say them, people find them funny, and that's how you know? Or is it a conscious effort? How does a funny person approach situations in order to be funny? I guess for me, it really comes from a mindset of just not taking everything so seriously, and trying to see the positive and the happy sides of everything. And so, yeah, in every environment, whenever something funny comes to mind, I just say it either quietly, only for my friends to hear, or just for everyone to hear. But yeah, that's how it works for me. Thank you. And when you meet new people or interact with people, are you looking for positive and funny people? Are you looking for shy people, and you feel proud that you get them out of their shell? Or what kind of people are your people? So I'm looking for funny people, as you said, because I also tend to have a shy side myself, and don't open up really fast to some people if I don't see how they're outgoing or they can take a joke or something. So yeah, I tend to go towards those type of people, not the shy type. Thank you. And you described yourself to be charismatic. So how can you have a shy side and be more shy and also be charismatic at the same time? Can you explain to you what is the meaning of being charismatic? I guess being charismatic to me means just trying to, I guess, have a good relationship with most people. But I don't always get to do that because some people tend to intimidate me, even though they don't do anything specific. So that's why I meant having a shy side meant to me. I get really quiet at times, but with really close people to me, I can be funny and charismatic, as I said. Thank you. And I'm curious about you since you've been almost on all continents of the world. Is your culture Romanian or are you more cosmopolitan? Are you like a mix between Japanese culture because of anime, K-pop, and so a bit of Korean, Hollywood, and so American a little bit, as well as Romanian, and maybe French, et cetera? Or what is your culture and how would you describe a Ukrainian girl? What is that compared to a girl from any other country? My culture is fully Romanian, but I do tend to adopt some things from other cultures, as I've seen so many and experienced so many traditions from other cultures. But I guess Romanian girls, they are something to, they are something, they're like a, we're complicated. I mean, we don't tend to, we get really angry fast, I can say, but that's just from how we're being raised. And it's a whole different discussion here. Thank you. And I know you're planning and hoping to go to the US with flex and that opportunity, but if you could live for a year or so, any other place in the world, not Romania, and not the US, where would you go and why? I think I would go to a country where German is being spoken because I've recently started learning German last year, and I've gotten really fond of it. And it's a language that I really like. So yeah, I'm hoping that I can visit these countries more, these German speaking countries more, because I also get to practice the language and it's really fun for me. Thank you. I love your love for learning languages, always developing. And you mentioned that you have a shy side and when you meet people, you don't always open up to them easily. So I'll ask you, have you ever had the experience of having instant chemistry with any person where when you met this person, you felt like you know them all your life and that you felt relaxed and open to them immediately? Or do you have that stereotypical somehow Eastern European poker face where when you meet new people, they think, oh my god, she looks so serious, she looks so sad or angry, and then they discover you're a nice and charismatic person? I think a person told me that once that I seemed intimidating, but I don't think I could see myself being intimidating. As I said, I get intimidated really fast by other people, and I think I don't have a poker face. I'm rather like a sad puppy face when I get shy. But yeah, I do have some friendships that start off really fast and we just clicked right away. And I think that those are my favorite kind of friendships that I have. Thank you. And tell me about your hobbies nowadays. What do you do in order to take care of your mental health, in order to stay productive, not burning out, and experience new emotions in life? I guess to not feel burned out and stressed. I love taking time to myself to, I don't know, get some self-care in and maybe put a face mask on and just chill and look through TikToks or start reading a book. It's a really important step, I think, for everybody to not feel so overcompensated, I guess. It's really important for me to not get really stressed out during the week. Thank you. I like that. And tell me about languages, especially English. You took it to an advanced level. What motivated this desire? What's the story behind this? My parents took me to English lessons, private tutoring lessons, ever since I was a little kid, I think from maybe five or six years old. And I guess I've just started really liking it from such a young age. And I just went along with it my whole childhood. So I didn't stop ever learning it. I guess it fascinated me, really, the language, how you keep learning more and more each time you study it. And yeah, I guess I had that instant connection with the language. So that's why I took it to an advanced level. I just grew so fond of it, I guess. I like that. And you spoke about instant connection and you love watching movies. Are there movies where you had instant connection with characters or with the movie itself from the very beginning? Movies that made you fall in love with the genre or are meaningful in your life? Yes, actually, I am a hopeless romantic as well. And so almost every love story that I've seen in movies touched my heart and just really made me really emotional. And I could say this is my favorite genre. But also, I guess action movies that keep you on the edge of your seat. That's the thrill that I'm looking for in each movie. And so yeah, that's what gave me this passion of watching movies, I guess. Thank you. I like that you use passion, hopeless romantic love, and action that keep you on the edge of your seat and thrilled. And to ask you, what is love to you? If you could define the ideal romantic love or ideal romantic love story, what would it be for you? Wow, that's a deep question. But I guess if I come to think of it, I don't think love is an easy thing to accomplish. I think it has ups and downs. It's not perfect. It's, I guess, the happiest feeling in the world. It just is. It's a hurricane of emotions. But it's something that I hope every person gets to feel one day because it's just life without love is meaningless. That's exciting. And to ask you then a bit more, are you someone who focuses on living and experiencing only the positive emotions in life? And that's why you're positive. Or do you feel that life is more complete if you feel sad, if you feel fear? Do you watch some movies just to cry specifically or to be afraid or you're relaxed by watching a murder documentary? What is the role of such emotions, if that's the case? Or are you more about only good vibes, only positivity? I guess my childhood, I've been always more focused on getting the perfect grades and being the perfect little child for my family and everything. And so I never really got to enjoy the small things. I don't know, getting out more or playing with my friends or something like that. And I've come to really see how that can change someone's mindset, focusing on the little things and not taking everything so seriously. And that's what I'm trying to focus on more now because I never really got to do that while I was little when it most mattered. So I'm trying to do now from now on and just enjoy every moment in life because every moment counts, I think. Thank you. And do those moments include people with you? Are people a necessary ingredient for you to live life fully? Or can you relax like in the woods alone putting on a face mask, self-caring, and that can be enough for you? I guess in a perfect scenario, I could see myself being with the closest people around me. I don't think I could really enjoy being by myself because I think I could get bored really easily. And so I would just want to have my group of friends around me because I know we'd have fun anywhere. That's why I love them all so much. I noticed that you're someone who loves, like you described love, a volcano of emotions, and you don't want to be bored in life. So I'll ask two questions. One, an important part of studying and you have excellent grades is doing things that are boring. How do you keep that process not boring? And secondly, which is a bit more personal and philosophical, how would you describe things that are boring and things that are exciting? What is necessary for something to be exciting? And what is missing from an experience that makes it boring? I guess something exciting, you just feel it in your heart. You see a spark in your eyes whenever something exciting comes up and you get a thrill in yourself. Basically, you cannot wait to get to that thing faster and you can't wait to do it faster. I guess, yeah, you can really tell the difference between something exciting and boring. And I managed to balance, I guess, everything with studying and the grades because I guess I don't force myself to study if I don't feel like it or if I feel too tired to do it because then I would just not feel capable enough of studying and I would just take time to myself and I would say, okay, I'll study later and so and so. So it wouldn't be too boring for me. Thank you, Diana. This is so interesting to learn more about you and you spoke about when you're experiencing something exciting, you feel that spark in your eyes and you feel a thrill. Are you most interested in people who have that spark in their eyes? Do you notice some people they don't have that, other people do, others don't? Are you an empath? And can you feel people's energy? Are there people who have an energy that is exciting and interesting for you and that makes them not boring and it's not even about what they do or say? It's their energy. Is this something that resonates? Yes, I'm really glad you asked that question because I really resonate with it because I don't think I could fully call myself an empath but I really tend to notice other people's auras and energies and I pick up a lot from their energy and I know how to act around them more because if I see someone, I can see the look on their face and I know they would be either mad or happy about something and I would just know how to act around them. I would either distance myself or just go asking questions about why they're feeling that way. And yeah, I think I have an empath gift I could say but not really developed on that. Thank you. And you spoke about feeling and sensing people's aura. What is your metaphysical belief? I mean, do you believe in astrology? Do you believe in destiny? Do you believe, how do you believe the world works? Do you feel we're all one soul divided into different humans? Like what is your perspective about life, destiny and reality? Wow, those are deep questions and I can say that I've grown to learn a lot about the universe, I can say. I truly believe in karma and I do believe that the universe has always a plan for anyone and people come and go from our lives because that's what they're meant to do and I don't think anything is a coincidence. I think everything is supposed to happen at the exact right time either to teach us a lesson or to, I don't know, make us see something that it wasn't there before. I think everything has a purpose in life and I don't think, also I think everyone has a soulmate that they're destined to find in life and so yeah, I really have a beautiful view of how life works and how the universe works. I like that. And you spoke about a soulmate. What is the definition of a soulmate and how do soulmates meet in your experience? Is it like predetermined? Are there different soulmates, not just one and therefore you cannot be born in the wrong country away from your soulmate? Or what's your perspective on the whole thing? I think a soulmate is just someone who completes you fully and just gives, I don't know, the ultimate feeling of love and makes you the happiest. And I don't, I think a soulmate could be at the other side of the world basically, but if it's your soulmate, you are destined to find them one way or another. So I wouldn't worry about that. And I always tell that to myself that when I've had a bad experience with a boy or something, I always say that it wasn't meant to be and I'll find my soulmate one day. Thank you. And when it comes to movies, is there a movie or a love story that represents your romantic ideal perfectly? I guess I've seen a movie that released this year. It's called Purple Hearts and I think a lot of people have heard about it because it went viral on social media and so, but it just, it has a really real love story I can say because it showed both the beautiful and the ugly parts and how we've seen how they're meant to be together and how they're always come back to each other no matter what comes their way. And so I think that's basically what everyone would go through to find your soulmate as well. Thank you. And to finish, I would like to ask you about Flex. What motivated you to apply for Flex? What do you expect or imagine will change in you as a person when you spend almost a year away from your family in the US? And how did you even hear about it so that you get motivated to apply? About Flex, I really just heard from our head teacher. She actually sent us a leaflet or something about it one random night and I think it captivated my attention because from the title it said something about studying in America for a year and I had always looked forward to an exchange program like this. So I given it some thought. I told my mom about it and she encouraged me fully to go for it. I was a little skeptical at first because even though I wasn't sure that I would get in, the possibility of going away for a year kind of scared me a little but I applied anyways and so yeah with the encouragement of both my friends and my family I applied for it and I'm excited to see what comes next. I really hope you get it and you hear the great news and you celebrate with your mom and your family and there's something you mentioned that made me very curious. You said Romanian girls get angry very fast. What did you mean with that? Is it different from other countries? What do you feel caused it? You said it's something with the way you know the culture raises girls in Romania and tell me is it a positive? Does it make it like more dramatic or is it something that they should chill out a bit more or what's your perspective? I guess it could be called a stereotype that Balkan girls don't really that they get something gets on their nerves really fast but I think it's true. I mean we are raised by our culture and our families to not be the soft little girl that society wants and to stand on our own ground and not you know let anyone else dictate us and so yeah I guess I like that perspective of it that we don't let other people dictate us and so. Thank you. So do you feel most Romanian girls your age are independent they don't let society or anybody else dictate how they think behave and feel or is it an ideal they aspire to but they're still working on it? I think most girls my age are already thought to be independent by the time they get here because I guess the Romanian parent strategy is to give the child as much as independence as you can because it's really with each their own from now on because as we get older and as we go into adulthood we need to be ready to take care of ourselves and so we need to start getting you know prepared for that from a young age which is basically my age right now. Thank you so much Diana this was my privilege my honor such a wonderful way to understand you as a human being to share your soul with the world. I wish you success in your studies in the Cambridge exams in the FLEX application and thank you again for participating. Thank you it was my pleasure and I've had the most fun doing this so thank you again.

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